Wolf Among Sheep: A Paranormal Werewolf Romance (Roadside Angels Motorcycle Club Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Wolf Among Sheep: A Paranormal Werewolf Romance (Roadside Angels Motorcycle Club Book 1)
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“You’re too far away,” she whispered and pulled him down on top of her. When he came, she lifted her lips to his and added, “And you’re not moving.”


He laughed softly and slid out slowly, leaving just the head inside, letting her body suck him in. She moaned, and he plunged back in, pulled out, and then stroked in again. Tammie hissed as the pleasure increased and the pain became a dull memory. She clung to Lex’s shoulders, and once she found a rhythm, she matched him stroke for stroke. His body shook beneath her hands, as she found ways to increase his pleasure.


Each inward slide of his cock stroked her where she needed it most, setting off bells in her brain that sounded the height of her pleasure. Each outward slide pulled her deeper into the vortex of sensations, twisting her tighter, harder, and higher. There was no room, no bed. There was just Lex—his muscle, his flesh, and his breath.


A growl sounded from the depths of his being, as she reared off the bed in a fiery orgasm. She screamed, but it was silent. So strong was the pulsing wave she rode, it pushed all sound out of her, barely leaving her room to catch a shaky breath. She felt as though she would lose herself if she didn’t open her eyes to ground herself in the real world. And that’s when she thought she saw Lex shimmering, as though he were insubstantial, as though he would disappear into thin air.


He roared into her shoulder, as his own climax tore through his body. She could feel the powerful tremors that shook his huge frame, and the power that vibrated around them in the hotel room made her shudder. She closed her eyes, sure what she thought she had seen was like seeing stars.


Lex’s body shook as he came, and she felt the jets of semen that he shot inside of her as he pumped his hips and powered in and out of her. She could feel the heat of his seed against her vaginal walls, and it sparked another little burst of pleasure that had her womb contracting again. She gasped with the sensation, so unexpected and so welcome, as Lex stroked his last and then was still. He was breathing hard, like a marathon runner at the finish line, and she opened her eyes again to look at him. He was solid, and she decided she must have been having a seeing-stars experience. It made her smile.


Lex’s voice made her look into his face. “You’re smiling, so I take it you’re all right?”


“I’m better than all right. Thank you, Lex.”


Feeling suddenly shy, but needing to let him know how wonderful she felt, she reached up and kissed him on the lips. He groaned again and deepened the kiss, warming her again. She noticed he was still as hard as a stone inside her, and she could feel his cock pulsing and twitching against her inner walls. It gave her an incredible sense of power to know she was the one responsible for his current state of arousal, and that one time with her was clearly not enough to satisfy his hunger. Deciding, in her drugged state, that she would begin to forge a sexual persona now with this man, she pushed her tongue deeper into his mouth and thrust her hips up at him, sealing him inside her.


His growl of approval sent her reeling again, and by the time he had brought her to a fourth body-clenching orgasm, she knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that no one but Lex would ever be enough to satisfy her sexual needs. His hands mapped her erogenous zones, discovering new ones, it seemed, with every new foray into virgin territory, and his teeth and tongue marked them for further exploration. And just when she thought she would expire from want of him, he plunged himself into her core, over and over, driving them both insane with the need to be one with each other, sealing her body with his, and letting the fire of their mutual attraction consume them whole.


She didn’t notice whether or not he shimmered again because she could not keep her eyes open long enough to investigate the truth of the phenomenon. And when she managed to open them, he was solid, and hot, and shaking with her, completely lost to the passion that they had unleashed between them. He rolled onto his side and pulled her into his chest, spooning in behind her and hugging her close to his heart.


ma petite
,” he ordered her quietly, his voice husky from all the shouting and from passion yet unspent. She wondered vaguely how he could still feel ready to go again when she was whipped, exhausted beyond anything she had ever known before. She yawned loudly, and he chuckled above her head, kissing her hair and hugging her closer. “Sweet dreams.”


“Mmhmmmm,” she mumbled, as she fell into a deep sleep.





“You cannot catch a cub without going into the tiger's den.” ~ Chinese Proverb


When Tamara woke up the next morning, all that was left of Lex was an arousing, animal scent. It was raw, striking, and more than merely masculine. It had teeth, and they held her tightly. It was what she had associated with him from the first time they met, and it had only grown stronger since their tryst last night. Everywhere she turned, she could still smell him. It was on the bedding, on her skin, and even in her nostrils when she inhaled. She lay back, luxuriating in the scent, wishing she could bathe in it and keep it on her, a sort of signal to the world of her newfound womanhood.


She was at once blissful and scared. Making love with Lex had been an experience she would never regret, no matter what became of them after her job was complete. He was the right man to give her virginity to, and he showed her how it should be between a man and a woman who desired each other. The way he made her feel when she orgasmed was almost as though she wasn’t herself, as though she was having an out-of-body experience. Even Lex had looked different when he orgasmed, like he was disappearing.


