Read Wolf Pack Online

Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Wolf Pack (13 page)

BOOK: Wolf Pack
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Well, apparently he needed to come clean about his decision with Taylor. He motioned her back to the couch before he handed her a beer. Cole sat beside her. “Taylor asked me to consider taking the Alpha position if he joins the Wolf Council.”

Kendra didn’t say anything, didn’t move for several minutes. Then she smiled. “Cool.”

That wasn’t the reaction he’d been expecting. “That’s it?”

She shrugged. “Taylor doesn’t do anything without thinking. If he wants you to consider taking the position he’s already thought long and hard about the offer. Knowing my Alpha, he probably started mulling it over the second he met you.”

Cole nodded. That was a good description of Taylor from what he could tell. “You’re very close to him.”

“I am. I moved into the main house when I was sixteen,” she told him.

He leaned forward and picked up a couple of slices of pepperoni before he passed hers over. “Eat while we talk,” he ordered.

“Yes, sir,” she teased.

He lifted an eyebrow at her smart mouth.

“I’m eating,” she said before scooting back and crossing her legs.

“Good.” He took a bite of his own food. It was still hot and greasy. He quickly ate the entire piece and reached for another. “Is it too soon to ask about your parents?”

Kendra shrugged. “They’re still members of the pack.”

That didn’t make sense. “Then why did you move in with the Alpha?”

“My parents had me late in life. They’d tried to have kids in their thirties and early forties but when my mom didn’t get pregnant they gave up hope. My mom went to the doctor because she thought she had the flu and found out she was knocked up. She was forty-seven,” she explained.

So her parents had her later than most. That still didn’t explain why she’d moved out as a teenager when they were still alive.

“And?” he pressed.

“And I was a shitty teen,” she said.

He waited for more.

Kendra finished eating and sat back to take a drink of her beer. “My parents are very submissive and I guess they thought I would be too. When I hit my rebellious stage they didn’t know what to do with me.”

“So they sent you to live with your Alpha?” Cole didn’t understand.

“Not at first,” she said. “But they did ask Taylor for help and I had to go over to the main house every day after school to learn respect and obedience.”

“Okay.” He nodded.

“I learned what he wanted but also found that I thrived around the chaos of the pack. Taylor let me act as a kind of admin for him and I loved it. But when I went home every night my parents expected me to sit and read or be quiet. That’s really not me,” she confessed.

“It was different with Taylor, though,” he guessed.

“Yeah,” she agreed. “He’s not had kids yet, although he will be a wonderful father when he finally settles down. I filled a hole in his life and he gave me exactly what I needed.”

“I’m glad.”

“The move happened gradually. I started to stay on the weekends so I would be there if anyone came by, then sometimes during the week and school holidays. Eventually I had more clothes at the main house than my parents’.”

Cole enjoyed listening to her talk. He really did want to know more about her, and relaxing on the couch talking was bliss.

“My mom’s dad got sick, they live in Utah, and my parents wanted to go visit. I had school and a volleyball tournament,” she said. “Taylor told them I could stay with him. I never went home after that. My mom and dad were gone for a month but even after they returned home I stayed with Taylor.”

“That’s great. The way he took you in,” Cole commented.

“Yes it was. When I graduated from high school Taylor offered to pay for my college if I stayed working for him part-time. My cabin wasn’t occupied and we hired a crew to fix it up. He signed my house over to me so I’d always have a home. He even helped me train for the Marshal’s service.”

“How is your relationship with your parents now?” he asked. He hoped Kendra didn’t mind such a personal question, but she’d been so open with everything else.

“I have dinner with them every couple of weeks when they’re in town. They travel a lot.”

“Taylor said something the other night about you being there for dinner a lot,” he said.

“Oh, I eat there at least twice a week. It’s close by here, I don’t have to cook, and he’s good company,” she replied.

“You’ll miss him if he takes the position with the Wolf Council,” Cole stated. It wasn’t a question.

She shrugged and stopped smiling.

He regretted bringing it up.

“California isn’t too far and they do get time off. He’s promised to come home as much as possible.” She smiled again.

Of course they’d already spoken about it. Taylor was already putting his plans in order. “Who else is Taylor talking about for the position?”

