Wolfen Secrets (The Western Werewolf Legend #3) (14 page)

Read Wolfen Secrets (The Western Werewolf Legend #3) Online

Authors: Catherine Wolffe

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #civil war, #werewolf, #wolf, #western

BOOK: Wolfen Secrets (The Western Werewolf Legend #3)
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With a short release of breath, Jeb nodded as
his lips thinned over the meaning of Ty’s words. “I appreciate
that, Lieutenant. I do.” He glanced off into middle distance before
coming back to Ty’s face. “When I think of confronting my wife and
children with what those bastards did to me, I want to die all over
again. There is no humanity in them, Ty. Each and every one
deserves the most horrific death I can devise.” He reached up,
gripping Ty’s hand. Though his grip was strong, his fingers
trembled with emotion. “Promise me, I’ll get the chance.”

All the doubt, all the wariness Ty had
harbored regarding the general, melted away. “You have my word,
General. You have my solemn word.” Easing back, Ty gave the
general’s shoulder a supportive squeeze. “I hate to add to your
concerns, but I came across an old friend from Texas at the dance
the other night. She mentioned some wanted posters about town,
which included Robert Brooks along with my face as well. I had
Smitty snag one. There’s a reward out for me - $1000 in gold.” He
blew out a breath, kicking out at the spittoon. “Damn Union
vampires won’t quit until I’m dead. We’re gonna have to move sooner
than planned or none of us will make it across the damn river

The door to the room opened. Hortence
appeared. “You can see her now.” She wagged a finger at Ty. “Be
warned. You upset her - you’ll have to deal with me.

Ty brushed by Hortence as he tossed his smoke
aside. Anger burned in his veins. Between the bounty on his head
and the safety of his woman, Ty was riding low on patience.
“Understood? Oh, I forgot. You’re in charge, right, old woman?” His
reference to Sonja under the witch’s tutelage gave him an avenue to
focus his frustration on. Deeper still, he prayed his woman was all

The lamp beside the bed sent out an eerie
glow. The drapes drawn against the dawn seeping in cast the room in
shadows. Sonja rested against the pillows plumped at her back. The
massive headboard she propped against loomed like an avenging angel
over her face. Her hair splayed around her giving her the image of
a pure vision.

Ty stepped closer. “Sonja?” His mouth had
gone cottony. His heart kept up a rapid thumping in his chest.
“What happened?” Settling near her on the edge of the bed, he
brushed a curl from her forehead. Staring at the most beautiful
woman he was certain he’d ever seen, he asked, “Are you

She gazed at him with the strangest mix of
emotions on her face he’d ever seen. She’d been crying. It was
obvious she didn’t have a clue as to where to start. Gathering her
hands, he bent to kiss the knuckles of both. “Tell me what’s wrong,
so I can help you.”

Her mouth trembled once before her lips
firmed. “I’m fine, really.”

She lied. Her mind worked hard to keep him
out. Meant to sooth, he tried the tactic he used on frightened
horses. “Easy, Nymph. Don’t go borrowing trouble. Everything’s
gonna be all right. You’ll see.” The friction between them since
the night of the dance reared its ugly head.

Sonja nodded fractionally.

Hell, he’d do better getting the answers from
Hortence or see her hung up by her toes. Sonja was in no shape to
discuss anything without slipping her mental stability. Come hell
or high water, he was going to find out. “Is there anything you

Sonja tried smiling. Reached up to slip a
finger down his face, she blinked back a tear. “You’re so good to
me. I don’t deserve you, Lieutenant.”

Perplexed by the statement, Ty said nothing.
Sometimes the best thing to do was keep your mouth shut and
practice a little patient. “I want you to rest. You’ve been
worrying over things you can’t control. Remember, we’re all here to
watch out for the bad guys. You should get some sleep.” He started
to leave.

Her hand shot out, gripping his forearm

He frowned down at the panic in her face.

“Ty, I want you to remember I love you.”

His heart stopped for a split second. There
was a buzzing in his ears. “Don’t have to remember, Nymph.” He
patted his chest. “I carry you with me, right here.” He got a warm
smile out of her. Trouble was, he couldn’t fathom what had brought
on this bout of melodrama. She was hiding something – something
important. Reminding himself, some things didn’t require an
immediate answer, he gave her hand a pat. The raw fear still rode
in those brandy eyes. Damn! Rising, he left in search of Hortence.
The old woman and he were about to go around.


“What do you mean, there’s nothing wrong with
her? You’re talking in riddles again, old woman.” His voice went up
an octave as he growled into the craggy face of the witch. Time
used to be, he’d have let her prattle. Not today! “I want answers!
I want them now!”

Hortence mumbled something under her breath,
which sounded vaguely like an incantation.

