Wolf Seeks Wife (BBW/Shifter Mail-Order Bride Romance) (Mail-Order Mates Book 2) (4 page)

Read Wolf Seeks Wife (BBW/Shifter Mail-Order Bride Romance) (Mail-Order Mates Book 2) Online

Authors: Lola Kidd

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Erotic Romance Fiction, #Fiction, #werewolves, #Shifter

BOOK: Wolf Seeks Wife (BBW/Shifter Mail-Order Bride Romance) (Mail-Order Mates Book 2)
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Molly was brushing her teeth when Kellan appeared in the bathroom doorway.

“I’m sorry. You were right. I should tell you the important stuff.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“Listen, I know I’ve been standoffish these last two days, but I’m nervous. I really like you, Molly. I think you’re my mate.”

She rinsed her mouth and pulled her robe tighter. She went out into the hallway with Kellan. “Good. I know I’m your mate. It’s about time you came around to the truth.”

“How do you know you’re my mate?”

Molly touched her hand to her chest. “I felt it. It was so obvious when I finally saw you in person. When we were emailing, I had a good feeling about this. Everything happens for a reason. We were meant to find each other.”

He shook his head. “But you’re so young. How do you know that you’re not going to change your mind two years down the road?”

“What does my age have to do with anything?” she asked angrily. “I’m mature, and I’m not a child. I’m a grown woman, Kellan.”

She let go of the edge of her robe so it fell open at the top. Her satin nightgown was just peeking through. Kellan’s eyes blazed. “I know you’re a grownup. I’ve been through this before. I don’t know if I can survive another heartbreak.”

“What does your wolf say?” She got closer to him. “I’ve heard that a man’s animal will know when he finds his mate.”

Kellan took a step back and hit the wall. “My wolf is only half of me.”

“So what does your human say?” She got even closer. She knew he was losing control. He was breathing harder and his hands were clenching and unclenching.

“I like you. I told you. I really like you.”

He tried to sidestep away from her but she followed him. “You like me? Maybe you love me?”

“Not now, Molly,” he begged. “We can talk about this in the morning.”

“Why not now?” She undid her robe completely. She knew she looked sexy as hell in her nightgown. She’d picked it because it was so soft and it felt so nice against her skin. Now she wanted to know what Kellan felt like against her skin.

His eyes went right to her chest and stayed there. He groaned, hands twitching at his side. “What are you doing to me? I apologized already. You don’t have to torture me.”

“I’m not torturing you,” she whispered. “You can touch me if you want. I am your mate and all. I’d like to be your wife too, if you’d let your stupid prejudices go and ask me already.”

His eyes finally left her chest and met hers. “You’d marry me.”

“As soon as the courthouse opens.” Molly stood on her tiptoes and kissed him softly on the mouth.

Kellan put his hands on the sides of her face. He held her in place as his tongue explored her mouth. He pulled back, eyes clouded with lust. “Will you marry me, Molly Pitt?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” She put her arms around his neck as he picked her up. He carried her to his bedroom, kissing her the entire way. He laid her gently on the bed and then tore off his shirt and pants.

She watched him as the heat between her legs became unbearable. She pulled him on top of her as soon as he was undressed. “Make love to me, Kellan.”

She didn’t have to ask him twice. His hands were under her nightgown, grabbing her ass and lifting her off the bed. He eased her nightgown up her torso, kissing along the way. “I love your hips. They’re so sexy.”

He pulled the nightgown off her and lowered his head to her chest. “And your tits are a work of art.”

Molly arched her back, pressing her nipple into his mouth. She gasped as his hot mouth closed around her sensitive bud. He sucked on one until she was rubbing her legs together and moaning. Then he moved to the other while also putting one large hand between her legs.

She was sure she would combust if he didn’t get to it already. Molly loved foreplay, but she’d been waiting too long. She should have jumped him that first night when she saw him shift. She’d had no idea it was going to be this good.

