Withstanding Me (5 page)

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Authors: Crystal Spears

Tags: #Breakneck#2

BOOK: Withstanding Me
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“Stop pushing those tits up; it’ll just make me wanna fuck you,” he growls.

I roll my eyes. “You always wanna fuck me. Now talk!”

“You’re right. Dammit! ZZ asked me what it felt like to be in love last night at the club.”

Oh? My eyes widen. I motion with a go on gesture.

“I swear babe I will fuckin’ take away eating your pussy for a month if you say anything!”

Oh yeah fucking right! That motherfucker can’t go two days without tasting my juices. But still I appease him.

“Cross my heart,” I tease.

“Baby I’m serious. He’s my fuckin’ brother. This shit is supposed to stay confidential. Dammit woman, you make me break all kinds of fuckin’ rules!”

“Yeah, yeah I got it. Now fuckin’ talk; you’re pissing me off!”

“Testy little bitch today.” He chuckles at me.

Most women would get pissed if their man called them a bitch and I used to, but now it’s fuckin’ hot as hell.

“Fine. Storm admitted that she loved him, and he’s all fucked up about it.”

I don’t see what’s so different about any other time she’s told him. Maybe it’s just now getting to him? I throw my head to the side searching out for where Storm went off too. I’m not liking this.

“Braxx,” I whisper.

“Yeah baby?”

“This could be bad. I can’t lose another friend. What if she decides to leave because he can’t love her back? Oh, shit! She will, she will totally fuckin’ leave me!”

Braxxon throws me against his chest cooing at me to calm down and I can’t. I lost Lana. I can’t lose any more friends. I just can’t do it.


I hear Storm’s reluctant voice say my name as if it’s a question. Shit!

“Talk to her baby.” Braxxon lets his strong hold fall.

“Okay,” I choke. “Where are you gonna go?”

Braxxon’s gorgeous face contorts into anger and I know he’s pissed.

“I’m gonna go knock the block off my road captains shoulders. That’s where I’m goin. Love you, Angel.”

He kisses me briefly and softly as I mumble it back.

I wait a few moments before turning my attention completely to Storm. She looks utterly devastated. Storm, Piper, and Tatiana are like my sisters. Just like Lana was and it kills me when they’re hurting.

“You wanna talk about it,” I ask wiping away tears.


“Storm… I love you like a sister. I’m always here when you need to talk. Let’s go to the office. You can let it go girl. Your sister has you now,” I say as she leans into my side and we start walking.

“I love you, too.” She says quietly.

I hope Braxxon rips into ZZ.



“ZZ!” I roar as I slam the clubhouse door open.

That motherfuckin’ prick upset my Angel. No one and I mean no one causes my Angel upset. I don’t give a fuck if you’re my brother or not!

“Yeah Prez,” he answers coming around the corner.

I don’t even say another word. I just land a right hook across his jaw causing him to stagger back.

“What the fuck brother,” he growls rubbing his jaw.

“You’ve upset Angel! She thinks Storm’s gonna walk away from her. Winter is so fuckin’ strong, and the bitch can lay a motherfucker out. But dammit! She can’t handle anything happening with her sisters!”

I’m seeing red again. I need to calm my fuckin’ cool before I fuckin’ kill this fucker.

“She’s not gonna leave, brother. Shit! That means you told her everything I told you!”

Whoops. I don’t care. He fuckin’ caused upset.

“And?” I prompt.

“Man, do you ever keep anything to yourself?” he asks, rubbing his jaw more.

“Nope, not when it concerns my Angel or her sisters.”

“Trust me; Storm isn’t going anymore, brother. I need you to believe me. We’re good. We had it out last night. But I’m going off subject because I’m done talking about it. We need to vote for Rap. His prospecting time is over with. It’s time, Prez.”

Ah hell. If that doesn’t make me feel like a fuckin’ horrible prez. It’s my job to keep track of this shit. Not ZZ’s.

“Chapel tonight at 7. Make the calls.”

