Word of Honor, Book 2 (12 page)

Read Word of Honor, Book 2 Online

Authors: Tiana Laveen

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Word of Honor, Book 2
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“Tell me more…”

“I would think about the things I’d do to you, like bendin’ you over and eatin’ your juicy peach until you were shakin’ and drippin’ all over the place.”

Her throat constricted as she processed the mental images of returning the favor to his impeccable, gorgeous cock…

“And then I’d imagine you suckin’ my dick good ’nd hard, lovin’ it as I pushed it in and out of your mouth.” He paused and kissed her hard and fast, driving her crazy. “And me holdin’ the back of your damn head as you did it… that long, black hair of yours… messy and flowing so fuckin’ pretty… like black angel wings, you know?” He bent lower and kissed her navel. “I’d envision you riding me, too. Bouncin’ up and down on me so hard and fast, the damn bed would be squeakin’ real loud and your big tits would be moving around, smackin’ together as you rode me.”

“Mmmmm!” She slipped her finger into her mouth and sucked it hard and slow… He watched; oh yes, he watched.

“Your ass smackin’ into my legs as I’d push up inside of you. You’d cum hard…
hard baby, leavin’ my dick all wet and sticky, just how I like it! Uhhh, baby!”

He slipped her baby toe inside his mouth then popped it back out and stared down at her with the darkness and light of the world in his eyes.

“Then I’d put you in one of my favorite positions… turnin’ you on your damn stomach, baby, shove a pillow under you, forcin’ your butt up into the air. Then gettin’ behind that big, pretty ass of yours, like I’m a wild dog ready to fuck. I’d grip your hips real hard, keep them steady so you couldn’t even move…”

“Then what, baby? Tell me!”

“I’d shove my big, hard dick in your sopping wet pussy and just… fuck the
shit outta you until I came over and over inside of you!”

“Is that what you want, baby? You want to bend me on all fours and take it from behind?” She could hardly get the words out as her pussy wept right there on the bed. She bit down on her lower lip, craving…

“Yeah, that’s what I fuckin’ want,
of that…and more,
more.” His eyes seemed to turn black as he rose from the bed, ready to do some shit that would certainly turn her out.

“Well then, why are you still talking to me, huh? Why don’t you just come on over here ’nd

His eyes narrowed on her. Gripping her by her tiny waist, he tossed her on her damn stomach then reached forward so fast his arm was a blur as he forced a pillow under her gut…

Cocked, locked and ready…


I could shake this bad feeling.”

Dr. Owens gripped his short glass of brandy and sloshed the rich, dark liquor about. He indolently gazed at the large ivory and ebony clock in his den, then back at the fire leaping in the grate before him. The flames crackled and snapped, a tiny orange and golden Hell giving off a comforting heat. He looked at his drink as he turned the tumbler slowly about in his hand, making liquid circles and sinking in the shallow depth yet mounting thoughts. He’d taken a few measly sips, but they did little to calm his shaken and rattled nerves. It was nearly three in the morning, and his phone hadn’t rung. Aaron had not made a call to him, nor sent a text from the loaner cell phone he’d provided. He should have been happy about such a thing, but then his imagination began to run wilder than a pack of wolves out on the hunt for a galloping deer.

Paranoia must be contagious, for I’ve caught Aaron’s illness…

He placed his drink upon a wooden coaster and tried to simmer down, find something more useful to mull over and conceptually dissect, but it was no use. Soon, he was on his feet, his cell phone in hand.

Damn it!

Earlier, he’d tried to call the apartment, but there was no answer and when he’d called Limestone, they’d stated that the couple appeared to have had a disagreement earlier in the evening based on the raised voices coming from the place; however, that only lasted a short while. No one heard anything except the music that had been playing for hours. They guards eagerly offered to enter the dwelling, but he insisted that they keep their posts and not go inside just as he had instructed before his departure. No personnel was permitted to go inside unless there was clear evidence of a physical struggle, for disruption could unsettle any progress made.

Things were stuck in the unknown, and unknown was the wrong place to be when it came to a certain Mr. Aaron Joshua Pike.

Aaron’s previous words began to haunt him… to dare him not to consider dire possibilities at such a pivotal time.

‘How do you know I won’t hurt her?’

The words rang out in his head, on repeat, filling him with trepidation. Coming to a decision, he set the glass down, slid on his flimsy beige raincoat and raced out of there, locking his front door. He ran to his car, his keys jangling in his trembling hand. A sprinkling of rain had begun, perfuming the air with something sweet under the dark sky. As he journeyed down the street, he couldn’t stop swallowing his own breath. It was unlike him to be edgy about therapies he’d administered, but Aaron was a
case and perhaps he’d taken the man’s emotional state in far too lax a manner.

He’s got a lot to lose…

His power, his position means everything to him.

