Authors: Monica Luke

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ing quickly, they surrounded Aderac with the swords drawn ready to cut down any who came near him.

Take him back!” Belon then ordered after he killed one more, “Take him back by leading him on his horse by its rein now!”

Obeying Belon
’s command, and ignoring Aderac’s protests, they herded him back, but when they passed Loth, they let him take charge of Aderac, who didn’t want to go.

Great king,” Loth reasoned with him, “Belon could be slain if watching and worrying for you. Is that your wish?”

It is not,” Aderac relented, turned and rode back on his own.

After Belon and his men returned from killing those wanting to rob Aderac, his sword crimson from blood, his face crimson from anger, he went straight to Aderac, who overjoyed he returned unharmed hurri
ed towards him to hold him.

Expecting Belon to run into his arms, he stood taken aback, when he didn
’t, and instead after he angrily stuck his sword into the earth, chastised him in front of everyone.

Again, you do not heed my words or obey me!” he blared loudly, as he stood in front of him. “You cannot thumb gold when around thieves and murderers, and believe no one will try to take it from you. Well learned I know you are, but if I did not know that and had just met you, I would swear you were touched in your head or mad. You behaved like a fool charging ahead to fight when you have never taken even one life with a sword.”

Not aware how loudly he was shouting, all stopped and looked at Belon openly berating Aderac, and although embarrassed, he spoke nothi
ng back, but when Belon opened his mouth to berate him more, the feel of Aderac’s backhand across his mouth silenced him.

I love you, but I am still a king and dare your tongue dishonor and shame me in front of all.” his jaws clenched while he spoke, but unlike Belon, his tone was low enough that only Belon heard him.

After he slapped him, Belon came to his senses, but stared utterly surprised at Aderac, who was glowering at him, and his bottom lip bleeding, he touched it and looked at the blood, then loo
ked back at Aderac.

Now calm, slowly he looked around and noticed all eyes on them, but when he turned back to speak to Aderac in a softer tone, suddenly Aderac stormed away; then jumped on his horse.

“Lord Helm,” Aderac called out to Laad as he did.

Yes king.”

Lead me to WorrlgenHall at once,” he commanded and spurred his horse forward away from Belon.

’s men and the guilds followed Aderac, but Ciron, who was Aderac’s guard, held back to speak to Belon.

You are the one mad to let your tongue speak to King Aderac as you did,” Ciron scolded, “He has done nothing, but love you more than his own life, and eagerly only wanted to get you things, as well as fight beside you.”

Belon huffed from Ciron
’s words, but didn’t reply as he walked away; then once all gathered their belongings, some of the guilds piled the dead men together, and all uneventfully rode back to WorrlgenHall.

That night embarrassed from earlier, Aderac stayed within the chamber, and when Belon came to the chamber for bed, after purpo
sely keeping his distance from him all day until he felt he had cooled from his anger, when he saw two guards outside Aderac’s door and one of them Ciron, he became peeved.

Why are you here?”

You are not to pass this threshold,” Ciron answered, “It is the king’s command.”

’s pupils expanded with defiance; then as he began to walk towards the door anyway, they withdrew their swords to stop him.

Belon!” Ciron shouted, “Stop!”

You will not keep me from him,” he threatened, “Dare you make me unsheathed my sword as well?”

Belon!” Ciron stiffened, and put his body in front of the door, “Will you behave more of a fool than you have this day?”

Who are you loyal to?” Belon indignantly asked, “I am over you as a commander.”

Such is true,” he retorted, and tried to get him to listen to reason, “And the king commands us both.  Dare you put me between you and the king? Selfish are you, Belon to have me lose both ways. Should I harm you such is his love, from sorrow he puts me to death and keeping you from him, such is your rage you harm me. He is wounded by your words, but loves you no less and will forgive you, and you know such.”

We have never slept apart when within the same walls. It is a vow we made long ago Ciron.” Belon said anguished, and it showed clearly on his face.

This night you shall,” his blunt words, while looking at Belon unsympathetically, “Go to bed and reason how to honor the one you shamed.”

Belon let out a brief grouse, then relented and stormed away, but upset and still devoted
to their vow, once back in his chamber; he couldn’t close his eyes or rest his head to sleep.

Aderac had heard the loud talking in the hallway.

“Was that Belon? He asked hopeful.

It was not my king,” Ciron lied because he didn’t want to be bothered with Belon, and thought he might go to him if he knew it was, “Several men passed drunk.” 

After pacing back and forth within his chamber, still anguished and now tormented and unsure what to do, Belon went to Ogorec for advice.

“Such misery is within me!” he cried out as he pounded loudly on Ogorec’s door with his fists, “I must speak to someone, I must!”

If it will not upset you,” Ogorec said to Ovfren, “I will speak to him.”

Speak to him,” Ovfren agreed.

As soon as Ogorec came outside, Belon began to ra
nt, as he paced back and forth in front of him.

Cruel were my words,” he said filled with remorse and anguish, “To one who has done nothing, but love me from the first and does such that he would die for me, and shame and sadness is within me for wounding him. Low I am. Low I am.”

I heard.” Ogorec already knew, “As I am sure we all have. You know such things spread as that of a wildfire.”

Then, it is worse.” Belon groaned, and grabbed onto a tree about to bang his head against it.

