Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4 (19 page)

Read Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4 Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Shapeshifters;werewolves;paranormal romance;hot romance

BOOK: Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4
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He smiled. “Nothing to say. You didn’t know. It was my choice.” He rolled off the bed and held out his hand. “I don’t know about you, but I need a shower before I can sleep.”

Sylvie was sticky and sweaty. “A shower would be great.” She could tell he didn’t want to discuss his tattoos or the past any longer. She didn’t blame him. The present was much more pleasant.

“That’s a big shower stall you have,” she teased.

His grin widened. “All the better to wash you with, my dear.”

Sylvie laughed. “You’re the big bad wolf, are you?”

He caught her hand and brought it to his lips. “With everyone but you,
mon ange
. You never have to be afraid of me.”

Her heart did a little flip and her wolf howled with pleasure. She truly believed him. Other than her brother, Gator was the only man who’d ever made her feel safe. He also made her feel so much more.

“How about that shower?” Her voice was low and sultry and his nostrils flared when he scented her growing arousal. He tugged her toward the bathroom door and inside.

Chapter Nineteen

The sun rose with the promise of another hot day, shining in through the window and brightening the entire bedroom. She didn’t mind. She loved the morning when the world was quieter. She’d always been an early riser.

Sylvie donned shorts and a tank top, deciding to dress casually like the other women did, and padded barefoot into the bathroom. She’d slept better than she’d thought she would, all things considered.

Her gaze was drawn to the shower stall, and she blushed just thinking about what they’d done in there last night. Gator had lifted her, put her back against the wall and rocked them both to heaven. Then they’d washed and he’d taken her back to bed, cuddling her from behind until they both fell asleep.

She’d noticed that he never took her from behind when they had sex, never put her in a position that would leave her feeling physically vulnerable. It made her appreciate him even more. It had been on the tip of her tongue to say she loved him. Maybe she did. How could she know for sure?

She didn’t bother with earrings or jewelry. It would only be in the way if she decided to shift. And she might. It had been an incredible experience to embrace her wolf after so long. “Remember, you promised not to go anywhere alone,” she lectured her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

“Who you talking to,
?” Gator strolled into the bathroom, wearing nothing but a pair of faded jeans that clung to his thick thighs and lean hips. The zipper was up but the button was left undone. He scratched the light covering of hair on his chest.

Honestly, it should be illegal for a man to look this good first thing in the morning. His hair was sleep tousled, his eyes heavy lidded. He walked with a swagger that announced to the world that he’d gotten laid last night.

She shook her head. “No one.”

He placed his hands on her shoulders and dropped a kiss on her cheek. “If you say so.” The teasing glint in his eyes made her smile.

“What’s the plan for today?”

He turned on the cold-water tap in the sink, lowered his head and splashed water onto his face. She handed him a towel when he was done. “Thanks, babe.” He rubbed the thick cotton over his face, drying it before he answered her.

“I need to patrol and I know Jacque will want to meet with us to discuss defense plans.”

you mean the men, don’t you?” They might be progressive, but they were still male werewolves. “What am I going to do today?” She wasn’t used to being idle.

Gator shrugged. “Whatever you want. Treat this as a vacation. Read, relax, take a nap.”

She took the towel from him and when he turned away from her, she snapped him on the butt with it. He whirled around and the incredulous expression on his face made her laugh. Then she thought about what she’d done. Andre would have beaten her if she’d dared such a thing with him. She hadn’t given it a second thought with Gator. It had been pure instinct.

“Think that’s funny, do you?” Even though she could see the humor in his eyes, she tensed. He grabbed her and nuzzled her neck. When she stiffened even more he, released her. “I’ll get even,” he promised.

She released her pent-up breath and tried to smile again. “I’ll be waiting,” she teased, trying to recapture the playful moment.

He slung his arm around her shoulder and guided her out of the bathroom. “Seriously, you should take it easy. Anny has shelves loaded with books in her room. I know she wouldn’t mind you borrowing one.” He gave her a sly look. “You could always bake a pie or three. I like pie. Especially cherry.”

She patted his six-pack abs. “I can tell.”

“Woman.” He caught her hand and brought it to his lips. “You don’t say things like that to your man.”

Your man
. His words brought with them a sense of contentment.

“You ready?” He hesitated by the door.

She knew she’d have to face them all eventually. The only person she was really worried about was Armand. She wasn’t quite sure how her brother would react to Gator spending the night with her. “I’m ready.”

