Wolfe's Mate (11 page)

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Authors: Caryn Moya Block

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“It is
. Valerii and I will be parents in six months. I wish you could be here for the birth.”

Jared drew closer and slid his hand around Esme’s waist. “I’m afraid that would be impossible. Esme will be in Quebec with my pack at that time.”

Esme frowned at him. “Perhaps we can come for a visit,” she suggested.

“That would be wonderful,” Josephine quickly responded. “You must be Esme’s mate, the mysterious telepath
who connected when she was shot.”

“Yes. Jared Wolfe. You must be the new Alpha female of the Paris pack. I
’m surprised to see you here without your mate.”

Valerii had some business at the Café de Luna Bleu, our pack-run restaurant in Paris. I am Josephine Chevalier Belikov. It’s nice to meet you. Let me introduce you to my pack members.”

Josephine led
Jared and Esme to the nearest couch where two older lycans sat watching. “This is Louise and Amaury Bontecou, my grandparents. The man standing behind them is Darcel Landry, the pack Beta. As you can see, I’m well-guarded, Monsieur Wolfe.”

“Call me Jared
, please. I didn’t mean to offend, Madame Belikov.”

Please call me Josephine. It’s all right. I know you Alpha males can’t help yourselves. In the Paris pack, it is actually the Alpha female who rules the pack with her husband becoming Alpha male. The tradition is handed down from our founder, Claire Lecuyer.”

“The pack in Quebec is ruled through right
-of-arms, though the heir of the previous Alpha is often the winner. My father won the position from his mate’s father, who was Alpha. My mother was an only child. I took over when my parents died suddenly. Though I rule as the heir, anyone can challenge me for the position.”

“An old
-fashioned idea and very uncivilized, if you ask me.” Josephine’s grandmother commented.

, you know that is how most packs are organized. You must excuse her,” Josephine apologized.

“Tell me,
Monsieur Wolfe, will you guard Esme well?” Josephine’s grandmother asked. “She holds a dear place in our hearts, and we would like to know she is taken care of.

You have my word, Madame Bontecou, that I will do my best to keep Esme safe and make her happy.” Jared smiled, hoping to charm the older woman. He hadn’t meant to antagonize her.

“If I may interrupt,” Granger said
, walking over to stand beside Jared. “Brenda made some refreshments. Perhaps, we should move into the dining room.”

“That would be lovely,” Esme answered. “I know I’m starving.
Grandmere Bontecou. will you sit by me? I would love to hear how Aimee is doing with her twins.”

Jared sighed in relief as Esme led the older lycan couple into the dining room. The Paris Alpha
female and Beta followed, leaving Jared and Granger standing in the salon.

“You didn’t handle that well,”
Granger pointed out telepathically. They both knew even a whispered conversation would be heard by the other lycans.
“You need to be more
politically correct. The Paris pack is old and well-established. It wouldn’t hurt to number them among our friends.”

“I didn’t mean to
anger the old battle-axe.
I guess I’m just tired and hungry.”

“I thought you would be
. Come eat. You’ll feel better.” Granger led the way into the room.

Brenda pushed in a cart with plat
ters heaped with eggs and pastries. Jared could smell the aroma of coffee coming from one of the carafes. Bottles of orange juice and water were quickly passed around.

“Where did all this food come from?”
Jared telepathically asked Granger. Jared sat down in the chair next to Esme.

“Brenda and I went to the market this morning while you we
re sleeping. Her wolf came to the surface, I gave her something to do that would distract her. She likes to cook.”
Granger carried the platter of eggs around the table, letting everyone take a serving.

“What set her wolf off?”
Jared asked.

Strong emotions could bring a lycan’s
wolf form to the surface. It was a protective instinct. Newly changed lycans might not be able to control a strong impulse.

“I did. We argued. Brenda isn’t sure she wants to live in Quebec. I didn’t handle it well.”

“Do you think her control is strong enough to prevent her from shifting in public? I must accompany Esme to the lawyer’s office today.”

