Work Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #2) (4 page)

BOOK: Work Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #2)
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Yep, I’m okay with this being a short-term fling. I just want to fuck him and see where it goes.

Ding! New message:

“Hi Kai, Thank you for last night. I had a wonderful time. When can I see you again?”

My heart jumped in my chest seeing his name. I was so excited just to think of being near him again. Just the thought of him electrified my entire body.

“Last night was great. I would love to see you again.”

After I texted him, I stepped out of my apartment and locked up.

Ding! New message:

 “I want to see you again soon. I also want to postpone this week’s meeting with the team. I really want you to see Fox Hunt before we get everyone together. You need to get a feel for the place. Can we take a day trip out there this week? Like Wed or Thurs? Thx, Adrian.”

I was walking along the street and I stopped in my tracks. A day trip. Oh my, yes. I would imagine that getting time to visit the property with Adrian would not be a problem. It would be work, theoretically.

How could I keep my hands off of him while we were there? Luckily, the place was gutted so we wouldn’t be tempted to fuck – there’s no place to do it.

“I would to love to see Fox Hunt. I’m sure Watermark would not have an issue with a trip. It is work related, after all. ;)”

I continued walking into the subway and I got his last text before I went underground and lost reception:

Ding! New message:

“It’s totally work related. There won’t be any hanky-panky. None whatsoever. ;)”

Chapter Seven

I was right: senior management wanted me to go and check out his place. The creative director was actually interested in going, too.

“Kai, I’d like to come along and get a feel for the property as well.”

“Oh?” I asked, alarmed that I might miss out on alone time with Adrian. I was quickly trying to think on the fly. How could I throw him off the trail?

“This is a client we don’t want to lose. Getting it right means everything, Kai,” he gave me an intense stare.

“I couldn’t agree more,” I said.
I want to date the man and fuck his brains out. I’m pretty sure that would be good for business
, “Why don’t you call him and see what he has in mind for the day?”

“Great idea,” the creative director walked off and came back after a few minutes. My heart was pounding in my chest.

“Kai, I spoke with Mr. Moretz and he said that he really only needs one representative of Watermark there this time. He wants you to bring a camera so that we have shots of Fox Hunt for our first planning meeting a week from now. He said that once we get a little further along with the design we’ll be making a lot of trips. That makes sense to me and then I won’t have to leave the office tomorrow, which is good. We have a lot going on here.”

He looked at me and handed over the agency’s fanciest digital camera.

“Have fun tomorrow and don’t screw this up.”

“Whatever you say boss,” I said, doing a mock salute.

Chapter Eight

Planning what I was going to wear all of a sudden took priority. I picked out matching black lace bra and panties. I felt like I had to be prepared. Who knows what would happen after we left Fox Hunt. Then I threw on a chambray jumpsuit with strappy black booties and an oversized cable knit sweater. I grabbed a fun straw hat. I looked in the mirror. I look like an artist going on a day trip.

I packed a light blue preppy duffel bag for the day with snacks and a change of clothes and a few pairs of shoes. I tossed in a pink satin nightie. I may end up spending the night, you never know.

Adrian sent a car to my apartment to pick me up bright and early in the morning. I raced out of my apartment and there was Jorge, Adrian’s driver waiting to let me into the car.

We drove to Adrian’s apartment and Jorge dropped me off, gathering up my bag. He walked me to the front door, “Today Mr. Moretz wants to drive you himself.”

“Oh, okay,” I said, a little surprised.

“I’ll buzz you up to his apartment. He’ll meet you there before you head out.”

I nodded that I was okay with that and with a ding the elevator door opened and Jorge pushed number 118 before hopping out.

Number 118 was the penthouse suite. Hmm, I was feeling a little underdressed for our outing. I should have worn something a little more professional for the day. I really didn’t feel ready to see his home just yet. I bit my lip.

The elevator opened to a beautiful cream and maroon carpeted hallway with an enormous display of fresh flowers.
This should be interesting.

Just then I saw someone poke their head out of a door.

“Hi doll,” Adrian greeted me, “Come here. I’m almost ready to go.”

