Working Out the Kinks (Chain) (14 page)

BOOK: Working Out the Kinks (Chain)
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“Drop the chain,” I heard Eric say. Wesley stood up and pressed a button, causing my arms to slowly lower. My feet touched down again and Eric released my bound wrists from the hook holding me up. He caught me before I could fall to the hard floor. With one hand laced through my hair Eric pulled me up to my knees and forced me to look at him. He grasped his cock, slick with our bodies’ juices, and began pumping it in long strokes.

“Open,” he said and my mouth obeyed. I took him into my mouth and he thrust himself in and out. I held onto his leg for support and in moments he was throwing his head back and spilling himself down my throat.

“Everything, take everything I give you,” he said with a groan and I nodded my head. Tears welled in my eyes but I never stopped sucking. When he finished, Eric pulled himself away and stumbled to the drawer he’d been pulling the toys from. He kept his back to me, resting his hands on the ledge while regaining his breath. Wesley took over for him and helped me out of my binds.

“Not bad for a greenhorn,” he muttered. I looked up and he gave me a wink. There was something to Wesley I couldn’t wrap my mind around. I didn’t trust him, but I didn’t know why. The first impressions I had of him were the tales Whitney had told me, and seeing his temperament at the piano, my distrust for the man solidified. Even as he rubbed my wrists tenderly, I felt uncomfortable. I wanted to be near Eric instantly. When Wesley released my hands, I took off in a crawl to Eric’s feet. Like an obedient pet, I rubbed my side against his calf to let him know I was there. Eric glanced at me and turned around.

“Would you please wait for me in the living room?” he asked Wesley. His Master gave a curt nod and then left the room without a word, leaving Eric happily all to me. He rubbed the top of my head affectionately, and I leaned my cheek against his leg as he pet me.

“You may not experience any side effects until tomorrow, but just the same, I want you to try and sleep on your stomach tonight. Wesley and I need to discuss some things and then I’ll be in to take care of you. I’m very proud of you, Alexandra,” he said softly.

“Thank you, Master,” I whispered and then kissed the side of his knee. Eric flashed a small smile and then signaled with his head to give me permission to leave.

I crawled, knowing he would like to see me that way, and made it into the bedroom before my legs began to give. I was tired, the fatigue setting in quick. The lamps on the bedside table were off, and I didn’t feel the need to turn them on. I was already ready to close my eyes. The drapes closed off the moonlight outside, but I kept the door open so the light from the living room gave me enough to see my way around. The floorboards creaked as I listened to Eric leave the playroom to join Wesley. I crawled up onto the bed and found a discarded shirt he had left. It would be big enough for me to wear to bed comfortably, but I hadn’t been given permission to put anything on. I gathered it into my hand, but just as I was about to push it away so I could crawl under the covers, I caught its scent.

It was Eric. All of him–his body, his cologne, his kiss. It was all there.

I pushed back the comforter and made my way under. Just as Eric wanted, I lay on my stomach. Curiously, I tried to touch my back to assess the damage. There was a long laceration that was tender when I pushed down with my finger. I winced and didn’t press my luck anymore. Eric’s shirt was still in my hand when I laid my head on the pillow. I gathered it close to me, clutching it against my face as a security blanket of sorts. He was there once again, comforting me, engulfing me in his world. For a while, I lay there, smiling and cuddling his clothes, imagining it was him I was clutching, until my eyelids couldn’t hold themselves open any longer.



I didn’t dream that night. I had been so exhausted that dreams seemed to be too much of an effort for my brain. And so, my mind was blank, happily dark and empty.

That was, until I rolled over onto my back to get more comfortable.

Pain, blinding hot pain, shot through my skin. My eyes flew open and I hissed in a breath, rolling back onto my stomach quickly. By accident, I had turned and bumped into Eric, who had been sleeping peacefully on his side, facing away from me. He shot up and looked all around the room before turning his gaze down to me.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” I whispered meekly, hoping he wouldn’t be too upset with me for disturbing his sleep. He grumbled and then fell back down, facing me from his other side.

“Come closer,” he said softly. I scooted into his open arms and he brought my head to settle on his shoulder as his fingers drew lightly down my back. He reached over to the table beside the bed and opened the drawer, pulling something I couldn’t make out. Keeping me in the crook of his arm, I watched as he brought a small tube up and squeezed a good dollop of whatever it was inside into the palm of his right hand. He carelessly tossed the tube back onto the table and returned his attention to me.

“This should help you get some sleep,” he explained before his hand touched my sore skin and rubbed a cool-feeling cream into my lashes. I didn’t wince away, though my first instinct told me to. It became clear I trusted him more with each time we were together. Never in my life would I have imagined allowing someone to do what Eric had done to me, and never would I have fallen asleep so soundly moments later, after such a grueling session. My body drained, my mind had turned to Jell-O. I could still vividly remember the intensity, the submission into his care. It was warm, it was trusting and it was right.

Eric moved his hand all the way from my shoulders, down past my ass. There was a tingling sensation that began creeping into my skin from the cream. Though I wasn’t in pain anymore, I couldn’t figure out what he had used that had made the discomfort go away. Almost instantly after his hand had begun massaging my shoulders, I was back asleep.