“Brenda and Susan have done well so far. Perhaps some lessons in shifting would shore up their control.”

Suddenly, a wolf began to howl. The sound reverberated through the house. Jared looked around the room. “Where is Susan?”

“Oh, dear. She’s in the basement,” Esme said.

“Please, excuse us,” Jared said as another mournful howl filled the air.

“I’m coming
, too,” Esme said, rising from her chair.

Jared took Esme’s hand as she hurried him to a small stairway in the back of the kitchen. He
had only a minute to see the interior of the kitchen before they hurried down the steps into the dark basement. His eyes adjusted quickly, and he walked into a room that looked like a mad scientist’s laboratory from the movies. The small windows near the top of the walls were fitted with metal bars. Tables littered with glass beakers and equipment filled most of the floor space. In one corner stood a hospital bed. The covers and mattress had been ripped to shreds. Lying in the middle of the mess was Susan in her wolf form, her head resting on her paws. She turned sad eyes in Esme’s direction and whined pitifully.

“Poor, baby. It’s okay, Susan. What upset you so?” Esme hurried over to the wolf and began to pet her head.

“Wow,” Granger said, coming into the room behind them.

Brenda followed
, gazing around the room, her eyes wide. “It looks like something out of a film. Is this where Norris did his experiments?”

Esme looked around the room. “It does look a little frightening doesn’t
it? Norris figured out how to cure my cancer here. He obtained samples from a place where he worked before deciding to do the stem-cell transplant.”

“Samples from my father and mother
…” Josephine said from the door. “I thought you might need some help. Norris took the samples from a lab near the Paris airport where my family was held and tortured. The group, Doctors for a Better Humanity, wanted to discover how lycans heal when they shift.”

“This is a nightmare,” Brenda said. “I feel
as though I’m living in a bad horror movie. Are sparkly vampires going to be next?”

“As far as I know, there
are no such things as vampires, sparkly or otherwise.” Esme tried to reassure her.

mon coeur
, let’s help Susan shift back into her human form,” Jared said. “Brenda, could you find some more clothes for Susan? Granger, why don’t you assist, Brenda? Josephine, if you would lend your power to our effort, I would appreciate it. Esme and I are not at full strength. We haven’t eaten since early evening yesterday, and that was plane food.”

“I would be happy to help.” Josephine drew closer to the hospital bed
and the dejected lycan. She rubbed Susan’s head. “Hi, I’m Josephine, the Paris Alpha female. You are safe here. No one will hurt you.”

hink about how it feels to be human, how you enjoy walking around in clothes, how your skin feels under your hands …” Esme coached Susan.

Through the mating bond,
Jared reached for Esme’s mind and was surprised to find that Josephine had already connected. Since Norris used Josephine’s parent’s stem-cells, Esme must have a direct connection to the Paris Alpha. Josephine poured strength into the link. Esme reached for Susan’s mind and pulled her into the link as well.

, white lights began to swirl around the wolf’s form. Susan wavered and reappeared in her human form. Tears streamed down her face. “How could he have done this to me? I don’t want to be a dog. How could he have done this to you, his sister? I saw all this, and it all came back. The hospital and the lab, the pain, the fear, the anger.” Susan clung to Esme, sobs racking her frame.

“Come now
. It’s not that bad,” Josephine said, patting the young woman on the back. “Being a lycan is a wonderful thing. You can hear so much, see in the dark, smell the crêpes made in the village over five miles away. You are stronger, faster and more alive than any human. Your wolf form connects you to the Earth. You can discern her rhythms, feel the energy of the animals, plants and trees. You are connected to your pack, your family. You are never alone. Give it a chance, Susan. I know you will come to love it if you try.”

“Here are the clothes you asked for,” Brenda said from the door.

Jared hoped Brenda, too, heard Josephine’s impassioned plea. If Esme could embrace being a lycan, Brenda and Susan could as well. There was no going back. They must move forward.

