Without You (12 page)

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Authors: Julie Prestsater

Tags: #second chance love story, #Second Chances, #prestsater, #against the wall, #romantic comedy, #new adult

BOOK: Without You
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“That look on your face tells me you like what you see,” Sam said, an expression of satisfaction in his eyes.

“So far so good,” I said. “Let’s get a look at the inside.”

Immediately, my plans started unfolding as we crossed the threshold. A bar already sat in the far back corner on the right and extended to the other end of the wall. I imagined several barstools lining the counter, people sitting on them with one elbow on the bar and their bodies turned toward the stage. A stage that sat against the opposite wall so that performers could be seen from all directions, including from outside. We would need a raised platform, enough room for a small band, and definitely a piano. Cocktail tables, some low, and some high would need to be scattered around the remaining space. Servers wearing vintage t-shirts with band logos, jeans, and old school Chuck Taylors, I imagined flowing between the tables helping guests with a smile. Maybe they were musicians too. Who knew?

“What are you thinking?” Sam asked. “Too big, too small.”

“You mentioned that the place next door is available too, right?” I asked.

“Yeah, the same person owns both spaces and said he put up the walls to separate the two.” Sam knocked on a wall. “This can easily be made one again.”

“No, let’s leave it. Maybe just a doorway that leads from one space to the other.” I smiled.

“There’s more to this plan that you’re not telling me.” He stared me down as if he had the power to get something out of me.


* * * * *

hen I arrived home in the evening, I was beat. Sitting down with Sam and going over contracts and plans had my head still spinning. Owning your own business was a lot harder than I could have imagined, no matter how much money I had. I wanted to be more than just the benefactor of this project. I wanted to be involved in all ways possible. If it was going to be my future, it had to be. Finally, my college degree would come in handy.

All good things came with patience though, but the more I thought about it the more impatient I became. I was dying to tell Maddy all about it, every detail from start to finish, like we used to share everything, but I wanted to wait until I signed on the dotted line. Plus, I didn’t want to announce any big news before the wedding. I didn’t want to take anyone’s eyes off Genna and her day.

Until I could make the announcement, I had plenty to keep me busy. Like a party that I was hosting the following night. Now, this was something I was willing to get help with. It was no longer just a bachelor party. It was also for the ladies. Maddy offered, but I told her I’d take care of it. She had plenty going on helping the bride and working, I could handle a party. Especially with Isabelle at my side, well, over the phone.

“I need food and drinks for fifty people.” That sounded about right. “Nothing like the fancy dinner party stuff. I’d like real food like chip and dip, hot wings, and mini cheeseburgers. I don’t care if it looks pretty, I just want it to taste good.”

Isabelle laughed into the phone. “You mean your guests don’t want to be wowed with gourmet food? They don’t want to go home hungry?”

“You get me.” She always did. She was the most down-to-earth person I worked with besides Sam, which was why the three of us had stuck together so long. The fame, the nightlife, the never-ending parties and gossip had never suited any of us. I couldn’t believe I lasted as long as I did. “Keep it casual too. Beer, wine, tequila. If I see a cosmo, I might have to fire you.” Even I couldn’t keep from laughing at that one. The thought of letting her go was one hell of a joke.

“I’d fire
if you asked me to make a skinny margarita, so we’re on the same page.” I could hear the tapping of her keyboard, so I remained quiet. “All set, Evan. A team should be there around three to set everything up for a start time of five. Even though it’s coed, I’m throwing in a titty cake and pecker cupcakes. It’s still a bachelorette and bachelor party after all.”

“Nice touch, Isabelle. Thank you.”

“I can even add some penis straws if you want.” She snickered.

“No, thank you. I’m sure Genna will be fine with the cupcakes. Just make sure they have some balls too. I want to be able to tell her to eat my nuts.” She’d love it. I could already picture the look on her face, right before she slapped me.

“You got it. Cocks and balls for Evan James.” She chuckled. “Let me just write that down.”

“Um, let’s not write it exactly like that, okay.”

“Bye, Evan. Have a wonderful party.”

Shaking my head, I told her, “Bye, Isabelle. Thank you.”

Chapter 8




ow, look at you. A dining room table, Evan?” I traced my fingers along the edge of his new piece of furniture. “You’re growing up before our eyes.” Fanning my hand in front of my face, I faked like I was about to cry.

“Yup, I even got rid of some of my toys.” He gestured to where his video game paraphernalia was now stashed away in a very organized entertainment center. He looked good enough to eat, smooth and decadent like chocolate mousse pie. He wore a fedora on his gorgeous head, a pair of dark fitted jeans, a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to just beneath his elbows, and a tie loosely hung around his neck. I’d seen other men try to pull off this look and it didn’t work. On Evan, it was sexy as hell. He yanked me from my lustful thoughts when he said, “Now quit mocking me and come here.”

Taking my hand, he pulled me toward him. I closed my eyes as he pressed his lips to my forehead, a gesture so sweet I could have melted in his hands. But just as quickly as his lips touched me, they were gone.

Backing away so I could see him, I looked up into his big brown eyes peering down at me. “What is it, Evan?”

