Authors: Monica Luke

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Right behind him, Aderac walking so fast he might as well have run, hurried to his chamber and to their room, then after bursting through the door and leaning his back against it, he immediately scanned it from left to right
until he saw him.

Such a wonderful sight you are,” Aderac said, while panting heavily from his excited paced walk.

Belon sat his sword on the table and turned back to look at Aderac as he stood still breathing hard, but had not moved.

“I have been a long time away from you,” he said, as he faced him and shook his head adoringly, “And still you are across the room looking at me and not pressed to me.”

Face to face with Belon so quickly he barely blinked, Aderac threw his arms around him, and as they held e
ach other tightly, Aderac spoke into his ear. “Oh Belon, my Belon, I have longed for you and missed you so badly.”

Belon pulled away; then kissed him passionately.

“Aderac, my love and pleasure,” he professed, as he began to undress, “I woke and closed my eyes to your face and craved you such that I felt tormented.”

Passionately, again they kissed, moving back and forth across the room in the other
’s arms.

I throb below.” Belon moaned into his mouth. “It is full and needs release. Bare your body to me.”

ith fervor, Aderac ripped his tunic down the center tossing it aside as if meager rags, then hurriedly undressed, but as Aderac came towards him, Belon suddenly laughed. “Make me laugh always as well.”

Why do you laugh?”

Belon pulled his naked body to hi
s and held him as he answered.

You remove all in your haste,” his words, as he kissed his chin, his forehead, and then his lips, “But not the king’s crown you rushed from court still wearing on your head.”

Aaah,” Aderac sounded off slightly embarrassed, not even realizing it and laughed, then placed it on the chair before hurrying back to his kisses.

Both caressing each other as they kissed, Belon moved Aderac onto the bed.

“Release all into me.” Aderac moaned, as he rubbed Belon’s now throbbing shaft. “Fill me such that I overflow and ache from your hard thrusts inside my absent filled tight hole.”

Umm,” Belon said. Even more aroused by how he spoke and got on top of him. “I shall make you have trouble sitting on the throne for awhile.”

Ah my passionate love and lover,” Aderac called out, as he gasped when he felt his first thrust, “I care not.”

Belon filled with vigor and want, passionately thrusts into Aderac; then as both lay so weakened they could hardly move, held each other close while they lov
ingly spoke of missing each other before they fell asleep.

That morning, as Aderac began to sit on the throne, Belon true to his word, he suddenly winced and quickly rose grimacing in pain; then after looking casually up to see if anyone noticed, gently e
ased down into the chair.

Later, once Belon woke, totally drained of energy, he sluggishly sat on the edge of the bed immediately thinking of Aderac, and as a smile sailed across his face, he thought of how happy he was to be back at Ivodgald with him agai

All morning, both in such reverie of the other, had to be addressed several times to get as much as a simple reply, and when Belon passed Aderac in the hallway, he gave him a mesmeric stare; then turned down any empty one, which quickened Aderac
’s breath prompting him to follow.

What have you set for this day?” they both asked at the same time and laughed when they did it.

I want to spend it only with you Belon,” Aderac’s words, as he brushed his arm briefly softly, “My mind has wandered all morning long. I am useless to all.”

I have done the same, and am as well,” Belon admitted, and touched his hand, “Can you sit upon your horse with ease to ride?”

Still sore, Aderac didn
’t care. “I am tender, but I will bear it,”

After looking this way and that
way, Belon gave him a tender apologetic kiss.

Forgive me; to forceful I was with you. I had had no release for so long,” he whispered, “And wanted you badly that I did not hold back in how hard I thrust.”

So wonderful it felt to me,” Aderac whispered back, “So wonderful you feel to me.”

Belon smiled.

“Get your horse and we shall spend our day together,” he said longing to kiss his lips more.

Quickly, Aderac ordered his horse brought to him and met with Belon; then both rode off and spent their day togeth

They raced on their horses; took a long loving stroll, and practiced with their swords; then later when Aderac got hungry. Instead of going back, Belon easily caught and killed several rabbits, and for the first time in his life, Aderac saw firsthand
the process of skinning and cleaning them.

