Worshipped (Worshipped Series Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Worshipped (Worshipped Series Book 1)
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I pick out the most conservative dress I can manage. It has black lace with an open back that fits me to a “T”. The length is a little too short for my taste, but it will do. I pair it with some black heels and I head toward the shower.

I turn heat all the way up knowing the steam will relax the tension building in my shoulders. I take longer than I wanted, but it was much needed after the day I’ve had. I get dressed, do my makeup and hair. One last glance in the mirror and I am taken aback at my appearance. The woman I’m staring at isn’t the woman I was two years ago. Now I see this 5’4” curvy figure with jet black hair that touches her waist. Her dark blue eyes look almost cold, lost even. She is beautiful, yes, but her eyes tell another story.

I shake my head at myself. Of course I’ve changed. Who wouldn’t after what that asshole put me through? Pleased with how I look, I drink the last of my wine and head to the phone. I know Karen is going to get me drunk tonight so I might as well be responsible and call a taxi.

After I hang up with the taxi cab driver, Lance, I call Karen and tell her I’ll be arriving soon. She is glad I decided to come, granted she told me I didn’t have a choice in the matter.

Twenty minutes later, I hear my taxi arrive. I get in the cab, telling Lance, my preferred driver, where to take me tonight. Lance is a nice enough looking guy. Thank goodness he’s professional. In all the years I’ve asked for him, he’s never hit on me. I admire him for that. I am the type of girl who always gets hit on, no matter the circumstance.

I finally arrive at Jake’s Bar, and I give Lance his cab fare plus a little extra. “Have a good night, Ms. Blake,” he tells me.

“Thank you, Lance. Be expecting my call later. I’m going to need a ride home,” I answer back.

“Not a problem, Ms. Blake.” With that he leaves me at the bar. I walk into the bar; Karen spots me before I can see her. She’s wearing skinny jeans and a v-neck shirt with the cutest ankle boots. Just like Karen to have the simplest outfit on and still look totally fuckable. With her blonde bobbed hair and brown eyes she’s a definite eye catcher.

“It’s about time you showed up,” Karen says sternly.

“Like you would give me a choice to stand you up,” I snap back.

She laughs and says, “Come on. The DJ is great tonight and you need a stiff drink.”

I can’t argue with that so I follow her through the overcrowded bar. I spot Jake, the bar owner, and wave at him. I’ve known Jake for a while now. Being divorced means you come to bars a lot to drink your sorrows away.

“Hey, Riley, looking sexy tonight,” he says. I laugh at the compliment knowing he says that every time he sees me.

“What can I get for you ladies tonight?”

Karen gives me a devilish smile and replies. “I’ll have cranberry vodka and Riley is having a Jack and Diet Coke. I roll my eyes at that, because she knows I hardly ever drink hard liquor anymore. Man Karen can be a control freak at times.

“Coming right up,” Jake tells us.

It doesn’t take long before Jake is back with our drinks. “Thanks, Jake,” I tell him. He gives me his biggest smile and heads to the other end of the bar.

“So, where did you go after your appointment today?” Karen asks.

I roll my eyes at her because she knows exactly where I went. “Karen, please, not tonight,” I beg her.

“All right. But just this once. I know how Cammie feels about you, and I just don’t want to see either of you hurt.”

“Karen, I’m not going back after today.” I sigh and tell her, “She’s in love with me, and I can’t give her what she needs and deserves. A clean break is what we both want.”

“I seriously doubt Cammie wanted any of this, Riley. I know she can be headstrong and stubborn, but you have to at least give it a chance,” Karen says.

“You of all people know I can’t. Not right now at least. Maybe in a few years I’ll be able to let the past go.”

Karen doesn’t say anything else about my non-existent relationships. After a few drinks we are both tipsy, and make our way to the dance floor. Karen is right about one thing, the DJ is awesome tonight.

