Worth the Risk (14 page)

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Authors: Savannah Stuart

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dropped it too.

Her hips swayed seductively as she walked toward him. He still sat on the bed so

she positioned herself in between his open legs. Wrapping her arms around his neck,

she leaned forward and pressed her breasts against his chest. He could feel her

hardened nipples through the fabric of his shirt.

Groaning, he grasped her hips. “We don’t have time,” he murmured.


Savannah Stuart

“I know. I just want you to know how grateful I am for everything you’ve done.

I’ve lied to you at every turn and that’s not who I am. I know we’re mates, but I want to

get to know the real
and I don’t want to hold anything back from you anymore.”

Relief coursed through him at her words. “I can live with that.”

“I’m not sure how to say this, but I want to bond with you,” she said quietly.

Her calm declaration echoed around in his head. He wanted to bond with her too.

He’d been aching to claim her as his own from the moment they’d met. But… “I don’t

want your gratitude.”

Her full lips pulled into a thin line. “This isn’t about that.”

Another thought formed in his mind. “Are you saying this because you think my

pack won’t protect your sister otherwise?”

“No!” Her grip around his neck tightened. “I want this. There’s a lot we don’t know

about each other, but if I’d actually had a choice in my mate, I couldn’t have picked

anyone better. I
to be with you.”

He leaned forward so that their faces were inches apart. “Once we do this, there’s

no going back.”

The pupils of her eyes widened as she nodded. “I know.”

He pressed a light kiss to her lips but released her hips. “Get dressed or we’re never

going to make it to the meeting.” His words were hoarse and uncontrolled.

Grinning, she stepped away from him and tugged the black sweater over her head.

Disappointment rushed through him when the sight of her perfectly rounded breasts

and light brown nipples disappeared under her clothing, but the rational part of his

brain knew it was for the best.

He needed to call his father and tell him everything he knew
the meeting. It

would go a long way in calming his father’s annoyance at Paz’s absence.

* * * * *


Worth the Risk

Stephan settled into his chair around the table in his father’s study. Normally he sat

next to one of his brothers, but Nick had given up his seat for Marisol. She darted a

nervous glance at him as his father entered the room. Everyone else had already taken

their seats around the table and a few hovered near the built-in bookcase. The she-wolf,

Shea, was one of the ones that hovered. She obviously felt as uncomfortable as his mate.

Not that he blamed either one of them. While he wasn’t sure what his Alpha planned,

he knew his father would take care of her too. He and his father didn’t always see eye to

eye on things, but he was a fair leader.

His father glanced in their direction and frowned, no doubt because Paz wasn’t

with them, but at least he didn’t comment. Instead, he took his seat at the round table.

“I hope everyone was able to get a few hours of sleep. We have a lot of things to

discuss, but I’d like to keep it brief. First things first, my son’s new mate has informed

me that Preston Morales is the name of the wolf who betrayed her pack. I’ve contacted

the Council and they’re already aware of Morales’ existence. He’s been on their radar

for the past couple years but they haven’t been able to hunt him down. They didn’t

realize he had anything to do with taking out the Cabrera pack, but now that they’re

aware, he’s moved to the top of their priority list. Even though he’s being tracked, if

anyone hears anything from friends—shifter or human—it doesn’t matter how

unimportant the detail might seem, come to me immediately.”

A low murmur of agreement rippled through the room.

His father waited until everyone quieted. “Second, Antonio Perez is dead. I don’t

think I need to ask, but did anyone have a hand in that?”

The room was silent.

When no one responded, his father continued. “I didn’t think so. My sons and I will

be investigating his death, but if you hear anything, you come to me first. This leads me

to the most important thing. According to Stephan, before Perez died he injected a

human male with some sort of serum derived from werewolf blood that gave him

superhuman strength. Everything in Perez’s lab, including the doctor doing the


Savannah Stuart

experiments, was destroyed, so we don’t know who the human is, where he’s gone, or

even what the exact effects are of the drug he was given. Keep your ears low to the

ground for any strange activity here in Miami or elsewhere. The Council is aware of

what happened and if this man is discovered, it could send us all into hiding. Before I

turn the floor over to Thomas, there is one more thing. Shea Hart and Paz Cabrera are

officially under our pack’s protection. Until we get them set up with jobs and a living

arrangement, they'll be staying at the spare beach house.”

Stephan could feel Marisol tense next to him. He cleared his throat, drawing his

father’s attention in his direction.

His father tilted his head slightly. “Yes?”

“I’d like Paz to stay with Marisol and me.” He didn’t need to give a reason or

excuse. His father should understand why. His mate had been alone for a year. It might

cramp his needs a little, but he couldn’t take her away from the only family she had left.

“That’s acceptable. If Shea is uncomfortable living alone, we’ll work something else

out.” His father glanced at his oldest brother and gave a brief nod.

Next to Stephan, Marisol reached under the table and grabbed his hand. She

threaded her fingers through his and squeezed. The show of simple affection wasn’t

something he was used to, but he squeezed back. In fact, he couldn’t remember a time

he’d ever held hands with someone. It was a small thing, but it made something warm

and foreign swell in his chest.

Truth be told, he hadn’t technically dated in the past hundred or so years. When he

found a willing female, they carried on a sexual relationship until one tired of the other.

Not that he’d actually had that sort of arrangement in a long time. Growing up, he

knew what his parents had was special. He’d never wanted to invest too much time

with anyone when he knew it wouldn’t last.

As Thomas stood, the room seemed to grow even quieter. His father rarely yielded

the floor to anyone. Whatever his brother had to say was no doubt important.


