Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla (54 page)

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Authors: Marc Seifer

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Science & Technology

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In February, Tesla received a letter from ardent admirer John (Jack) O’Neill, who was now working as a news correspondent for a Long Island daily and about to transfer jobs to the
Herald Tribune.
The young man reminded him of their 1907 encounter in the subway and enclosed the following poem, “To Nikola Tesla,” as an “infinitesimal tribute to [the inventor’s] greatness”:

Most glorious man of all ages
Thou wert born to forecast greater days
Where the wonders thy magic presages
Shall alter our archaic ways.

Your coils with their juice oscillating
Sent electrical surges through the earth
Sent great energies reverberating
From the center to the outermost girth.

Is thy mind a power omnipresent
That fathoms the depths of all space
That speaks to an adolescent
The future triumphs of the race?

Tesla sent the youngster a letter in return “thanking him heartily,” although “your opinion of me is immensely exaggerated.” Enigmatically, he also suggested that O’Neill write a poem for J. Pierpont Morgan, “one man today on whom the world is depending more than any other.” Should O’Neill do this, “it might be instrumental in putting [him] in possession of a check.”
Considering that Pierpont was dead, this was a rather peculiar recommendation.

The Edison Medal

Were we to seize and to eliminate from our industrial world the results of Mr. Tesla’s work, the wheels of industry would cease to turn, our towns would be dark, our mills would be dead and idle. Ye[s], so far reaching is this work, that it has become the warp and woof of industry.

B. A. Behrend, 1917

To those with eyes for the truth, Tesla’s state of crisis cut deep. One engineer in particular, Bernard A. Behrend, the Swiss émigré who had refused to testify against him during the malevolent AC-patent litigation days, felt the urgency to act. Clearly, it was Behrend’s goal to help restore the reputation of his spiritual benefactor. Having devoted a large measure of his life to refining Tesla’s invention of the induction motor, Behrend informed his mentor that he, Tesla, had been nominated to receive the Edison Medal. In fact, it had been Behrend who had proposed the idea to the committee. Winners from the past had included Alexander Graham Bell, Elihu Thomson, and George Westinghouse.

That Tesla would be nominated by an organization dwelling under the banner of the Edison name was shocking enough to the brooding Serb. Edison himself must have allowed the presentation to be made. It does not appear that Edison, having just turned seventy, was plagued by the reciprocal feeling of animosity that Tesla exhibited. It is more likely that the thought of giving Tesla the medal brought a broad smirk to the Menlo Park Wizard’s visage.

Tesla’s first reaction was abhorrence, and he flatly rejected the offer, but Behrend persisted. Here was an opportunity to recognize a worthy recipient alone for his singular contributions. “Who do you want remembered as the author of your power system?” Behrend inquired. “Ferraris, Shallenberger, Stillwell, or Steinmetz?” Tesla reluctantly capitulated.

The presentation of the Edison Medal was made on May 18, 1917, just two months before Tesla found out by telephone that vandals had broken into his Wardenclyffe laboratory and wrecked equipment valued at $68,000 and that “the Tower [was] to be destroyed by dynamite.”
Many familiar faces dotted the crowd.The Johnsons and Miss Merrington attended, as did Charles Scott and Edward Dean Adams, the man most responsible for recommending Tesla for the Niagara Falls enterprise.

The opening speech was delivered by A. E. Kennelly, former Edison crony, who was now teaching at Harvard. Long a Tesla adversary, having been active in executing animals with AC current during the heated Battle of the Currents in the early 1890s, Kennelly spoke for fifteen minutes. During this time, the good professor managed to not mention Tesla’s name even once.

“Many people,” Professor Kennelly began, “suppose that the Edison Medal is presented by Mister Edison, but that is a mistake. In fact, Tom Edison has been so busy during his life receiving medals that he has not time to dispense any.” The speaker droned on, making Tesla more nervous with each obsequious sentence. “Every time a worthy recipient is honored with this Medal, Thomas Edison is also honored. In fact,” the Edison man continued, “We may look forward to a time, say a thousand years hence, when like this evening the one thousand and seventh recipient will receive the Edison Medal, and once again Edison’s achievements will be honored.”