He opened the door and waited until she went ahead of him. “Remember,
, he loves you.” His whispered reminder softened some of her anxiety.

Cole and Cherise were nowhere around but both Armand and Anny were in the kitchen making breakfast.

“Morning.” Anny called the cheery greeting. “I’m scrambling eggs. Ham is in the oven.”

Armand crossed his arms over his chest and didn’t say a word. He studied her for the longest time. Then he sighed and opened his arms. Sylvie went to him and hugged her brother tight. He kept his arms loose, barely closing them around her. She knew it was because he didn’t want her to feel trapped in any way. She appreciated his understanding and his willingness to accept her as she was, damaged and all.

It was amazing how quickly being around these wolves had shattered her fear of being touched. Because her wolf trusted them, she no longer felt threatened when either Gator or her brother hugged her.

She wasn’t sure she was up to any of the others holding her this close, but she could now handle a pat on the shoulder or a touch on the arm and enjoy it rather than having it bring on a panic attack.

“What am I going to do with you?” he whispered in her ear. He kissed her cheek and released her. Then he pinned his gaze on Gator. “Just let me know if you need me to take him out back and beat him up for you.”

Sylvie shook her head. “I’ll keep that in mind.” She loved that her brother wanted to protect her, yet he was letting her know he respected whatever decision she made about her and Gator’s relationship. She knew it couldn’t be easy for Armand. He’d always been a protector by nature, so different from their father.

“Since nobody has to beat up anyone this morning,” Anny announced, “why don’t you pour some coffee and we’ll all have breakfast.”

ma petite
.” Armand’s dry reply to his mate’s command made Sylvie smile. Gator snickered, not even bothering to try to hide his amusement.

Anny pinned Gator with a look. “You can get the ham out of the oven.”

Gator saluted her. “Yes, ma’am.”

Sylvie carried the mugs that Armand filled over to the table and took her seat. Gator followed with the ham and Anny with a bowl filled with fluffy scrambled eggs. There was also a bowl of fresh fruit salad on the table and Sylvie reached for it first.

Gator groaned and she turned to see what was wrong. He motioned to the bowl in her hand. “Another one who prefers fruit to meat. I bet you like salad too?” It came out as an accusation.

She grinned. “I love salad.” She reached for the plate of ham. “But I love meat too.”

Anny snickered and then Sylvie realized what she said could easily be misconstrued to have sexual connotations. Armand groaned and buried his head in his hands while Gator laughed outright.

“Good to know,” Gator told her.

“Eat your breakfast,” she muttered even as she felt her cheeks warming under his regard.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Breakfast came and went and both Armand and Gator disappeared shortly after. Cherise showed up and told her and Anny that Cole had joined the other men at Jacque’s home.

The three women moved to the back deck. Anny curled up in one of the big wooden chairs, Cherise perched on the railing and Sylvie sat on the steps that went down to the yard.

Sylvie had the uncomfortable feeling that both women were hanging around just to keep her company. “Feel free to do whatever you normally do.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Anny leaned forward. “After last night.”

Sylvie didn’t quite understand what the other woman was getting at.

Cherise fanned her hand in front of her face. “It was hot in the house last night.”

She didn’t think her friend was talking about the temperature. She bit her lip and swallowed a groan.

“Oh, yeah.” Anny picked up the thread of the conversation. “It was one of those nights that made me think we need to start building those other houses sooner rather than later.” She tilted her head sideways. “You two were still at it when I finally fell asleep.”

“Still at what?” Gwen walked up the path with Louis a few feet behind her. When he saw the other woman, he turned to leave.

“Stay close,” he warned them before disappearing into the trees.

“Let’s just say that neither Gator nor Sylvie got much sleep last night.” Cherise’s dry assessment made them all laugh.

Sylvie couldn’t help but join in. There was no malice in their teasing, only their honest pleasure for her. It was nice to have female friends.

Gwen plunked down next to Sylvie on the step. “You’re looking perky for a woman who didn’t get much sleep,” she observed.

Sylvie grinned. “What can I say? I feel energized.”

“Me too.” Cherise raised her arms over her head and stretched. “Let’s just say all those amorous vibes spread throughout the house.”

Anny laughed, but Sylvie noted her pleased smile and knew her brother and his mate had enjoyed themselves last night as well.

“So what does everyone have planned for the day?” she asked.