As Aderac watched, he became sickened, then repulsed and, even though, famished refused to eat, until Belon teased him threatening not to stop until he at least agreed to taste it.

Hesitantly, he pulled a piece of meat off the spic warily putting it on his tongue before actually chewing, but once he did, surprised by how good it actually tasted, gladly ate all of his, and even some of Belon’s portion.

Once both had their fill, Belon relaxed with his back against
a tree, as Aderac rested between his legs and leaned against him, and as both enjoyed the cool of the evening, Aderac spoke of all that went on at Ivodgald while Belon was away.




Still solely stricken to his bed, King Hurus’s health failed more, and certain he would die soon, called for his grandson.

Soon you shall be the king of all of Ivodgald seized long ago by your ancestors,” King Hurus said in a weakened voice, “Be a strong one. Be a just one. Above all, do not let Ivodgald fall. Hold it well, as well as, stretch its borders.”

Grandfather foolishly you speak.” Aderac dismissed his words out of love for him, “A long life is still ahead of you.”

King Hurus coughed hard; then once he regained his composure, spoke again.

“My days are well few.” He knew, as he reached for his grandson’s hand, “I know how much you love him, and I will confess it is why I made you journey with me. I knew once your eyes beheld this Belon, when you saw him you would want him, but Ivodgald must have an heir. You must not let our bloodline end with you.”

Surprised by words, Aderac looked at him curiously. “
How did you know he would want and come to love me?”

His days numbered, King Hurus spoke freely.

“I did not, but I know your passion when you are seized by anything. I knew you would reveal to him how you felt within,” he admitted, “And as fate is fate, he did indeed come to love you. I am also pleased that he has a strong will to bind your haughty ways, and is brave and skilled. I know he will protect you out of love, as well as, duty and will help you hold this kingdom when I am gone.”

Aderac closed his eyes tight distressed by what he knew his grandfather was about to make him vow.

“Such torment,” Aderac said, and thought of his wife, “I feel no love for her and she has no love for me.”

I know that you do not, and I also know that you sleep on separate chamber floors, and you go to her nearly none,” King Hurus revealed, “But Belon cannot bear a son.”

Gueden chuckled and Aderac squinted
at him.

Grandfather,” Aderac said torn between his grandfather’s request, and his great love for Belon, “I… I…”

Aderac,” King Hurus spoke firmly, “You will not let our bloodline at Ivodgald end with you, and I ask that you make an oath to me as one dying to keep it. You will lay with her more than you do until your seed grows within her. Give me your oath.”


Give me your oath.”

Still distressed, Aderac inhaled deep, and before actually agreeing paused several times, because the words caught in his throat. “
You have my oath.”

That same night, when Aderac came inside the room, he noticed Belon waiting for him naked in bed, but instead of undressing
. He nervously sat on the edge of the bed.

Speak it,” Belon said, knowing he had something troubling to say because he did.

Grandfather has made a dying request to me,” Aderac, still nervously, said because he was unsure how Belon would accept it, “And had me make an oath to honor it.”

Speak it,” Belon only said again, and sat up slightly wondering what it could be.

Aderac adjus
ted his position on the edge of the bed; then took a deep breath, as he rubbed his now sweating palms onto his thighs to dry them.

I…I must lay with her,” he blurted before he breathed in and spoke more, “Until she becomes with child that my bloodline not end in Ivodgald.”

Almost in an instant, Belon sat up high. He knew Aderac desired and loved only him, and although she was indeed his wife,
he became jealous.

I pleasure myself with none but you, none Aderac,” his jealous blurt, “Deep into the night how shall I restfully go to sleep to visions of you thrusting inside her when you should be thrusting inside me?”

Aderac shifted his position on the edge of the bed, and now anxiously looked him.

Shall I come to you first, and then to go her?” he offered hoping that would help, but that upset Belon even more.

Do what you must to honor your oath.” Belon huffed, now jumping out of the bed, “And I will do what I must, and with who I must to help me when my head fills with visions of you thrusting inside her.”

His threat more alarming to him than news of an invading army at Ivodgald
’s borders, Aderac almost stumbled trying to hurry to the other side of the bed to face Belon.

