Worth the Scandal (3 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Worth the Scandal
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He remembered the first day she’d entered his office, like a little mouse, a tentative, scared smile barely curving her ruby red lips. Big brown eyes had drunk him in as she stared and he’d realized he’d never seen anyone so innocently beautiful in all his life.

He’d been sucker punched from the first moment he laid eyes her.

She cleared her throat delicately. “That sounds about accurate.” There was a trace of amusement lacing her words.

Whirling around, he faced her, his gaze dropping ever so briefly to her breasts. They strained against the front of her black turtleneck sweater, setting fire to his imagination. “Do you realize that in the last six months and nineteen days, you’ve yet to call me anything but Mister Worth or sir?”

Her lids lowered and she pursed her lips. They wore not a hint of lipstick, not even any gloss. But they were just as full, just as tempting. “As I’ve said before, it’s merely a sign of respect, Mister Worth.”

She was such an intriguing mixture of obedient and defiant. It aroused him beyond measure. “I would think that after working so closely together, Tessa—” she lifted her gaze at his mention of her name, “—that you could let go of the formality once and for all and call me Alex.”

“All right.” Again, she cleared her throat. “Alex.”

Hearing that smoky, sexy voice utter his name sent lust spiraling through him. And that wasn’t what he was after, hell no. He was trying to get them on a more familiar level, for what he was about to request was extremely last minute and downright life altering.

He didn’t know anything about her private life, her obligations. What she did during non-business hours, what interests she might have. She definitely wasn’t wealthy, and she wasn’t married, he knew that for a fact. She lived in Brooklyn and from what he gleaned by eavesdropping—heaven help him, yes he’d eavesdropped like a foolish teenage girl—she didn’t have a boyfriend.

Well, he didn’t believe she did. He hoped like hell she didn’t.

“Do you like to travel?”

The abrupt change of topic startled her for she gave a little jump. “I’ve never been one to travel much, Alex.”

He smiled, pleased she’d said his name. “Due to circumstance, perhaps? Have you ever wanted to travel? See the world?”

“I’ve worked steadily since I was in high school and college. I haven’t had much time.”

Or money, he was sure. Most young women of her age and financial situation had never left the tri-state area, let alone traveled the world. “And how old are you again?”

She fidgeted. Just the thought of her wiggling her lush bottom in his leather chair made his cock twitch. “Twenty-five.”

“Ah, you’re young.” He was thirty-five, a solid ten years older than she. Yet in the corporate world, he was considered young as well. Would she consider him too old? He had a touch of gray at the temples, a fact Rhett loved to remind him about almost every time they spoke. Their father had turned gray early, and Alex really didn’t mind. It made him look more distinguished in business dealings, and he needed every advantage he could gather to conquer.

To win.

But would Tessa dismiss him because of their age difference?

Alex frowned. He was being foolish, worrying about her dismissal, her interest in him. She had none, and he shouldn’t have any in her. She was his assistant, nothing more.

“I’m not too young, if that’s what you’re implying.” She visibly bristled, and he couldn’t help but find her ire attractive. The emotion added a pretty pink flush to her cheeks. “Do you have a problem with my job performance? Because I can assure you, if you ever take issue with anything I do, you can certainly tell me. I pride myself on my job above all else, and I have no problem taking constructive criticism and applying it where needed.”

She was a feisty little thing. He knew this, had enjoyed gently baiting her in the past because of it too. Today though, he hadn’t meant to light such an indignant fire within her. He needed her calm. Rational. “I have no problems with you or your job performance, Tessa. None whatsoever.”

“Oh.” She slumped in the chair and exhaled through her nose, as if she’d been holding her breath. “I apologize for my outburst. I don’t know what—”

He held up a hand, silencing her. “I need to ask you a question about the relaunch tour. I leave on Tuesday.”

“Yes, you do and everything’s in order.” She nodded. “Do you need me to make any adjustments before you go?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. I want you to come with me.”


Tessa stared at Alex, her mouth hanging open rather inelegantly. She snapped her jaw shut and sat straighter, struggling to find her voice so she could answer him.