The next time I awoke, it was hours later, and with the sun peeking out through the drawn curtains. I squinted as I looked at the clock to find that it was just past six thirty. I had my early classes that morning, and Eric would need to be at work fairly soon as well. While my eyes adjusted, I started to pick up the scent of coffee brewing in the kitchen. The sweet aroma of caffeine, my mouth was watering just imagining a cup. I imagined it was an automated coffeemaker, and there would be enough for me to sneak in a quick cup before I needed to get out of there. As carefully as I could, I shifted and moved off the bed, touching down on the floor silently. My body was sore from being in only one position the rest of the night so my ankles and back cracked a little too loudly when I moved. Eric was facing away from me once again, his scared backside visible with the blanket haphazardly resting on his hips. He stirred lightly but remained asleep. I told myself that after I had my cup, I would go and wake him, to give him enough time to get ready for work. Walking down the hallway nude, I kept my hand pressed to the wall for balance, since I didn’t trust my legs not to wobble.

When I walked into the kitchen, I was met with a surprise. Wesley was there, shirtless except for his dress pants, pouring himself my coffee. He heard me walk in, and so turned around on his heel to lean against the counter, bringing his cup casually to his lips. Seeing him without a shirt, I couldn’t help staring at his body, smooth, but much younger than Eric’s. He was leaner than Eric too, his muscles less defined. I noticed an intricate tattoo at his side, against his rib cage. It was styled into a treble clef with a bass clef attached underneath.

“Good morning,” he said happily and took a sip of coffee. My stomach lurched with the fear of being caught. I instantly wanted Eric there to protect me.

“Um, good morning, Sir,” I said quietly with the hope our voices wouldn’t echo too much through the house. Wesley tilted his head, giving me a quizzical look. He took another sip of coffee and then set his mug down calmly on the counter. With a motion of his hand, he beckoned me closer. Nervous, I took one step and then another. I was still out of arm’s reach, and I wanted to keep it that way. But Wesley had other plans, it seemed.

“Kneel,” he ordered harshly. I dropped down slowly, watching him to try and figure out his next move. Without warning, Wesley grasped my face tight and dragged me closer. Instinctively my hand wrapped around his wrist to try and pry myself free, but his hold was too strong.

“Say that again with a little bit more poise,” he snapped. My mouth was forced open by his fingers on my jaw and I couldn’t move my lips comfortably.

“Good morning, Sir,” I tried to say as best and loudly as I could.

Wesley brought his face closer. Nose to nose, he studied my face.

“Much better,” he whispered. His grip loosened just enough for me to push myself away. I held my jaw and tried rubbing some of the feeling back into my skin.

“I didn’t want to wake him,” I grumbled, not caring that I didn’t give him a proper title in my words. It didn’t seem to bother him much. Wesley picked up his coffee once again and took another sip while turning his back to me.

“Eric’s a heavy sleeper. I was always up before him,” he said, bringing down another cup from the cupboard.

My mouth hung open as his words sunk in. “You and…”

Wesley turned to look over his shoulder with a smirk. “You’re surprised that I wouldn’t want to sleep with him also?”

I was, but I’d never admit it to him, though I knew when he turned around and saw the blush to my cheeks it would give him the answer.

“I spent a good year with him as my submissive, training him to be the man you see today,” he went on to explain. “I wanted him at my side, not at my feet. Though at my feet had its advantages most nights too.”

I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of Wesley being intimate with Eric, but with everything I was being taught, anything was possible.

“So you like male submissives?” I asked as Wesley poured the other cup of coffee.

“I’m interested in anything that interests me,” he said and dropped two cubes of sugar into the mug and then stirred it several times with a spoon. Wesley extended the cup to me and I took it. “Take that to him and wake him up. I expect him at work by eight. Don’t disappoint me.”

Wesley left the kitchen before I could say anything else, my gaze following his tattoo as he moved. Shaking my head out of the trance, I stepped out of the kitchen and carried the coffee cup as carefully as I could. Eric was still sleeping when I returned, but he had rolled over to face my side of the bed. His arm was draped over the place where I would be, had I decided to stay and not venture out. Quietly, I tiptoed over to the table next to him and set the coffee mug down. Being so close to his scars made them seem deeper to me. I slowly sunk down onto the side of the bed to sit and study the marks more closely. How could he let Wesley mark him like that? I trailed a finger down one of the lines, tracing it slowly and then moving on to another. Eric moved and then rolled over to his back, his eyes opening slowly.

“Why are you up?” he asked me and then reached for my arm. With a tug, he pulled me down on top of him and captured my lips.

“Master Wesley made coffee and wanted me to bring you some,” I answered him between kisses.

Eric looked at the clock and then gave me a quick peck on the nose. “Is he still here?”

I shook my head. “I’m not sure, Master.”

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and I dropped to my knees to wait for him. Eric walked around to fetch a pair of boxers.

“Start the shower up. I’ll be just a moment,” he said and then left.

I would have gladly chosen to do a calculus test rather than stand there and stare at the box attached to the shower’s glass door, trying to figure out how to turn the water on. There were no knobs on the walls, and everything apparently had to be done at this damn box that made no sense. I pressed a diamond-shaped button and a light overhead flicked on next to the flat shower faucet on the ceiling. Another button caused the pipes above to make a noise I didn’t like, so I quickly scrambled to shut it off. A hand came up and startled me, but Eric touched my back in assurance as he pushed the right buttons on the device. A strong flow of water poured from the showerhead.

BOOK: Working Out the Kinks (Chain)
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