You shamed him in front of many,” Ogorec said, as he grabbed his shoulder to stop him, “Yet, he held his tongue, other than the slap he gave you to silence you.”

Yes, Belon agreed, as again he felt his bottom lip, which had swelled, “And stronger is his hand than I reasoned. What shall I do? I will do anything.”

Ogorec stroked his chin as he thought.

“Your deed was loud and in front of all.” Ogorec’s idea, “And such should be how you have him forgive you.”

Pleased with Ogorec
’s advice, Belon thanked him and hurried away.

Back within WorrlgenHall, just as Belon did not close his eyes or rest his head, was the same for Aderac. Upset as well, and their vow etched into his punctilious memory and wounded heart, he did not sleep, and in truth although not together, both honored
half their vow to the other.

That morning, all night reasoning what he should do, as Aderac ate at the kings table, all around him eating quietly or choosing conversations carefully omitting the most recent one being the journey to the Valley of Tul, Belo
n loudly burst into the gathering hall.

King Aderac!” he boldly shouted, as he burst through the doors making men about to walk out leap for safety as they swung inward wide and hard, before he quickly walked inside and right to him.   

The room filled
with people and the tables crowded with several eating, including King Baric, all watched curiously as Belon wearing no shirt, but everything else brazenly walked in front of the table. 

I stand before you ashamed and bare chest!” he continued, then dropped to his knees and took out his knife, “For insulting my cherished king. The hurt I made him feel I shall know well and welcome if he will not forgive me for the shameful way I spoke to him.”

As he spoke, Belon held up his knife and boldly put it to his
chest slicing into it just above his right nipple, and as the sharp steel opened his flesh, he groaned and welcomed the pain.

The pain I feel is nothing to that of wounding the heart of the only I love.”

During all this, Aderac stayed silent pretending
to ignore him as he ate, but discreetly, he stole glances until he began to slice into his chest making his eyes widen surprised before he sprang out of his chair.

Belon my love, stop!” he cried out, and he did it so loudly it echoed all throughout the now captive hall, before he jumped onto the table knocking over everyone who was close, plates of food and filled cups in his scramble to get over it and quickly to Belon, “Stop my love, stop!”

When he reached him, Aderac grabbed his hand; then seized his k
nife tossing it aside, as he fell to his knees with him.

Ooohh, Beelllooon.” He sang his name tenderly, as he looked at his face, the obvious love for him beaming from his eyes.

Forgive me, King Aderac,” he begged, beside himself with remorse, “I am lower than that of swine and should live among them as well. I was so wrong. So wrong in how I spoke to you.”

Aderac tore into his tunic putting the torn linen on Belon
’s chest to stop the flowing blood, before he put his hands on both sides of his head and lovingly looked at him. 

Did you sleep Belon?” he questioned, knowing that was truly the sign of his devotion as well as remorse.

You know I would not sleep,” Belon avowed, “Without you beside me.”

Nor would I Belon, “Aderac avowed as well; then stood and pulled Belon up with him.

Let me be struck dead than wear another tunic or anything over my chest,” Belon declared, “Unless it is graciously put on me by who I love.”

Aaawww, Bellloooon.” Again, Aderac sang his name, “And so strong is your chest.”

Tell me what I must do to get us beyond this?” He humbled himself ready to obey anything he asked, “What will you have me do?”

You can press your lips to mine,” his simply request.

Looking at him and no other, Belon closed his eyes and pressed his lip
s to Aderac’s, then when he pulled them away, he smiled as he put his forehead to his.

I am humbled by you,” Belon’s submissive words, “And only you.”

Aderac sighed completely swoon by Belon
’s show of remorse.

“I still have all your tunics,” he readily said, “And after your wound is bound, I will put one on my love’s chest.”

Then let us go,” he happily agreed, and knowing all knew his arrogant haughty ways from his past. He humbly rubbed his nose to Aderac’s to openly show all his total submissiveness to him, as well have all see how much he loved him.

Yes, but let it be to home,” Aderac said, as he smiled pleased and even more in love.

Yes my life, and love.” He readily and eagerly complied, “Let us go home.”

As he watched and listened to it all, Lot
h wanted to burst into laughter amused by Belon’s and Aderac’s antics, but held his tongue, and although always gibing of this and that, knew well this was not the time.

All eyes still on them, Aderac turned to Baric.

“I thank you for my wonderful stay at WorrlgenHall, Cousin, but after I have rested I will be returning to Ivodgald.”

It was a pleasure to have you within the walls,” Baric said pleasantly, “And let it not be for the reason one has died that we come to the other.”

Aderac nodded and walked o
ut with Belon right behind him; then both hurried to the chamber, but before they walked through the door, Belon stopped and looked at Aderac.

Am I forgiven?”

Get into that chamber!” Aderac commanded, “And on that bed, and I will show you how forgiven you are.”

Umm,” Belon said pleased, as he hurried inside while hastily undressing; then plopped onto the bed, and as Aderac undressed and plopped right on top of him, as he held him he whispered into his ear.

Am I forgiven for striking the lips I enjoy kissing?” Aderac asked, as he kissed where it looked swollen the most.

Roll over,” now Belon’s turn to command, “And I shall show you how forgiven you are.”

Aderac said pleased, and eagerly did.

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