“I know it’s rather last minute, but I need your assistance during the trip. We’re in negotiations for new store space in London and honestly, the timing is awful.” He rubbed a hand along his firm jaw, and her gaze followed the movement of his fingers.

Such lovely fingers, long and topped with blunt nails. Large, capable looking hands with wide palms, hands she’d fantasized about more than once touching her gently—or perhaps not so gently. Guiding her where he wanted her to go next…

The room was quiet, and she realized he waited for her answer. “It shouldn’t be a problem, Mister—” Crap, she’d forgotten again. It was hard to break the habit and it just felt so intimate, calling him Alex. “I will make the arrangements right away.” Excitement bubbled up within her.

He wanted her to go with him. The opportunity to see the world—London, Paris—made her very nearly giddy with anticipation.

“You do have a passport, don’t you?”

“It was a requirement upon my hiring.” Considering she hadn’t even traveled out of the area, let alone the country, she’d never had a need for one. Thank goodness the company had paid for it, preparation for moments such as this.

He nodded once, his expression serious, his eyes steely blue as he watched her. He always watched her, as if ready to catch her in a stolen moment, waiting for her to stumble or make a mistake. At least, that’s what it felt like. “Make sure our hotel rooms are close to each other’s. I want access to you at all times.”

I want access to you at all times.
Her cheeks flushed. Well, didn’t that take on new meaning when she applied her rather illicit thoughts to the statement?

“You’re staying in the best suites in five star hotels. I don’t think I merit a suite,” she murmured. This was so strange, talking to him while he stood by the window, she sitting in his chair. It should be the other way around.

His dark brows rose at her words. “You don’t merit? You don’t think you’re worth a suite?”

“I’m merely your assistant.” She crossed her ankles, uncrossed them. He made her uncomfortable when he asked her such questions. As if he could see right through her, all of the little insecurities that made her up, that barely held her together.

“I’m the CEO of this company, Tessa, one of the oldest and most successful luxury goods providers in the United States and the world. And you’re my assistant. If I believe you merit a suite, then you do.” His words were final and he turned away, resuming his position at the window once more. He seemed to like staring out at the cityscape, watching the world buzz by.

She enjoyed admiring his backside, and she’d never seen it in jeans before. He’d shoved up the sleeves of his charcoal sweater to reveal tanned forearms sprinkled with dark hair, strong and masculine and filling her with an achy need. He was a sight to be seen when he offered her such a view and well, she wasn’t a fool.

She looked.

“I’ll make the arrangements right away,” Tessa said to his back as she stood.

“Give me all details when you’re finished. I want the updated itinerary including your travel details as soon as everything’s been confirmed.” He kept his back to her.

“All right.” She started for the door, her mind awhirl as to where she’d call first.

“And, Tessa?”

Stopping in her tracks, she turned and found he’d done the same. “Yes?”

“Please don’t forget.” One corner of his sensual mouth lifted, the closest thing she’d seen to a smile since she started working for him six months and nineteen days ago. “To call me Alex.”

Chapter Three


Tessa had never flown before. Growing up one of four in a tiny fourth floor walkup apartment in Jersey with a dad who ditched them early on and a mom who worked two jobs just to keep food on the table, there wasn’t much opportunity for travel beyond the bus or subway.

So boarding the Worth private jet was like entering a fantasy land. One she’d only seen on TV or the movies, or in the magazines she still devoured. The interior was sleek with warm wood tones, gold accents and cream colored overstuffed leather chairs.

Alex was nowhere to be found so she settled into the butter-soft chair the flight attendant waved her toward. She glanced about, the rich scent of coffee tempting her despite her nerves. Her palms were clammy, and her forehead was damp with sweat. The plane was terribly small. The whine of the engine sounded, low and rumbling and the cockpit door still remained open. Two uniform-clad gentlemen sat within, adjusting dials and jovially talking to one another.

If the pilots were so cheerful, surely nothing bad would happen, right? They seemed perfectly capable, perfectly competent in their job. After all, if Alexander Worth hired them, they were probably the best pilots in the entire airport.

The flight attendant suddenly bustled past her, clad in a short navy blue skirt and fitted jacket. “Good morning, Mister Worth,” she said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

“Good morning.” Alex nodded at her absently, his gaze immediately finding Tessa in her seat. Tessa smiled and ducked her head, not before catching the death glare the flight attendant sent her way.


