Wolf Bite (Wolf Cove #2) (20 page)

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I’ve never done it like this before, but he guides me with
his hips and his hands until I’m moving in sync with him. Connor sits with his
pants still pushed down, his eyes glued to my breasts as they bounce up and
down. Watching me fuck his friend.

Ronan’s eyes are affixed to mine though, searing into me as
I ride him, feeling heaviness grow in my belly once again. With a hand between
my breasts, he pushes me back until I’m leaning against the dashboard, my thigh
muscles straining as they stretch.

“Can you touch yourself for me?” Connor asks. I look over to
see that he’s stroking his fully erect cock, ready to go again.

These two will be the death of me.

I’m far beyond feeling an ounce of self-consciousness by
this point. I reach down and run my finger over myself, slick and sore but
ready to feel ecstasy again.

“Fuck. If we weren’t in this truck....” Connor murmurs, his
hand gliding over himself faster, his grip firmer.

“The things we’re going to do to you,” Ronan whispers
between pants, his chest heaving as much as mine. He’s not far from coming now.

Like what? What could they possibly do that they haven’t

Ronan pulls me back up and tight to him, his strong arms
curling around my body, burrowing his face in my neck, as we grind against each
other. “You can’t figure it out, can you?”

I’m embarrassed to admit it but, “No.”

I think he’s going to explain but his arms tighten and his
hips speed up and suddenly Ronan’s cock is pulsing as he explodes.

Next to me, Connor comes again too, this time into his palm.

And then, so suddenly, all is silent. The rain has stopped,
and all I can hear is the three of us panting heavily in the car, my chest
heaving against Ronan’s. I didn’t come but I’m strangely okay with it.

“Look at the three of us,” Ronan murmurs.

I do. I take a good look at all of us. Me, naked and coated
with a slick sheen of sweat, straddling Ronan’s lap as he lies back with his eyes
closed, and Connor with his dick in his cum-filled hand.

I start to laugh. “What just happened?”

Connor’s deep bellow follows, and even Ronan’s chuckling. “We’re
both yours, Abbi. That’s what happened.”

A tiny thrill jumps inside my chest. “What does that even

“It means we’re
.” Ronan leans in to graze my
nibble. “Did you enjoy that?”

Is there something wrong with me if I say yes?

I hesitate, then nod.


I reach for my t-shirt, feeling very exposed now that the
moment is over, but Connor manages to grab it and pull it out of my reach. He
smiles sluggishly. “Do you think I could get in there tonight? It is my
birthday, and all.”

There’s that little voice screaming in the back of my head.
It’s saying this is too much, I’ve gone too far. That I’m sinning.

I shove it aside, because that little voice is tainted with
Mama’s close-mindedness and Reverend Enderbey’s constant preaching, and I’m not
so sure we share the same beliefs anymore.

“Hey? What do you think?” Ronan’s hands slide over my back,
his fingers trailing all the way down along my crack until he’s prodding my
tight hole again. “How about both of us at once.”

When I realize what he’s suggesting, my mouth drops open in

They both start laughing.

Even though I know they’re not kidding.

~ ~ ~

“Damn, look at that storm rolling in! We should
probably pull over again.” Connor slows the truck, peering up at the blue skies

“Keep driving!” I giggle, smacking his arm.

He grins and gives the truck some gas to get it going again.
On the other side of me, Ronan rests his head against the headrest, eyes
closed, smiling.

Things have been oddly normal—but better—between us since
Connor’s birthday a few days ago. We haven’t so much as kissed since. They’ve
been more than willing but they also haven’t pushed it, somehow seeing that I
need time to digest this new “relationship” between us.

A relationship that I’m finding myself craving more and more
with each day that passes. The way they make me feel.... I can’t describe it. It
feels somehow right. I like being this close to them. I like the deep physical
connection the three of us share.

But the last thing I want to happen is for anyone to figure it
out. It’s one thing for people to call them my “fuck boys,” it’s entirely
different for them to know it’s true. They might try to make me feel bad for what
I want.

And right now, I want both Connor and Ronan. I want to see
where they might want to go with this.

“Is there anywhere private for us? Maybe tonight?” I ask
tentatively, staring ahead at the road, feeling both sets of eyes land on me.

No one says anything for a long moment, and then Ronan
offers, “We might be able to catch the last ferry into Homer. We could rent a

I meet his gaze. “That’d be good.”

His eyes flicker over my features, excitement dancing in
them. “It’d be

Connor throws an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his
body to lay a kiss on my forehead. “You realize I’m going to be working with a
raging hard-on all afternoon, now?”

“When aren’t you?” I mumble, earning both their laughs.

We pull through the gates and park the truck along the
service laneway. “Darryl said to check in with him before we head for lunch
break.” Connor hops out.

I slide out behind him. Ronan follows closely from his side,
and the three of us stroll onto the main grounds.

“I didn’t think it’d ever get this hot here.” Despite my red
hair and tendency to burn, I’ve somehow developed a rather unsightly golden farmers’
tan. I don’t know how to get rid of it, short of lying at the staff beach. “It’s
almost warm enough for a bikini.”

