Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory (17 page)

BOOK: Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory
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He picked up the soap, lathering his hands liberally. His eyes watched her face, noting every gasp, every quiet sigh, as his hands massaged her breasts, caressed her belly, soaped her legs.

He stepped back, drawing her under the spray, rinsing the suds off with tender strokes.

Turning her around, he soaped her again. His hands kneaded her neck and shoulders, her lower back. She sighed. Calloused palms skimmed her buttocks. She spread her legs slightly.

His fingers snaked into the crevice, glided up, massaged her ass. Grazed the tight pucker between her buttocks.

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Jenny groaned and bent slightly, reaching back to pull her cheeks aside for him. He slipped the tip of his little finger inside her. Leaning over, he whispered, “Most women don’t like this.”

Jen pushed her hips back, driving him deeper. “I’m not most women,” she growled.

“I noticed.” He pricked her rim with another finger, twisting from side to side. She moaned, leaning forward a little more, poking her butt out.

He grabbed her hip with his left hand, holding her steady, his fingers probing her tight canal. “Mmm, I love playing with your ass, baby. Let’s see, can I…” He twitched his fingers, holding them apart, working yet another inside her.

Jen gasped, pussy and ass clenching. “Jacob!”

He knelt behind her, pulling her down onto her knees before him. He drove his fingers deep while guiding his stiff cock into her pussy.

“Goddess, yes!”

“Jenny, Jenny, Jenny,” he breathed. “This is driving me crazy.” He pressed a kiss between her shoulder blades, sending a thrill down her spine. She whimpered. He straightened and drove his cock inside her, fingers exploring her ass while her lips stretched around him. “Sweet Jenny. Do you think, someday, I could --” He broke off and pumped his hand fiercely, finger-fucking her ass.

“Yes!” she cried.

“Yes, what?” he murmured, slowing down, stroking his shaft and fingers slowly in and out of a pussy and ass aching with need.

“Yes, you can fuck my ass.” She drove herself backward, wound tight as a spring, about to pop. “Fuck my ass with your cock someday. Promise me you will!”

He gasped. “I will, baby. Oh, Goddess. I will!”

Delighted, Jen pushed herself up, pressing her back against his chest. Jacob’s free arm wrapped around her waist, steadying her while she let gravity drive him deep inside her.

“Oh, damn.” His voice shook. “Oh, damn!”

The ring at the base of his cock expanded. They arched in unison, gasping, water cascading over their faces, locked together as her pussy and ass clenched, pure bliss coursing through every nerve in her body as his seed warmed her pussy and his fingers danced in her ass.

“Goddess, Jenny,” he breathed after they had finished bathing and were drying each other. “What you do to me.” He rested his forehead against hers, running his fingers through her hair.

Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory


She pressed her lips to his. “I feel the same,” she murmured. “But we’d better hurry.

Damien will be home soon. I’d like to come up with some kind of plan to gently introduce this concept to him.”

Jacob tugged on his clothes, but Jenny hadn’t brought any, so she wrapped the towel around her as best she could, though her pregnancy meant it didn’t really cover much but her breasts and her backside. She shrugged as they walked into the guest room. “I’ll just --”

Damien stood in the doorway, his face like thunder. His eyes took in her nakedness, Jacob’s arm around her waist, their wet hair. His fists clenched, body trembling.

“Damien --”

He slammed a hand against the doorjamb. “Outside,” he gritted at Jacob. “Now.” He stepped out of the doorway, into the hall.

Jake nodded, tossing aside the towel he’d been rubbing through his hair. Very deliberately, he kissed Jenny’s forehead.

Damien growled, bones shifting in his face. Jake walked past him calmly.

“Stop!” Jenny hurried after them, trying to tie the towel across her breasts. It wasn’t wide enough, and she stepped onto the back porch holding it up with one hand. Jacob and Damien circled each other on the gravel path at the foot of the steps. She saw Devlin standing to one side. “Help me,” she said. “Stop them.”

He didn’t answer, watching the two men warily.

“She’s ours,” Damien growled.

Jake grinned wolfishly. “She’s mine, too.”

“Only if I let it happen.”

Jake nodded. “So we fight.”

“We sure as hell do.”

“Stop talking about me like I’m not here! I have something to say about this.”