As legend has it, Tesla disappeared from the room. Panic-stricken, Behrend ran out of the building to look for him, while Charles Terry, a prominent executive from the Westinghouse Corporation, reviewed Tesla’s great accomplishments. According to the story, Behrend found the lonely inventor across the street by the library, feeding his precious pigeons.

During Behrend’s introduction, he stated, perhaps to counter Kennelly’s opening speech, “The name of Tesla runs no more risk of oblivion than does that of Faraday or Edison. What can a man desire more than this. It occurs to me to paraphrase Pope describing Newton, ‘Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night. God said, “Let Tesla be,” and all was light.’”

“Ladies and gentleman,” Tesla began, “I wish to thank you heartily for your kind appreciation. I am not deceiving myself in the fact of which you must be aware that the speakers have greatly magnified my modest achievements. Inspired with the hope and conviction that this is just a beginning, a forerunner of still greater accomplishments, I am determined to continue developing my plans and undertake new endeavors.

“I am deeply religious at heart, and give myself to the constant enjoyment of believing that the greatest mysteries of our being are still to be fathomed. Evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, death itself may
not be the termination of the wonderful metamorphosis we witness. In this way I manage to maintain an undisturbed peace of mind, to make myself proof against adversity, and to achieve contentment and happiness to a point of extracting some satisfaction even from the darker side of life, the trials and tribulations of existence.”

The electrical savant would go on to review much of his life—an anecdote from his childhood about a gander who almost pulled his umbilical cord out, his early meetings with Edison and work with Westinghouse, lectures in Europe, success at Niagara, and future plans in wireless.

“I have fame and untold wealth, more than this,” the inventor concluded, “and yet—how many articles have been written in which I was declared to be an impractical unsuccessful man, and how many poor, struggling writers have called me a visionary. Such is the folly and shortsightedness of the world!”

Tesla was aghast that Boldt had not protected Wardenclyffe adequately, for it was valued at a minimum of at least $150,000. Even though he had signed it over to the hotel, he had done so, according to his understanding, to honor his debt “until [his] plans matured.” As the property, when completed, would yield $20,000 or $30,000 a day, Tesla was simply flabbergasted that Boldt would move to destroy the place. Boldt or “the Hotel Management” saw Wardenclyffe now as theirs, free and clear, even though Tesla offered as proof “a chattel mortgage” on the machinery that the inventor had placed at his own expense. The hotel’s insurance was only $5,000, whereas Tesla’s coverage for the machinery was valued at $68,000. Why would Tesla independently seek to protect the property if he didn’t still have an interest in it? Tesla saw the contract as “a security pledge,” but the paper he signed did not specify any such contingency. According to the Hotel’s lawyer, Frank Hutchins of Baldwin & Hutchins, “it was bill of sale with the deed duly recorded two years ago. We fail to see what interest you have,” Hutchins callously concluded.

Storming into their offices on Pine Street, Tesla demanded to find out firsthand what was to happen.

“You will have to ask Smiley Steel Company. They are the ones in charge of salvage operations.”

J. B. Smiley informed Tesla that indeed the tower was to be taken down, its parts sold to cover outstanding debts. “A great wrong has been done,” the inventor wrote in reply, “but I am confident that justice will prevail.”

“Pay no attention to Tesla whatsoever, but proceed immediately with wrecking as contracted,” Smiley told his wrecking crew after conferring with Hutchins.

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel Company

July 12, 1917


I have received reports which have completely dumbfounded me all the more so as I am now doing important work for the Government with a view of putting the plant to a special use of great moment…

I trust that you will appreciate the seriousness of the situation and will see that the property is taken good care of and that all apparatus is carefully preserved.

Very truly yours,
N. Tesla

The wizard decided that the only way to save Wardenclyffe was to extol its virtues as a potential defensive weapon for the protection of the country. Capitalizing on the excellent Nobel Prize publicity, the inventor once again strained the reader’s credulity with another startling vision.

