Wolf Six's Salvation: A Shifter Love Story (12 page)

BOOK: Wolf Six's Salvation: A Shifter Love Story
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She barely felt the floor disappear as he lifted her. He kissed down the side of her neck, sending goose bumps across her skin. Chloe arched her back, begging for more.

"This is slow, right?" she whispered as he kissed her collar bone and sent a fresh wave of desire into her core. Every touch was heaven.

"Snail's pace," he answered, his voice low and full of heat. The growl of his voice turned Chloe on even more, making her muscles slacken. She surrendered herself to his advances, allowing his tongue to dance all over her neck.

Before she knew what was happening, he was setting her down gently on the bed. However, she knew that for all the gentleness he was exhibiting, there was a part of him that was fighting within him for release. An animal part of him that wanted nothing more than to rut with her in the most primal fashion. The thought didn't frighten her. If anything, it turned her on more.

The bed-springs squeaked angrily as the two of them lay on the bed, but Chloe didn't care. All she could see was Jackson. She had the most handsome man in the entire world and he wanted her.

Chloe knew she wasn't the type of girl that would sleep with a guy after just one date.
After zero dates,
she told herself with a smile. But there was no way she was going to say no. Her body craved his in a way that didn't make sense to her brain, but made perfect sense to every other part of her. She needed him like she needed air. She'd never felt that way about anyone, but pressed up against Jackson, she knew he felt the same.

She lay back on the bed, and he followed her. His arms went to either side of her head and his hips ground at hers. She arched her hips up to him, wrapping her legs around his. He kissed her, letting his lips wander to her collarbone where he gave a small nibble.

She kissed his ear, running her teeth along his skin. His stubble was rough against her lips, but he tasted so good she didn't care. The groan of want and need from the dream echoed through the room and her heart surged. It was even better in real life.

Chloe's hands went to the bottom of Jackson's shirt, feeling his muscles tense and harden under her fingertips. He sat up on his knees, towering above her as he pulled the tan fabric over his head and tossed it carelessly to the floor. Her eyes followed his every movement as his muscles flexed and twisted. Every ab, every pec, even the V line diving into his pants was sexy and hot as hell. Chloe's mouth watered with anticipation.

Jackson looked down at her and licked his lips, lowering his head to give her a mind-bending kiss. Up to this point the dreams had been accurate, but this blew them out of the water. His lips were soft and sensual as his tongue delved into her mouth, exploring and tasting her as if he didn't believe she was real. This was better than the dreams and Chloe knew it was only up from here.

She thrust her hips up, grinding her pelvis against his, wanting him more with every second. There was an urgency that the dreams didn't have, a realness that made her body ache for visceral satisfaction. In dreams time didn't matter, but in reality, she wasn't sure she could wait before she exploded with want.

Jackson touched her breast, cupping the shirt and bra and pressing. She wanted his fingers on her. He pushed his hips down against hers, and even through their pants, she could feel him growing. Hardening. His desire for her was obvious.

Chloe reached for her shirt, wiggling it over her body and over her head. It tangled on her arms, pinned as she was by Jackson's body against the bed. He pressed down on her arms, holding her in place. His breath was hot on her neck as he dropped soft kisses on her skin. She squirmed beneath him, but her arms were firmly stuck above her. His tongue skimmed the edge of her bra, hot and wet. A shiver went through her at the delicate touch and goosebumps raised on her arms.

Chloe wished that her clothes would just dissolve like they did in the dreams. There was too much fabric between her body and his. She wanted to growl with frustration and rip his pants from his body. As much as she loved being pinned, subject to his desire, she wanted to touch him. Run her fingers across his skin and feel him flex.

With a soft smile he pulled on the shirt, freeing her arms. Her hands went to his back, feeling his muscles flex. They were hot and hard, just like the rest of his body. Jackson slid a hand underneath her, pulling at the clasp of her bra. It was free in a moment, and she shrugged out of it to bare herself to him.