He took his time playing with her though her panties, running his finger up and down her wet slit. She tried getting him to hurry it along but he wasn’t having that. Kellan was going to take his time with her whether she wanted him to or not. Frustrated, she ran her fingernails down his back. “Please, Kellan.”

He pressed against her entrance through her panties. “Please what?”

“I’ve told you what I wanted already.” She squirmed under him. “Come on, already. I can’t wait anymore.”

Kellan chuckled. He pushed the fabric aside and circled his finger around her nub. Molly arched off the bed again. She was stopped by Kellan’s solid figure above her. “I can see that.”

He pressed one finger inside of her and returned to sucking on her nipples. He thrust his finger inside her at a steady pace as he sucked. She could feel pleasure building between her legs.

“I’m going to come,” she moaned just before spasming around his finger. She closed her legs tight around his hand and rocked as she came hard.

Kellan stilled and held himself above her. “I think you’re ready for me now.”

Molly’s fingers tingled with leftover pleasure as Kellan pulled her panties all the way off and positioned himself between her legs. She gasped again as he pressed inside of her with one swift motion.

He groaned as he spread her. He set a punishing pace as soon as she had adjusted to his size. She wrapped her legs around him and held tight. She came two more times before Kellan howled and spilled himself inside of her. Her legs were shaking and her heart hammered against her chest as he kissed her.

“We’ll go to the courthouse when it opens tomorrow,” Kellan promised. He lay with his head on her chest until his breathing returned to normal. Then he scooped her up still naked and carried her into the hallway.

“Where are you going?” she asked. “I’m so sleepy. Can’t we just go to bed?”

“We are.” Kellan pushed open his bedroom door with his foot. “We’re sleeping in here from now on. I don’t like the guest room.”

“I’m going to change that first.”

“Change whatever you want,” he told her as he laid her down on his bed and climbed in next to her. “I want you to feel comfortable here. We’re going to send your mom a plane ticket out, too.”

“That sounds great,” Molly said, cuddling up to his chest. “She’ll really like that.”

“I love you, Molly.”

“I love you too, Kellan.”


The next night Kellan was out with Owen in the desert again, only this time they were joined by Owen’s pack brother Rusty and Kellan’s twin cousins Matt and Mark.

“Congratulations, cousin!” Matt hugged Kellan tight. “We’re throwing a party for you two at Two Wolves.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Kellan said as he hugged Mark.

“Nonsense.” Matt waved his hand. “The pack is going to want to celebrate, and you’ll need to feed everyone. We would cater if you had the party at your ranch anyway. This way is easier for everyone and you won’t have a mess after the party to clean up.”

Kellan couldn’t argue with that logic. He and Molly had gotten married that morning. Owen and Erin had acted as their witnesses. He had already sent Janice a plane ticket and she’d be out at the end of the month. Kellan didn’t want to be away from Molly so soon after they were married, but he had to finish this. With the help of the three men they would have no problem.

Matt and Mark were even taller than Kellan, and Mark was even more deadly. He and his brother looked so similar to Kellan they could have been brothers. He always loved going in to visit them at the restaurant. He was glad Molly had mentioned the coyote problem when they’d gone in earlier. Matt and Mark had jumped at the chance to help.

Both of Owen’s pack brothers had wanted to come but he’d made Steven stay home to guard the pride. It was just a precaution, but better safe than sorry.

“Listen, these are just kids,” Kellan reminded everyone. “We need to get the leader, not hurt the kids. This is a stupid prank to them. I don’t think they wanted to kill any animals at all.”

“Kellan’s right.” Owen looked at Rusty. “Be careful with these kids. We don’t need any dead teenagers on our hands right now.”

“You can count on me, brother,” Rusty said gravely.

The five men shifted to their animal forms and set out. It was easy to find the teens. They were still hanging out in the same area where Kellan and Owen had seen them last. Everyone but Kellan surrounded the coyotes. Kellan ran to the center of the group and shifted back to his human form. “I thought I told you to stay out of our city grounds.”