Jake speared her with his dark gaze. “You made your decision last night. You gave yourself to me, Jenny.” He nodded toward Damien. “All that’s left is for us to decide who has primary rights.”

A strange thrill shook her to the core. A primal arousal awakened in her at the idea of two men fighting over her. No, two wolves.

A wild yearning filled her, making her breasts ache. The blood pounded in her veins.

She sniffed the air, excited by the mixture of desire and fear, determination and need wafting from each of the men before her. She couldn’t wait to fuck the winner.

What am I thinking? She tried to shake off her need. Tried once more to stop them.

“Jake, Damien. Please, don’t do this. Let’s talk.”

Two heads shook. “This has to happen, Jen,” they snarled in unison. After sharing a startled look, the opponents crouched, squaring off against each other.

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Devlin backed away, giving them plenty of room.

Jen shivered, the two sides of her nature warring. Her human half hated the thought of this challenge, but her weyr half…

The adversaries circled now, growling and snapping. Bones shifted, clothes ripping as the change came.

As she’d already seen, Jacob morphed faster. She saw surprise in Damien’s eyes, apprehension. But Jake just paced, churning up gravel with his huge paws as he waited for Damien to finish.

They faced each other.

Goddess, Jacob was huge. Just as in his human form, he stood a head taller than Damien as a wolf and simply looked more rugged. His hair, no longer matted and clumped but still thick and coarse, bristled, as though each strand stood ready to defend its master. Early morning sunlight seemed to disappear into the dark abysses that were his eyes. The first word that came to mind as she looked at him was dangerous.

Damien, in contrast, was shorter, but stockier. Thick muscles bulged as his legs tensed.

His silver-gray fur rippled, soft and supple in the morning’s breeze. The sunlight glinted from his eyes as from the surface of an unruffled, sky-blue lake.

Unfortunately, at least in the sense of a fight, the first word that came to mind was beautiful.

Weak-kneed, she sank down to sit on the top step of the porch.

She had brought Jacob into this. She had chosen to lay with him, even after Devlin had told her what it would mean. She wanted him, needed him, as much as she needed Damien and Devlin. She wished there was some way to settle this peacefully, but after all, she had married two weyr. Taken another as a lover. And she was half-wolf. That part of her understood that this ritual was necessary. Jacob had to have a place in their hierarchy, and this was the only way.

And, Goddess help her, it was making her horny.

Despite her mixed feelings, her eyes were drawn to the adversaries. Damien sprang and snapped, aiming to sink his teeth into the muscle high on Jacob’s right front leg.

Jake dodged, cuffing the silver wolf’s head with one gigantic paw.

Damien landed roughly. He shook his head, got his bearings. He rushed again, coming up under Jake’s chin, snapping at his neck.

Jake slammed his chin into the top of Damien’s head. The silver wolf’s front legs buckled. He scrambled back, keeping his head low, panting heavily.

Blood dripped from Jake’s chin and stained the top of Damien’s silver head. Jen shivered, her nipples hardening. She was shocked at herself, but she couldn’t help it. Her weyr senses kicked into overdrive, and her body responded accordingly.

Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory


Jake’s musk permeated the air, Damien’s earthier scent a strong undercurrent.

Damien had recovered. He circled the larger wolf warily, watching for an opening.

Jake stood still. Despite his injured jaw, he seemed as strong and confident as ever. His eyes found Jenny, held her captivated while his ears perked and swiveled, following Damien’s movements.

Her groin ached. She shifted, her legs falling apart, her scent wafting into the air.

The two wolves and Devlin breathed deep.

The fight started in earnest.

Damien leapt onto Jake’s back, his claws raking across the dark wolf’s ribs as his weight carried them both down. Snapping and snarling, they rolled, fur flying.

Jenny’s nipples throbbed. She let the towel fall, shivering as the soft nap grazed her erect nubs.

Jake raised his head. Jenny arched, thrusting out her peaked nipples, spreading her legs so he could see her red, swollen sex.

The dark wolf’s eyes flashed. His mouth closed on Damien’s ruff. He shook him, then flung him to the side, taking a step toward Jenny.

Damien sprang back immediately. He knocked the black wolf on his side. Jen shivered, reaching down, her only thought to relieve her burning need. The silver wolf stood panting, his eyes following Jenny’s movements as her fingers found her sex, sliding in and out as he watched.