We start dancing and moving with the beat of the music, laughing and having a blast. I can’t remember having so much fun in one night. Karen was right, this is what I need. One night to forget about work and all the other bullshit going on in my life.

As we are coming off the dance floor, I bump into the last person I would ever expect to see tonight. I’m dumbfounded when I look up and I’m looking straight into those piercing blue eyes.

“Well, what a coincidence,” Isaac says.

“I’m sorry I bumped into you. I wasn’t looking where I was going,” I explain.

“No worries, especially after I spilled your coffee all on you earlier. I’m glad you’re here. Now I can make it up to you by buying you a drink,” he tells me.

Right now Karen’s eyeballs are about to pop out of her head. I know what she is thinking. “How did you forget to tell me about him?”

“I would love another drink. Meet you at the bar? I’ll have another Jack and Diet Coke,” I tell him.

He walks away, and Karen turns and says, “Riley Jean Blake! I cannot believe you didn’t tell me about Mr. Hot-and-Edible!”

I start laughing and say, “Karen, come on. He just ran into me earlier today at Starbucks and asked for my number. It’s really an odd coincidence that he is here. Do you think he’s stalking me?” I ask her.

“Really, Riley, only you would think something like that. He’s definitely not stalking you. On the other hand, he is one fine piece to look at.” We walk up to meet Isaac, and we are laughing so uncontrollably, he gives us this puzzled look.

“Did I miss something?” he asks.

“Not really. We are just having some girl talk,” I answer.

He gives me this big smile and I notice he has one dimple. And just like that I feel the wetness between my thighs and a throbbing ache that tells me I need to be satisfied. Holy mother, this man hasn’t even touched me and I am ready to come.

“Would you like to dance?” Isaac asks.

“Yes. Let me tell Karen and I’ll meet you out there, okay?”

He comes up to me almost touching my nose and says, “Don’t make me wait too long, Riley.”

It takes every bone and muscle in my body to just nod my head in agreement. I think that is the sexiest look a man has ever given me. I have a nagging thought, thinking, I didn’t tell him my name? Or did I? Hell, I am getting drunk, so I must have. I might have to watch myself around this one.

I quickly find Karen and let her know where I’ll be if she needs me.

I return to the dance floor and find Isaac who looks like a Greek God out on the dance floor. My mind starts to wonder to all the things I would love to do to him in bed.

I’m staring at him like a cat in heat as Isaac walks up to me.

“There you are. I was starting to worry,” he says.

I give him a flirty smile, and begin dancing to my own rhythm. I know what men like when they see a girl dancing, and I throw all my best moves out for him. I’m not entirely sure why I am acting this way. Maybe it is the liquid courage.

Whatever it is, I can tell Isaac is enjoying the show. When the song changes to a slower pace, he comes up behind me and puts his hands on my hips. He begins to sway and grind with me. I feel as if he is giving me a preview of what he has in store for me. Boy he can move. I am going to change moves on him, as the song changes again but when I turn to look up, I see a pair of grey eyes on me, staring intently. I’ve never seem this man before, but I know that look when I see it. It is strange how this mystery man watches me. Almost as if he knows Isaac and is sizing me up for something.

I choose to ignore the stranger, not wanting anything to ruin the night. I turn around and I see blazing blue eyes. I know now Isaac wants me. I can feel the dominance radiating off him. It is so intoxicating, for a moment I actually feel light-headed.

“I think I need a break for a minute or two,” I tell him.

“I know a place upstairs we can go and talk,” he replies.

He grabs my hand and I have no choice but to follow him upstairs, knowing that it isn’t a good idea to be alone with this man right now. My head screams at me, “Go find Karen” but my body is telling—no, demanding— me to follow Isaac.

He takes me into Jake’s office upstairs, far away from probing eyes. Now that Isaac is satisfied with our privacy, he shuts the door and asks, “So, what should we do now?”

I laugh. “How about we get to know each other and see where we go from there?” I tell him nervously.

Isaac laughs and says, “All right, I’ll start. Do you work, Miss Riley?”

