Wolf's Heart (Feral) (3 page)

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Authors: Melissa Jolley

BOOK: Wolf's Heart (Feral)
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Larissa tried to follow his stare but saw no obvious danger in the growing darkness. “Yeah, at a car park next to the convention center.” She turned back to look at him, and saw his body tense. She’d swear if he were in his wolf form right now, his hackles would be up and he’d be growling. An alpha defending his pack. Now she swore she could almost see the beast within.

“Good. Let’s go.” She tried to keep pace, but as he got faster she knew her legs would just trip her up. The inevitable happened. Larissa stumbled and Zane caught her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close—
—his hand under her elbow. She rested on his hip, her feet touching the ground every few steps. Larissa had done barely any work, but the adrenaline was surging through her body. His reaction to the
in the shadows had her panicked.

“Jeez, why don’t you just put me under your arm like a rugby ball and be done with it!” Her fear was making her bitchy; her skin was cold and covered in goose bumps, despite the adrenaline. A shiver rolled over her body and she wasn’t sure if it was due to dread or proximity to Zane. She hoped the latter.

“What? Oh, sorry.” He released her as they reached the car park. He still looked to be on high alert, his head constantly moving, his body erect as he surveyed their surroundings. If seeing him like this didn’t scare her so much, she’d be really turned on right now.

They located her car easily, and as she reached into her bag to find her keys, Zane pushed her back against the car. The shove was quick, but gentle. Zane’s back was to her, though out of her reach, his arms outstretched protectively, a growl ripping through his throat at an unseen danger. Before she could blink, a small shadow approached with an eerie speed that was quicker than the shudder that broke over Larissa’s body. Zane huffed out a blast of air and convulsed back as if punched in the stomach. It moved him a little closer to Larissa and she automatically reached out to him. She felt the need to protect him as much as he was protecting her.

“Damn it!” He sounded slightly winded as he straightened up. The shadow had disappeared as quickly as it had come.

She lowered her hands, knowing it was futile, and not wanting to distract him from his foe. Once again, Larissa could see the shadow coming toward them preternaturally fast. Zane was ready this time. Larissa watched as he lifted a long-nailed claw and swiped down and across the air in front of him. Something heavy thudded on the ground. She dared to look around her protector and saw what appeared to be a raven lying in front of them. The sound of the thud was completely disproportionate to the bird lying there.

“One of Katrina’s minions,” he vented violently.

As she watched, the form exuded a blanket of immensely bright light that didn’t permeate its surroundings. Larissa closed her eyes for only a second. When she opened them, she saw a man; long, lean, and naked. A large gash decorated the right side of his head.

“Is he dead?” she asked warily.

“No. But he’s out for the count, and he’ll probably have a hell of a headache when he wakes up.”

Larissa noted the hint of pride in his voice regarding his handiwork.

Zane turned so quickly it startled her, and his hands— not claws, she realized with a flood of relief— gripped the roof of the car on either side of her. He looked her over, his gaze intent. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you when I pushed you against the car, did I?” He leaned in, the sound of his deep inhale sending shivers of a much sexier nature down her spine. “No blood.” His smile was weak, a poor imitation of their first meeting, but no less breathtaking to her eyes.

She found his concern for her well-being rather endearing, which just increased her attraction to him. Larissa could feel the heat emanating from him and smell a sweet familiar scent lingering on his body. Like the frankincense earlier, it reminded her of her childhood, but this time she couldn’t pinpoint what it was. The smell was starting to make her feel lightheaded. Her knees buckled and he scooped her up in his arms before she had moved more than a couple of inches.

His body was softer than she expected. She felt the tiniest give in his chest and stomach as he pulled her to him.
Not rock hard.
She liked this more. It felt good, better than good—incredible—like fitting into a mould made just for her. He placed his index finger gently beneath her chin, lifting her face toward his. “I think I’d better drive.”

“Drive?” she questioned groggily, intoxicated by his scent and closeness.

“We still need to move, honey.” That sounded good; his calling her “honey”, yet her body stubbornly refused to move. Larissa longed to keep the closeness they shared, indeed pushing her body closer, if that were possible. She wanted—no, needed—to feel every last part of him.

For the briefest moment he seemed to struggle with some internal turmoil, but then he slowly leaned down, parting her lips with his own. His tongue skillfully traced the contours of her mouth; his breath sweet, delicious. She reciprocated eagerly, exalting in the taste of him. She ached to have his mouth travel over her whole body, but too soon, he stopped.

“What’s wrong?” The pangs of rejection filled her and a pout tugged at her mouth. She knew she was behaving like a five-year-old who’d just had her favorite toy taken away, but she couldn’t help it. Maybe she was
an obligation, and everything else was him making sure she came along—for what she didn’t know, because she needed him a hell of a lot more than he needed her right now.

“I hardly think this is the time or place.” His smile was brilliant. “Let’s get you somewhere safe first.”

“What are you waiting for then?” She brightened with the idea that maybe, just maybe, there was more to come.


“First, we better put this guy in a less conspicuous spot. The longer it takes for someone to find him the better!” Zane easily lifted his attacker and placed him behind a low wall lining the car park.

Larissa was grateful for the early sunset and bad car park lighting that helped to obscure the unconscious form. She was also extremely thankful for the fact that no one had seen this strange exchange take place. How would she explain this to the police? She watched as Zane practically flew back to her side, his speed extraordinary.
Everything about him is extraordinary.
A surge of intense pleasure raced through her body

Zane seemed to take up the entire interior of her tiny Mini. For once, she was pleased she had such a small car. It meant being closer to him without trying. He drove fast, but she barely noticed, too busy taking in every ounce of his breathtaking beauty. For a man that claimed to be a wolf, he was surprisingly hairless, on what little flesh she could see. It made her desperate to see under his clothes. Desperate to see and explore every curve, ripple, and muscle he possessed.

