Wolf (4 page)

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Authors: Cara Carnes

BOOK: Wolf
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“I’ve heard some of them yelling at Nalla.” I winced when his jaw twitched. “She tries to hide it, but I hear them. They want me gone.”

“She should have told me this. I would’ve dealt with their meddling myself.”

I shook my head. “They have a right to be upset. I’m doing nothing to earn my keep and am not of your pride.”

We continued our path toward the woods and my pulse quickened when I realized he didn’t intend to remain within the village. A few awkward smiles greeted me once we neared a group of homes with the same talisman that I wore around my neck.

“This is your family’s area?”

He nodded. “On my father’s side.”

“Why isn’t Nalla here? She displays this talisman, yet is on the other side of the village.”

“She’s on my mother’s side, but may display whichever talisman she feels within her soul since she’s a healer. She’s chosen this one since it’s stronger than her other option.”

“Do all your kind get that option?”

“Only the healers or those within the royal line.” His hand returned to my back and drew me toward him until my thigh brushed his as we walked. “You gather information well.” My mind swelled with his admiration.

He paused and turned me to face him. His attention moved to the village, now a good distance from our secluded cove. I was fascinated by the large tree misshapen by time. Its trunk was hollowed near the base. A small sitting stool rested within the area.

“This is my retreat.”

“It’s beautiful.”

His fingers grazed my cheek. My heart flailed in my chest. He’d brought me here—trusted me with his private spot. Could he be feeling the heat between us as I did? My breathing became ragged. My nipples ached with a hardness my naïve mind couldn’t deny. My entire body yearned for Stephan.

“You have no idea what hunger you incite in me, Hannah.” His breath fell against my forehead as he drew me forward until my hips collided with his groin. “Your thoughts drive me mad with the need to possess you.”

I stumbled on his statement, but any attempt to understand it vanished when his hand wrapped in my hair and he drew me to his lips. I closed my eyes. Unable to breathe, I prayed my pounding pulse wouldn’t explode with the turbulent flames of anticipation burning me.

His lips caressed mine and his tongue tasted my mouth, tracing the contours before foraying to my tongue. I swallowed his groan, thinking it more of a growl. My arms wrapped around him.

The kiss was unexpected and unlike any of the wayward advances village men had made—not that many had tried. I followed his lead and clung to him, my body burning with a need I didn’t understand or know how to sate. All I knew was Stephan would absolve me from my raging desires.

His kiss grew more demanding, more consuming. I relished his body crushed against mine. Heat spread through my legs as he lifted my dress. I moaned when he guided me toward the tree until my back was pressed against it. His hand ran up my thigh while his mouth claimed mine.

His other hand rubbed an aching nipple through my dress. I longed to strip and feel his fingers on me there. A growl echoed around us and mingled with my gasp as his fingers found my pussy.

Hot lips moved to my ear. The huskiness of his voice rumbled through me. “You’re so wet for me, Hannah.”

He slid a finger slid into my pussy. I writhed, savoring the contact as his thumb rubbed my sensitized bud. The contact was so new to me. I had no idea how to react. Clinging to him, I ran my hands down his back, then up and under his vest. I clawed at him as his mouth claimed mine.

Stephan’s fingers tormented me. Rushing waves of desire overwhelmed me. Pleasure hummed within my blood. He growled as I climaxed, my pussy clenching his fingers.

“That’s it, Hannah. Come hard for me.”

I did.

Pleasure exploded within me. I thought I was on the verge of death. My breathing was ragged and my nails dug into his back, moving downward to draw him even closer.

The passion he drew from me sated most of the pulsing need I’d felt, but I knew there was more. There had to be.

His hands cupped my face moments after my reasoning returned. Minutes sped away as he held me afterwards, his soothing voice massaging away all thoughts except one.


“You all right?”

I nodded, not trusting my voice. I’d screamed and gasped such pleasure I doubted my ability to speak at all.

He looked over his shoulder as I kissed his throat. “Death had better be taking one of our pack, or you’ll incur my wrath.”