“That’s a visual I need right now, red.” Ronan reaches up to
cup the back of my neck, rubbing it affectionately for just a few seconds
before pulling away.

I love it when they do that.

I look up to absorb the sunlight against my face. “I just
mean that it’s so nice. I’m so happy I get to work outside all day and enjoy
this instead of being stuck inside.”

When I drop my gaze, I find myself staring into familiar steely
blue eyes.


Chapter Twenty-Three


My feet falter at the sight of Henry, looking larger
than life as he leans against a service truck, powerful arms folded over his
chest. He holds my gaze for three long seconds before shifting back to focus on
Darryl. They’re talking, and laughing. It’s all very casual.

Meanwhile I may be moments away from passing out. My chest
actually hurts, it’s tightened so fast.

I hear a soft “Fuck” from Ronan beside me.

The only one who’s clueless is Connor, who slows and looks
back at us when he realizes we’re not beside him anymore. “You guys coming?”

“Yeah.” I finally croak, forcing myself forward, my work
boots suddenly ten times heavier. My heart is racing by the time we’re in front
of Darryl.

And Henry.

“Hey, we’ve got another load in. We’ll stack it after break,
if that works for you?” Connor has absolutely no idea that my world is falling

I was doing so well, too. I’d compartmentalized all of my
feelings—good and bad, mostly bad—into a little box and stuffed it into the
recesses of my mind. I’d started to move on, letting myself enjoy life. Enjoy other

And none of that matters anymore.

“Yeah, go on,” Darryl mutters, just as clueless.

Connor nods, then shifts his focus to Henry, turning on a
more respectful persona. “Good to see you around again, Mr. Wolf.”

Henry eases off the truck and offers a hand. “Connor,

A slight frown flickers across Connor’s face. “Yeah, right.”
I know what he’s thinking: how does Mr. Wolf know my name? But I’m not
surprised. Henry knew every one of my roommates’ names.

“And Ronan.” Henry’s jaw tenses as he offers Ronan his hand.

Finally, his eyes settle on me again.

And I feel the weight of my pain as surely as if it just
happened. All this time... everything that’s happened between Ronan, Connor,
and me... none of it matters. My heart hasn’t been able to dismiss and move on.

My heart is stupid.

He’s evil
, I remind myself. I can wish that he’s
different, but he never will be.

“Miss Mitchell.”

I clear my voice. “Mr. Wolf.”

“How is the Outdoor crew treating you? Is it everything you

“It’s been great. Everyone treats me well.”

“I’m sure they do.” There’s a sharp edge to his tone,
compounded by a lightning quick gaze to either side of me. To Darryl, he
promises, “I’ll have the truck back by four.”

Darryl snorts. “It’s your truck. Keep it as long as you
want. You need help out there? I can send these guys out.”

Henry lifts an ax that I didn’t notice resting against the
tire into the back of the truck. “Maybe. I’ll see how I feel.”

“Right. Well, radio in if you do.”

I can’t help but stare at his form—clad in a simple black
long-sleeved shirt and cargo pants—as he climbs into the truck. He somehow
looks better than he did before.

Henry’s back. Who knows for how long. And it doesn’t change
anything. It doesn’t change what he did.

But Henry’s back.

“Abbi!” Connor’s voice snaps my attention back. “Where’d you
go to?”

I feel Ronan’s gaze on me. When I meet his eyes, he simply
nods to himself, sad realization filling his features. “We’ve lost her.”

~ ~ ~

Voices buzz around me but I easily tune them out.

Because Henry is here and everything has changed. For better
or worse, I can’t stop thinking about him, as much as I want to.

A corn kernel to the forehead pulls my attention back. I
look up to find Connor watching me intently through a sip of beer.

I sigh. “Yeah?”

“You good?”

I nod.

He leans in slightly. “It’s not because of...
you know
.” He quirks a brow. “No regrets, right?”

For all that Connor may be, he’s decent enough to be
concerned that my boundaries were pushed too far. I feel bad that he has no
clue what this is really about. If I could tell him, I would. But instead, I offer
him a weak smile. “No regrets. I swear.” Not about what I did with him and

Regrets about Henry? That’s an entirely different question,
and one I can’t answer. Had I not met him, not fallen for him, not given him
me, would I still be that idiot pining over Jed?

Chalk it up to a life lesson. A brutally painful one.

Ronan smooths a hand over my back. “She’ll be fine. Right, red?”

“You shut up. I’m still pissed at you. It’s your fault we
missed the last ferry,” Connor grumbles, shoving a mouthful of meatloaf into
his mouth.

I nod at Ronan with appreciation. He took the blame,
disappearing mysteriously, only to reappear as John was leaving the docks. He
knew a night in a hotel in Homer was not happening between us.

He also knows that nothing is going to happen between us

I just can’t.

“Hey, buddy.” Mark drops a hand on Connor’s shoulder before
settling in beside him, Corbin on the other side. The lodge is busy tonight,
with people continuously joining our table.

“A grizzly can weigh up to fifteen hundred pounds,” Corbin
says. They’re obviously mid-conversation. Or mid-argument.