Tesla’s New Device
Like Bolts of Thor

He Seeks to Patent Wireless
Engine for Destroying Navies
by Pulling a Lever

To Shatter Armies Also

Nikola Tesla, the inventor, winner of the 1915 Nobel Physics Prize, has filed patent applications on the essential parts of a machine the possibilities of which test a layman’s imagination and promise a parallel to Thor’s shooting thunderbolts from the sky to punish those who had angered the gods. Dr. Tesla insists there is nothing sensational about it…

“It is perfectly practicable to transmit electrical energy without wires and produce destructive effects at a distance. I have already constructed a wireless transmitter which makes this possible.”

“Ten miles or a thousand miles, it will be all the same to the machine,” the inventor says. Straight to the point, on land or on sea, it will be able to go with precision, delivering a blow that will paralyze or kill, as it is desired. A man in a tower on Long Island could shield New York against ships or army by working a lever, if the inventor’s anticipations become realizations.

Tesla would not draw up an official paper on the particle-beam weapon, or “death ray,” for another twenty years yet it is clear that he had
conceived the machine by this time, probably creating prototypes as far back as 1896, when he was bombarding targets with Roentgen rays.

In “a serious plight,” with nowhere else to turn, the inventor contacted Morgan once again to ask for assistance. This was his last chance to protect his wireless patents and save the tower. “Words cannot express how much I have deplored the cruel necessity which compelled me to appeal to you again,” the inventor explained, but it was to no avail.
He still owed Jack $25,000 plus interest; the financier ignored the entreaty and quietly placed Tesla’s account in a bad-debt file.

In February 1917, the United States broke off all relations with Germany and seized the wireless plant at Sayville. “Thirty German employees of the German-owned station were suddenly forced to leave, and enlisted men of the American Navy have filled their places.”
Guards were placed around the plant as the high command decided what to do with the remaining broadcasting stations lying along the coast. Articles began springing up like early crocus to announce the potential “existence of [yet another] concealed wireless station [able] to supply information to German submarines regarding the movements of ships.”

19 More Taken as German Spies

Dr. Karl George Frank, Former
Head of Sayville Wireless
Among Those Detained

On April 6, 1917, President Wilson issued a proclamation “seiz[ing] all radio stations. Enforcement of the order was delegated to Secretary Daniels…It is understood that all plants for which no place can be found in the navy’s wireless system, including amateur apparatus, for which close search will be made, are to be put out of commission immediately.”
Clearly, an overt decision had to be made about the fate of Wardenclyffe.

Tesla’s expertise was well known to Secretary Daniels and Assistant Secretary Franklin Roosevelt, as they were actively using the inventor’s scientific legacy as ammunition against Marconi in the patent suit. Coupled with the inventor’s astonishing proclamation that his tower could provide an electronic aegis against potential invasions, Wardenclyffe must have been placed in a special category. However, there were two glaring strikes against it. The first was that Tesla had already turned over the property to Mr. Boldt to cover his debt at the Waldorf; and the second was the transmitter’s record of accomplishment: nonexistent. What better indication of the folly of Tesla’s dream could there be then the tower’s own perpetual state of repose. To many, Wardenclyffe was merely a torpid monument to the bombastic prognostications of a not very original mind gone astray. From the point of view of the navy, Tesla may have been the
original inventor of the radio, but he was clearly not the one who made the apparatus work.


In 1899 the U.S. Navy, via Rear Admiral Francis J. Higginson, requested Tesla to place “a system of wireless telegraphy upon Light-Vessel No. 66 [on] Nantucket Shoals, Mass, which lies 60 miles south of Nantucket Island.”
Tesla was on his way to Colorado and was unable to comply. Moreover, the navy did not want to pay for the equipment, but rather wanted Tesla to lay out the funds himself. Considering the great wealth of the country, Tesla feigned astonishment at the penurious position of John D. Long, secretary of the navy, via Commander Perry, who brazenly forwarded the financial disclaimer on U.S. Treasury Department stationery.

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