Unease filled me. Something had stopped him. Someone was here. How could I have been so foolish as to do these things with Stephan where anyone could see? My senses returned with crushing speed. Heat spread through my cheeks as I noticed the man who resembled Stephan too closely not to be Fallon.

“We have need of you, my king.”

Chapter Four

A king.

Few things surprised me after the harrowing ordeals I’d been through the past week. I was stunned. My gaze met his, but he turned away. “We’ll be there shortly, Fallon.”

“You’re a king?”

He couldn’t be. Not Stephan. Not the man who’d brought me to such all-consuming passion. I would’ve gladly gifted him with my maidenhead right there—in the forest.

A king.

Anger boiled within me as I realized he’d withheld the information. All the whispered conversations and sidelong glances when I asked about him made sense.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

His whispered response made my heart patter faster. “The only man I wanted you to know was the one the boy became. My throne has nothing to do with what exists between you and me.”

I shook my head but couldn’t bolster enough anger to shove him away. The need to believe him clouded my doubts. “But you’re a king. That’s who you grew to be.”

I accepted the bitter bile of reality rising in my stomach. A common peasant had no business befriending royalty—even if it was royalty from a different group of beings. Lusting for a king. What would my father say?

A king had just kissed me. Had his fingers inside me. Made me come.

Guilt and shame flooded my mind, drowning the embers of desire he’d stoked to life. He turned to speak to his brother, and I noticed the fresh scratches running down his back. I’d marked him.

As if I had the right to claim him.

“I need a moment, Fallon.”

“I’m sorry, brother, but I cannot give you more time than I already have.”

Stephan sighed and I wondered how long Fallon had waited. Had he seen us? Heard us? I refused to venture down that path.

“What is it?”

“A legion marches from Tash.”

Fear pummeled me as I imagined surviving another attack. I couldn’t witness more death and destruction. Not again. My nostrils flared as I recalled the stench of burning flesh. There was time to run, but where would I flee? Stephan’s arm circled my waist, and he drew me toward him. I gasped panicked breaths.

“Summon all the alphas. I’ll be there momentarily.”

“We have nothing more to discuss.” There was nothing he could say. He’d kept his true identity from me. Not that it should matter. It did. Part of me knew a peasant had no business with someone of his stature—no matter what he might think.

But a bigger part of me longed to overlook any class distinctions and pick up where we’d left off. His fingers inside me had brought more pleasure than I could have imagined. My body still hummed with the release I’d experienced. Would it always be so?

“I hope that includes her thoughts thundering through the air like a blast of hot wind.”

Stephan’s face reddened slightly when he glared at his brother. “You have no tact.”

“I have no mate. A couple more nights of those lusty thoughts of hers and I’ll bed her myself.”

I stared at Stephan, too stunned to respond to his brother’s statement. Fallon walked away.

“We have much to discuss, but now is not the time. I must go.”

I had to have some semblance of answer. “Can your people read my thoughts?” It seemed unfathomable, a diabolical and twisted notion of wizardry only old villagers could concoct.

“It’s complicated.”

I clenched my fists and took a deep breath. I didn’t want to hear his answer, but I knew I must. “Yes or no?”

“Yes, but…”

I stormed toward the village, too infuriated with the breach of trust to speak to him. Someone should’ve warned me. He should have told me. Had he been privy to all my thoughts?

I spun around and found myself nose-to-nose with him. “You read
my thoughts?”

He grinned. A twinkle of fiery flecks spotted his eyes. “I found the late night arguments quite interesting. No one has ever practiced calling me a lummox before.” He ran his fingers down my cheek and rested his thumb on my lips. “Tell me, Hannah. What of our encounter do you think I should practice more?”

My pussy clenched. My mind whirled with lustful memories I longed to feel him holding me again, tasting my lips. His kiss was heady ale I knew I shouldn’t drink, but my thirst was too fierce to ignore.

“Stephan,” Fallon said insistently.

“Go to your people. What may or may not exist between us can wait.”

“Tonight we will finish this.”

I nodded, knowing I had no intention of doing so. My time in his village had neared its end, and the sooner I accepted it, the better I’d be. His people had no desire for my presence, and it was clear now there were many reasons to avoid remaining. I couldn’t control my thoughts any more than I could my breath.