He is quite upset with Mia; that has not changed despite his love for her, and this sort of deception to him is a big deal.

He may have felt a bit forced into this after all… or perhaps, he simply went along with it so that he could get his hands on her!

“Damn it! What have I done?!” He smacked his steering wheel with force as he continued to drive ahead. Forty-two minutes and almost one speeding ticket later, he arrived at Limestone. The place was outfitted with the tightest of security, and so the checks and balances began. He rolled his window down, the rain now pouring much harder than before as two guards stood before him holding up black umbrellas that shielded their heads but not their scowls as the rain played a mean percussion upon the place.

“Yes!” He called out over the noise as he put his car in park, held his driver’s license in one hand and his prison personnel identification in the other. “I need to get over to building PW!”

“Conjugal?” the guard screamed out over the sound of his engine and what had become a torrential downpour as he waited for the gate to lift.


“Alright, drive down here and—”

“No, you don’t understand. I don’t need to tour the area. I have an inmate patient there that I wish to check on… no need for anyone else to meet me at the door or to assist. I have the extra key.”

The guard nodded in understanding and motioned for the gate to be raised.

He drove through, daring himself to not speed along the slippery road covered in gunk and swollen dirt that had graduated to gloppy mud. In the distance stood the apartment buildings, a couple of the windows aglow with light. He spotted the one Mia and Aaron shared, and all but one window appeared pitch black. He quickly parked, grabbed his umbrella from his glove compartment and exited the car. As he walked up, his shoes sank into the muddy ground and dirty rain splatter smacked against his ankles, making a mess of things. He soon spotted one guard right outside of the door, standing under an awning that shielded him from the bulk of the weather. He flashed his I.D.; the guard snatched it from his grip, handed it back, then stepped out of the way.

“Everything all right?” the man asked with devilish grin on his face as he slid the cell phone he’d been toying with back into his pocket.

“Yes.” Dr. Owens threw him a disapproving look, unable to hide his true feelings as he slid his key into the lock and turned it. The guard attempted to peek in as soon as he pushed the door open, but he managed to swiftly close and lock it in the man’s face, refusing to allow him to view a potential crime scene until he had the information he needed.

Boy, it’s dark in here…

Opening the flashlight app on his cell phone, he took a look around the place. Nothing appeared off kilter as of yet. He continued his perusing, standing there, putting his senses to work while trying to be as quiet and careful as possible.

Perhaps they’ve fallen asleep? Yes, that is a possibility. Aaron or Mia would be asleep on the couch I presume, but, I see neither one of them there…

He debated calling out their names, but decided against it. Nor did he dare turn on the living room lamp; it would have made the place far too bright.

Lamp? Where is it?

And then he saw it…

Making his way over, his shoe stepped on something hard and made a crunching sound over bits of something sharp, broken to pieces…

Shit! Why is this lamp turned over?! What has Aaron done?!

His greatest fears were materializing as he raced towards the bedroom, then paused, coming to an abrupt halt… Music was playing, but not just

It was a love song—“Smother” by a band called ‘Daughter’. He recognized that sound.

His face froze, then slowly split in a slight grin as he took careful…gentle… quiet…

Steps towards the bedroom door…

He placed his hands on the doorknob; he almost could
the pulse of the place, alive and reaching out, spindly electricity, glowing bright and new, born free… Life lay on the other side—throbbing, pulsating life. A soft, pink glow emitted from the gap beneath the door and he smelled the distinct odors of recently burned cigarettes, sweet perfume, freshly fallen rain and… love…

He heard a slight feminine sigh… followed by a low, throaty moan and… his eye welled a bit. A groan, a bit of laughter and a muffled voice—the tone deep and urgent—carried through, uttering words he couldn’t quite make out. A short and simple utterance…

Oh my God, they’re making love…

He quickly wiped his moist eye as he took watchful steps in reverse, trying to erase his presence in the place…

This is… incredible!

The music played on as he kept going until he was safely back outside, the door locked and his eyes upon the guard.

“Everything all right in there?” the man asked as he looked up at him from his phone, then stared back down at it.

“Yes. Everything is wonderful… just…wonderful…”

Chapter Six

scrambled eggs,” he mumbled as he held the warm mug of coffee she’d handed him a few moments prior. With a white towel wrapped around his waist, Aaron sat at the small dining room table, a silly smirk on his face. Mia looked up at him, grinned, and shook her head.

“Who doesn’t like scrambled eggs?” She laughed and moved the spatula around in the pan.

“Me, that’s who.”

“I think you just like bein’ difficult.” She popped a piece of bread in the toaster then glanced towards the living room window panes covered in raindrops. It was such a gloomy day, yet beautiful and perfect, all at once.

“Nah, I don’t want to be difficult, baby. I’m just particular is all. Choosy.”

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