Wolf's Obsession (bbw, werewolf alpha) (2 page)

BOOK: Wolf's Obsession (bbw, werewolf alpha)
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I shrugged and wiped my
sweaty palms over my thighs. Then I stood up. The noise in the hall died down
and all I could hear was the beating of my heart. So many questions popped in
my mind.

“What the hell was that
note about?” I asked.

Danny paused. He looked
up at me. His crystal blue eyes serious and desperate. “How’d you know it was

My eyes widened as I
took a step back. “Same writing, so why do you want Randy to stay away from

He stood up and grabbed
my wrist. “Because you should be mine,” he said. A low growl escaped his

Nothing in the world
would’ve prepared me for that. I should be his? Flawed as I am? He leaned in
and kissed my cheek gently. Then he grabbed my leg and held it up as he pressed
his bulge against my cunt.

I gasped and wrapped my
arms around his neck.

Leaning in, our mouths
connected. His lips, soft and warm. All past regrets faded into nothing. Our
tongues danced as he groped my ass. My body ignited with desire and I could
feel the juices flow deep inside me.

I craved him.

Needed him.

Running his hand
through my hair, he grabbed a fist full and pulled.

“Ah!” I moaned as he
showered my neck with hungry kisses. His teeth sank into my flesh just enough
to bruise. My body screamed in delight.

Randy could never make
me feel like this. How was Danny able to elicit deep feelings with just one
touch? One kiss?

My eyes widened as he
tugged at my shirt. His hands parted my legs. What happened when he felt
something he didn’t like? Cellulite? Extra skin? When he realized how hideous I
was under the material the magic would die, and I couldn’t handle that rejection.
Not from him. It was the whole damn reason why I stayed away from him in the
first place.

Undressing in front of
Randy was easy. He was just as big as I was. If he judged me he wouldn’t have
anything to talk about, but with Danny it was different. He’s perfect.

I shoved him away.

For a brief moment his
eyes, like the blue center of a flame, blazed with hunger. Then they faded. The
hurt and desperation clouded them once again.

He licked his lips and
nodded. “Sorry, I know we shouldn’t be doing this here,” he said and ran his
fingers through his light brown hair. His chest heaved as he breathed.

I shook my head. Tears
welled into my eyes. “Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this at all,” I said. Even
though, it stung like a bitch.

Balling his fists,
Danny tightened his jaw. “What?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“I said we shouldn’t do
this. I have a boyfriend and we haven’t even talked to each other in a long
time,” I said and scooped my bag up.

The florescent lights
shone bright giving Danny’s eyes a strange glow.

I walked away to the
door and opened it. The street lamps hummed to life as I took a deep breath of
fresh air.

“No,” he said behind

I turned and raised an
eyebrow. “You can’t force me to say yes,” I said and pushed a strand of hair
out of my face.

A sickening crack
echoed through the hall and I flinched. “What the hell was that?” I asked. The
lights flickered as a low rumble of thunder hit the sky.

Danny smirked. “You don’t
think I’ll convince you?”

Shaking my head I took
a deep breath. “What for? Dammit, Danny go find someone else. You could
probably get any girl on the campus, so go chase them.”

“I don’t want them,” he
said and let his bag drop to the floor. “I only want you. It’s always been you,

Hearing him say my name
made my heart flutter. Really? All this time he wanted me?

“Come here,” he
demanded and held his hand out for me.

Licking my lips, I
shook my head. “Sorry, but no.” Dammit! Why was I being so stubborn?

He gritted his teeth,
but planted a smirk onto his face instead of his usual frown. “I’ll make you,”
he said. Light danced in his eyes as he took a few steps closer.

Heat rose between my
legs and my body shivered. “What are you going to do? Throw another temper
tantrum?” I taunted. Wait. Why am I egging him on? It was like with Randy.
There was something else I craved. I wanted him to hurt me.

I crossed my arms over
my chest. Why do I have to be so fucked up?

“You’ve always called
them temper tantrums, but there’s a lot more to it. Something that you’ve never
known about me,” he said. Another crack echoed through the hall, and this time
I saw exactly where the sound came from. Danny’s shoulder was pulled out of
place. His ears extended to sharp points and he hunched his body. “Do you want
to see, Abby?”

My eyes widened. “What
the hell?” This couldn’t be real! I had to be hallucinating.

His knees bent as hair
showered his body. Sharp teeth snapped and he raised his head and howled.

I put my hands over my
ears, trying to drown out the sound of every snap, look away from how his body
twisted and changed. Soon a large creature towered above me. What the hell is
this? Wolf man movies? The shredded clothes slid off his enormous frame.
Nothing familiar remained of Danny except those blazing eyes.

I swallowed the lump in
my throat and stepped back. The wind caught the door and it slammed shut.

Through the glass,
Danny hunched to all fours and darted after me.

Without another
thought, I ran through the grass field that separated me from the parking lot.

The crash of glass
filled the air and I looked behind me. The wolf stood and stared. Expression focused
and determined.

What the hell would he
do to me if he caught me? I dropped my backpack and hauled ass. Willing my legs
to move faster. Every now and then I’d glance behind me. The wolf blended into
the night, making it hard to determine how close he was. Then a flash of lightning
lit the sky and I saw him.

Way to close! Shit! How
am I supposed to outrun something like that? I know the campus is pretty dead
at night, but this was ridiculous. There had to be someone around. My legs
burned and I opened my mouth to scream, but I couldn’t. I needed every ounce of
energy to run.

The lights of the
computer building blared. Closer. Almost there. I can make it. Before I reached
the door, Danny collided with me. I rolled in the grass along with the wolf.
Tumbling for what seemed minutes. Sharp pain ebbed inside my head as I hit

The creature straddled
me. Growling and snapping in my face.