Susan wiped her eyes and nodded her head at
Josephine. Esme helped Susan stand, and Brenda hurried over with the clothes.

“I’ll wait for you ladies upstairs,” Jared suggested.

“All right. We’ll be up in a few minutes,” Esme assured him.

Jared nodded and turned to make his way upstairs. Maybe Josephine could help
Brenda, as Esme helped Susan. Jared, too, felt off balance. He’d never expected to have the responsibility of two newly changed human women. It was hard enough to know that Esme had once been human. What would his pack members think?

He met Granger at the top of the stairs. “Is
Susan all right?” he asked.

“She will be. Emotions are running high. I think it would be best if Susan and Brenda stayed here while I accompany Esme to Paris. I
’m going to ask Josephine and her grandparents to stay here and work with Susan and Brenda.”

“I’d like to stay with Brenda if you don’t need me.”

“That’s fine. Perhaps, the Paris Beta could accompany us.” Jared ran his hand through his hair. Hopefully, the lawyer would have good news.


Chapter Eleven


“There is no trust fund, Mademoiselle Esme. I don’t know why your brother would tell you there is.”

Esme’s stomach clenched as she sat across from
her parents’ lawyer, Monsieur Boulanger. Norris lied to her. Jared reached for her hand.

Last week I received a package from Norris with instructions to hold it for you,” the lawyer said, getting up and walking to his cabinet. He pulled out a small box and returned to his desk before handing it to Esme. “You don’t need to worry about your future. With the money left by your parents and the life insurance Norris left you, you have a significant sum to use as you wish. Affording university should not be a problem.”

“That is good news,” Jared replied for her.

Esme’s hand shook as she opened the box. Inside were stacks of papers with a small note card on top. “Do you know what these papers are?” Esme looked from the box to Monsieur Boulanger. She didn’t know what to think. What had Norris been up to?

“No. The instructions said the box was to remain unopened until you retrieve
d it. Is anything amiss?” the lawyer asked.

“It doesn’t appear that way. There is a note.” Esme reached for the envelope.

Her name, written in Norris’ funny scribble, was on the front. She rubbed her finger over the writing. Tears threatened. Warmth and affection suddenly filled her through the mating bond. Once more, Jared took care of her. She blinked her eyes and opened the note.

Esme read aloud:
“Dear Esme, Inside this box is the evidence you need to prove the group, the Doctors for a Better Humanity, is experimenting on human subjects. If you are reading this note, then the group has killed me. Give the box to the police. They will handle it. I am sorry to have left you, sorry for the things that happened. But I am not sorry I cured your cancer. I hope you find happiness. With love, Norris.”

“Oh, my. I will call the police immediately,” the lawyer said
, reaching for the phone.

“They will want to get in contact with the police in Scotland
who are investigating Norris’ murder,” Jared said.

Esme shivered. Murdered. Poor Norris.
He’d sent evidence to the lawyer. He must have feared the possibility. Jared was right. Norris had been trying to protect her. He’d left her in London on purpose.

The police said they will send someone over immediately. I do have some papers I need you to sign before I can release the funds you inherit …” The lawyer looked first at Jared, then at Esme.

“Of course. Where do I sign?” Esme asked
, strengthening her resolve.

“You are very pale,
mon coeur
,” Jared said. “Can I get you anything? Some water perhaps?”

“Yes, let me have my secretary bring some in. I
, too, could use something.” The lawyer reached for the intercom button. Moments later, the door opened, and an older woman in a business suit carried a tray with water and orange juice into the room.

Merci beaucoup
,” Esme replied as the woman handed her a glass of water.

Jared accepted some as well. He searched her face before taking a sip.

“I’m fine, Jared.” And, surprisingly, it was true. “Monsieur Boulanger, is everything arranged for the funeral?”

“Yes, yes. It is scheduled for one o’clock two days
from now. Do you remember the cemetery where your parents were buried?”

“Yes, of course.
” Esme sighed. It was all so sad. A huge weight pressed on her chest.