He nods and walks away.

My non-prepay beeps and I look down to see it’s from Angel. I grin like a fuckin’ kid in a candy store. She says she hates using prepays unless it’s needed.

Angel: She’s not goin anywhere! ☺

I laugh. God I love my Angel.

Me: I’m glad baby love you

Angel: Love you too!

Fuck, I can’t wait to marry my bitch! I look around seeing if I can spot Rap. He needs to know he’s either gettin voted in or not tonight. I like makin them sweat. My eyes quickly find him sitting at the bar with Bom Bom.

“Prospect,” I laugh. “You can get pussy later. Get your ass over here.”

“Prez,” he greets coming up to me.

“Votes tonight, just thought I would letcha know.” I laugh walking away.


His response causes me to break out in even more laughter. Oh god, it feels good for the club to be mess free. All that seems to be the problem is ZZ’s love life thank fuck!

Life is fucking great!

Chapter Six


I’m sitting in the Chapel listening to all the ‘Yes’ votes for Rap to be patched in. Not one brother has voted no. I wouldn’t suspect anyone to vote against him; he’s a good prospect. He’s given us no trouble and the motherfucker can hold a secret down.

“It’s agreed then. Rap is being patched in. Now, on to more depressing shit. We need a new secretary. Breakneck rest Phil’s soul. I vote Smokey for secretarial. Anyone opposed?”

FUCK! This shit is hard. That’s my pops spot that’s being filled. Dammit, I need a drink and a good lay.

The room agrees all at the same time and all eyes land on me. I don’t speak; I just nod. Braxxon knows that’s my yes, and that’s all he’s gettin outta me at the moment.

“Smokey, first order of your new position, patch on your new patch.”

“Prez,” Smokey agrees.

“Next up. The contractors are meeting up with us at Club Sated for the renovation plans. I will need Max there as well as Smokey. Max, bring our figures with you. Smokey, I will need you there to keep track of dates and time. Don’t be late. It’s tomorrow at 3.”

They agree and normally I would be more into Chapel but the fact that my father was just replaced and my damn daughter is running amok somewhere has me all outta whack. Throw on Storm’s bullshit and I’m all kinds of nutbag crazy.

“ZZ, whens the next charity ride?” I hear Braxxon ask me. It takes me a few moments to shuffle through all the useless bullshit scattered in my brain.

“Three months,” I answer.

“Fuckin awesome. Angel would have my balls if we had somethin planned during the wedding.”

No shit!

“Any news on Travis’s interest in Tatiana?”

My eyes shoot to Braxxon’s. Great fucking question. I look around the room, and all heads shake no. Everyone looks just as disappointed as I feel.

“This shit is unacceptable. We have the fuckin connections this is our fuckin town. Figure the shit out,” he roars. “One of ours is in danger, and ya’ll are fuckin getting nowhere.”

My right hand flings to the cross dangling from my neck. I grip it tightly, beggin for strength not to blow up.

And speaking of my daughter, I cut my look over to Shadow. He won’t look at me. His arms are folded across his chest, and he’s just staring off in the distance. Shit. Last thing I need is a new brother pissed at me. What a great fuckin welcoming brother I am. My ma would have me by the ears if she knew I made that comment to him. Berry is the only woman who knows about Shadows past and his side life. I’m a grown man; I shoulda fuckin known better.

“ZZ what’s up with T? Word around the club is she’s causin ya some mayhem.”

I groan out loud. “Ask Shadow.”

Shadow matches my groan before answering Braxxon. “She’s diggin herself into my side life. That’s what she’s doin. She’s not bein careful about it, and I’m done being her fuckin babysitter!”

“ZZ,” Braxxon growls.

“What? She likes him, and it’s easier for him to follow her around!” I try to justify myself, but I can tell Braxxon doesn’t like the idea that I had Shadow, a patched brother, following her around constantly. He’s cool with just a few times, but usually we have prospects do the babysittin. “And his name is fuckin Shadow for fucks sake! Half the time I don’t even notice his ass in a room he’s so fuckin quiet!”