Gwen was wearing faded denim shorts and a blue top that matched her eyes. She leaned back and braced her arms on the porch behind her and peered up at the sun. With her blonde hair and fair skin, she looked like she belonged on a California beach. “I want to try to get some writing done. I’m close to finishing the rough draft of my book.”

“What’s it about?” Sylvie asked. She couldn’t imagine the time and discipline it took to write an entire book. It wasn’t something she could do so she admired the other woman’s dedication.

“It’s a paranormal romance.”

Sylvie was momentarily stunned. “Really?”

Anny snorted. “Yeah. I still don’t think that Jacque is going to let you submit a werewolf romance to an agent or publisher.”

Gwen waved her hand. “I’ll worry about that when I finish the book.”

“I’ve got an assignment to work on for my class,” Cherise announced. “I have homework.” She laughed. “Never thought I’d be so happy to say that.”

“I want to try out a couple of new cake recipes I found online.” Anny peered up at the sky. “It’s only going to get hotter, so I should get at it.” She rose from her seat. “You’re welcome to join me.”

Sylvie shook her head. “I think I’ll just sit out here and enjoy the morning.”

Cherise motioned to a hammock suspended between two tall oak trees at the edge of the yard. “Feel free to take a nap. There are books in the house too.”

“Help yourself to whatever’s on my shelves,” Anny told her.

“I think I will.” Reading in a hammock sounded like a great way to pass the morning. Sylvie couldn’t remember the last time she’d taken a day off simply to relax.

Gwen stood and dusted off the seat of her shorts. “I think I’ll mosey on back to the house. If the men haven’t finished talking by now, they can take it outside.”

“If you wait for me, I’ll grab my laptop and join you.” Cherise looked at them all one at a time. “Remember, we’re not supposed to go anywhere by ourselves.”

“I hear Cole talking,” Gwen muttered. “But I know he’s right and so are you. It’s easy to forget to be vigilant when I’m only running from your place to ours.”

“Better safe than sorry,” Cherise pointed out. She disappeared into the house and returned moments later with her laptop. “Let’s go.”

The two women disappeared, leaving Sylvie and Anny alone. “If you ever want to talk about anything, I’m here,” Anny told her. “I can’t pretend to understand what you’ve been through, but I’m a good listener.”

The offer touched Sylvie deeply. “Thank you.”

Anny’s smile was warm and concerned. “Gator’s a great guy. He comes across as gruff at times, but he’s all heart.”

“I know.” She hated that she was jealous of Anny’s relationship with Gator. The other woman knew him better than she did. Well, maybe not in all ways. Anny had never slept with Gator.

Sylvie stood. “I think I’ll go pick out a book.”

Anny followed her inside but stopped in the kitchen. “I’m here if you need me.”

Sylvie nodded and hurried to the room Anny shared with Armand. The two cats were sprawled across the bed and ignored her presence. She smiled and walked to the large bookshelf that dominated one wall. It was jammed with books. She didn’t take too much time to choose and simply grabbed one that had a sexy man and a wolf on the cover. “
Howl of the Wolf
,” she read. It would be interesting to see what the writer thought a werewolf was really like.

She tucked the book under her arm and headed back the way she came. She paused in the kitchen long enough to pour a lemonade for herself and for Anny. The other woman had the counter lined off with ingredients.

Anny rubbed her hands together. “This is going to be fun.”

Sylvie left Anny to her work and carried her book and lemonade to the hammock. She set her glass on a stump near the head of the swing and then lowered her body into it. The mesh and canvas cradled her and the sun peeked through the leaves, leaving her partly in shadow.

She opened her book and began to read about the curse placed on the wolf and his fellow warriors.

Sylvie wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she sensed she wasn’t alone. She’d read for a while and then dozed. The book was resting facedown on her stomach, still open to the last page she’d read.

She sat up, dislodging the book from its resting place on her chest. It toppled onto the ground with a thud. The air was hot and heavy and still, incredibly still. There were no birds chirping and even the insects had gone quiet.

Her wolf was agitated, and that was enough for Sylvie to move. She swung her legs over the side of the hammock and stood.

“Stay.” The low male voice came from behind several trees only a few feet away from her.

She began to tremble. She recognized that voice. It was so much like her ex-mate’s voice it was uncanny. Travis Dubois had found her.

She opened her mouth to howl for help. Before she could utter a sound, he was on her, one muscled forearm wrapped around her chest, his hand slapped over her mouth. “Make one sound and I’ll kill the woman in the house.” His fingers dug into her skin and she knew she’d have bruises.

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