You must not. You …you must not,” he spouted quickly. His tone showing how clearly disturbed he was by his threat. “Speak it and I will break my oath. I will, I will for you.”

Ignoring him while he dressed as Aderac
’s eyes followed his slightest move, Belon suddenly stopped now feeling ashamed of his behavior.

An oath you made to one dying.” He sighed, “So uncaring I can be at times. I know well of oaths and what they mean. I also know how deeply you desire and love me, and though we agreed you would be a husband to her and sleep with her from time to time; you have not for my sake.”

For the reason I desire only you Belon,” Aderac averred, “I have always desired only you.”

Honor your oath.” Belon nodded, “And until we will not as much as touch. I will sleep in my chamber and you in yours and when this deed is over again we will be as we were.”

Although, Aderac didn
’t want that, he didn’t want to upset him more and agreed.

Dare this night begin such?” he asked hoping not, because he wanted him right then.

It does,” Belon said; then offered his advice while his put on his final piece of clothing to leave, “Lay with her just before she bleeds and days after she bleeds,” he added, as he moved towards the door, “Until the deed is done.”

Remembering Belon
’s threat just minutes earlier, Aderac couldn’t help but ask him about it, and prepared his heart to drop if his answer was he would not.

Will you be faithful to me?”

At first refusing to answer; still jealous, Belon stood by the door silent, but as he opened it, realized he couldn
’t torment Aderac in such a way.

I know of broken oaths as well.” He began, as he held the door’s latch, “And will honor mine to you.” He ended; then closed the door behind him.

Honoring his oath, Aderac lay with his wife often, even sharing the same chamber bed with her, but once his seed took hold, an
d began to grow inside her, he treated her kindly and respectfully, but wife or not, made it clear to her that he would never touch her intimately again.

The second after Aderac discovered she was with child, he informed Belon, and that same night when he
came to bed; quickly bypassing everything within his own chamber, he went straight to their secret room, and to his immeasurable delight, right into Belon’s arms.


Chapter 31


lthough, Aderac honored the oath he swore to his grandfather and remained apart from Belon while he did. His promised devotion, passion, and love for him did not waver, and nor did Belon’s.

In truth, t
he separation bonded them even more because the seed of their love had already rooted, and once together again blossomed fruitfully beyond what either could have imagined.

That root became so strong that if out scouting the lands and his men came across w
omen offering themselves for pleasure, Belon would politely decline any offers made to him, which without fail were many, and let the men have their fun while he slept.

If with his men in the hall, to be social he would have at least a drink with them; the
n promptly take his leave, or he would bring something from the hall for both of them to drink, as they sat by the fire before bed.

’s body much larger and more accustomed to drinking, Aderac usually was who became drunk first, and without fail he would act silly trying wrestle with him, then always once pinned down, gush over Belon’s strength and agility.

If Belon somehow became the first to get drunk, he would chase Aderac around the chamber trying to tickle him until he felt he would vomit; then w
rap his arms around him until both fell asleep, and always when they woke, it was to massive headaches.

Such agony.” Aderac would groan.

It burns.” Belon would groan, and pull the furs over his head to block out the sun beaming through the windows.

hough, both would groan and complain, afterwards were tender morning pecks and words of love.

Along with the passion between them, was romance and tenderness, as often when
Belon returned from scouting or dealing with villages, he would surprise Aderac with a piece of wood that caught his eye, charm trinket, or peculiar looking rock.

It became so expected that when Belon returned, if he didn
’t have something no matter how small or simple, Aderac would look disappointed only to be surprised when Belon suddenly pulled something for him out of his belt or pouch.

For you, my sweet Aderac,” Belon would tenderly say, and after Aderac took it, he would give him a tender kiss somewhere on his face.

Ah Belon so wonderful is my gift.” Aderac would gush and tuck it away, and once back in his chamber, add it to his other cherished things Belon brought him.

If both were free, they rode their horses to sites Belon passed that he remember
ed and eagerly wanted to show Aderac, and once there Aderac would marvel enthusiastically at all Belon pointed out, even if it was something as simple as nesting birds.