Suddenly, she remembered the legend about the wolves being werewolves.
Those creatures don’t exist...do they? Is that what Lex is hiding? That the animals that had attacked the child were werewolves? Is he like them?
She dismissed the thought with a laugh.
Just because he has an almost supernatural effect on me doesn’t make him a supernatural being. He is just a very extraordinary man.


She laughed again at her silliness, rising to shower and prepare for her day. She had now spent two nights in town. If something didn’t break soon, she would be leaving Rojo Arroyo as she came—except that she would be leaving her virginity behind. Although that was a decision she had enjoyed making over and over the night before, she knew it would not help her to keep her job. Not sure where to go next, she dressed hurriedly and went for breakfast, deciding to just listen to the chatter around her.
Maybe someone will say something I can build a story on.


The diner was modestly crowded, and she wound her way behind Ginny to her usual seat at the back. After the night she had had, she was ravenous and ordered the house special, which was sort of like an American version of a full English breakfast. While she waited, she sipped coffee and watched and listened.


Nothing exciting seemed to be happening—although she did listen with amusement to a couple of older ladies wondering where that Lex Cole had been all night because he sure hadn’t been home. They satisfied her curiosity as to how they knew that when the shorter, plumper one told her companion that “his man Pat told me he wasn’t home, and he didn’t expect him back till morning.” The lurid details of their imaginings were nothing compared to the truth of her evening with him—though she did make a note to ask him about some of the more entertaining things on their lists, like doggie-style over a barrel. And while she was at it, she’d ask what a butt plug was for.


Breakfast arrived, and Tammie dug in with gusto. Bacon, eggs over-easy, sausages, hash browns, and pancakes seemed like a lot for such a little person, but she had inherited a healthy appetite from her mother—if her grandparents were to be believed. And she apparently had the kind of metabolism that burned off the calories without too much effort on her part. Halfway through her second pancake, the sound of bikes disturbed the morning quiet, as they roared into the parking lot. She watched as people shifted in their seats and noted how some seemed to shrink in size when one of the bikers came inside.


He was a big man, easily as tall as Lex, though leaner and more ragged around the edges. And he was as dark as Lex was fair. He stopped at the counter where Bret, the manager, was on the phone and waited till he hung up before speaking to him in low tones. Clearly, what he had to say was not pleasant because Tammie watched Bret’s color change, and by the time the stranger left, he was visibly shaken.


She ate her breakfast as slowly as she could, wanting to know what was going on. Bret left in a hurry, and though the diner got busier while he was away, Ginny managed to hold the fort. When he returned about fifteen minutes later, Lex and the two men he had been with the day before were with him. They all went back to what Tammie assumed was Bret’s office, and she wished she could hear what was being said. Ginny came over when she called for the check, deciding she was going to do a bit of investigation on her own, by which she meant go to the back to eavesdrop. As Ginny set down the check, she told Tammie that they had found a body down by the creek at the edge of town.


Tammie felt goosebumps run up and down her spine. She had come for a simple story, it seemed, about wolves and good guy bikers. Now, she was sitting on a dead body.
What could possibly have happened? And why are the town folk so afraid of the gang that had ridden in on an ill-wind earlier?
Excitement stirred in her gut, and something told her this was the beginning of the break she needed. She didn’t know where it would lead, but she was determined to follow it.


When Lex and the men came out again, she hurried over. Murmuring a vague good morning in his companions’ direction, she pulled him aside.


“What’s going on, Lex?” she asked, without preamble. It was clear something big had happened, more than just the discovery of a dead body. However, she asked as though she didn’t already know at least a part of what had happened. She was still a reporter, whatever her personal relationship with him had become, and she couldn’t afford to be distracted by the instant response of her body to his nearness and the almost overwhelming need she felt to purr when his unique scent hit her nostrils. There was work to be done.


He told her that a body had been found but asked her to stay in town.


“Come on, Lex. Why can’t I go with you?”


He inhaled deeply and pulled her closer. “Because it’s a crime scene, and it’s not my place to bring civilians to it. And it could be very dangerous.” He looked deeply into her eyes, and she felt herself weakening. “I promise to tell you everything I can when I get back, okay?”


She fancied she could see worry in his eyes, a concern for her safety—which would mean he cared about her in some way, and not just as a sexual partner. Shaking her head mentally, she cautioned herself not to go there. They had had precisely one night together. That did not make a relationship nor make him more than a one-time lover. He was right, of course, and at least he was being cooperative.


She agreed reluctantly, though she felt the need to regain a professional distance from him, especially because their lovemaking the previous night seemed to have scrambled her brains and changed her from Ms. Practicality to Ms. Practically Brainless. As she wouldn’t be able to interview the police chief now, she might as well be as cooperative as Lex was being and make the most of a bad situation.


