WOLF: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 4) (14 page)

BOOK: WOLF: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 4)
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His mouth came down on hers as his body picked up the pace, his thrusts gaining momentum. He wanted to make it last, but it’d been so long since they’d been together, and he knew his control was hanging on by a thread. This first time was going to be hard and fast, but he swore to himself he’d make it up to her. He’d spend the rest of the night making it up to her.

“Baby,” he growled through gritted teeth.

As if she understood, as if she knew what he was feeling, she nodded, clutching at him.

“Yes,” she panted.

Hell, he supposed he shouldn’t be surprised she understood his need. She’d always understood his needs. They were always so in sync with each other, so attuned to each other. That and she probably could feel the tremors in his arms as he fought back the urge to finish so soon.

“Oh, Wolf,” she panted as he reached around her leg, his hand searching out her clit, stroking over her as he continued to drive into her.

“I need you to get there, baby.”

And then he watched as her head went back, and she moaned out a long wailing sound as she slid over the edge, her inner walls contracted around him, milking a response from him.

He groaned, dipping his head as his release exploded, and his arms locked around her. His body going solid, every muscle flexing as the aftershocks shuddered through him. And then, as if every drop of energy had been drained out of him, he sank down on top of her soft welcoming body.

He felt her hands stroking over his back, one hand lifting to thread her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck. And then he felt her lips pressing soft kisses along the side of his neck. He made a move to slide off her, and her arms tightened, keeping him there.

“Stay,” she whispered, and he could feel the fear in her. Was she afraid he was leaving her? Like there was a chance in hell of that happening.

“I’m not going anywhere. I just don’t want to crush you.”

He moved off her then, and this time she let him go. But he pulled her close, tucking her against his side. He only meant to rest for a minute to regain some strength, but he soon felt the miles catching up with him and his body felt heavy with exhaustion. He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“Just give me a minute to rest.” His hand hooked behind her knee, pulling her thigh across his lower abdomen, needing her body plastered to him. He moaned into the top of her head as she snuggled up to him, and that was the last thing he remembered as he slipped into oblivion.









Wolf heard a banging at the door. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and squinted, glancing around the hotel room. Crystal was nowhere in sight. The pounding on the door continued.


Tossing the sheets back, he stood and pulled his jeans on, calling out, “Who is it?” As he strode toward the door he heard a muffled voice respond through the door.

“Narcotics officer.”

He pulled the door open to find a grinning Red Dog.

“Very funny. You’re hilarious.”

Dog strode in. “
thought so.”

Wolf watched him glance around the room.

“You get your note?”

“My note?” Wolf frowned, scratching his chest. He didn’t have a clue what the fuck Dog was talking about.

“We all got one. Girls got dressed up and snuck out while we were sleeping.”

Wolf glanced around. There was no note. Dog stepped into the bathroom doorway, flipping on the light, and Wolf could hear him chuckle.

“Leave it to Crystal to make a statement.”

“What are you talking about?” Wolf stepped beside him. There scrawled across the mirror in red lipstick was his note.


Hey, Sleeping Beauty—

Come find me in the club downstairs when you awaken!



down there?” Wolf asked Dog.

“Yeah. Get dressed. We’re going to find ‘em. The guys are waiting by the elevator.”




“Mack had to take a call about The Pony. He’ll be down in a minute. He was pretty pissed the girls snuck out on us.” Cole mused as they made their way through the crowded club.

“Oh, and you’re not?” Wolf asked with a grin.

“Where the hell are they? You see ‘em anywhere?” Crash asked, his eyes scanning the crowd.

“Fuck, this place is packed,” Cole replied with a shake of his head.

Wolf’s eyes surveyed the crowd. The place was filled with a young party crowd. The women were all dressed to the nines in short dresses and towering heels. There was a light show going on like nothing he’d ever seen before. Strobe lights and colored spotlights flashing in perfect time with the music.

“Let’s get a drink,” Cole shouted, nodding toward one of the bars.

They pushed their way to the front, or more aptly the crowd parted like the Red Sea when people turned to see their cuts. The bouncer had made a noise about them wearing them inside, but a hundred dollar bill from Cole, and a look of death from Red Dog, and he’d waived them in.

A few minutes later, drinks in hand, the men turned to survey the crowd again.

Dog looked around like he’d never seen anything like this place. He turned to Wolf and yelled in his ear over the driving dance beat. “None of this is real, right?” When Wolf shook his head, he continued, “Okay, good. Just checking.”

Wolf grinned over at him. “I thought you were going to deck that bouncer.”

Dog growled back sarcastically, “How to become a bouncer. One, be an asshole. Two, stand by a door.”

“Hey, we’re in. Don’t worry about that guy,” Cole told him.

“Do I look worried? I just hate in when you have to be nice to someone you really want to throw through a window.”




Crystal leaned toward the mirror in the club’s swanky ladies room and retouched her lipstick. Her eyes swept over her reflection. She’d straightened her long dark hair, and it hung in a glossy sheet. She’d put a rhinestone headband in and teased it up in a subtle lift behind the band, a la sixties style. Her dress was a strapless black lace mini dress that showed a lot of skin. Shannon had loaned her some sparkly lotion that gave her bare shoulders and cleavage a subtle sheen. She’d finished off the look with long dangling jet beaded earrings and matching cuff bracelets on both wrists. Her heels were sky-high, accentuating her legs.