A new growl, to her left. She glanced that way. Devlin had changed and was pacing back and forth, back and forth, outside the circle of the fight, his eyes on her, nostrils flaring.

Jake scrambled to his feet, threw a warning bark in Dev’s direction. The smaller silver wolf dropped to his belly, covering his head with one paw, whimpering in submission.

Jenny’s nipples twanged painfully, deliciously. Goddess! Jen grasped her left breast, guiding its swollen peak to her mouth. She suckled, supporting her breast with her left hand while rubbing her clit with the pad of her right thumb, the two middle fingers dipping in and out of her pussy.

Still, it wasn’t enough. She wanted them. Wanted one of them to take her, to fuck her.

Jake snarled. He lunged, snapping, his jaws closing on Damien’s right hind leg. He jerked.

Damien went down, front legs scrabbling at gravel as he tried to pull loose. Jake let go and stepped onto him, his forepaws pinning Damien to the ground.

Her eyes locked on the huge black beast. She let her breast go, panting. Damien struggled ineffectually.

Jake ignored him, watching her. The furry sheath between his legs drew back, revealing a glistening red protrusion.

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Jen’s breath came in short, strangled gasps. She was so hot, so horny. With the towel beneath her, she slid her butt down to the second step, the third. Her head resting against the top step now, she worked the fingers inside her pussy frantically.

Damien growled, snapping at Jake.

The black wolf opened huge jaws and lowered his head, bracketing Damien’s neck with a terrifying mouthful of teeth.

She should be trying to stop this.

Instead, she moaned. She wanted one of them to win. Release, please! Her fingers weren’t enough. She needed the winner to take her, hard and fast. Make her come. Make her howl.

Jake was watching. Both wolves were panting, eyes glazed with desire.

Jenny spread her fingers, pushing aside her labia, exposing her raw sex to their hot gazes.

Jake’s glistening red cock swelled to delicious proportions. Damien scrabbled at the dirt once more, straining to gain purchase, striving to squirm out from beneath the weight of Jake’s front paws.

The dark wolf closed his jaws just enough that his teeth pressed into the skin of Damien’s neck.

The silver wolf growled low. Jake’s jaws tightened just a touch more. Jen saw in his eyes that he was reluctant to truly injure Damien, but that he was determined to win.

Damien jerked his head and snapped.

Jake’s teeth pierced his skin, but still the huge wolf held back, watching Jen, obviously seeing fear for her husband in her eyes.

For several moments, nothing happened. A frozen tableau. Then Damien whimpered.

Jake hesitated, loosening his jaws. Damien whimpered again.

Jake raised his head, freeing the smaller wolf’s neck. Removing his weight from Damien’s torso, he straddled the lower half of his opponent’s body, keeping his head down to protect his chest and throat.

The silver wolf rolled over, exposing his tender underbelly.

Jake had won.

Jenny’s heart pounded, her pussy clenching. Yes, she thought. Yes, please, come take me.

Jake raised his head, a triumphant howl bursting from his throat. Then he lowered his muzzle and nudged Damien’s belly, acknowledging his submission, and stepped over him, approaching the porch.

He rested his huge front paws to either side of Jenny’s legs. She withdrew her fingers and gripped the steps.

Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory


His sandpaper tongue laved her swollen labia.

Jen cried out, muscles spasming. Jacob nudged her leg, urging her over onto her knees.

She crawled up to the porch landing and settled on hands and knees, the better to protect her taut belly. He followed her, the boards creaking beneath his weight.

His tongue swept between her legs again and forced itself into the hollow between her cheeks, rasping over her anus. She trembled, juices dripping from her waiting pussy.

Jake’s nostrils flared. He growled, nipping her back gently as he stepped forward, straddling her, towering over her. Jenny let her head hang. Whimpered because she wanted to watch him enter her and couldn’t, because her belly was too big.

His slick red protrusion prodded her raw lips, and all thought fled.

He was enormous, thicker than Damien, longer than Devlin. “Goddess, Jake. I can’t,”

she gasped.

Above her, bone crunched softly, and she heard the unmistakable whispery sound of shifting. Jenny raised her head and saw Jacob reflected in the glass French door. Half-human, half-weyr, with an ugly, half-healed bruise under his chin, he thrust himself inside her.

BOOK: Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory
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