“Oh, no. You’re not pulling any mumbo jumbo
on me so I’ll forget what you’re up to this time.” He cut the air
with a hand gone rigid with temper. He’d be shifting if he wasn’t
careful. Maybe that’s what the old woman needed was a good

“I told you, Sonja’s fine. I can’t help it if
you don’t believe me.” She took a step toward him, her beady eyes
squinting on his features. “Time was you both didn’t know squat,
had to be lead around by a rope. Now, you think you understand
everything.” She let out a snort. Without blinking, she threw up a
boney finger mere inches from Ty’s nose. The finger trembled as the
old hag warned, “You don’t. Beware the serpent comes. He will take
a form familiar to each of you. He will seize those closest to you.
He wants you to grovel for their return.”

The temptation to grab the old woman up and
shake her, shot through Ty like a blot of fire out the sky. Fisting
his hands, he bore down on his molars. The wolf jerked the reign Ty
used to tether his inner spirit. The beast inside wanted out – now!
Turning on his heels, he stormed out. He needed air, lots of


Briann tapped lightly on Sonja’s door before
slipping inside. The poor girl’s face held such pallor. Shadows
rested under her eyes. “Sonja, Jeb said you were ill. He said you
fainted. What happened? Are you all right?”

Sonja rose to sit in the middle of the bed,
propped against the pillows. “I’m fine.” She gave her sister a weak
smile. Patting the bed, she motioned for Briann to sit beside her.
“Hortence tended to me. I’m feeling much better now.” Smoothing the
cover, she fidgeted with her hands. “Briann…I did something tonight
which I’m not proud of.”

“What?” Briann asked.

Sonja cut a fleeting glance at Briann before
dropping her eyes to her hands in her lap again. “I followed Ty
when he left.”

Briann’s eyebrows winged up. “You followed
him? Why?” Shaking her head, she sighed. “I thought we talked about
this last night.”

Sonja nodded hesitantly and traced the
pattern on the quilt with her index finger, giving the design a
thorough examination. “I wanted to know what he was up to. That’s
why.” Still unable to hold her sister’s gaze, she toyed with the
ticking on the quilt.

“You told me you didn’t suspect him of
seeking another’s attentions. Did you change your mind?”

“Well, no, not a woman. I believe he loves
me. It’s just that…” She trailed off. “He’s up to something besides
playing cards, Briann. He doesn’t smell of tobacco and whiskey when
he comes back.” Wrinkling her nose in disgust, Sonja fidgeted with
the corner of the quilt.

Briann shared her incredulous eye with Sonja.
“That’s it? He doesn’t smell the way he should. What does he smell
like, pray tell?”

“All right! No, he doesn’t smell like he
should, he smells like sewage and rank water!” Folding her arms
over her bosom, Sonja glared at the wall.

Briann pursed her lips. “Maybe he fell into a
horse trough or stepped in some mire. Sonja you really can’t
conclude he’s up to something based on a couple of strange smells.
Really, sister!”

“Ah, see, I knew you’d say that.” Wagging a
finger at Briann, Sonja tugged on the coverlet, smoothing out the
wrinkles. The finger pointing resumed. “Let me tell you, he’s up to
something. I followed him tonight. I found out where he’s been
going and why he smells like he does.” Sonja’s brow knitted. “Or, I
have a pretty good idea.” Waving away her sister’s blank stare,
Sonja went on, “Hear me out. I followed him down near the river.
Smitty and Clemens went with him. A vagrant guided the three of
them into some sort of cave. Turns out it was an abandoned tunnel.
The place stank of sewage. You couldn’t walk without stepping on a

“Okay, okay, this still doesn’t mean he’s up
to something,” Briann tried again.

“Just a minute, I’m not finished. I followed
them until the tunnel ended, or I thought it did. The vagrant
knocked on some boards covering a secret passage. Turns out there
was a door hidden. Luckily, I was able to slip in behind them.
Following, I found them in a big sort of storage room full of
ammunition and guns. There was a big, burly fellow by the name of
Sturgeon. He carried a patch over one eye – I’m not kidding. He
told them he could get them anything they needed. He told Ty to
come back tomorrow night. Said he’d have what Ty wanted. Then,
there were men and voices, so I shifted to get away quickly. What’s
another dog in a sewer anyway?” The laugh came out brittle.
Expecting Briann to scold her, she twisted a loose thread on the

Briann pursed her lips. “Jeb hasn’t mentioned
anything to me about this. Ty’s dealing with smugglers for weapons.
What’s he up to?”

“See, I told you, now do you believe me?”
Without waiting for an answer from Briann, Sonja’s lips thinned and
she dropped back down into the pillows. “Oh, Bri, why didn’t he
tell me about this?” Unable to help the sadness in her voice, Sonja
hunkered lower in the bed. She couldn’t get warm. For her mate to
hold her was what she wanted. Was he still her mate?” Or, was she
alone again? “He has a good reason, right? I don’t know what the
reason is. He has one, though.”