The pack didn’t scatter since they weren’t shifted. Some of them stood up but no one said anything. They all looked at their mangy leader.

The older man sneered at Kellan. “What are you going to do if we don’t? This is a free country. We can hang out where we want to.”

“It’s a free country, but you’re on our land. This property belongs to Sunset Falls.”

“We can just leave.” One of the teens spoke up. “It’s no big deal, mister. We can ride somewhere else. Come on, Grey Eyes. Let’s get out of here.”

“We aren’t going anywhere,” Grey Eyes said. He snarled at Kellan. “If you want us to leave, you can make us.”

He shifted to his animal form and circled, waiting for his gang to change too.

Kellan waited and stood tall. His cousins howled and the lions roared just outside the light of the fire. That got the boys’ attention.

“You can attack me with your idiot leader here, or you can go home. I can see that you kids are from Prairie Sands. I have friends from Sunset Falls out here with me. It would be a shame to have to go back to your home town and tell all your parents that we had to kill you over a stupid prank.”

Kellan let the implication of his words sink in before he too shifted to his animal. The gang leader shifted back to human form as the boys were scrambling for their bikes. “Come on! We took this geezer last time and we can take him again. I’m sure he’s got senior citizens out there waiting for us. Don’t run!”

Rusty came into the light and dove at the leader. He took the man down hard and put his teeth around the man’s neck. He shook Grey Eyes viciously. The man’s screams rang across the desert. He tried to pry the lion’s teeth off his neck but only ended up breaking his finger in the process.

“Oh, shit.” One of the kids had stayed while his friends were speeding away. “Hey, don’t kill him. Please. He’s just a high school burnout who buys us beer. I swear to God he’ll leave you guys alone. We’ll make sure of it. Please don’t kill him.”

Kellan and Owen both shifted back to human form. Kellan crouched next to Rusty and Grey Eyes. “Are you going to behave?”

The man nodded frantically.

“If you’re lying, we won’t be so kind next time,” Owen warned. “I’ll snap your neck myself and I’ll leave you out here in the desert.”

“And we’ll eat your face too,” Kellan added. “Even if they find your body, they won’t recognize you. You’ll be nameless for eternity.”

The man started sobbing loudly. Rusty let off his neck a little so he could speak. “I’m sorry. I swear I won’t do this again.”

Owen nodded to Rusty and he let go of Grey Eyes. The man scrambled to his bike and he and his friend hurried to catch up with the gang.

The twins came closer to the fire and the three others shifted back to human form.

“Jesus, Kellan.” Mark’s eyes were wide. “You scared the hell out of that kid. You wouldn’t really eat his face, would you?”

Matt nodded. “If he didn’t leave, I would. You can’t let scum like that get a third chance.”

Kellan put his hand on Matt’s shoulder. “Calm down there, cousin. I’m not going to eat the kid’s face. I just wanted to scare him. I don’t want to have to leave my wife to deal with this again.”

“If they come back, we’ll go to the police,” Owen assured Mark. “Everyone makes mistakes.”

Mark looked relieved. “Thank gosh. I don’t know about you two sometimes.”

“Good. I want to keep you on your best behavior.” Kellan put his arms around his cousin’s shoulders. “Now, you two are going to throw us a big party to celebrate. But not until next weekend.”

“Why not this weekend?” Mark asked.

“The man needs a honeymoon,” Rusty laughed. “Can’t expect him to tear himself away from his mate for too long.”


It felt like she hadn’t left the house for a decade. Molly was surprised she didn’t burn when the sun touched her. She and Kellan had spent the last week at the ranch alone, almost all of it in bed. They’d only come out the day before because they were all out of food. They had gone through his emergency stash and were down to eating condiments on homemade bread. Once they ran out of flour, Molly knew it was time to go to town. They had gotten supplies and then spent the time before the party going at it like rabbits.

She was happier than she had ever been in her whole life. While they were on their staycation honeymoon, she’d gotten a call from Miss Maple. She had heard that Molly was moving to town and offered her a job sight unseen. She had checked her out online and found her graduation announcement from college. Miss Maple figured if Molly had a degree, she had to be more than qualified. She would start on Monday at the little preschool in town.