“I’m not sure. The Council has given him some names but Taylor won’t leave his pack to anyone he doesn’t trust one-hundred percent,” she said.

“And he trusts me?” Cole didn’t understand that.

“Yes.” She leaned forward. “He wouldn’t have brought it up if he didn’t already trust you.”

“I haven’t been part of a pack for a very long time,” he confessed.

“I’ve picked that up from a few things you’ve said,” she said. “It sounds to me like you’d like to consider Taylor’s proposal.”

“I do,” he admitted. She was the first person he’d said the words to. The knot that he’d had in his stomach since Taylor had brought up becoming Alpha relaxed a little. It brought him peace to bring up the subject to Kendra. Maybe he did need her to help make the right decision.

“I have an idea,” she told him while throwing her legs over his and fitting herself under his arm.

“I’m open to suggestions,” he responded as he peered down at her. Cole liked her exactly where she was.

“Tomorrow night is Friday, and every week I have to go to an inner circle meeting after we have dinner. Usually a couple pack members show up and of course all of the inner circle invite their family and close friends. You can start by meeting everyone a little at a time. You’ve already worked with a couple of the pack that have helped with the search of our territory,” she said.

He nodded, he could start small.

“Bring your babies.” She looked over to where the dogs were resting beside the couch. “We’ll run as wolves together under the moon and spend some of the weekend talking things out.”

“Yes,” he breathed out long and steady. “That’s perfect.”

“See,” she teased, “stick with me. You won’t go wrong.”

He leaned down and nuzzled her cheek. “Oh, I have to go to a barbecue on Saturday to welcome a couple friends home from their honeymoon.”

“Well, you can still go to that,” she assured him.

Cole chuckled. “We. You’re going with me.”

“Am I?” She rose to her knees and straddled him.

“Yes, those are the dating rules,” he said. Cole played with the buttons on her top, before sliding the last one open.

“I don’t think I know these rules. Maybe you need to make me a list.”

“Uh huh,” he agreed although he wasn’t really paying attention. Moving his fingers up, he effortlessly finished with her shirt and pushed it off her shoulders.

“Are you even listening to me?” She poked him in the chest.

“Not at all.” He captured her hand then brought it up to his mouth. “It’s your fault. If you wanted to continue the conversation you shouldn’t have sat in my lap.”

Kendra’s laugh was husky and full of silk. “I’ll have to remember that tip.”

In payment for her smart mouth he ran his five o’clock shadow against her sensitive neck. She squealed and swatted at him. Cole locked his arms under her ass and stood.

“How about we take this into the bedroom?” he said. “I did promise to let you change into something more comfortable.”

“That’s really sweet of you. Letting me borrow some clothes.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

“I’m not,” he corrected.


“I’m getting you naked,” he said.

She sighed. “That’s such a hardship.”

Cole smacked her ass. “Be good,” he warned. God, she was so much fun. It didn’t matter what they were doing or that they’d only just met. Cole couldn’t believe she hadn’t always been in his life. Kendra slid into his routines so seamlessly.

Kendra wiggled around. “If I’m not?”

He spanked her again, and she moaned. “Oh, this is interesting.”

“Cole.” Her breath had quickened.

He rubbed his hand over her abused flesh and hurried. Once they reached the bedroom he closed the door behind them. Normally he wouldn’t lock the dogs out of the bedroom, but if he and Kendra were really going to play he didn’t want his pets to ruin the moment at a critical time.

Cole strolled to the bed but set her on her feet instead of dumping her down like he’d originally planned. “Strip,” he ordered.

Kendra wore a tank top and she whipped it over her head before unsnapping her bra. Her shoes, socks, pants and panties quickly followed. Then she was standing in his bedroom, beautifully bared to him. He ran his finger over her shoulder then down her arm. Goosebumps broke out on her skin as she shuddered.

“Middle of the bed, on your hands and knees,” he demanded next.

Without saying a word, she smiled before complying. She was sleek and sexy and he knew for damn sure that Kendra was putting a show on for him. He drew his hand back and smacked her ass.

“Hmm,” she murmured.