I half-jogged over to him and he hugged me deeply. Then he pulled back and looked at me.

“You look great,” he said and he kissed me quickly, “Let me give you a brief tour of my place while you’re here, but I want to get on our way.”

Adrian led me by the hand and he drew me into the foyer.

The apartment was airy with a modern feel. It was obviously professionally decorated, with clean white lines. The foyer opened up on the left to a kitchen with soapstone countertops and open shelving in place of traditional cabinets. Accents were in grey and black, but most of the space was white.

To the right were plush sofas with floor-to-ceiling windows. The view of Manhattan was incredible. He walked me over to the window and I turned to look out. The skyline felt different when viewed from this angle. The city was personal and felt welcoming. Wow, what an incredible place New York City was.

“It’s beautiful,” I said looking at his face.

“Just like you,” Adrian said as he stroked my face and softly kissed me on the lips.

 “Thank you,” I said blushing, “You’re not too shabby yourself.”

He took my hand in both of his, “Kai, let’s go. I want to get out of the city with you.”

“Adrian, what about the tour?” I asked, looking towards other parts of the space. I felt curious about his bedroom.

“I’ll show you that the next time you’re up here,” Adrian said, grabbing my waist, “Is that a deal, Kai?”

“Okay,” I said, putting my arms around his neck. He lifted me up and I laughed.

“Let me get my stuff. Did you bring anything, Kai?”

“Yes, my bag is by the door.”

“I’ll grab an extra coat for you.”


“I’m driving the convertible to Fox Hunt,” Adrian said, “I hope you like the open road.” Adrian winked at me.

Chapter Nine

Adrian opened the door of his red Porsche 911 Carrera 4 GTS. I sat down in the fanciest car I’d ever even seen, much less sat in. He tossed our bags in the back and he pulled away. As we left the city, he sped up and my hair whipped around my face. We couldn’t talk as he drove because the wind took the words right out of our mouths.

I just kept looking over at him and smiling. I stared at the nape of his neck. I wanted to kiss him. Adrian’s face softened when he smiled, but when he was focused on the road, his jaw clenched and gave him a chiseled masculine profile. His arms were strong and the outline of his biceps was apparent through his black blazer. His legs in jeans…what could I say? I saw how powerful his thighs were. With his hair a little bit salt and pepper…this man was so attractive.

I was falling for Adrian. Actually he was sweeping me off my feet. I wanted to fuck him so bad, but I really wanted his love and adoration.
How many girls took this ride with him and never saw him again?
I looked away and wiped a small tear away.

Adrian turned and looked at me and smiled, crinkling up the edges of his eyes. He was inviting me in. I had to be sure I didn’t put up any walls. I had to be vulnerable and be myself, even if I lived to regret it. I had to get my old college memories of sex out of my head.

He put his hand on my leg and quietly squeezed. Then his eyebrows furrowed and he mouthed, “Are you cold?”

I nodded and he took the next exit. We pulled over into the parking lot of a mom and pop diner. He reached into the back seat and grabbed the extra coat.

“I’ll put the top up. I don’t want you to get chilled,” he put the coat over my legs and pushed the button to raise up the roof.

“Adrian, let’s see if this diner has some bad coffee that will warm me up,” I said hopping out.

He locked up the car and grabbed my hand, pulling me into him.
I just feel comfy with this man.

Chapter Ten

We walked in and took a seat at the counter. The lady behind the counter filled our cups from a carafe. I lifted my cup to his and we clinked. He laughed. “Kai, why are you so cute?”

“Adrian, why are you so darling?” I smiled and took a sip of the coffee. The warmth went straight down my throat and warmed me up.

“Kai, can I ask you a personal question?”

“Sure,” I nodded, drinking my coffee as fast as I could. It was doing the trick and warming me up from the inside out.

 “Why aren’t you with someone?”

“I should ask you the same,” I said.

“Maybe I should start, Kai,” Adrian said, “And then you tell me.”

“Sounds good,” I said, thinking to myself that I knew most of what he was going to tell me from asking Google. But it would be interesting to hear it directly from him.