Too hurt and exhausted
to care, I closed my eyes and blacked out.


When I woke up, I was
in a bedroom. Lights were dim and the storm outside raged. Was that shit all a
dream? Then I stood up. Blankets fell off and I was butt naked.

The smell of earth and
spice tickled my nose. Definitely not in my room. I touched my head. It hurt,
but not as bad as before I lost it.

I grabbed a sheet and
wrapped it around me. Trudging through the hall, I glanced at pictures of Danny
as a child. Some with his parents and some with us. Our arms wound around each
other like we’d never let go. The old wallpaper of yellow roses, stained and
cracked from years of wear.

I sighed. This must be
his parent’s old cabin. Danny dragged me out here? It was a good two hour drive
away from the dorms. Last time I’d seen this place was when I was twelve. Danny
even gave me my first kiss at the lake. Innocent and sweet.

I walked into the
kitchen and hugged the blanket closer. Hot breath assaulted my neck and I
turned around.

Danny’s eyes reflected
as I took a step back. “Finally awake?” he asked.

I frowned. “Why the
hell did you bring me here?”

He trailed his finger
down my cheek causing the heat to rise between my legs.

“That’s your first
question?” he said as he licked his lips. “Not anything about me being a

I flinched as he
circled me. “I was getting to that,” I said and took a deep breath. “I mean I
guess it answers some questions. When your family would leave on a full moon. I
thought you guys were just weird or superstitious.”

His lips brushed the
back of my neck and I tensed. Delightful shivers coursed down my spine. Closing
my eyes, I leaned back into his body. Strong arms wrapped around me as he
kissed harder.

Then I pulled away and
frowned. “Take me home,” I said.

Danny spun me around,
his fingers digging into my arms. “Why do you keep fighting me? Are you that
fucking blind? We belong together. We always have.”

My cheeks turned
crimson and I looked away from his eyes. “You wouldn’t feel like that if you
saw me. Saw the real me underneath the clothes.” I looked down. Why couldn’t he
just fucking get it? I looked back up.

Danny’s eye twitched. With
a quick swipe, he pulled the sheet away from me.

In that moment I froze.
My eyes wide and gut clenched. It was like those dreams where you’re in public
and everyone’s looking at you because you forgot to shave your legs. Tears
welled in my eyes.

Danny took a sharp
breath and grabbed my wrist. Then he shoved me down on the kitchen table face
down and pulled my arms back.

The sound of his belt
buckle clanged to life. I struggled, but he wrapped the leather around my
wrists and I stopped. An incredible rush woke my body and I took a shuddery

Then he walked around
and kneeled in front of me, lifting my chin up. His blue eyes blazed with
hunger and rage as he leaned close. “Don’t fucking tell me that’s the reason
you’ve pushed me away all this time. I thought it was because you hated me. We
wasted all of this time because you don’t think your worth anything?”

I bit my bottom lip
hard. “Look at us! How could you say we fit? You’re flawless and I’m just a…”

“Bitch!” Danny growled
and smashed his lips into mine. Then he pulled my hair back and I moaned
softly. “We’re just going to have to make up for that lost time. I’m going to
claim you. You know what that means?”

I shook my head slowly.
Electric vibes rose up through my body, sinking all the way through my bones.
Another crack of thunder shook the house.

“Means I’m going to
fuck you. I’m going to fuck you real hard!” he snarled. “When I’m done claiming
you you’ll belong to me.” He smashed his lips back into mine and pressed his
tongue inside my mouth.

I kissed him back. Was
this all a dream? He saw me naked and he still wants me?

Danny pulled away and
slammed his fist into the table. “Fuck!” he shouted and held his head.

Like at the school the
room echoed with the cracks and twists of bones and flesh. He shifted and
towered over me.

“Danny?” I whispered.
Then my eyes widened. His cock stood erect and huge against his furry body.
Shit! Was he going to fuck me like this?

He leaned down and
bared his teeth. “I’m going to give you want you want,” he said. His voice
gruff and inhuman.

He walked behind me and
I squeaked as he grabbed my ass. Rubbing it with a large claw. I screamed as
his hand suddenly collided with my skin. My body trembled under his assault and
juices flowed deep inside my cunt and felt as if it was trickling down my leg.

Again his claw collided
with my ass and I moaned again. Over and over he spanked me. Every one slap
better than the last. Fuck! I might cum like this.

The last one burned,
sending delightful spasms throughout my nerves. “Ah!” I screamed and sank my
tooth into my bottom lip. A drop of blood dripped from the cracked skin.

The cold table bit into
my flesh as he pulled my ass into the air and parted my pussy. Then he pressed
his tongue across the folds.

My gut clenched and I
closed my eyes.

Pressing it deep inside
me, a guttural groan escaped his mouth. Delightful aches formed from the
pressure of his assault. What would his cock feel like buried inside?

“Ah! Ah!” I cried.
Tears dripped from my eyes as the pleasure increased with every lick.

He lapped across the folds
and tickled my clit, adding the perfect pressure to where it counted.

Back and forth. Back
and forth. The slick muscle wouldn’t relent and I pushed my ass out further.

“Danny!” I gasped as
the orgasm shook me to the core. Fireworks ignited my entire body as I laid
there, trying to control my ragged breaths.

The wolf circled around
me and grabbed a fistful of my hair. His eyes still flooding with lust.

Lightning lit up the
entire room. The smell of his musk, like earth and spice, tickled my nose.

He leaned forward until
his snout was inches from my face. Hot breath added fire to my already feverish
skin. “You like that?” his inhuman voice asked.

“Yes,” I gasped. It’s
something I always wanted to experience. Something Randy would never do for me.

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