Read Womanizer (Spoilt) Online

Authors: Joanne Ellis

Womanizer (Spoilt) (28 page)

BOOK: Womanizer (Spoilt)
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“He doesn’t want to talk to me. I tried.”

“Try again. Jesse will be devastated.”

“Don’t you think I know this? But I can’t stay here if he doesn’t love me.”

“Isabelle -”

“I don’t want to argue about this.”

It took the remainder of Isabelle’s strength to get Jesse into the taxi when it arrived. Isabelle thought his protests would wake Mitch and she didn’t want to see him again. The only thing she had left of him now was the photograph he’d taken of Isabelle and Jesse that wonderful day in the park.


When Isabelle didn’t resurface again that afternoon, Mitch decided to get an early night so he could be fresh, ready to make amends and move forward. The door to her room was open so, assuming she was already up, he sought her out. Carol was right, it was childish holding onto his pride and shutting out the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Now that Isabelle had regained her memory
, he should be happy, not sulking because she had made an assumption that anyone in her position would have, considering his background. It was time for action and to start their future together. The past needed to be forgotten and put behind them.

After searching the house and finding them all absent, Mitch wondered where they may have gone. Perhaps an early
morning stroll on the beach. On impulse he went back to Isabelle’s room as something niggled at him and he discovered it looked decidedly emptier. Most of her clothes were missing, and after checking Jesse’s room and the bathroom, he realized they had gone. Where would they go? They no longer had an apartment to return to. All they had was each other. The only relation he knew of was Anthony, and knowing Isabelle as he did, he knew they wouldn’t have gone there as she wouldn’t want to put him out or burden him. So where would they stay? What had he done?

Digging his phone out of his pocket, he went to
dial her number and then realized he couldn’t as her phone had been in her pocket when she went off the bridge. With everything that had happened, it hadn’t been replaced. Angry at himself, he grabbed his keys and without actually knowing where to look he jumped into his car.


Two long days had passed since leaving the house and moving to their temporary home. Jesse’s silent treatment weighed heavily on his mother. Not only did her heart ache for Mitch but for her very upset little boy. Guilt tore at her when she thought about how she had taken Jesse away from the closest thing he’d ever had to a father. The reception from Carol wasn’t much better. Worried frowns and disappointed gazes followed Isabelle around their room.

After scouring the newspapers for both an apartment and a job, Isabelle had obtained a waitressing job at a caf
é located near the hotel. Her first shift started that afternoon, and although it wouldn’t be anywhere near as glamorous as her previous vocation, Isabelle looked forward to the distraction.

She had thought over time
her pain would begin to dissipate and she would miss him less. How wrong she had been. The longer she was away from him, the harder it became. Her waking thoughts were dominated by him, how he was and what he was doing. Did he miss her too? At night her dreams were filled with passion.

Somehow she managed to get through her first week at work, which she soon discovered was tiring and
arduous. This brought the realization that modeling had been comparatively easier and earned a lot more income. Knowing that modeling would be financially beneficial and would therefore stop the assault on her savings, she knew what she had to do. One week after leaving behind Mitch and her dreams, she called her agent.


The morning of Isabelle’s first shoot brought with it nervousness. Her mind was no longer focused and she worried it would show in her shots. Gone was her dedication and drive, and in its place was the shell of the woman she once was and this brought the nerves. Could she still do this? She wasn’t sure.

When Isabelle discovered Adele would be preparing her for the shoot, she remembered her deception at the hospital and this caused her anger to flare. She thought they were friends but the first moment she could, Adele stabbed her in the back.

“I’m sorry, Isabelle,” Adele said once Isabelle had slipped into the chair.

“Why did you do it?”

“I was jealous.”

, you will be pleased to know we broke up, so he’s all yours.”

“He was here earlier in the week looking for you.”

Her heart leapt for a moment in excitement. Did he want them to come home? No, he would have called. Her phone had been replaced and the same number restored, so if he wanted her to come home he would have called.

“I’m sure he’s just anxious for me to move my things out.”

“If you say so,” Adele replied with raised eyebrows.

“I do.”

Adele shrugged. “I’m still really sorry. We were friends and you don’t do what I did to a friend.”

“It’s OK. It doesn’t matter now anyway.”

Chapter Thirty Three


A New Life


The dark cloud of depression hung over Mitch and grew heavier as each day passed. The possessions of the woman he loved in the house were a constant reminder of what he’d lost. He’d even begun sleeping in her bed so he could surround himself in her enticing aroma. Mitch thought he should stop torturing himself but couldn’t bring himself to stop. His family attempted to coax him into moving on or at least finding something to occupy his time and mind
, but he found this impossible, no matter what he did. The only thing on his mind was her.

The one thing keeping him focused was his career. I
f he didn’t want to ruin this aspect of his life as well then he needed to fill his orders from the exhibit. His lack of inspiration ensured he’d yet to create anything new for the gallery, even though Valery encouraged him to do so. After assuring her he would fill the orders he did have, he set to work. Amongst the prints required was the shot of Isabelle. Her lovely face staring up at him during happy times slashed at his already shattered soul. As unbearable as it was to develop, he had orders to fill so it became a necessity.

Mitch shuddered when he thought of the copy which had been found in Anton’s house after the police searched it, confirming Anton’s obsession with Isabelle. It made Mitch sick to think his print had contributed to the psycho’s mania. What if these prints were ordered by other crazed fanatics too? This thought compelled him to pick up the phone and have Valery remove Isabelle’s shot from the collection and the gallery wall. Reluctantly she’d agreed after Mitch relayed the story. It was selling well and Valery thought it was one of the best in the collection but understood his need to remove it. Nevertheless the prior orders still needed to be filled.