Her eyes moved down the mirrored wall, taking in all her dear friends that had made this evening possible. Shannon was dressed in an ice blue sheath that really made her blue eyes pop. Mary was in red satin that looked hot with her long black hair. Angel was in a stunning gold cocktail dress that matched her hair perfectly. And Natalie was in a sexy white and silver sequined dress, her red hair pulled up in a sexy twist.

Finishing off her touch-up, Crystal popped her lipstick back into her tiny beaded clutch, and watched while Shannon touched her own lips up. Their eyes met in the mirror.

“You having a good time, birthday girl?” Shannon smiled at her.

Crystal grinned back. “I’m having a wonderful time.”

“Wolf in your bed for the night. That’s got to be a little birthday bonus, huh?”

Crystal gave her a sly smile.

“Come on girls, I want to dance!” Angel pleaded, her arm looped through Mary’s, pulling her towards the door.

They all headed back out into the crowded club.




Cole lifted his chin in the direction over Wolf’s shoulder and grinned. “I think somebody’s about to rock your world.”

Wolf twisted to look over his shoulder, and his breath caught, a fist tightening around his heart. His eyes swept over Crystal, taking in every detail. Jesus Christ, she was beautiful.

He found himself turning slowly toward her. His eyes lifted to connect with hers, and he struggled to make his mouth work.


She smiled at his lame greeting and repeated it back to him. “Hey.”

“You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“Can I get the birthday girl a drink?”


Mack finally shouldered his way through the crowd to join them. His eyes did one long trip down Natalie’s outfit, and he turned to his VP. Leaning to his ear, he barked, “Go find us a limo. Now.”

Cole frowned at him, not sure he’d heard correctly. “Do

“A limo. One of those stretch jobs that’ll hold all of us. Get one. Now!”

Cole gave him a curious look and replied, “Yeah, okay.”

He jerked his chin at Green, and the two moved out toward the exit.


A half hour later, they all piled out of the hotel and out under the portico where a white stretch limo sat waiting, the driver holding the door open. Cole stood next to it.

“Where are we going?” Natalie asked.

“Get in ladies,” Mack ordered.

“Mack, you’re being all mysterious.” She frowned at him.

His brows rose. “Get in the car, Natalie.”

“Okay. Okay.”

They all slid inside, only to find Green already seated and making himself a drink from the mini-bar.

Mack spoke with the driver, then climbed inside, and the limo pulled out onto the boulevard.

Ten minutes later the limo turned in a driveway and pulled to a stop. The driver got out, came around, and opened the door. Mack slid out, extending his hand in for Natalie. She climbed out, took one look at where they were and pulled back on his hand.

“Oh, no. No way. Not happening.”

The others all piled out and took in the tiny Vegas wedding chapel.

“Mack, you dog. You and Nat tying the knot?” Green asked, still holding his drink.

“Come on.” Mack began pulling Natalie toward the entrance. She pulled back, which wasn’t easy in her silver heels.

“Mack, stop. We are
doing this.”

He came to a stop and whirled on her. “Yeah, we are. We
doing this. And we’re doing this right now.”

“Have you lost your mind?” she asked, her free hand going to her hip.

“No. I took one look at you in that sparkly white dress, and the idea just came to me. You look like a bride. We’re here in Vegas. Let’s do this.”

“And did my running off to Vegas without your permission have anything to do with this sudden idea of yours?”

Mack lifted his chin and grunted, “Maybe.”

Shannon, who’d been busy on her smart phone, looked up and said, “I just Googled this place, Natalie. Cindy Crawford and Richard Gere got married here. So did Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton.”

Natalie whirled on her. “Oh, and is that supposed to make me feel better about this? Just look how those marriages turned out.”

“Yeah, but they also filmed the wedding scene from the movie,
Viva Las Vegas
here, you know, the one with Elvis and Ann Margret? Come on, Natalie, if that’s not a sign from God, what is?”

“You can’t be serious?”

Mack pulled her around to look at him. “Forget all that. Do you want to marry me, Natalie? Yes or no? I ain’t gonna stand here and beg you.”

“It would be nice to be

“I just did!”

“The right way!”

“Think she wants you down on one knee, Boss,” Crash advised with a grin, one arm pulling Shannon close to his side as everyone stood watching Mack squirm.

Mack glared at him, and then back at her. “Oh, for the love of…”

Natalie raised her brows, waiting. “Well?”

Mack blew out a breath and dropped to one knee.

Angel scrambled to dig her phone out of her purse. “Wait, I’ve got to get a picture of

Mack gave her a death glare, but she clicked away anyhow, grinning like a fool.

“Natalie, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

“Where’s the ring?” she asked arching a brow.

“I’ll take you to the jeweler tomorrow, and you can pick one out. Anything else, woman?”

“Just one more thing.”

“Yeah? What’s that? Ask away, because swear to God, this is the last time you’ll have me on my knee, baby.”

She smiled down at him. “Tell me you love me.”

“I love you, Natalie, with all my heart.” He stared up at her and with typical Mack impatience ruined it by adding, “Now, you gonna marry me or not?”

“Yes, Mack, I’ll marry you.”

A half hour later, they all emerged, Natalie holding a big bouquet of white roses, with Mack’s silver pinky ring around her finger.

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