Wolf Games: Granite Lake Wolves, Book 3 (13 page)

Read Wolf Games: Granite Lake Wolves, Book 3 Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Wolf Games: Granite Lake Wolves, Book 3
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Wolf Games

Erik rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “I agree you need to take back control of your life, but

Maggie…” He cupped her face in his hand. “You’ve
reclaiming your life. Ever since you started back

north you’ve taken charge and made changes. If you can’t finish it all in a few days, you’re still well on the

way. They aren’t winning anymore. You’re the one in control of the game now. Okay?”

Her heart leapt. It was true. She nodded jerkily.

“Summer solstice is tomorrow. I think that should help.” He pulled off his shirt and her mouth

watered. Firm muscles tempted her. Distracted her from the emotional rollercoaster she’d just raced over.

The urgent desire to run her tongue over his body chased away all other thoughts. How had they resisted

completing their mating until now? It was another stone to cast at the feet of her tormentors. Then he was

naked, every glorious mile of him spread out like a banquet before her.

“I have no idea how this is supposed to help my wolf, but damn you’re fine.”

He laughed. “You’re drooling.”

She wiped at her mouth in response and flushed when he laughed again. “Tease.”

“I like the look in your eyes.”

Maggie lifted her gaze to his. “You’re much better looking than TJ. At least to me.”

Erik patted the blanket beside him. “I thought I’d change to my wolf, but I want you to be sure you

understand it’s me, no matter what form I take. If I frighten you, just tell me to shift back and I will.”

“I’ve been around TJ’s wolf for three days.”

He frowned. “Sweetheart, I hate to remind you, but TJ is young and not as powerful as you. He’s also

not nearly as big as I am. When we do have a shifter challenge there will be few wolves my size. If you can

get comfortable around me, that’s the first step.”

Maggie nodded. “Makes sense.”

“Touch me.”

She ran her hands up his chest, over all that hard muscle and tight skin, leaning closer to brush their

lips together. The thrill of connection shook her to the core even as their lips stayed soft and sweet. She

took her time, tracing the tattoos on his shoulders and arms, brushing the stiff hair on his head. She stroked

her hands down his abdomen, skirting his erection.

Oh heavens. Distraction at its very finest.

“I think I should shift now.”

She nodded, unable to tear her eyes away from the evidence of just how much he really wanted her.

“Maggie, did you hear me? I’m going to shift.” A tug on her arm made her drag her gaze back to his

face. Erik wore a huge grin. “Although that’s a very nice expression you’ve got right now.”

“Okay, Wolfman, let me clap for you.”

Shimmering light flashed, transposing images registered on her retinas, and Erik lay on the blanket,

all claws and black fur and teeth, and for one awful second, her heart stopped. She closed her eyes and felt



Vivian Arend

for him. It was still Erik. Still the same sensation of power rolling off him, the same love and caring being

projected. Gentleness mixed with his incredible strength.

Between the two of them, there was nothing they couldn’t accomplish.

Suddenly, that was all she needed. The final wall fell.

“Shift. I need to…I want to…”

She waited, shaking with the fever rippling through her veins. Her blouse came off in one motion, her

skirt and bits of underwear flying after it. He changed back, his solid body reforming until he lay on the

blanket, naked. She leapt on him, into his arms, tears pouring from her eyes.

“What’s wrong? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push you too fast. You don’t have to change. Maggie?

Why are you naked?”

She sealed her mouth to his, stealing his words, taking his response. She lay skin-to-skin on top of

him, his erection pressing against her belly. She wanted him. Needed him desperately, and there was

nothing that would stop her.

He rolled them over, pausing before he covered her. He tangled his fingers in her hair, his tongue

stroking and dancing with hers. The wind rustled the leaves overhead, swirls of his power wrapping around

them. The pulsing beat between her legs jumped in tempo when he dragged a hand down her body and

cupped her breast in the palm of his hand.

When he pulled back they both gasped for air. He stroked his thumb around the tender skin of her

nipple, circling again and again as he stared into her eyes. “Are you sure? Make no mistake, I love you and

I want you, but I will wait until you’re really ready. Don’t do this to try and convince your wolf to rise.

Don’t do this unless you mean it.”

Maggie brought her hands to cradle his face. He was so damn big it was easy to forget just how

tenderhearted he really was. Her wolf danced inside, waiting to be set free. But before she let her out, she

wanted to please the woman.

“The mate thing? It’s there, I feel the chemistry between us. But my head says I love you as well. My

wolf loves you. And now we need to stop talking and I need you inside me. Please.”

He closed his eyes, his face tight with restrained desire. “I didn’t want this to happen here. In the

wilderness, no soft bed. I wanted it to be special.”

She slapped his shoulder. “Damn, it is special. It’s you, and me and that’s—”

He leaned over to consume her.



Chapter Ten

Soft warm skin under his mouth, her scent filling his head. If he never saw another sunrise, just the

memory of this moment—his mate accepting him—would keep him warm for the rest of his life.

She caressed his body, her hands tiny against his chest, over his shoulders. Her touch teased and

tormented and he slipped a line of kisses down her torso, partly in an attempt to escape to where he could

concentrate on her without being distracted. He cupped her breasts in his hands, the dark skin of her nipples

crinkling tight as he lapped at them. First one then the other, licking and nipping and sucking until Maggie

panted and writhed under him.

“I love the way you taste.” He licked her belly button and she laughed, her torso shaking.

“You talk too much.”

“Hmm, you think?”

“Oh. Oh. Oh yes…”

Erik smiled against her core, his tongue tracing lazy circles around the rigid nub of her clitoris. He

continued his assault, his tongue and fingers playing her like an instrument, now fast, now slower. The

sounds of delight she made changed with his tempo until she tightened around his fingers, her sheath

squeezing the two fingers he’d buried in her depths.