The air was cool on her skin. He growled a low noise of appreciation, circling his tongue in a wide circle around her aureola. Chloe arched her back up to him, giving him complete access. She wished he would just take her in his mouth, but he continued to tease her with slowly shrinking circles. Finally, his mouth opened at the end of his smallest circle and he took her breast into his mouth. She let out a gasp of pleasure. His mouth was warm and soft as he suckled, but his stubble scratched at her delicate skin. It was the perfect combination.

Her fingers ran through his hair as she pulled him into her. She wanted him to not only taste her, but to devour her. He reached his hand to cup her neglected breast, strumming his thumb across her pebbled nipple like a guitar. The imaginary strings running through her began to vibrate her entire body with every stroke.

The hand not busy sending her breast to heaven slid down her side and then to her center to fumble with her pant's button. It took a few tries but he undid the button. She raised her hips as he tugged on the waistband, sliding them down to her thighs.

His mouth skimmed lower, releasing her breast and kissing softly down her ribs to her stomach. Chloe had never felt as hot and bothered as she did under his touch. A flush was growing across her chest as the heat growing in her belly threatened to consume the bed in flame.

He kissed the top of her underwear, tugging on her pants as he continued to work his way lower. She wiggled as he removed her pants, sliding them over her feet. He pulled each sock from her foot, leaving her wearing nothing but her underwear on the threadbare bed spread. His hands began to work up her legs, his fingers going to pull the underwear down as well.

"Hey, that's cheating," she managed to say, sitting up on her elbows to look at him. "You have way more clothes than I do."

He grinned, standing on the edge of the bed and quickly undoing his belt. Chloe had never seen someone undress so quickly. In the blink of an eye, he was wearing nothing but his boxers and she could clearly see just how excited he was. She bit her lip at the sight. Anticipation and lust flooded her veins.

Together, they slid off their underwear, finally fully naked. Thrills ran through Chloe and her heart pounded in her chest. There was now an immediacy that the dreams didn't have. She could feel everything in a way that made the dreams pale in comparison, and they were good dreams to begin with. He was so damn sexy she could barely stand it.

The bed creaked slightly as Jackson put his knee up beside her, his hand caressing her leg and he came in for a kiss. His lips crept from hers, working down her neck to her shoulder.

"You smell so damn good," he said, his voice low and full of masculine want. Just hearing the words made her body respond. She didn't want to wait anymore.

"Jackson, I need you..." she whispered. His kisses stole her words and the bed groaned slightly as he put his full weight on it. Chloe spread her legs as he leaned over her, his arms on either side of her body. His biceps were huge and and delicious. She wanted to touch every inch of him.

His throbbing member stood ready at her entrance and she was about ready to vibrate into oblivion. She wanted him. Needed him.

Their eyes locked and Jackson's began to shine with a golden light. He frowned, looking away and trying to pull back, but Chloe wouldn’t let him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss as she snaked her legs around to hold him against her.

"I don't want to hurt you," he whimpered, trying to escape her grasp.

"You won't," she whispered with a smile and looking deep into his golden eyes. "The only way you're going to hurt me is if you leave me like this." His eyes darkened but he didn't move. She put her hand to his cheek. "Please..."

"Chloe..." he groaned as he entered her. It was even better than she had thought it could possibly be. She fit him like a glove, like he was made for her. Every thrust of his hips as he dove deeper and deeper into her sent jolts of pure pleasure down her spine. He filled her to the point of breaking and she wished for more.

He looped his arms behind her back, pulling her into a sitting position on his lap. His palms were hot against the skin of her back. Chloe's hands wrapped around his shoulders and back, finding the thin scar she had seen in her dreams. It thrilled her to know it was real. That the dreams were real.

Jackson rocked his hips in a fluid motion, working his way ever deeper inside. His hand went to her cheek and gently pulled her to look in his eyes. Chloe could feel the animal inside of him struggling to break out. She wished he would just lose control, take her and not hold anything back.

An orgasm was rising from deep within her, a pleasure that skipped and danced along her spine and sent tendrils of blazing bliss into her fingers. Her toes started to curl and she felt as though she might shatter into a billion pieces of beautiful light.

"Jackson," she gasped. His name filled her and she breathed him in like oxygen. He growled, flipping her back onto the bed. She could feel the lust emanating from him in waves as he began to pound at her, slamming himself into her. She gasped and clawed at his back for more.

