Wives with Benefits: Volume One (6 page)

BOOK: Wives with Benefits: Volume One
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What if he allowed her this freedom, the gift he’d fantasized so long about giving to her, and Michael turned out to be a disappointment? Crap in bed. Or worse, abusive. 

Or, what if Michael was the most incredible lover Victoria would ever know, and she came back with thoughts of ending her marriage?

Liam took another huge breath. It was a leap of faith. 

Only in a leap from the lion’s head shall he prove his worth.

The clock was ticking on his wife’s seduction. What did he really want her to do? This was, perhaps, a once in a lifetime opportunity — if he was too frightened now, she might never want to do it again, never offer him the chance again. 

If she thought there was any chance she might sleep with Michael and then want to end their marriage, would it be something she’d offer him? He had to think not.

What did he really want? 

Liam felt sudden and intense heat burst forth inside his chest, swamping his whole body. He wanted her to do it. He was sure of it. But what he wanted most was to be involved — to give his full approval to her, so that she might enjoy her experience to the fullest. 

He didn’t want her to just go ahead hoping her husband wouldn’t mind.

Well, it was a decision. He’d just have to face any ramifications if none of it panned out.

Liam grabbed his cell phone and tapped out one of the most important texts he could ever remember writing:

>Hey honey, thanks for my birthday DVD. I loved it. You look unbelievably gorgeous. Have fun at the conference, and if you get this text in time, know that I want you to do as you please with your friend Michael. No pressure either way, but I’ll be hoping it all works out. Enjoy yourself. xxx

It wasn’t the forceful command telling her to go have sex with the other guy. It left her an opening in case she didn’t feel quite ready herself at any point in the evening. He didn’t want to force her into anything just because it was his fantasy, after all.

Liam’s thumb hovered over the send button. 

One more deep breath, and he pressed it.






At first, he felt completely crushed. 

He sat there for a moment or two, in total silence, waiting. How long did it take a text message to get across the Atlantic? Three thousand miles of copper. And maybe a few extra moments to get your message through all those government spy agencies casually breaching everyone’s human rights. 

He heard a characteristic beeping, and it actually made him laugh. He was even imagining her ring tone now. 

No, he hadn’t been imagining anything — there was the repeat beeping tone, to alert her to the fact she might have missed the first alert. 

Victoria had left her cellphone at home.

Liam felt a huge wave of disappointment surge through his system. God. She’d probably go through with her date with Michael thinking that her husband had failed to contact her. She’d do it without knowing whether Liam was approving or not. That might spoil the whole experience for her. It kind of spoiled it for Liam. He wanted to be there for her, supporting her, approving, consenting. It seemed strangely hot to him that a husband would explicitly allow his wife to sleep with someone else.

Maybe she would think he didn’t care.

He looked down at his cell phone — he had to know, had to try another test. He tapped it out, pressed ‘send’:

>Did you leave your cellphone at home, honey?

A few moments — surprisingly few, actually; the incredible speed of transoceanic electrical conductivity impressing him — then that characteristic beeping again.

Her phone was just out in the living room. Damn it. 

Then he was suddenly surprised by his own cellphone buzzing in his hands. A reply.

>No, I didn’t leave it at home…

What? A quick scratch of his head as he tried to figure out what this meant, that she hadn’t left her cellphone at home, and yet he could hear it plain as day just outside the bedroom door…

The door clicked as the handle turned, and Liam felt choirs of angels suddenly starting up an almighty racket inside his chest as his beautiful wife stepped through into the bedroom, her hands unfastening the buttons on that pure white blouse, slipping it open to reveal that alluring black lace bra. 

Dropping her skirt right in front of him to reveal the sensational sight of her curves, bound in the black nylon and lace of her sexy stockings and suspenders.

“Hey, honey,” she said in a voice as sweet as molasses. “This is your real birthday present.”

He looked up at her, his face the picture of surprise.

“I changed my flight,” she smiled. “I’ll fly out in the morning. Miss the first day of the conference — but hey, its a lousy program on day one.”

He pulled her to him, but remained seated on the bed. Pressed his lips to her bare stomach, breathing in her sweet scent, detecting the underlying hint of her arousal even through her perfume.

“You’re unbelievable,” he said. “You know that?”

“You forgive me for teasing you?”

Liam laughed. “Of course. It was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever been through. Was it all fake, then?”


“This guy Michael you said you were meeting…”

“Oh, no, he’s real,” she stooped to kiss her husband on the mouth. Her lips tasted faintly of cotton candy for some reason, though perhaps it was just in his head. “He’ll be there when I fly in tomorrow,” she said. “And if you still want me to, he’s under the impression that something fun might happen this week.”

Liam felt his cock stiffen again, and now reached forward to peel his wife’s little black lace panties down over her mound, revealing the startling sight of her completely hairless pussy. 

“Would it be so terrible if I said I still want you to?”

She smiled, shook her head. “It seems crazy, but if it’s something that turns you on, I want to do it.”

He leaned forward, the scent of her arousal strong as he approached her, and he kissed her at the apex of her womanhood.

“It turns me on,” he said, pushing her back a step. “To think of you having a wild experience with someone else. It really turns me on. Maybe because it seems so wrong.”

“Then tomorrow night, you might find me in another man’s arms,” she said, placing her hands on his head as he knelt down on the floor, where he could more easily taste her slippery pussy lips. Worship her sex.

“Tonight, though,” she said, “I’m all yours.”