Kellan’s twin cousins were throwing them a killer party to celebrate the wedding. Molly had met more shifters than she could even remember. The Lunar pack was huge. The entire Brooks Pride had shown up too. The place was overflowing with people. The party had spilled out into the street to appease the fire marshal. The police had helped by closing down the street. Her reception was now a town event. Molly couldn’t believe how many people wanted to congratulate Kellan on his marriage.

“I’m starting to think people just want to see that I’m real,” Molly teased.

“I’m a little shocked that such a nice girl agreed to marry an old goat like me,” Kellan joked.

“You’re my old goat.” Molly kissed him.

“Congratulations, you two!” Olivia Grey came up to them with a bottle of champagne in hand. “I brought a gift, but I’m sure you two have more booze than a bar. This place is packed. I couldn’t even fit this on the gift table.”

“We have a gift table?” Molly was going to have to go look for that later. She hugged the slim blonde. “I’m so happy to finally meet you in person.”

“Me too.” Olivia hugged Kellan too. “This is a first for me. I had to see the crazy lady who showed up unannounced.”

“That really hasn’t happened before? I don’t believe it. I can’t be the first girl to take matters into my own hands.”

“You surely are. You’ve given me a great story to tell at all my weddings in the future.”

“I think you’re going to be coming to Sunset Falls every week now,” Kellan warned her. “This is the second wedding you’ve facilitated.”

“I’m not sure if I can take full credit for this one.” Olivia winked at Molly. “And I like coming here. This town will keep me busy for at least another year.”

“Have you talked with my cousins?” Kellan asked. “Those twins could both use wives.”

“I haven’t.” Olivia looked around the room and spotted the twins. “If you’ll excuse me.”

As she walked away, Frank walked up. Molly put her hands over her face. “Oh, no. I’m so embarrassed.”

“Hey, Frank.” Kellan shook the old bear’s hand. “This is Molly, my wife.”

“We’ve met.” Frank’s eyes twinkled as he laughed. “This one is a little storyteller.”

“When did you meet?” Kellan looked from Frank to Molly. “I know I haven’t brought her into your shop yet.”

“I met him when I first came to town.” Molly admitted. “I lied and told him I was a reporter. He gave me your address.”

Kellan chuckled. “I guess I owe you a free night at the hotel, Frank.”

“It’s fine. I’m glad it all worked out for you two.” Frank looked wistful.

“Thanks, Frank.” Kellan shook his hand. “We’ll be sure to visit as soon as we get a free minute.”

Frank left the happy couple alone. Kellan pulled Molly close. “Nothing would have kept you away from me, huh?”

“You did send a great picture.” Molly pulled him down for a long kiss. “And nothing is going to keep you from me now.”

“We’re at a party, dear.” Kellan gave Molly a wicked smile. “I wonder if anyone would notice if we snuck away for a moment?”

“This place is packed.” Molly nodded toward the hotel. “I know the owner, and I think he’d let us use a room for a few minutes.”

“I bet he’d let us use his office. I heard he’s a real nice guy.”

“I’ve heard the same.” She took Kellan’s hand and led him away from the party. She hadn’t had enough time alone with her husband yet. She hoped the honeymoon lasted forever. She loved Kellan so much she didn’t think she would ever get enough of him.


Thank you so much for reading Wolf Seeks Wife. If you enjoyed the story and have time, I would really appreciate if you left a review for the story.--L.


Coming Soon

The Bear’s Bride

Frank Franklin is ready to find his mate. After years of searching on his owe, the big bear is ready to give Olivia Grey and Lovely and Kind Brides a shot. He couldn’t be more thrilled when after only three days, Olivia finds his match. There’s only one little problem. The woman doesn’t want to meet him! Can Olivia change her mind or is Frank doomed to a life of loneliness? Find out in book three of the MailOrder Mates series.

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