“Please, just Riley and yes I work. I own my own business. It’s called Riley’s Sweets and Treats,” I reply with a smile. Just talking about my cake business makes me happy. It’s the one thing Robert didn’t get to ruin.

“I’ve heard of that. I will have to stop in sometime and get some “sweet treats”.

As the words roll off his tongue, I know right then I want this man. The way he is staring at me like he wants to devour me and then some, turns me on in a way no man had before.

“How about you, Isaac? You have a job? Wife? Kids?” I think he is surprised at my random, fast questions. I have to distract myself with something other than those luscious lips.

“I have my own business as well. We are fairly new to Southern California. I have a partner, he’s like my brother, and we own it together. Our company is called D&W Industries. And to answer your other two questions, no I am not married and I have no children that I know of.”

Thank goodness for that. Seems like all the good ones are either married or gay. I guess he thinks I like his answers, because he starts walking toward me, invading my personal space. I have to focus on my breathing; it is becoming too heavy. He knew how he made my body react.

“Riley,” he whispers.

He then has me backed into a wall. No escaping now. He has one hand behind my back keeping me close and the other propped on the wall. Damn this is hot. I can feel pains in my clit wanting, aching to be touched. I am going to have to change panties when he is through teasing me.

“Is this crazy that I want you right now? I want to fuck you right here on the wall,” he tells me.

I swallow the lump that forms in my throat and say, “I know. I feel it too.”

I have to be losing my mind. How can I feel so much attraction to one person, let alone a complete stranger? We lock gazes with each other, and that is all the permission he wants —needs—from me. He slams into my lips, kissing me hard, and rough. I just give into him. I know I can’t fight him even if I wanted to. I wrap one leg around him so he can have easier access to my clit. Oh, how I ache and long for this man, who I don’t even know. And he knows exactly what to do. His rough hands find my breasts, caressing them as he kisses my neck down to my collar bone.

Since I have a dress on, it is very easy for him to push my panties aside, and slip two fingers inside me. I moan when he enters me, not worrying about being gentle. That is just how I like it. Rough. How does he do that? He knows exactly how I want and need to be touch.

I’m seconds away from coming when we hear the door open. We both, horny and surprised, jump back away from each other.

“I have been all over looking for you!” Karen sternly says.

The minute she realizes what is going on, she gives me the look. The look that says, “I-cannot-believe-you-went-off-like-that-with-a-stranger!”

I am definitely going to catch hell for this. I step away from Isaac and say, “I’ll be down in just a minute, Karen. Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

She doesn’t seem too happy with that, but she walks outside the door giving me only minutes with Isaac.

“Well…to be continued?” he asks.

“I live twenty minutes from here, meet me at this address in thirty,” I say as I give him my address.

I don’t say it loud enough to where Karen can hear. I know she is already pissed at me for sneaking out without her knowing. Isaac gives me a smile, letting me know he will indeed come over later. I shut the door knowing all hell is about to break loose.

“I cannot believe you, Riley! How could you do that to me? I thought that man kidnapped you or whatever.” Karen is apparently upset.

“It’s fine, Karen. I’m a big girl I can handle my own.”

She isn’t pleased with my answer, but she doesn’t argue with me about it.

“Let’s just get our cabs and call it a night. I’ll call you tomorrow.” I know she doesn’t like that idea one bit. I can tell by the way she stares at me that this isn’t over. Karen gives me an eye roll then says her goodbyes and we head home. Little does she know I am not about to call it a night just yet.



I’m glad Lance doesn’t take very long to get me back to my place. I am anxious to get home as soon as possible. With Isaac not far behind me, I rush in the house and run to the bathroom to take care of my needs. I quickly brush my teeth and change into my pajamas. A tank top and shorts should be appropriate.

I have to give it to Isaac; he knows how to follow a girl’s instructions. He arrives exactly as I told him. I open the door for him to come in offer him a drink.

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