“You are not alone,
mon amour. I am here with you,”
Jared sent. The weight lightened as he shared some of her burden.

Esme grasped his hand that rested on her knee. She brought it to her lips and kissed it. “Thank you for being with me, Jared. I appreciate you
r letting me lean on you.”

Je t'aime
, Esme.” Jared squeezed her hand and brought it to his lips.

You will be getting married soon?” Monsieur Boulanger asked.

“As soon as she will let me,” Jared replied
, smiling and winking at Esme.

In spite of her problems, she smiled in return. Jared always knew how to lighten her mood.

“Excellent news,
Mousieur Boulanger said
. “
Here is the first form. When you sign, you are accepting a payment of 250,000 Euros from Norris’ life insurance. I will send the company a copy of the death certificate right away.”

“What else do I need to sign?” Esme asked while writing her name on the line and dating it.

“This form that I will send to your bank with a copy of the death certificate. Your name was already on all of Norris’ accounts. This form sets you up as sole owner.”

“I see
. Did Norris leave account books or checks with you? I’m not sure where he kept them.”

“I can request
the bank send you a balance sheet for each account. You will need to order new checks. I can make sure that is taken care of. Where should I send them?”

“Why don’t you have them sent here
, Esme? Once we’re settled, you can have Monsieur Boulanger forward them to you,” Jared suggested.

“Can you do that, Monsieur?” Esme asked the lawyer.

Oui, pas de problème.
I would be happy to accommodate you. I will set it up as soon as possible.”

The intercom buzzed. Esme gripped Jared’s hand
as if it were a lifeline. “Monsieur Boulanger,” the secretary’s voice was heard from the speaker. “
L’agent de police.

Send him in.”




Jared held Esme’s hand in the back seat of a sedan, as Darcel, the Beta of the Paris pack, drove them through city traffic. Esme had been very quiet since leaving the lawyer’s office. Jared could read her mind but hoped she would share her thoughts with him voluntarily. He knew she grieved her brother.

The police
took the package Norris left Esme, as well as a statement of what Jared and she knew about her brother’s murder. Jared made sure to give the police the name of the officer in charge of the investigation in Scotland. The fanatical group of doctors needed to pay for its crimes.

Esme suddenly perked up. “
Darcel? Can you stop at the next crêpe vendor you see? I would love something to eat.”

“But, Mademoiselle, I am to bring you to the Café de Luna Bleu. That is where the pack has gathered and our Alpha female has taken your lycan sisters.”

“We can join them later. Please, Darcel?” Esme asked.

Darcel, the lady wants crêpes,” Jared pointed out.

looked at Jared and Esme in the rearview mirror and nodded. He pulled over after only two blocks. “I’ll have to find a place to park. I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

and Esme quickly exited the car. They stood on the curb as Darcel drove away.

“Smell that? I love the
aroma of crêpes. Paris is lovely at this time of year. I have missed this city.”

“We can return on our vacations if you wish. I
’m sure the Paris Alpha will celebrate your return.” Jared guided Esme to the little wagon where the sweet smell of cooking crêpes filled the air. They got in line, and it wasn’t long before Esme ordered for both of them. Jared pulled out his wallet and paid the bill.

Esme spied a bench under a tree and hurried to claim it. Jared followed. They both sat down
, and soon Esme put bites of sweetness on his tongue. She laughed as she fed him before taking a bite herself. “I forgot how good these are. Ordering them in a restaurant in England is not the same.”

“Granger’s mother occasionally makes cr
êpes. I hope you’ll like them.” Jared frowned. What if Esme didn’t want to live in Quebec? What if she wanted to stay here in Paris?

“Don’t frown, Jared. I
’m sure I’ll like them.”

“Esme, you do want to come and live with me.”

“Of course, silly. I know you have a pack to lead. I hope I can be an asset to you.”

Relief filled Jared’s heart. He grabbed Esme’s face and kissed her. Her mouth tasted sweet and fruity, like the treat she
’d been eating. He took a moment to deepen the kiss, trying to show her what she meant to him.