Cole followed her onto the bed, still dressed in his jeans. He scooted up until the rough fabric brushed against her inner thighs. Kendra pressed back against him.

“Don’t move,” he snapped.

“Okay,” she panted out.

God, she was already so needy. Cole splayed his palms over her lower back and dragged them down, letting his nails scratch. She arched her back and hissed.

He tsked her. “No moving.”

Kendra nodded so he continued teasing her flesh. Once he’d mapped every inch of her ass he shuffled back a little.

“Ready?” he asked.


Cole rubbed his hands together then spanked her right cheek. To give her credit she barely moved. He smacked her other side. Kendra cried out. He swung again and again.

By the time he’d given her ten swats to each soft round cheek she was rocking back to meet each swing. Cole reached around and used his middle finger to circle and press her clit.

“God!” she screamed. “Please!”

He chuckled. “You want me?” He moved his digit down to rub between her folds and into her pussy.

“Yes,” she hissed.

With his free hand, Cole unsnapped his jeans and managed to yank them down his hips. He didn’t have time to get them or his shoes off. He grasped his cock and rocked forward. He slid through her wetness, finding her entrance.

Cole pushed inside.

Kendra was pressing back so she could take all of him. When he was fully buried inside he rested his forehead on the back of her neck. “You feel so damn good clamping down on my cock. I love this feeling,” he confessed.

“I want you in me always.” Her words were shaky.

“Always,” he repeated as he gripped her hips hard. He withdrew slowly, dragging his hard-on through her tight muscles before he plunged back in.

“Oh!” Kendra dropped her head down on the bed, which let him thrust even deeper.

His hands were shaking as he held onto her for all his worth. He drove in and out, fast, hard and desperately.

“Cole!” Kendra cried out as she spasmed and climaxed.

“Kendra!” he hollered and came.

He held himself up and off her. She was face down on the bed with sweat rolling down her back. He leaned forward, which slid his cock inside, and he licked up her spine.

She shivered. “You can stop that anytime next year.”

He chuckled. “Stay still.” He pulled out and grabbed the blanket to wipe up the sweat and—not so erotic when cooling—fluids. It took an effort to stand beside the bed but he managed.

Kendra rolled her head to look at him. “You kept your shoes and jeans on?”

“Yeah.” Heat flushed his face. He’d wanted her so bad he couldn’t have even taken another second of not being in her.

“That is so damn sexy. We’ve got to do that again,” she said then closed her eyes.

Cole brushed her hair from her face as he peered at her. Her skin was still lightly moist and she had the appearance of being completely sated.

“Stop looking at me and get in bed,” she said. Then yawned.

He folded down the blankets on the side of the bed before he lifted her from the middle. She grunted as he manhandled her. Once he had her tucked in, he finished undressing then strolled to the other side. As he climbed in next to her he could hear Kendra already breathing hard in sleep. Cole wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back into his body.

He could smell the subtle scent of her shampoo. Closing his eyes, he smiled as he settled down to sleep.

Chapter Nine




Three hours after he’d gone to bed, Cole was awake making sure the house was locked up tight. Once he’d grabbed a nap he’d woken not really that tired. Kendra was still sleeping peacefully so he climbed out of bed—that way he wouldn’t bother her.

He let the dogs have a bathroom break and gave them fresh water before he sat on the couch in only a pair of sweats. Cole grabbed the folders that Taylor had given him. No time but the present to start looking through them.

The first sheet was a breakdown of pack members and their occupations. The only information missing was the names. The next couple were businesses that the pack owned. Every pack member received a percentage of profits. There was even a list of what charities the pack donated to every year.

Taylor was organized and detailed. Cole settled back and read through the first file. He lost himself in the notes that Taylor had provided, which outlined current standards and what he hoped for in the future. The Alpha hadn’t been lying when he’d said Cole would still be able to continue his own job. Taylor kept up to date by having meetings with his inner circle, which actually ran the businesses.

He set aside the first folder and picked up the second. All the information he could ever want about the territory had been provided, including housing, exercise areas and gathering places. He recognized the map as a copy of the one Taylor had provided for the searches they were doing. Another map, this one of the safe zone, was under it. Cole looked over it carefully.

BOOK: Wolf Pack
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