“I recently ended a relationship. I was dating a woman named Molly. It was really tough when we realized that it was going nowhere. We’d been going on autopilot for a little while. I could say it was my career or her career or the fact we couldn’t decide if wanted kids, but ultimately we weren’t right for each other and we stayed too long hoping it would work out. In the end, I just wanted out,” Adrian looked down into his cup. I reached out and rubbed his hand.

“I’m sorry, Adrian. I know it must have been tough.”

“Sweetie, thank you,” he said, “But I think I’m going to be just fine,” he gazed right into my eyes. His look told me everything I needed to know. I shivered from his intensity.

“I guess that means it’s my turn. My college boyfriend, Aaron, and I broke up in college after a short relationship. We were going different directions. Actually we were never really that in sync. Honestly, I don’t even know where he is or what he’s doing. It ended without drama and we both couldn’t care less where the other one is.”

“Wow, that’s harsh,” Adrian said with a chuckle.

“I just want you to know that there’s no one waiting in the wings whatsoever,” I said, looking him deep in the eyes.

“Thanks, Kai. I think I can tell by the way you look at me that there’s no one else,” Adrian said, sipping his coffee.

“Am I that obvious?” I blushed and drank down the last of my coffee. He grabbed my hand again and squeezed it.

“I like you too, Kai.”

“Thank you. It’s mutual.”

Chapter Eleven

We got back in the convertible and set out again. I tried to put my nerves at ease. Whatever was going on between Adrian and me, just getting out of the city was terrific. This was shaping up to be a business trip like no other.

Mid-morning we arrived in Fox Hunt. After getting off the highway and driving through several winding roads, we pulled up to a large gate. Adrian pushed a button in his car and the ornate iron gates opened. We went through the gates, which shut behind us. Although the area was heavily wooded, to the left of the path there was a large pond. There were swans and ducks happily swimming around.

We continued around the bend and a clearing opened up in front of us. Far away I could see a large brick house with several attached buildings. It had to be Fox Hunt.

Adrian looked over at me and squeezed my leg again, “Do you like what you see?”

It was hard to make it out, but it looked stately and refined. I was ready to tackle this design challenge.

“It’s impressive,” I said.

As we drove up, I thought that I barely knew this man and I’d agreed to go far away from the rest of the world with just him.
God, he could be planning my murder.

Then I looked at him as we neared the mansion. Adrian looked more relaxed than I had ever seen him during our short time knowing each other. He was smiling and taking in the place. It was obvious this was his dream home; the home he had worked his career to achieve.

I thought about how Adrian made me feel. When I got out of my own head and left my nervous thoughts behind, I felt calm when he was near. He relaxed me and I knew that I was myself with him. He made me smile.

Adrian drove the car up the front door, passing a fountain in the middle of the circular driveway. I felt like we were pulling up in front of Downton Abbey, minus the staff of course.

He parked and then walked around to open my door. He was always such a gentleman.

Adrian gave me his hand to pull me out of the convertible. Then we stood looking up at the building. The brickwork was incredible.

“I love it here,” Adrian said, then he spun me around and put his arm around my neck. He pointed something at a distance, “I’ve seen deer and foxes over there. Coyotes come and go, too.”

“That’s amazing,” I said.

“Hmm, I hope I didn’t forget my keys,” Adrian said with a chuckle and I laughed. He walked up to the door and he unlocked it easily.

“Thank God, I don’t want to be dinner for a coyote.”

We stepped into the dark foyer, but I could see the outline of a dramatic stairway leading from the bottom floor to the third. Adrian walked into an adjacent sitting room and drew back the blinds. Light spilled in, illuminating dusty mahogany built-ins and stately furniture from the previous century.

I could see the place need some more refined, modern upgrades and I sat down in a chair to take notes. Adrian walked off to another part of the house while I got out my trusty measuring tape and started checking the measurements of the rooms.

Adrian came back with a smile on his face, “You’ve got to see the kitchen.”

We walked together into a large space, but I was astonished to see appliances and countertops from the 1970’s.

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