“I’m gonna ring my goddaughter’s neck,” Braxxon growls.

I smirk.

“We need two more prospects. Smokey, go thru Phil’s paperwork and see who he had lined up. Set up the patch party for Rap. Set it for Friday and send out the info to the Lady Charter. They know how to give a great patch party welcome.” Braxxon instructs.

Oh, that Motherfucker wants his balls ripped off by Winter.

“Great that concludes Chapel,” Braxxon says, slammin down the gavel.

Thank fuck. I need a drink and my daily dose of Storm’s beauty.


The music is pumping at Club Sated. I’m sitting in one of the plush chairs Winter has this place lined with, drinking my jack and coke, watching one of her strippers dance when Storm plops down beside me.

“Long night?” she asks, her voice coming out in that beautiful way that it always does.


“Yeah,” I answer curtly.

I don’t know how to act around her anymore. This shit has me all kinds of twisted.

“You never got with me about what’s going on with Tatiana,” she says, almost hurt.

I’m an asshole. Plain and simple.

I drain my glass of its contents and place it on the table before answering her. I also drag down my shades from the top of my head, placing them over my eyes. Every time she stares at me, I feel like she can read every single feeling that I’m feeling and I can’t stand that shit. It uneases me.

“Tatiana is messin around in shit she shouldn’t be,” I answer while turning towards her.

“Like what Mason?” she huffs out, crossing her arms.

All is forgotten, because the moment my real name left those beautiful fuckable lips, my mind went straight to wanting to bend her over and fuck the shit outta her.

“ZZ,” she laughs out.

What? She can’t see my eyes.

“You’re a dirty bastard,” she laughs again.

Damn facial expressions!

I smirk. “You know I wanna fuck you darlin; this is no secret.”

She sighs, leaning back in her chair.

Why do I always gotta ruin shit? We just hashed all this out the other day. I gotta fix it.

“I’m sorry. She’s just into shit I can’t talk about.”

Storm’s head tilts to the side, studying me before she nods. “Yeah okay. If you need to talk, you know where to find me.”

And with that, she gets up and walks away, taking my breath with her. Fuck, she’s too beautiful. Way too fuckin beautiful.

“Hey there handsome, want a ride?”

I look over and see the stripper that was just dancing standing in front of me in nothing but a barely there thong and some fuckin pesky ass glitter.

“You offerin the kinda ride I want sweetheart?” I ask, tilting my shades back up to the top of my head.

“If the ride you’re wantin is the kind that gets these off of me and you inside of me, then yes, that’s the kind of ride I’m offerin,” she whispers low while fingering her panties back and forth.

Fuck yes, and all I had to do was sit here. Easy pussy.

I stand. “Lead the way sweetness.” I gesture with one of my hands.

My dick allows me to follow this nameless whore through the hallway, out the backdoor to the fenced in employee parking lot. I make a mental note to let Storm know these bitches be going outside nude. But not before I get a quick fuck.

“In my car,” she says as her hand reaches for the door handle.

“I don’t think so,” I growl, pushing her up against her car and ripping her panties off.

That’s a little too fuckin personal for my liking.

I push my cock against her backside. “You want this?”

“Yes, yes please!”

Oh, she’s a beggar.

I pull away and listen to her whimper as I dig a condom outta my pack pocket and lower my jeans. “Fast and hard,” I growl as I cover my dick.

“Fast and hard,” she agrees.

I push into her, and I’m immediately disappointed. The bitch feels like the Grand Canyon, so wide and loose. I roll my eyes and pull out, reach around to her front, and start playin with her clit. I’m a dick, but I won’t leave women unsatisfied even if that means no satisfaction for me.

It takes her no time to start moaning and thrashing about. I feel like screaming, my dick is in need of that much attention. I would make this bitch suck my cock but judging by the looseness of her pussy, her mouth has been on just as many cocks as her pussy’s taken. No fuckin thank you!

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