Wolf Trap (2 page)

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Authors: Benjamin Hulme-Cross

BOOK: Wolf Trap
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Mary and Edgar caught up with Mr Blood and the Sheriff.

“We always find dead cattle the morning after the full moon,” the Sheriff was saying.

“You have no idea who the werewolf is?” Mr Blood asked.

“None at all,” said the Sheriff. “Sometimes, some people look a bit red-eyed and wild. But we have no way of knowing who is the werewolf.”

“And have there ever been werewolves on this island before?” Mr Blood asked.

“Not as far as I know,” the Sheriff replied.

“There will be a full moon tonight,” said Mr Blood. “If you have a werewolf on the island, it will show itself. I will get rid of it by morning.”

As they walked towards the village they heard the shriek of a seagull.

That sounds like a warning
, thought Edgar.

Chapter 3

They went in the village inn. Mr Blood and the Sheriff sat at a table and made plans.

Edgar and Mary looked around. Hanging on the walls were lots of bones. There were dog skulls and deer horns, and shark jaw bones with razor-sharp teeth.

A serving maid called Anne came to talk to the Sheriff. She spoke quietly but Edgar and Mary could just hear what she was saying.

“They shouldn't be here,” Anne said, pointing at Edgar and Mary.

“Sssh,” said the Sheriff with a thin smile.

“This is no place for children,” said Anne. “It's one thing to bring Mr Blood here. He is a werewolf hunter. It's his job to go into danger. But we all know what werewolves do to children.”

The Sheriff's smile faded. He looked angry now.

Anne went on. “It's not right to put these children in danger.
aren't werewolf hunters. This is wrong.”

“These people are our guests. Don't be rude,” said the Sheriff crossly.

Anne stamped off and began mopping the floor.

“I don't like this,” she said to herself.

“I'm going to talk to Anne,” Mary told Edgar.

“Excuse me,” she said to Anne.

“Yes, dear?” Anne looked up. She had a kind face.

“You don't need to worry about us, you know,” said Mary. “Mr Blood looks after us.”

Edgar laughed. He didn't think Mr Blood looked after them very well.

“I'm sure he takes good care of you, dear,” said Anne. “It's a long time since I've seen someone your age, that's all.”

“There must be some children on the island,” said Mary.

Anne's eyes filled with tears and she looked away. “There are no children. Not any more,” she said. “And you should not be here now. It's not right.”

Anne looked sad and angry. “Go and sit with Mr Blood,” she said. “Stay close to him.”

Mary and Edgar walked back to the table and sat down.

“So, this is the plan,” the Sheriff was saying. “I tell everyone to come to the barn before nightfall. We count heads every hour, to make sure nobody leaves.”

“That's right,” said Mr Blood.

“And we wait for the werewolf to change from human to wolf,” said the Sheriff.

“Yes,” said Mr Blood. “Werewolves have to turn into wolves on the night of the full moon. If you have a werewolf on the island, it will change shape tonight. And if everyone is in the barn, we will see it happen.”

“And what will you do?” asked the Sheriff.

“I will kill it,” replied Mr Blood.

Chapter 4
The Barn

About forty men and women came to the barn that evening.

Mary and Edgar stood at the back of the barn. The men and women kept turning to stare at them.

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