Worth the Risk

“We’re going to make a formal announcement to the entire pack, but for now,

everyone in this room needs to be aware that Adam Tucker will be arriving in a week.

The Council thought it prudent to send him here until Morales is caught and until we

figure out who the infected human is.”

A small wave of fear vibrated across the room and even Marisol shifted in her seat

next to him. Adam Tucker was the Council’s enforcer, for lack of a better word.

Whenever there was a problem with any pack, they sent him to keep things in line.

Stephan had met the lone wolf once or twice, and on a personal level, he really liked the

guy. Still, he understood the fear of everyone in the room. He was at least two hundred

fifty years old—yet looked about forty-five—he had no pack to speak of, and when he

came to town, werewolves often died.

“He’s not coming here to cause trouble for our pack. The Council wants an

independent assessment of the situation. If anyone has a problem, don’t cross him.

Come to your Alpha or me. Any questions?”

No one said a word. Probably because their Alpha and his second-in-command had

just laid out a lot to digest. For so many years, they’d lived peacefully all over the globe.

Dealing with outsiders wasn’t something their pack was used to.

Times were changing and they’d just have to deal.

“Good. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday everyone.” When Carly loudly cleared her

throat, Thomas stopped everyone. “Don’t forget, Nick’s birthday is Wednesday and

Carly will have everyone’s hide if you don’t RSVP to her invitations.”

His last-minute announcement broke the tension in the room. As the meeting broke

up, everyone broke off into different conversations. Carly and his mom immediately

pounced on Marisol, so he took the time to speak to his brothers and father privately.

They convened in the far corner of the huge study.

“Is this serious? The enforcer coming?” Stephan asked. He’d spoken to his Alpha

before the meeting but he hadn’t mentioned anything about Tucker visiting.


Savannah Stuart

Thomas shook his head. “It’s serious but not for us. We have nothing to hide and

once he sees that, he’ll focus on what he came here to do.”

“So when are you bonding with your mate?” His father effectively changed the


Stephan was rarely embarrassed about anything, but even discussing his bonding

brought out every protective instinct inside him. “Soon…tonight, most likely.”

“Good. I’ll introduce her to everyone at Nick’s birthday.” He glanced over his

shoulder then nodded at the three of them. “I’m going to take your mother and Shea

home, but I want to see the three of you tomorrow after breakfast. We have a lot to


Once he walked away, Nick spoke. “This is insane. First that crap with the

Immortal, now this.”

Thomas shook his head. “Go home to your mates, have a lot of sex and get this shit

out of your system. If the rest of the pack senses fear from
of us, they’ll worry.

Besides, we’ve got each other. No one fucks with the Lazos brothers.”

Stephan couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “You’re right about that.”

After Nick walked away, Thomas briefly clamped Stephan on the shoulder. “How’s

your mate holding up?”

“Now that she has her sister back, she’ll be fine.” He loved his brother, but he

didn’t feel like divulging anything else about his mate. She hadn’t said it outright, but

he knew she was worried enough about her privacy and he didn’t want to discuss her

without her being there.

“I didn’t want to say anything in front of the pack, but when Tucker arrives, we’ll

make it a point to keep Marisol’s sister away from him.”

“Thank you.”


Worth the Risk

Stephan glanced at Marisol who was deep in conversation with Carly and Nick and

grinned. Carly might be human, but she fit right in with their pack and if anyone could

bring Marisol out of her shell, it was the tall redhead.

Marisol turned and when their gazes locked, fire and need erupted in a flash. He

muttered something to his brother and strode toward her. If he didn’t get her home

soon, he was going to behave like the animal he was.


Savannah Stuart

Chapter Ten

Marisol’s heart rate had increased since the meeting and it hadn’t stopped now that

they were back at the beach house. She was finally going to bond with her mate. Maybe

not this instant, but it was going to happen very soon. Considering the heated looks

he’d been throwing her, she guessed tonight. Equal doses of excitement and nerves

flowed through her.

After Stephan’s declaration that Paz could live with them, she’d had no doubt in

her mind that he was the wolf for her. He understood how important family was. That

much was obvious. Having her sister live under the same roof as them would restrict

his style, something he knew, yet he’d offered anyway. And it hadn’t been a half-assed

offer either. He’d been completely sincere.

As they neared the front door, she noticed a piece of paper taped to it. Stephan

grabbed it before she could reach it. He grinned as he read it.


Wordlessly, he passed it to her.

Your clothes are too big and after a year of being kept naked, I want something that fits. I’ve

gone shopping with Caro. I know I freaked before, but she’s cool so don’t worry. We’ll be gone

for hours. Enjoy your mate, little hermana. Love, Paz. P.S. I want details.

She folded the note and tucked it into her jeans as Stephan opened the door. When

she walked past him, his lust rolled over her like a heat wave. Suddenly, she felt


They’d had sex. Lots of it. And it had been mind-blowing. Bonding was different

though. What if they didn’t do it right? Werewolves were superstitious and if the


Worth the Risk

bonding didn’t go well, it was supposed to curse the mates for life. That was a long

freaking time.

“Stop,” Stephan growled close to her ear.

She swiveled to face him. “What?”

“Stop worrying.” He shut and locked the door behind him. Before she could think

about what the next step should be, he advanced on her like a predator stalking its prey

and lifted her up so she had no choice but to wrap her legs around his waist.

His mouth descended on hers with little finesse. Hungrily he ate at her lips,

stroking his tongue over hers with such fervor, her pussy contracted. She could taste the

remnants of his toothpaste—sweet and minty.

Scrambling for the hem of his shirt, she tugged at it while he carried her up the

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