The DVD, of course, was already a technology destined for the history books. 

It had provided a nice little physical gift for Liam to come home to, to easily slip into their DVD player in the bedroom and watch his wife reveal that she’d discovered his little dirty fantasy, and then expose her plans to turn that fantasy into reality. 

But now Victoria was actually on a plane, flying over to Europe in order to implement her plan, now she’d completely cleared it with her somewhat bewildered yet electrified husband, the DVD was not so convenient a technology.

So even before she’d landed, he’d taken a sick day from work to gather together what he needed to update the technology.

An Apple TV system, rigged up so the FaceTime service could be transferred to the big television in the bedroom. 

Once he had it working, even though he hadn’t yet heard from his wife that she had landed at London Heathrow Airport, Liam found his heart pounding and his stomach tightening.

Victoria Bryson was going to sleep with another man. Victoria Bryson was going to experience the thrill of seduction for the first time in years. Victoria Bryson was going to allow a stranger to accompany her up to her room where she would make out with him, strip, and then allow him inside her.

And Victoria Bryson would be streaming direct to her husband’s TV as she did so.

Liam could not sit still. He could not really do anything much, his body was so buzzing with adrenalin that day, waiting for her. Waiting for the fantasy he’d held for so very long to become reality. Waiting to find out how he would feel about seeing his beautiful wife in the arms of someone else, and not really being in a position to do anything about it.

She’d given him a taster of what he’d see, and how hot it had been to role-play the idea of her going down on another man, and then actually allowing him to fuck her. Very early that morning, she’d allowed him to watch her getting ready for her flight — packing sexy little underwear he’d never seen before, bought specifically to turn on somebody else. She’d wanted him in the bathroom with her as she showered, as she made sure she was perfectly groomed for another man’s enjoyment. But he wasn’t allowed to touch her once she was out of the shower.

He couldn’t wait to see her on screen again, couldn’t wait to see the look on her face as she actually went through with it. The elation, the bliss as she got to indulge in a stranger’s touch, a stranger’s kiss, a stranger’s big, hard cock.

There was actual pleasure in the waiting part. The thrill of anticipation. 

But Liam also had to suffer the uncertainty, the little niggling doubts, the full-on paranoid thoughts of worst case scenario. What if the technology failed? He had tested and tested it. It was impressively fool-proof, as far as he could tell.

What if she was so tired after her transatlantic flight that she wasn’t able to go through with her planned date with Michael? Well, then he’d have to wait a day or so.

What if he saw her with Michael, and he didn’t like the guy? He felt certain if Victoria vouched for him, he would be okay. 

And of course, the biggest gut-puncher of them all: What if Michael was so good, such an incredible lover, that Victoria would never want him to stop? What if Liam had pushed his gorgeous wife into the arms of another man only to end up being replaced by that other man, like the humble DVD was being replaced by digital files and streaming technology?






>Arrived LHR, heading to hotel. Meeting Michael for late dinner in 1 hour. Feeling nervous! Everything okay your end? xxx

She texted him as soon as she landed — her 8.15am flight getting her into London at just after 4pm East Coast time, which would be 9pm local time for Victoria.

Dinner with Michael at 10pm, that was late. Kind of emphasized the idea that it was little more than a booty call. Well, the two of them only had three nights to play with. 

Liam was dressed down in sweatpants, ensconced in the bedroom with a load of snacks and the latest Grand Theft Auto video game, which almost helped take his mind off everything. As soon as his wife’s text came in, there was no way he could concentrate on shooting bad guys and running round some fake city. 

This was suddenly turning very, very real.

>Everything good here, honey. All set up as soon as you’re ready. Can’t wait to see you! xxx

That hour ticked down, and then there was the call from his wife’s phone, albeit through FaceTime which thankfully avoided the expensive transatlantic call.

“Hey, sweet pea, everything working?” she seemed cheerful. 

The camera phone offered a good view of the room. It was a suite really, Victoria’s firm had put her up in style. Liam was also impressed at the quality of the picture, the definition of the image he could see on the large flatscreen was mouthwatering. Almost as though he was there in person to see Victoria take a lover. Seriously impressive for a smartphone’s camera, but then the technology was getting ridiculous these days.

She’d set the smartphone up for a fairly wide view of the whole room, with a couch in front and the bed in back. If things happened on the couch, it would be great viewing. If things happened on the bed… well, perhaps Victoria had set things up so that if she got Michael into bed, her husband wouldn’t receive quite such a graphic view.

Hell, it was enough for him at this point to simply know for certain that it was really happening. He could request a more explicit view the next time. 

“Everything looks great,” he said. “You’re bringing him back here after dinner?”

“That’s the plan.”

Victoria stepped in front of the camera to reveal a fairly simple black top and an almost businesslike short charcoal gray skirt. Almost businesslike, because it didn’t quite come down far enough on her thighs to hide the fact she was wearing lace-top hold-ups rather than hose.

It wasn’t quite the lavish lace lingerie with stockings and suspenders that she’d sported for him, but it still made her look seriously hot. 

“How do I look?”


“Think he’ll like it?”

“He’ll love it.”

She applied a last bit of lipstick, looking into a mirror that was apparently above the camera, so that she flashed her cleavage at the camera itself. When she glanced back at the lens, he saw how her elegant make-up highlighted her face. She rarely wore make-up for sex with her husband, but now she looked ravishing.

“Okay, I’ll leave it running, but we have dinner first, okay?”

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