World War II: The Autobiography (87 page)

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Authors: Jon E. Lewis

Tags: #Military, #World War, #World War II, #1939-1945, #History

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Crimp, R.L., “One man’s war: Desert weariness” is an extract from “The Diary of a Desert Rat”, unpublished M.S., Imperial war Museum
Crisp, Robert, “Operation Crusader: Tank Battle at Sidi Rezegh” is an extract from
Brazen Chariots,
Frederick Muller, 1959. Copyright © 1959 Robert Crisp
Douglas, Keith, “El Alamein: German prisoners”, is an extract from
Alamein to Zem, Zem
ed Desmond Graham, Oxford University Press, 1979
Green, John, “One Man’s War: The Diary of a British Soldier at El Alamein” was first published in
The Mammoth Book of War Diaries & Letters,
ed Jon E. Lewis, Robinson 1998. Copyright © 1998 the heirs of John Green. Reproduced by permission
Joly, Cyril, “The Italians Surrender at Beda Fomm”, “A Tank is ‘Brewed-Up’ ” are extracts from
Take These Men,
Penguin Books, 1956
Maund, M.R., “Swordfish Attack the Italian Fleet” is quoted in
Freedom’s Battle, Volume I: The War at Sea 1939–45,
ed John Winton, Hutchinson, 1967
Montgomery, Bernard, “Montgomery Takes Over as Commander Eighth Army”, “El Alamein: The Plan” are extracts from
The Memoirs of Field-Marshal The Viscount Montgomery of Alamein,
William Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd, 1958. Copyright © 1958 Bernard Law, Viscount Montgomery of Alamein
Moorehead, Alan, “Tunis Falls” is an extract from
African Trilogy,
Hamish Hamilton, 1944
Pyle, Ernie, “Operation Torch: GI Meals” is an extract from
Here is Your War,
World Publishing Co., 1945
Rommel, Erwin, “Dearest Lu”, “Tobruk: The Conqueror Enters”, “El Alamein: The View from the Afrika Korps”, “A Meeting with the Fuhrer” are extracts from
The Rommel Papers,
ed B.H. Liddell Hart, Collins, 1953. Copyright © 1953 B.H. Liddell Hart, renewed 1981 Lady Liddell Hart, Fritz Bayerlain-Dittmar and Manfred Rommel
Roosevelt Jnr, Theodore, “Fighting Like the Devil”, quoted in
Lines of Battle,
ed Annette Tapert, Times Books, 1987. Original letter held in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress
Salisbury, Ray, “Envoi”, quoted in
Letters Home,
ed. Mina Curtiss, Little Brown and Company, 1944
Schmidt, Heinz Werner, “Enter Rommel” is an extract from
With Rommel in the Desert,
Harrap, 1951

Part IV: Barbarossa

Anonymous German soldiers, “Stalingrad: Last Letters Home” are extracts from
Last Letters from Stalingrad,
Methuen, 1956
Anonymous Officer, 24th Panzer Division, “Stalingrad: ‘The Rat War’ ”, quoted in The
Second World War,
John Keegan, Arrow Books, 1990
Blumentritt, Gunther, “The Wehrmacht Advances into Russia” is an extract from
The Fatal Decisions,
ed W. Richardson and S. Freidin, Michael Joseph, 1956
Cassidy, Henry C., “Mr Churchill Goes to Moscow” is an extract from
The Story of World War II,
ed Curt Riess, Garden City Publishing, 1944
Fuchs, Karl, “We’re going to Show . . .” is reprinted from
Sieg Heil!,
ed Horst Fuchs Richardson, Anchor, 1987
Graebe, Hermann, “Holocaust: SS Execution of Jews in the Ukraine” is an extract from
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression,
US Government Printing Office, 1946
Grigoryevich, Zhuravlev Alexander, “One Man’s War: A Muscovite Joins the Red Army”, is an extract from
The Road to Victory,
www.vor.-ru/victory/veteranes/zhuravlev_eng.html Copyright © Voice of Russia, 2003
Guderian, Heinz, “Operation Barbarossa: Invasion of the Soviet Union” is an extract from
Panzer Leader,
Michael Joseph, 1952. Trans Constantine Fitzgibbon
Haape, Heinrich, “The Arrival of ‘General Winter’ ”, is an extract from
Moscow Tram Stop,
Collins, 1957
Knoblich, Wolfgang, “One Man’s War: A Wehrmacht Soldier’s Diary of the Russian Front” is an extract from
True to Type,
Hutchinson, 1946
Manstein, General Erich von, “The Battle for Sevastapol” is an extract from
Lost Victories,
Methuen, 1958
Rudel, Hans, “Stukas Dive Bomb the Soviet Fleet”, is an extract from
Stuka Pilot,
Corgi, 1957. Trans Lynton Hudson
Werth, Alexander, “Leningrad during the Blockade” is an extract from
Moscow War Diary,
Alfred A. Knopf, 1942. Copyright © 1942 Alexander Werth
Wieder, Joachim, “Stalingrad: The Suffering of the German Troops”, “Stalingrad: Taken Prisoner” are extracts from
Stalingrad: Memories & Reassessments,
Joachim Wieder & H. Graf von Einsiedel, Arms & Armour Press, 1993. Copyright © 1993 Joachim Wieder
Zieser, Benno, “Stalingrad: The Rat War” is an extract from
The Road to Stalingrad,
Ballantine Books, 1956. Copyright © 1956 Benno Zieser