I returned to the village with a heavy soul. Leaving Stephan would be difficult, but I knew it was the necessary decision. Perhaps I could find my father and brother. They might not approve of me or my circumstances, but they were my family.

What was the rest of Stephan’s family like?

Nalla wouldn’t have a poultice to heal what pained me now. I made my way to her home anyway, knowing nowhere else to go. Only she had welcomed me with open arms. She and Stephan.

Guilt mingled with self doubt and insecurity as I walked into her home. She could read my thoughts, knew what I’d been thinking all week and had said nothing. I was unsure whether that fact hurt or angered me. Perhaps I understood the need for security. After all, I was a stranger to her and her people. They had a right to protect what they held dear.

No doubt Stephan was at the top of that list.

More than anything I wanted to block my thoughts from them. There was surely a way. How could they all live with such open minds? I couldn’t envision a life like that.

Nalla turned and smiled as she poured a mug of piping hot water. She dribbled drops of the same liquid I’d consumed all week into the brew and passed the cup to me. I smiled awkwardly and wondered how much she knew of what had happened. How did all this work?

“Sit, child. I can tell much is on your mind.” She motioned toward the table, and my legs moved of their own accord, my mind still too jumbled with questions to do aught but comply. Her hand covered mine and she smiled at me across the small seating area. “It pained me not to tell you what you needed to know, Hannah. Our people survive because we are elusive and secretive. Allowing outsiders to know of our existence could mean our destruction.”

I listened. My mind processed her words and understood, but I still ached from the loss of trust I’d believed in before.

“You are very important to Stephan.”

A small portion of me clung to her statement, desperate to believe what she offered. For some inconceivable reason, losing Stephan terrified me. I choked on the thought and swallowed back the angered tears of frustration.

“There’s much you need to know, but that needs to come from him. I beg your patience before you do anything rash.” Her cinnamon gaze locked on to mine. If she knew my intent to leave the village, then Stephan did as well. “He’d chase you to the ends of the earth. We cannot lose his leadership when our people are lodged in a war which is not ours to fight.”

“I could never belong here, knowing everyone reads my thoughts.” I searched her face desperately. “Even if he wanted me to stay, I’d never fit in.”

“You would.” Nalla’s hand squeezed mine. “Give my people time to learn your true soul, child.”

My true soul.

How could they learn of it when I had no idea what it was myself? I’d been an outcast my entire existence, even before my journey into the woods as a youth. My ostracism from the village because of the two deaths had been the final shunning which left me stranded in the depths of a loneliness I couldn’t flee.

Only my gran and mother had embraced me, shown me the love I’d sought with such desperation. But even they had distanced themselves from me before they died. It was a startling realization I didn’t want.

“Some souls are meant to wander alone.”

“Perhaps.” Nalla’s eyes clouded. “Some are so locked into their future fate they think themselves alone because their journey to happiness has barely begun.”

I remained silent. My contemplation brought me nothing but more questions I knew would have to wait. This discussion was one intended for Stephan, even though I longed for some solace before then. “Everyone’s read my thoughts of Stephan? Of them?”

Nalla nodded. “Your curiosity and lust for Stephan is more brazen than our people are accustomed to, but only because our maidens grow up with the alphas and are so familiar with them that it takes much more to stir such passions.”

Heat rose in my face. I’d thought myself alone in my naïve fantasies each night. Surrendering to his kisses and enjoying foolish notions of more seemed harmless—a grand way to pass the long, lonely nights. If I’d known Stephan and his entire pack knew what I dreamt, I would have surely been less bold.

“Do not shun your desires, Hannah. Our males covet passions such as yours. I assure you your attentions will be highly sought if Stephan allows it to be so.” Nalla smiled. “I was quite brazen when I was your age.”

I smiled. “I expect you were.”

“I will tell you a story I haven’t even shared with Stephan.” Her eyes twinkled as she refilled my mug and dribbled another dose of droplets into it. Moving it toward me, she sighed. “My Antonio was to mate with another, even though I knew he lusted for me. I wasn’t the type to sit idly by and allow my heart’s mate to take another to his bed for eternity.”

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