She went back to her room and wrote the story of the hero biker, using all she knew and all she had come to understand about him to make her human interest story. She made sure, as she re-read it, that none of her personal fascination and attraction for him leaked into the story. The last thing she needed was to have it junked for being personal rather than professional. She would send it off to Ray after she talked to Lex and found out if there was anything she could make a second story of. Her instincts told her that body by the creek was going to be big.


She was listening to her messages and answering e-mail when Lex came back. It was late afternoon, and the look on his face told her she was right to think things were bad. He sank into the chair he had sat in the evening before, and she sat on the edge of the bed closest to him.


“Do you know who it was, Lex?” she asked, wishing she knew how to ease his troubled thoughts.


“It was Bob Rose.” His voice was quiet, but the pain she felt emanating off him hit her with all its force. “It looks like murder, Tamara.”


Tammie heaved a heavy sigh. “Why would anyone want to kill a newspaper guy? He seemed like a nice enough man, even if he
blow me off yesterday. How was he killed?”


“The body had several bite marks on it,” he answered, looking at her with shadows in his eyes. “The chief is concerned, as we all are, that there’s a wild dog loose...or that the wolves are back.”


Tammie was speechless. Never in all her dreams would she have thought those wolves that had brought her to this little town would be back while she was still here. She felt excitement and anticipation building like wildfire in her veins.


“So, what’s the plan? And when can I see the crime scene?”


Lex stared at her for a long moment before rising to stand by the window, looking out at the quiet street. Instinctively, she knew what his silence meant, and she dreaded having to fight with him again. However, she also knew she wasn’t leaving without getting some answers. Not even her growing attraction for the man whose frame filled the window would stop her. This was her job, and she intended to do it to the best of her ability.


“Tamara, this is a very dangerous situation, and it has nothing to do with the story you came here to write.” Lex’s voice was rough with some emotion she didn’t recognize, and as he turned to look at her, she fancied she saw pain in his deep blue eyes.


“What are you saying, Lex? Are you asking me to leave again?” She made her voice hard, to hide the hurt she felt that he would return to that old request after all they’d shared together. She berated herself for being a fool by allowing herself to think one night of mind-bending sex would make him any different in his views today than he had been yesterday.


“I’m begging you to go back home, Tamara,” he said, surprising her with his choice of words and the depth of feeling in them.


“You know I can’t do that, Lex,” she replied in a reasonable tone.


“You can do whatever you choose to do, Tamara,” he snapped and strode over to grab her by the arms. “This isn’t some game, and you could be hurt!”


Tammie bristled.
I’m not playing at being a reporter, and if that’s what he thinks, then last night was a huge mistake
, she thought. “I don’t know why you think I’m playing games, Lex, but I resent the implication. This is my job, and I intend to do it well, as I have been doing so far. Nothing that has happened between us changes that!”


She hadn’t raised her voice, though her temper had soared. She had learned a long time ago from her grandmother that the cooler she was, the better the attack she could launch against her opponent. And Lex was definitely once again her opponent.


“Don’t let this get personal, Tamara,” he warned her, the growl in his voice making her quake with awareness and a shot of lust that rocked her. She stiffened her spine, determined to resist her body’s response to him.


“It already is!” she retorted. “And whether you like it or not, I’m going to ask questions and find out what’s going on. I don’t need your permission to do my job!”


He growled again, and she snapped, “Stop doing that. You don’t intimidate me!”


When he pulled her right up to his body, she shook with a power that shot through her, like a punch to the gut. “I won’t let you get hurt, Tamara,” he snarled at her and then kissed her.


It was a hard kiss, full of anger, frustration, and, she realized, unspent desire. She struggled against his hold, not so much because she wanted to escape it, but because she wanted to deepen it and to hold him herself—which made her even angrier. However, she might as well have been struggling against a brick wall. “Let go of me, Lex!” she demanded when he released her mouth. “I’m not going there with you ever again!”


He stilled but did not release her, and his breath washed over her face in a hot wave. “Do you think you can just dismiss me, little one? Do you think you can get anywhere without me?” His voice had turned quiet, too, and was clear of all signs of desire. All she heard was anger.


“I’m not your responsibility, Lex. I came here on my own to do a job, and I’ll leave when I’m good and ready. And I’m not ready just yet, so you might as well just leave and let me go about my business.”


“What do you think you’re going to find, Tamara? Do you think there’s anything out there to help you with your ideas about these attacks that we haven’t considered? Do you think anyone is going to open up to the stranger in town if they won’t talk to us?”


BOOK: Wolf Among Sheep: A Paranormal Werewolf Romance (Roadside Angels Motorcycle Club Book 1)
9.21Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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