Part V: Banzai

Adams, Milton, “Home Front: ‘Jim Crow’ in the Army” is an extract from
Taps for a Jim Crow Army,
ed Philip McGuire, 1983
Casey, Robert J., “Battle of Midway: One Man’s Diary” is an extract from
The Story of World War II,
ed Curt Riess, Garden City Publishing Co., 1944
Chennault, Claire L., “Flying Tiger: An American Volunteer Group Pilot in Action Against the Japanese” is an extract from
Way of a Fighter,
G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1949. Copyright © 1949 Claire L. Chennault
Doolittle, James, “Raid on Tokyo” is an extract from
Bombs Away!,
ed Stanley M. Ulanoff, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1971
Dyess, William, “Death March on Bataan” is an extract from
The Dyess Story,
G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1944. Copyright © 1944 Marajen Stevick Dyess
Fisher, O.E., “The Fall of Singapore: A Civilian Diary”, reprinted from
Diary of the Invasion of Singapore,
Fuchida, Mitsuo, “Pearl Harbor: The View from the Japanese Cockpit” (originally “I Led the Attack on Pearl Harbor” is extracted from
Bombs Away!,
ed Stanley M. Ulanoff, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1971
Fuchida, Mitsuo, “Midway: The Decisive Five Minutes” is from
Midway: The Battle that Doomed Japan
(with Masataka Okumiya), Hutchinson, 1957
Gallagher, O.D., “The Loss of the
Prince of Wales”, Daily Express,
12 December 1941
Garcia, John, “Pearl Harbor: The View from the Ground” is an extract from
“The Good War”: An Oral History of World War II,
ed Studs Turkel, Hamish Hamilton, 1985. Copyright © 1984 Studs Terkel
Manchester, William, “Boot Camp: The Making of a Marine” is an extract from
Goodbye, Darkness,
Little Brown, 1980
Slim, W.J., “Burma: The Battle of the Oilfields” is an extract from
Defeat Into Victory,
Cassell & Co. Ltd. 1956