“Here now, sister.” Briann moved closer,
gathering Sonja’s hands in hers. A look of surprise crossed her
face. “Your fingers are like ice. Are you sure you’re all

“Yes, I guess so.” Her bottom lip protruded.
The weight of the world felt as though it rested on her shoulders.
“Briann, I’m pregnant.”

Her sister’s eyes widened. Her expression
changed so quickly, Sonja was sure she hadn’t considered the
consequences fully. Before Sonja could stop her, Briann wrapped her
in a hug, practically squeezing the life from her. “Are you sure?
Oh, Sonja, this is wonderful! Both of us pregnant together. I
always wanted a niece or nephew. Now, they’ll grow up together. I’m
so happy for you!” She hugged Sonja again.

“Bri, what if Tyler’s not happy?” Worry
creased her brow. Her skin tightened with tension over her next
idea. “He may not want me. He may decide we aren’t mates. He may
leave!” Dread rose unbidden. The chill was back. Sonja rubbed
absently at her arms, trying for a more positive face. “Perhaps I’m
overreacting. This ‘keeping secrets’ makes me edgy. I want to
confront him with his lies.” She dropped her head. “I can’t,
without bringing up this whole episode tonight. Still, Hortence
will keep her tongue. I hope you will as well.”

“Of course I will.” Briann’s happiness
dissipated as she gazed at Sonja. “Why didn’t you tell him a while
ago? He came in to see you, didn’t he?”

“Yes, he did. I couldn’t. It’s just too soon.
He’s keeping a strategic plan from me - one we should be planning
together. If I tell him I’m pregnant, he’ll put his boot down.
He’ll stop me from defending us altogether. Oh, Bri, don’t look at
me like that. You see where he’s been tonight – I’m not supposed to
help with his plan – he lied to me about his whereabouts. He
doesn’t want me to know what he’s up to. Spying on him is the only
way I can keep up!”

“Surely you don’t believe he wouldn’t be
happy about becoming a father? He loves children!” Briann’s hands
were back, clutching Sonja’s.

“Bri, I didn’t say he doesn’t love children.
He may go all alpha male on me. Try to stop me from defending
against an attack completely. That’s my fear.” Her lips tightened
over the admittance. “The timing may not be the best for a baby,
but I’m not going to lie here idly while he’s out there alone
trying to protect us. I won’t do it!” Tears welled in her eyes
despite her best effort to stop them.

Briann shook her head. “I don’t know about
this, Sonja. A father has a right to know.” Why borrow

“Well, isn’t this the pot calling the kettle
black? You’re keeping the birth of your baby from the father. How
is this any different?” Scowling, she folded her arms, before
huffing out a breath. “I didn’t tell you this so you would badger
me about my decision. I simply told you so you’d know if something
happens to me…”

Briann’s eyes grew wide. “Nothing will

Sonja held up a hand. “If something should
happen, I want you to raise the child as your own. Understood?” The
set of her mouth flattened with the question. Her meaning brooked
no argument.

Briann countered with a question of her own.
“So, both of us are keeping secrets from the men we love. Secrets
meant to protect them and prevent them from making decisions for
us. Right, sister, dear?”

Nodding, Sonja’s lopsided smile dwindled
quickly. “We’re nothing, you and I, if not hard headed. Right?”

Briann’s smile was back. “We wouldn’t be our
father’s daughters if we weren’t. At least that’s what mother
always said.” Both women gazed through the tears at each other.


Air combined with space - lots of it was good
for a man’s woes.

Ty stayed as far from the old witch as he
could for the rest of the day. That included staying away from
Sonja as well. Guarding her was a different matter. He put his best
man on the job. Smitty was as good a friend as a man could ask for.
Hell, he was like a brother. For that matter, all the men in his
unit were good, solid men you could depend on. The fact he could
trust them gave him some peace. They’d need all the luck and
loyalty they could get come sundown. Ty didn’t trust the smuggler.
What if, the meet with Sturgeon, turned out to be a trap? He wasn’t
pleased with their odds and if Sonja got wind, neither would she.
Images of her treaded through his brain, needling the composed
focus he needed for the task at hand. Damn it! She meant so much to
him! He wanted to keep her safe at all costs. He found himself
pacing the dock where he’d told the others to meet him. Did she
understand what she meant to him? When they reached his ranch, he
intended to explain a few things to her. Would she be in favor of
marriage? Honestly, he didn’t know. She’d been married once. Turned
out her husband was a vampire. Not merely a vampire, no, the king
of the vampires of Pennsylvania. How did a woman get over such a
blow? He’d have to bide his time, courting her like she deserved.
This damn vampire situation kept him on guard and away from her
most of the time of late. Ty vowed he’d make it up to her once they
reached Texas.

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