He’d purposely left the prints of her until last. Prolonging the inevitable hadn’t dulled the pain as her smiling face came into view in the developing tray. Memories flashed through his mind of the day they’d taken the shot, which lead to further reminiscing. Would his heartache ever end? His phone ringing in his pocket brought him out of his reverie and he contemplated not answering it.


“Mitch?” A female voice asked which sounded familiar.


“It’s Adele.” When he said nothing, she continued. “She’s here.”

“Who is?”


Adele filled him in. “Keep her there. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

Throwing his phone in his pocket
, he raced to the door filled with renewed vigor.


Upon arriving at the set, he stood out of sight and watched her work. Her beauty stole his breath. He missed her so much and the longing to touch her almost induced him to cross the room and interrupt her.

Even though her usual composed professionalism appeared in place, Mitch detected it was all false bravado. He smiled to himself; perhaps this meant she still loved him too. She appeared to be struggling as much as he had been
‘til he’d seen her again.


Somehow Isabelle managed to maintain a mask to disguise her heartache and nerves. She quickly fell back into the demanding requirements of the job with ease, regardless of the fact it would never be the same without Mitch. No other photographer had the flair and patience. She’d always known exactly what he wanted from her unlike the schmuck they’d stuck her with today. Not only did he have no clue as to the client’s brief, he had no people skills either.

“No!” he yelled yet again. “That is no good.”

Isabelle shook her head. She thought she’d nailed it. Changing poses again seemed to satisfy him for a moment before he barked another set of instructions. Even after she had followed him to the letter, he began to rant once more.

“You stupid models have no idea what you’re supposed to do. I have to do my job and yours! You aren’t doing what I ask you to do. It really isn’t that hard to stand there and look pretty
, is it?”

Isabelle simply stared dumbfounded at both his words and the ferocity he’d delivered them in. It was almost enough to push her over the edge and it took all her control not to quit on the spot. She didn’t need this. Not now. There was no way she could deal with this idiot today.


Mitch watched as the moron barked his orders and insults at Isabelle. He had never seen such amateur work in his life. Isabelle followed what the client required as well as the wrong requirements that this fool wanted. Yet he still couldn’t see it.

His anger rose when the final tirade began. Isabelle looked shocked by the photographer’s lack of professionalism and the fact that he had absolutely no idea. There was no way Mitch was going to stand and watch this clown insult her anymore.

“Hey, buddy, who do you think you are?” Mitch asked as he stepped from the shadows.

“I know who I am. Who do you think you are coming onto my set?”

“Someone who
knows what he’s doing, which you clearly don’t.”

“Ah, yes, now I know who you are.
The famous Mitchell Montgomery. The photographer who thinks he’s an artist.”

“Still firing insults
, I see. Do you have any other way of communicating or are you just a fool?” A giggle erupted from Isabelle, and if Mitch hadn’t been so angry, he would’ve returned the smile in an instant.

“I don’t have to take this from you or anyone! I was hired to shoot this bimbo a certain way and she doesn’t get it. I don’t have to listen to
this. Get off my set!”

“Look, mate,”
Mitch said, stepping up to him, “you’re the one who has no clue.”

“I refuse to be insulted by you. I’m leaving. You can explain to the client why the job wasn’t finished.”

Without saying another word, he packed away his gear and left.

“I have my camera in the car,” Mitch said to Isabelle. “Wait here and we’ll get this job done right.”


When Mitch strode onto the set with fire in his eyes, Isabelle froze. She couldn’t believe he was here and standing up to this jerk in
her defense. What was he doing here? She watched the exchange in surprise, and when Mitch went to retrieve his camera, she stood waiting in shock. After setting up his camera in record time, he walked over to her and her breath caught. Her heart beat so hard she thought it would push its way right out of her chest.
Don’t get your hopes up, Isabelle.

“Are you OK?” he asked her in the gentle tone that turned her blood to liquid fire.

She nodded and stared at the man she loved. It was so wonderful to see his face again instead of in her dreams and imagination.

“Good.” He grinned. “Let’s get this in the bag so we can talk, OK?” She nodded again. Her ability to speak appeared to have disappeared. “OK, babe, you know what to do.”

Mitch disappeared behind his camera and she snapped herself back to the present and focused. Without words needing to be exchanged, they completed the shoot without a hitch. While Isabelle changed, Mitch packed away his equipment.

Isabelle located Adele, who removed her make-up wearing a secretive smile. It appeared they were going to work things out and Adele felt she’d redeemed her mistake. The electricity buzzing between Mitch and Isabelle was palpable and there was no doubt they were still in love with each other.

As Isabelle went to leave Adele touched her arm. “I’m truly sorry about the trouble I caused. I hope everything works out for you.”

All of a sudden Isabelle realiz
ed how Mitch came to be there. It was no coincidence - he was here for her. Adele had brought Mitch to her. A grateful smile tugged at her lips.

“You’re forgiven. Thank you.”

Adele nodded and they exchange a brief hug before Isabelle went to find the man she loved.

A beaming Mitch waited for her when she emerged and a sudden shyness overcame her. All rational thought and words became lost.

“You look beautiful, Izzy. I’ve missed you so much.” He bridged the gap between them in one easy stride. “Why did you leave?” He asked as his hand came up to caress her hair.

BOOK: Womanizer (Spoilt)
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