Part VI: Resistance & Reconquest

Air Ministry, “Notification of the Death of Acting Squadron Leader Ernest Mason” is quoted in
Freedom’s Battle II: The War in the Air,
ed Gavin Lyall, Hutchinson, 1968
Anonymous, “Home Front: Pure Hell for a Guy Not in Uniform” is an extract from
Six War Years, 1939–45: Memories of Canadians at Home and Abroad,
Doubleday, 1974. Copyright © 1974 Barry Broadfoot
Anonymous WAAF, “The Home Front: The Great Man Chase” is an extract from
Speak for Yourself,
ed Angus Calder & Dorothy Sheridan, Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1984. Copyright © 1984 the Tom Harrisson Mass-Observation Archive
Blaha, Franz, “Holocaust: Medical Experiments at Dachau” is an extract from
Trial of the Major German War Criminals,
Proceedings of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, HMSO, 1946
Bond, Howard L., “Cowardice, Cassino” is an extract from
Return to Cassino,
Doubleday, 1964
Bone, H.T., “D-Day: The Landings”, unpublished letter, Imperial War Museum, London
Bowlby, Alex, “Officer Selection” is an extract from
The Recollections of Rifleman Bowlby,
Leo Cooper Ltd, 1969. Copyright © 1969 Alex Bowlby
Burgett, Donald, “D-Day: A Paratrooper Lists His Kit” is an extract from
Hutchinson, 1967
Butcher, Harry C., “Ike’s Day Before D-Day” is an extract from
Three Years with Eisenhower,
William Heinemann Ltd, 1946
Byrom, James, “Victory in Europe Celebration” is an extract from
Unfinished Man,
Chatto & Windus, 1957
Cox, Geoffrey, “Italian Partisans Take Their Revenge” is an extract from
The Road to Trieste,
Heinemann, 1947
Dawson, Joseph “D-Day: The Landings” is an extract from
Eye-Witness D-Day,
ed. Jon E. Lewis, Robinson, 1994
Dimbleby, Richard, “Holocaust: A Reporter Visits Belsen” (originally “The Cess Pit Beneath” is an extract from
Richard Dimbleby: Broadcaster,
ed Leonard Miall, BBC, 1966. Copyright © 1966 BBC
Foley, John, “Crossing the German Border” is an extract from
Mailed Fist,
Panther Books, 1956
Frank, Anne, “Holocaust: The Jews are Rounded Up” is an extract from
Anne Frank’s Diary,
Vallentine Mitchell & Co., Ltd. Copyright © 1958 Vallentine, Mitchell & Co., Ltd
Gavin, James M., “Sicily: An American Counter-Attack at Biazza Ridge” is extracted from
Eyewitness to World War II,
ed Stephen W. Sears, Houghton Mifflin, 1991. Copyright © 1991 American Heritage, a division of Forbes Inc.
Gellhorn, Martha, “The Battle of the Bulge: The Aftermath” (originally“The Battle of the Bulge”) is an extract from
The Face of War,
Granta Books, 1988. Copyright © 1945 Martha Gellhorn
Gibson, Guy, “The Dambusters Raid” is an extract from
Enemy Coast Ahead,
Michael Joseph, 1946. Copyright © 1956 the Estate of Guy Gibson
Goebbels, Joseph, “A Bomb Hits the Propaganda Ministry” is an extract from
The Goebbels Diaries,
ed Hugh Trevor-Roper, Seeker & Warburg, 1978
Goldman, Carl, “One Man’s War: An American Airman’s Letter” is an extract from
Jewish Youth: Letters from American Soldiers,
J. Rontch, 1945
Heydte, Baron von der, “The German Airborne Assault on Crete”, is an extract from
Daedalus Returned,
Hutchinson, 1958
Hughes, G.E., “One Man’s War: A Normandy Diary”, unpublished diary, Imperial War Museum, London
Johnson “Johnnie”, “A ‘Circus’ Over France”, “Falaise: the Killing Field” are extracts from
Wing Leader,
Goodall Publications, 1990. Copyright © 1956, 1974, 1990 J.E. Johnson
King, Lionel, “Buzz Bombs on Kent” is an extract from
People at War,
ed Michael Moynihan, David & Charles, 1974
Knoke, Heinz, “Flying for the Fatherland” is an extract from
I Flew for the Fuhrer,
Corgi, 1956. Trans John Ewing
Levi, Primo, “Holocaust: Survival in Auschwitz” is an extract from
Survival in Auschwitz,
Summit Books, 1986. Copyright © 1986 Summit Books
Lewis, Norman, “Prostitution” is an extract from
Naples ’44,
Collins, 1978
Mackay, E.M., “Arnhem: At the Bridge” is an extract from
Royal Engineers’ Journal,
Vol. LXVIII, No. 4
Majdalany, Fred, “Cassino: The End” is an extract from
The Monastery,
The Bodley Head, 1945. Copyright © 1945 the estate of Fred Majdalany
Malthe-Bruun, Kim, “In Dying We Live” is an extract from
Heroic Heart,
Random House, 1955.
Maund, M.R., “Swordfish Attack the Italian Fleet” is quoted in
Freedom’s Battle, Volume I: The War at Sea 1939–45,
ed John Winton, Hutchinson, 1967
Millar, George, “A Resistance Group Blows Up a Train” is an extract from
Heinemann, 1945
Montgomery, Bernard, “The German Army Surrenders” is an extract from
The Memoirs of Field-Marshal The Viscount Montgomery of Alamein,
William Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd, 1958. Copyright © 1958 Bernard Law, Viscount Montgomery of Alamein
Moorehead, Alan, “D-Day: Embarkation” is an extract from
Hamish Hamilton, 1945. Copyright © 1945 Alan Moorehead
Moss, W. Stanley, “Guerilla ambush in Crete, August 1944” is an extract from
Ill Met by Moonlight,
Harrap, 1950
Mucha, George, “The Fall of Aachen” is an extract from
Voices from Britain: Broadcast History 1939–45,
ed Hemiing Krabbe, Allen & Unwin, 1947
Munro, Ross, “Raid on Dieppe” is an extract from
Gauntlet to Overlord,
Macmillan (Canada), 1945

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