“That’s not just any grizzly. That’s a Kodiak.” Mark shakes
his head at his friend. “Dude, have you not learned anything while in Alaska?”

“When the hell am I going to learn something? I’m always

“Yeah, ‘working,’” Mark jokes, making a jerking off hand

I get the feeling that Corbin and Mark are the type to argue
about the sky being blue and the grass being green, just for the sake of

“So, what’s new in the world of voyeurism anyway?” Ronan
asks between mouthfuls of his burger.

“It’s been pretty fucking dull lately,” Corbin mutters. “Too
many respectable guests. But, Wolf is back so maybe that’ll change.”

“He’s too smart to let us catch him on camera, dumb ass.”
Mark shakes his head at his friend, but Corbin’s already ready with a

“Need I remind you about the smokin’-hot magazine writer?”

I’m ready to toss my fork at them. I really don’t need to
hear about this again right now.

Mark smacks the table with this palm. “I already told you, Wolf
didn’t hit that!”

him go into the cabin with her and that
hot blonde with my own eyes!” Corbin emphasizes “hot” with two hands cupped and
held out in front of his chest. “A guy like Wolf walks into a cabin with two
women like that and the hell they aren’t bangin.’ He probably said ‘get naked’
and they were all ‘yes, Mr.Wolf!’ Dude’s my hero.”

Mark shakes his head. “That’s not what happened.”

“Basically, it was.”

“No, it wasn’t.”

“Fuck! Shut up!” Ronan shouts, annoyance filling his face. “You
two need to get laid.”

Mark rolls his eyes at Ronan. “Fine, Corbin. How long was he
in there?”

Corbin shrugs. “I don’t know. I went on break.”

“Well, I can tell you for a fact that that’s not what

“You weren’t there!”

“No, but Andy was. Right, Andy?” Mark points his fork to the
end of the table where Andy has just slid into a seat.

Heads turn toward him, waiting.

“I was where?”

“That journalist. The night Wolf shot her down.”

I can’t keep the frown from showing.

“Damn, just throw me under the bus, why don’t you, Mark.”
Andy’s shaking his head, but he’s struggling to hide his smile.

were there with Wolf and those two hot
chicks?” There’s no small hint of envy in Corbin’s voice.

“Oh, he was
all right.” Mark waggles his brows.

Andy tosses a corn kernel at his roommate’s head, pinning
him in the nose.

But it doesn’t distract Corbin from his need for the decadent
details. “Bullshit. Like
there? What happened?”

Andy takes a sip of his Coke—I assume, because he’s working
tonight; he drinks as much as the crew, otherwise. “Fuck, Mark. If I get canned
for this....” Andy shakes his head but then heaves a sigh. “I heard them come
in so I went to see if they needed anything. The two chicks had stripped and
were standing in the living room in
waiting for Wolf. But he
turned them down.”

“What? No. He never turns ass down.”

“How the fuck do you know?” Mark mutters.

“Because he has a Wolf shrine that he jerks off to,
nightly,” Connor jokes, earning a round of laughter from everyone but me.

Because I desperately need to hear the rest of this story.

Andy shrugs. “I don’t know. He gave her some excuse about
being involved with a woman and not wanting to fuck things up.”

“That guy doesn’t commit. Not when he can have as much ass
as he wants.”

“Don’t shit where you eat.” Connor licks mayo off his
finger. “She’s from a big magazine. Smart guy. I guess that’s why he’s the

“Yeah, well, I wasn’t sure how smart he was. She was
Tried to save face by blowing him off, saying she didn’t care because she
had the better fuck the night before with his brother, and she was going to
destroy his hotel. And Wolf... damn.” Andy’s eyes widen. “Did he let her have
it. Told her that if her article even suggested to him that she was acting
unfairly, he’d make sure her boss knew what she’d been up to while here.”

“Fuck. The guy’s got some huge fucking brass balls on him.” Corbin
is officially in love with Henry. “Shut that bitch down. Crushed her.”

Mark chuckles. “I wouldn’t say that.” His sideways glance at
Andy tells me there’s more to the story.

Andy shakes his head. “She called me in there and made me
watch her and her friend do lines of coke off each other.”

“And then?”

There’s a long pause. And then Andy grins wide. “Then they
broke my cock. I couldn’t get it up for two days. Best night of my life.”

They’re all laughing and jeering. I feel Ronan’s eyes on me,
but I keep my gaze on my plate as blood rushes through my ears like a freight
train. If what Andy’s saying is true—and I get the feeling that it is—then that

Henry lied to me. He led me to believe that he slept with
Roshana and that other woman.

I thought I felt ill before but this churning in my stomach,
this guilt whirling around inside me, is going to make me lose my dinner.

My eyes begin to burn and I furiously blink away the tears,
not wanting anyone to find out.

I need to know. I need to look Henry in the eye and get the
truth from him.

Ronan, so in tune with me and having figured out the other
piece to the story, leans in and whispers, “Go. I’ll clean up for you.”

Barely managing a nod of thanks, I slide out of my chair.

It takes everything in me not to run all the way to Cabin

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