Her gaze roamed his immense frame. “Your T-shirt’s ripped. What did that raven do to you?”

He looked down. “Aw, damn it, not my Hendrix. It’s my favorite.” Zane groaned. “He may have looked small, in the big scheme of things, but us shifters can hit like a Mack truck. Our strength isn’t in proportion with our appearance. That bird has as much power as my wolf, or Sarah’s cat, for that matter. It keeps us equal; no shifter can assert more power over another, just because of the form they have born within them.”

This reminded Larissa of something Zane had said. “What did you mean earlier, when you said ‘What Katrina made you’?” she asked cautiously, realizing this might be a touchy subject.

He glanced at her sideways, appearing unsure as to what he was going to say. Zane spoke deliberately, as if he was weighing each word carefully. “The beast within stays dormant until awakened by another shifter. Katrina woke up my wolf.”

“You’ve already told me that,” Larissa complained, perplexed. “But how is it awoken?”

His sigh was long and heavy, his gaze had fixed itself to the road ahead, as if he were afraid to look at her. She guessed this line of questioning was making him uncomfortable, but she didn’t care, she wanted answers. “All shifters have the ability to sense whether someone has a latent feral aspect. So when two shifters come together as one...”

“Oh, you’re talking about sex, aren’t you,” she said matter-of-factly.

Zane grimaced, but nodded.

“Why the hell didn’t you just say that?” She lifted a single, inquiring brow.

“It’s not
sex Larissa; it’s a joining of minds, hearts, bodies, and spirits.”

“And you had that, with Katrina?” Larissa asked, suddenly feeling very inadequate. How in the hell could she compete with the goddess? Larissa folded her arms over her chest and crossed her legs as she tried to hide her many physical failings from the world—okay, not the world, just Zane. Rationally, she knew there was more to people than physical perfection, but rational thinking wasn’t helping her much right now. Because in a rational world, there was no such thing as shape-shifters or witchcraft.

“I was young, I thought I loved her. Hell, I did love her. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until after she’d brought the wolf forth that I found out her true colors; cruel, vindictive, and ambitious. Destroying you, or me for that matter, obliterates the competition you’d provide.”

“I don’t understand how I’m competition for her, in any way. She’s unbearably beautiful, and from what you’ve said of shifters, extremely powerful.” Larissa was still skeptical about any so-called abilities she might have.

Zane pulled the car over and turned off the ignition. Slowly he turned to face her. “Katrina trades on her looks to get the mates she wants, to make herself more powerful. Our world is small and she wants to control it. She has been waiting for this for a
long time. Your family has stopped that from happening so far. But since your grandmother’s death she has gained in power, biding her time, choosing gullible lovers to become shifters and not much more than hired guns, minus the guns and plus claws and talons.”

Zane seemed to see the next question in Larissa’s face. “Mala’s abilities went beyond a healer. She could conjure and enchant, but her most powerful weapon was the ability to bind a shifter to their human form without
of the benefits that go with being a shifter, like the speed and strength. Though I never knew her to do it, she could, and that is what kept Katrina away. She’s afraid of being a mere mortal again and only someone with the threat of controlling her will stop her from controlling others.”


As Larissa sat, mulling over all this new information, she happened to look up and notice that Zane had parked outside her apartment building.

“What the hell? Well, my observation sucks. I didn’t even realize we were heading this way. Though my attention was somewhat occupied.” A sly grin tugged at one corner of her mouth. “I am curious. How do you know where I live?” Larissa raised an eyebrow at Zane.

“I know far more about you than you can possibly imagine, Miss Larissa Lovell. Come on, let’s get you upstairs. We can’t stay long; it won’t be safe, but we can at least get you some gear packed for our trip.”

What is it with all these one-word sentences? I sound so stupid! I’m usually more articulate than this.

“I’m taking you somewhere safe to a family of shifters I know up north. They can help protect you while I figure out what our next move is. It’s a bit sooner than I intended, but they won’t mind.”

Zane was back in protector mode. He looked like a rock star’s bodyguard, ready to punch out any crazed fan that got too close. Larissa couldn’t help but smile. He was the star; he was the one that should need protection from crazy, fan-girl stalkers. That would certainly be a job she’d willingly do. What was she thinking? She had enough fantasies in her life, she didn’t need to make up anymore for herself.

They reached Larissa’s apartment unmolested. As they entered, Zane quickly swept through the rooms, ensuring there were no unwanted visitors. “Get some stuff together. Do you have anything to eat? I haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

“Sure. There’s some leftover chicken in the fridge, help yourself.” Larissa raced into her bedroom, grabbed her overnight bag from the wardrobe, and haphazardly threw items in. The attack had crystallized her belief that what Zane was telling her was true. Really, it had not been that difficult to accept. Somehow, she had always known that her grandmother’s stories were much more than just cautionary tales.

“You want something?” Zane called from the kitchen.

“No. I’m fine, but if you want to pack something for the trip, go ahead. Hey I’ve got some guy’s T-shirts if you want to try one on.”

“Great, thanks. I’ll chuck this one out.”

Larissa was too wound up to eat; her stomach was churning. Her mind was racing through their discussions like a wheel of fortune, eventually landing on the most important question to her right now

“Zane, when... um... who?”
Jeez, spit it out girl
. She suddenly heard a quiet voice right behind her.

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