Often at night, something Belon loved to do, they swam in the lake, and Belon
’s stamina making him able to swim from one end to the other effortlessly, Aderac always eagerly cheered for him while he watched, or they would splash each other playfully until one of them gave in.

In winter when it snowe
d, they hurried outside to frolic in the snow hitting each other with snowballs until one, usually Aderac, gave in. Often, they slid down the high hills on the snow crashing into each other at the bottom; then both would go inside and lay in front of the fireplace tenderly holding each other as they warmed.

Sometimes if Aderac was in bed before Belon, and he climbed into bed and didn
’t pull him close, Aderac, as if awakened by an alarm would sigh, and at once Belon would playfully turn to him; because he knew he would; then pull him to him before kissing him.

You know well,” he would tease, “That I would pull you close. If I did not, my eyes could never close.”

I know well,” Aderac would reply; then meld his body to Belon’s body.

To show how much he appre
ciated Belon’s charms, rocks, or whatever he brought him, as well as, how much he loved him. One night, as Aderac lay in bed pretending sleep. The furs pulled purposely over both sides of the bed, after Belon pulled his side of the furs back to climb into bed, he gasped.

Keeping it a secret until he was ready to surprise him; Aderac had his sword smith make Belon a sword specifically for his height and large hands, and on the sword
’s blade, just as was on his, was the crest of Ivodgald inlayed, but on the other side, out of love; were the words, ‘truly beloved’, etched.

Beside himself with unexpected joy, quickly Belon picked it up and stared down its center edge marveling over the quality made steel along with its beauty, and so brightly shined was the stee
l, he saw his reflection easily before he wielded it back and forth pleased at how it felt in his hands.

Once done wielding it about, he looked over to Aderac who was still pretending to be asleep and rushed to his side of the bed, then excitedly pulled t
he furs off him before pulling him into his arms.

So well you tend to me,” he said truly moved, as he smiled and held him, “So well, and I thank you my great love. No one has done such a deed for me.”

Aderac became as mush in his strong, yet gentle arms.
“Did you read the words upon it?”

At once, he turned it to the other side, and after he read aloud the words, again
he became overcome.

You are truly beloved by me as well,” he avowed and swallowed hard; his chest swelling with pride over his new magnificently forged sword.

Lovingly, Aderac held him, as he rested on his knees on the bed and in Belon
’s arms.

How can you have such a sword,” he then said, as he signaled with his eyes for Belon to look to his left, and when he did, again, he gasped when his eyes beheld his new belt and sheath, “And not have a grand belt and sheath to hold it.”

I am not worthy of you Aderac,” Belon said, certain anything more would make his heart burst from joy, while he humbly looked down and shook his head realizing that never had anyone loved or done for him as much as Aderac had, “I am not.”

Silly you are,” Aderac said, then put his hand on Belon’s face, and when he did, Belon moved his head along with the motion of Aderac’s hand, “To speak such words when we love each as deeply we do.”

And it is so,” he again avowed, nodding his head up and down quickly, “That I am deeply in love with you Aderac.”

My heart soars knowing,” Aderac said and moved back to look at Belon’s face, “How much you love me, and I love as much.”

elon lowered his head, and Aderac again raised it with his hand. “Now you must give your sword a name.”

Belon lifted his sword and looked at the crest of Ivodgald, a horse
’s head, in the blade, tossed it back and forth between both hands, and looked back at Aderac.” “It is a gift from you to me, and your honor to do so.”

Aderac smiled, and looked at the sword as it rested in Belon
’s strong hand and a name for it came to him in an instant. “Raudgred.”

And what does that mean?”

I remember it from scrolls of chants I read long ago,” Aderac answered, as he reached out and touched Belon’s hand, “It means ‘
one of might
‘or loosely ‘
mighty one’

You are the one of might,” Belon returned the praise to Aderac, “But, Raudgred as the name I shall call it.”




True to their hearts, they were indeed very in love, and if any compared it with Ogorec and Ovfren’s or Laad and Nona’s love, if not more, then it was equal in all things.