Again and again he lapped at her, lifting her hips high in the air to pull her closer to his eager mouth.

The connection between them grew stronger the longer they touched, and the control he’d wound up, tight

as a corkscrew, slowly began to unravel. Destiny meant for them to be together, but after hearing her

confession he admired her more than ever. She was brave and bright, and she drove him totally and

completely mad with lust.


He stilled his hand where he’d reached under her hips to caress the tight star of her anus. A light sheer

of sweat broke out on her skin and as she lay before him, her body shaking with another orgasm, he’d never

seen a more beautiful sight.

“I love you.” He lowered her hips to the blanket and crawled over her, needing to taste her lips again.

She clung to his neck and attempted to pull their bodies together. He laughed against her mouth, unwilling

to crush her with his weight. She arched under him, rubbing their torsos together, stoking his fires hotter.

Moisture from her crotch painted his skin and he groaned.
Gotta keep it slow.
No matter how much he

Vivian Arend

wanted to thrust into her, bury himself in her sweetness. He kissed her, anchored on his elbows to keep

them apart.

Maggie poked him in the ribs. “You’re too big.”

“I’m not even touching you yet.”

She laughed with delight and pushed him until he sat up. “Nothing wrong with your ego, is there?”

She straddled his thighs, her breasts crushed against his chest, the heat of her pussy now lined up properly

with his aching shaft. “Missy wondered if we’d have to—”

“I really don’t want to talk about your sister right now. Oh damn, Maggie.”

She’d maneuvered herself over the crown of his cock and slowly rode him. Each movement of her

hips brought him farther into her body, the tight clasp of her sheath wrapping around him like a bit of

heaven. He supported her hips and helped her, watching her face carefully. She kissed his chest as she

settled, his entire length buried inside. “You feel so good in me.”

He linked his fingers in her hair, tugging her gaze up to his. “Together. Like we were meant to be.”

A mischievous smile crossed her face and she grabbed his shoulders, lifting her hips high until his

cock clung to her opening. She dropped down, smooth and fast, hard and amazing. Electric tingles started

in his spine and spread fingers out to his balls. There was no way he was going to last. Not after waiting

almost two weeks, wanting her desperately the whole time.

She rubbed herself against him on every motion, their bodies slick in the heat of the night. The

expression on her face fascinated him and he stared as he assisted her sweet assault on his cock. She bit her

bottom lip, her breath coming out in panting gasps.

“More. I want more.”
Her thoughts sounded in his mind and he hummed with delight.

Tendrils of knowledge twined from her around his heart—the sensations she felt, the emotions racing

through her—all of it passing between them as their mate connection bound them together. He reached out

to share his love, his passion for her. How proud he was of her strength. How touched at her willingness to

trust him. Their bodies meshed as their minds linked.

She cried out, coming around him, and he let go of his control. Locked together they both reveled in

the exquisite explosion. He held her close as after-tremors shook her, the heat of their bodies spreading like

a cocoon around them.

“Erik? Is it really happening?”

“Oh yeah, sweetheart. It’s real and it’s right.”
He brushed a curl back from her face, leaning closer to

kiss her again. The sense of completeness was so amazing. All the missing parts of his soul settled into

place as both memories of the past and dreams for the future passed between them.

The mate connection—linking them together intimately. Everything he’d longed for to make him

complete, and it had finally happened. He kissed her without stopping, the need to show her his total love



Wolf Games

and commitment overwhelming him. She smiled against his lips, their tongues dancing together, a sweet

and content exploration now that the fire had flared.

“I love you.”
He kissed her eyelids and the tip of her nose, and she laughed out loud.

“You talk too much.”

He laughed, stroking her back, enjoying the way she nestled against him, warm and satisfied.

“Erik? I love you too.”

How could feeling so wonderful make his heart ache?

His anger at what she’d experienced continued to simmer. It would be a long time before he’d be able

to forget how broken she’d been by the attack. Her power as a wolf slipped up a notch and she twisted in

his arms. She stared at him, determination written all over her face.

He sent her acceptance for who she was, what she was, not only to him but the pack as well.

don’t have to do this yet.”

She raised a brow. “Scared she’s going to outrun you?”

He felt it. As she reached down deep and called up her wolf, joy overflowed her heart. Aching

loneliness from being forced down for so many years washed away. Maggie backed from him, her bright

eyes watching closely.

“I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad we’re together for this.” As she reached her hands to the sky, a beam

of midnight sun broke through the trees to set her skin glowing. She shifted, shimmered, and Erik knelt

forward to rejoice as she paced over to him in wolf, her silvery coat gleaming with health. She leaned

forward, her tail wagging with delight and he laughed out loud.

“Shall we run, my mate?”
Maggie bumped him with her head, wrapping herself around his torso.

He shifted, his wolf eager to meet his counterpart. They stood nose to nose for moment, sharing their

hearts in wolf form. Erik took off at a run, letting Maggie follow him until they reached the far side of the

hill. He stepped aside and she took the lead, her joy in her wolf trailing behind her like a bright rainbow.

He threw back his head and howled, letting the whole world know. He had his mate, they were

together. Life couldn’t get much better than this.


“I can’t believe it. You hadn’t shifted for seven years? Damn. Someone needs their butts whooped.”

Jared glared into the distance and TJ growled in agreement.

Maggie held up a hand. “Guys. Put your testosterone back in your pants. I didn’t tell you about my

issue to get you riled up.” She leaned back on Erik’s sturdy frame as she faced TJ and Jared. Both the

young men’s wolves hovered just under the surface, furious for her sake. She tested her fear at the

proximity of more wolves, but there was nothing there. Just calm reassurance emanating from Erik like a

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