He strode down the short aisle, briefcase in hand, elegant winter coat draped over his arm. As usual he wore a gorgeous suit, this one the darkest charcoal gray, with a standard white shirt and pale, silvery silk tie. The two pilots exited the cockpit, offering him a greeting and he nodded in return.

“May I take your items for you, Mister Worth?” The smile on the flight attendant’s face was downright suggestive. She thrust her ample chest out and cocked her head, her pale blonde bangs falling over her eyes prettily.

Tessa ran a self-conscious hand over her hair. It had been particularly out of control this morning and she’d tied it back into a low ponytail after wasting too many precious minutes despairing over it. She wore only a bit of mascara, face powder and lip balm whereas the flight attendant’s makeup was utter perfection.

She felt plain, as if she blended into the walls and she plucked at an imaginary thread on her second-hand black wool pants. Her sister had discovered a lovely little thrift shop in Brooklyn that they both frequented often. It allowed Tessa a broader wardrobe, and she stuck to classic shapes and basic items. Anything trendy she couldn’t afford. Despite her more than adequate salary, designer clothing and shoes were mostly out of reach.

Luckily enough, Worth comped many items from their lines, wanting their employees to be seeing wearing the brand. She wore a Worth scarf and belt, and her black leather boots were Worth as well though from the winter line two years ago.

Alex handed his coat to the flight attendant with nary a word, keeping his briefcase with him. He settled in the seat directly across from Tessa, much to her shocked delight, his knee brushing against hers in the cramped space.

That accidental touch spiraled throughout her body like hundreds of fluttering birds brushing their wings all over her skin. She glanced up, caught Alex staring at her, his gaze hard, probing. Licking suddenly dry lips, she offered a tentative smile and his eyes softened though he didn’t smile in return.

“Have you ever flown before, Tessa?” His voice was low, almost intimate, as if he spoke only for her ears.

Slowly she shook her head, mesmerized by the way he stroked the armrest with the tips of his fingers. Could only imagine those fingers touching her. “I’ve never had the opportunity, no.”

“You’re nervous.”

His statement surprised her. “How can you tell?”

“You’re clutching your hands together so tight, your knuckles are white.”

Glancing down, she saw her hands resting in her lap, fingers curled around each other, knuckles white just as he said. She relaxed her grip, disentangling her hands so she could rest them on the plush, padded armrests. “I am a bit—apprehensive.”

He smiled. It was small, just a bare curve of his sensuous lips, not even flash of teeth but it was so beautiful, so unexpected, the sight of it took her breath away. “There’s nothing to be nervous about. You’re perfectly safe.”

“But the plane is so small.” She glanced around, saw the flight attendant glaring at her from where she stood preparing coffee. Only one cup, most likely for Alex and she’d probably made none for her.

“The pilots in charge of the plane are excellent. If I put my trust in their hands, then surely you can too.” He took the cup of coffee offered to him by the flight attendant. “Thank you, Lora. Do you have a cup prepared for Miss Crawford?”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Her apology didn’t sound particularly sincere. “I’ll get a cup for you right away.”

Lora started to leave, but Alex stopped her. “Aren’t you going to ask Miss Crawford how she takes her coffee?”

The flight attendant turned and faced Tessa, her expression like a brittle mask. “How would you like your coffee, miss?”

“Cream but no sugar, please.” Lora offered a stiff nod before turning on her heel and walking away.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Tessa murmured to Alex when Lora was out of earshot.

He scowled. “She ignored you. It was rude.”

A thrill moved through Tessa at his defending her. Not that it meant anything, not really. He was just being polite. Taking care of his employee, nothing more nothing less.

The flight attendant returned in moments with Tessa’s coffee and offered it without a word. Tessa took it with a whispered thanks, clutching the warm cup as Alex asked for Lora’s assistance with setting up the thin tabletop that pulled out between the two chairs. Lora was full of flirtatious banter and irritating giggles, practically batting her eyelashes every time Alex looked in her direction. Tessa thought the woman was making a fool of herself.

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