When Belon was out training with the men, if Aderac rode by, which he often did by
making up some reason to have to ride pass him; Belon would stop and go to him.

Always at first pretending to speak of dire training needs or about his men while looking serious; he would suddenly whisper how much he loved him or of something naughty, and
always, when Aderac heard his words of love or desire, would swoon, blush, or be unable to wait until later and want to seize him right then.

In turn, anytime Belon walked into court; the council room; or the king
’s private council chamber, Aderac would silence everyone to hear Belon’s words, even if someone else was in the middle of speaking.

Also, when Belon went anywhere, his deep red hair seen well above any other
’s head, Aderac always spotted him right away, then would become so distracted watching him he heard no one, until Belon was out of his sight.

Not long after King Hurus took ill, as Aderac sat leaning back in a chair in the king
’s private council room. Several at the table where he sat speaking of matters of the people, all bantered back and forth talking freely while Aderac listened, but when Belon walked into the room their words went mute to his ears, and he leaned forward.

Several standing near Belon, who was across the room, Aderac
’s eyes fixed on him; then when he noticed he was nonchalantly strutting towards him with his hand resting on his personally forged sword, his breath quickened, as he became Belon’s admiring audience.

Everyone else
’s eyes now on him, their appalled murmurs resonated to the ceiling, as Belon walked towards the table, where, with anyone else permission had to be granted first, and to Aderac, who no matter what, even if on the throne, stood to greet him.

Before he spoke, Belon looked at Aderac, then at each of the men who sat around the table with him, then back to Ad

Yes, Belon,” a captive Aderac said right away. His legs fighting to keep him standing, swooned by his carefree gallant gait to him.

A word alone, my lord, I beg you,” Belon simply respectfully said, and walked away.

Speak freely of other things,” Aderac hastily said, and quickly pushed his chair back from the table without a second thought about making all wait for him while he spoke to him privately.

Eagerly, following Belon, who walked into a smaller room, after Aderac came inside, he closed th
e door and moved close to him.

Yes, my loving giant. What are your words?” Aderac asked affectionately, as he looked up at him.

My sweet,” one of the many affectionate pet names he called him.

Belon always able to soften him with pet names, Aderac smile
d, but knew he had something to say that would upset him.

I know there is more, and I will not like it.” He now braced himself, “When you begin speaking to me with names that weaken me.”

I must leave you this day,” he said, as he put one arm around him.

’s face instantly saddened. “Will you be gone long?”

I will return by nightfall,” he promised, as he touched his saddened face, “And crawl into bed beside you.”

Relieved he wouldn
’t be gone so long; Aderac still didn’t want him to go.

Must you ride, must you?” he asked, always worried when he left the walls of Ivodgald, “You know I can do nothing when you are away, but worry and long for you until you are with me again.”

Pleased by his words of devotion, Belon smiled. “
Yes, I must ride as is my place of command,” he lovingly replied, “Yet, you know, as well, that I always race back to my love.”

Well, if you must. Please be watchful.”

Aderac closed his eyes waiting for a tender kiss, which he got, but when Belon pulled his lips away, Aderac sudde
nly reached for his face, and pulled it to him again to kiss him more.

When he did, Belon put both his arms around him; then held him tighter returning his kiss, and as their bodies grinded together, his shaft began to swell.

Aderac felt it becoming hard pressed against him while they kissed. “Umm.”

So rigid you make me,” Belon said, as he moved him and now pressed him to the wall, “As I press to you now, you have me throbbing.”

Rigid it is,” Aderac’s response, as he rubbed him while still kissing him and willingly added. “Dare we embrace now? Dare we Belon?”

Wanting badly to seize him, Belon groaned anguished knowing many were just outside the door where they stood and would hear, but as Aderac kissed him, his tender warm lips felt so good he didn
’t know if he could resist.

Breathing hard into his mouth, he professed the pleasure of kissing him and rubbed
Aderac’s also bulging manhood.

Umm Aderac, your soft red full lips weaken me.” Belon moaned, as he did, “So wonderful your lips feel to me.”

If you wish it, my love,” Aderac’s wheedling whisper, “Here and now be inside me Belon. Be deep inside me.”

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