After breaking their kiss, h
e held her for a few minutes, his thumbs brushing against her cheeks. Her eyes were slumberous, an invitation to sex. At that moment, he wished everything and everyone away. No pack, no brothers, no crowded street in Paris. Jared wanted to be wholly with Esme.

“I’m sorry it took me so long,”
Darcel said, his voice interrupting the mood. “It took me a while to find a place. The car is two blocks away.”

“I’m sorry,
Darcel,” Esme said. “I didn’t order you any crêpes. Would you like some of mine?”

. It’s fine. I’ll order some myself if you don’t mind.” Darcel looked at Jared.

“Go ahead. We
’ll wait for you here.”

nodded and walked away. Jared turned back to Esme and found her staring off into space.

“What are you contemplating
mon coeur

“Susan got me thinking. I’ve changed a lot from the scared girl who was afraid of being a wolf. I
being a lycan. I don’t know what the future will bring. However, I’m not afraid to face it. Having you at my side is icing on the cake. I know together we can handle anything.”

’m relieved to hear you say that,
mon amour
. This probably isn’t the right time, but I’ve been carrying something in my pocket since I arrived.” Jared retrieved his mother’s engagement ring. He knelt down on one knee and reached for Esme’s hand. “
Je t'aime
, Esme. I know that in the eyes of the lycans we are already married. I thought, perhaps, you would marry me.”

“Oh, Jared. You are the only one for me.” Esme blinked back tears.

Jared slipped the ring on her finger and kissed it into place. Several people standing nearby clapped their approval. Darcel approached the couple, a huge smile lighting his face.

“We must hurry to the Café de Luna Bleu. The whole pack will want to celebrate.”

Jared stood. “Before we go anywhere, I need to kiss my mate.”

Esme put the plates aside on the bench and stood
, fitting herself into Jared’s embrace. This time, she reached for his face and brought his mouth down to hers. Jared wrapped her close, loving how she felt in his arms. She was his.

“And you are mine, and mine alone,”
Esme sent into his thoughts.




The celebration of their engagement had been loud and boisterous at the Café de Luna Bleu. Esme rejoiced as she climbed into the back seat of the sedan with Jared. All she wanted was quiet and a bed where she could lay her head. Once more, Darcel would be the driver for Esme and Jared, while Susan, Brenda and Granger followed in the car they’d rented at the airport.

’ll be glad to get back to the house,” Esme said, resting her head on Jared’s shoulder.

arcel headed the car into traffic. Jared slipped his arm around Esme and drew her close. “You’re tired,
ma petit louve.”

“Yes. I appreciated the reunion and well wishes from the Paris pack, but today has been an emotional rollercoaster.”

“I understand,
. Sleep if you like.”

“I’m too wound up to sleep. Valerii was quite surprised to meet you. His mistaking you for the Siberian Alpha caused quite a stir.”
Esme smiled, thinking about it. Josephine had been very happy with the prank on her husband. The Paris Alpha had been embarrassed by the mistake.

“I guess I should meet this cousin of mine, especially
since we look alike. Unfortunately, my time is limited. I can’t be away from my pack too long.”

It probably doesn’t help that your mate is making you chase her around Europe.”

“I would chase you wherever you lead me, and you know it.” Jared
growled as he rubbed his head against hers.

“I do know it. Thank you for being mine, Jared.” Esme blinked her suddenly heavy eyes.

“The pleasure is all mine,
mon amour
. Rest, Esme. I’ll wake you when we arrive at the house.”

“This doesn’t look good,”
Darcel said from the front of the car an hour later.

had enjoyed the ride, while Esme lay snuggled up against him. He gazed out and saw flashing lights of police cars and fire engines. There was only one house on this lane and that was Esme’s. Jared looked down at his sleeping mate. Once more, a crisis confronted them. He held her close and kissed her temple. She was strong and he was proud of her, but he hated to wake her.

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