She writhed and moaned, his body pressing against hers with delicious heat and strength. His muscles began to tense and his eyes glowed brighter than she had ever seen them. He was so beautiful, his eyes so deep and wonderful that she couldn't look away. He was breathing hard and pressed his face down to her shoulder. His teeth grazed the delicate flesh before he turned and growled into the pillow.

Chloe could feel him swelling with in her and she bucked her hips to meet him. She wanted him more than anything. Wanted this. He began to thrust without rhythm, spurred on by pure pleasure.

She cried out, her body rising with an orgasm to match his. She shook with pleasure, both his and hers, as it coursed through her. The world spun and stopped at the same time. Light and dark collided and showered her world with colors that she couldn't even name.

When she finally remembered to breathe again, all she could feel was Jackson. He was breathing hard against her and his heart pounded against her chest. It was wonderful.

She kissed his cheek and he smiled. A piece of fluff from the pillow he had bit was stuck to his lip. She carefully moved it with her thumb, loving that he had been so into her that he had destroyed a pillow in his lust. He kissed her hand gently as it passed by his lips.

With a groan of satisfaction, Jackson rolled to his side, freeing Chloe. He offered his arm and she nestled immediately into him. He was so warm and strong and she felt so perfectly content it was hard to believe this wasn't a dream. She was only sure it wasn't when she stifled a yawn.

"Sleep. I'll wake you up when it's time to go," he whispered. His words danced across her skin and she drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter 22

hloe dozed gently beside him as Jackson stared at the ceiling. He couldn't believe what he had just done. It had been wonderful. Spectacular. The best, and most fulfilling sex of his life even, but he wondered if it was worth it.

Just being with him put Chloe in danger. He didn't dare fall asleep beside her for fear of the nightmares. He woke up angry and afraid after each dream and often broke things. He'd been through more nightstands than he cared to think about. If he fell asleep with Chloe and had a nightmare... he shuddered to think of what would happen.

Chloe took a deep breath and turned onto her side, cuddling up into him. He wrapped his arm around her, and she nestled deeply into the hollow of his arm. She fit so perfectly there it seemed as though she was made for it.

Jackson was at a loss. He was head over heels for this sassy, smart, little brunette and because of that, he wanted to keep her safe. And he was dangerous. She claimed that he would never hurt her, that she knew it from the dreams. He'd had those same dreams, but he still wasn't sure. He knew the strength of the beast within him. He knew what happened when he unleashed it. She didn't.

He took a deep breath, and his nose filled with her scent. It was mixed pleasantly with his own and just the thought of joining with her again made his blood begin to pump. He wanted to find a way to stay away from her, to keep her safe from him, but he didn't know how. Now that he had tasted her, there was no way he would ever be able to live without her.

Night darkened the sky outside, but Jackson could still see the room as if it were noon. He didn't know what to do. He had to keep her safe, but he knew he could never be apart from her again.

Chapter 23

hloe's heart was tap dancing away at a breakneck pace. Somehow though, she managed to smile at the gate guard and show him her ID. She nearly wet herself when the gate guard frowned and inspected her card, holding it up to the light and turning it over to check the back. After the longest minute of Chloe's life, the guard finally handed it back to her.

He had barely glanced at Quent's ID badge and the extra inspection of her badge was making her sweat. Jackson had already driven through before them, and was trying to move slowly enough that they could catch up to him without it being obvious that they were following him. Jackson's truck would draw less suspicion parked in his usual lot, so he was going to show them where to park for the science building before parking his own car and doubling back to meet up with them. Without him in the car, Chloe was suddenly doubting their odds of success.

Jackson did a slow loop through a partially plowed parking lot before heading off. Quent parked the car in the corner of the lot just like Jackson had told him to, letting the engine idle while they waited for him. Quent had given Chloe control of the thermostat since he never seemed to be cold, but she couldn't seem to decide if she was hot or cold. Her stomach was burning up, but her hands were like ice. She took a deep breath and nearly screamed when Jackson rapped on her window.

BOOK: Wolf Six's Salvation: A Shifter Love Story
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