“Sunshine, I want to kiss you again. Like really kiss you...but I can’t. Not while you’re with Michael. It’s not fair to him and it’s not fair to us.”

Before he continued, I interrupted him. “Uh, I kind of forgot to tell you something.” He raised a brow at me in question. “Michael and I broke up over a week ago.”

“Really?” His face lit up.

I smiled. “Really.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.

“I thought if I had a boyfriend, it would help us slow things down.” It was the truth.

He cupped my face in his hands. “And now, Maddy? Do you want to slow things down?”

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him on the lips. When my heels hit the floor, I replied, “Not at all.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall. “There are too many people in here,” he said, speaking of the catering crew who was still setting up. When we turned the corner of the hallway, Evan backed me up against the wall. We gazed into each other’s eyes, breathing heavier than before. I peeled his fedora off his head and threaded my fingers through his wavy hair. He gave me that sexy grin, making my insides tremble with desire. Slowly, he lowered his head until his lips touched mine. I could feel his smile against my mouth, which made my heart beat even faster. There was no denying the passion and the love in his kiss. Softly, he sprinkled my mouth with his moist kisses, tugging and nibbling on my lips before teasing me with the slightest touch of his tongue.

My right hand held his hat against his back, while I traced his body with my free one. All the way up his chest until it curved around his neck and I drew him in closer. “Kiss me, Evan.” No further encouragement was needed as Evan slid his tongue into my mouth, playing with my own passionately and eagerly. He curved one hand around my ass and held me even closer, while his other hand tangled into my hair, gently pulling, making me dizzy with arousal.

“Mr. James, we’re leaving. We’ll lock the door behind us,” a voice called out.

Shoot, our friends will be here soon enough
. Evan broke our kiss. He took a breath and then placed a few more pecks on my mouth. Along my jaw. And down my throat.

“Fuck, Maddy. I never thought I’d be lucky enough to kiss you again.” His words rung true because I had been thinking the same thing.

Pushing his face toward me so I could gaze into his eyes again, I caressed his cheek. “It’s real.” Our love is real I wanted to tell him, but I couldn’t. It was still so new. I wanted to tell him I loved him—that I always had—but the words sat still at the tip of my tongue. I didn’t know what I was waiting for or what I was afraid of. I just couldn’t bring myself to say them aloud.

“Yes, it is.” He lifted me off my feet and swirled me around, hugging me tightly. I kissed him again, just a quick smack on the lips, before I placed his hat back on his head. He carried me back down the hall with my legs wrapped around his waist. “Now that I’ve held you, kissed you, had you in my arms again, I don’t know how I’m going to be able to keep from touching you every single second for the rest of the night.”

“I’m sure you’ll find a way.”

He patted my ass. “To touch you? You can count on it.”




s soon as the party started, I wanted it to be over. Not because I didn’t want my friends to enjoy their evening, but because I couldn’t wait to be alone with Maddy again. She was single, no longer with Michael, and I only had a few minutes to kiss her before people started arriving. While those kisses felt damn good, the few minutes weren’t nearly enough to quench my thirst for my sunshine.

I watched her throughout the night, joining the ladies in fun, easy-going conversation. She threw her head back with laughter, tossed back shots with Genna, and even kicked off her shoes to dance in the center of my living room with the other girls. It was just like old times, my girl footloose and fancy free as the old saying goes. Only this time, I joined her whenever I could.

Unlike the past, I didn’t sit in the corner talking about my career or letting people absorb my time with questions about famous people I knew. Instead, when Maddy least expected it, I’d slide in behind her, rocking back and forth with the beat, her hips backed into mine. She’d look back over my shoulder and smile wildly, enjoying every minute of it. Other times, if I noticed her glass was empty, I’d bring her another drink, whisking away her old one and dropping it into the trash. I wanted her to know that more than my furniture had changed. I had changed, too. This was about more than kisses. I wanted to share it all with her.

“How many shots have you had?” Genna asked Maddy when we walked her and Luke to the door.

“Just a few,” Maddy replied.

Genna waved her drunken finger in Maddy’s face. “Nuh uh. If I had five you had twenty. You can’t drive home. Want me to take you home?”

We all laughed at Genna’s proposition. She’d be lucky to make it to the car before she passed out.

I answered for Maddy. “No, that’s okay, Gen. I got it covered.” I pulled my girl to my side, slinging my arms around her waist and squeezing her hip.

Genna’s eyes went wild. “Are you guys gonna do it?” She turned her head to Luke. “They’re gonna do it, baby.” She pumped her fists into the air. “Madison and Evan are gonna get busy,” she sang.

Maddy finally stepped in, hugging her friend. “Yes. We’re going to do it. Alert Access Hollywood. But first, get the hell out so I can get naked with my man.”

“I already ate his cock and balls, Maddy.” Genna laughed hysterically. “I hope he has something left.”

“Oh, I know he has plenty, Genna Marie. Now get out.” She pushed her best friend and Luke out of the door and quickly shut it behind them. To me, she said, “I thought they’d never leave.”

Wagging my finger, I pointed at the door. “That was good, Maddy. Bad, but good.”

She stepped toward me, clouding my mind with desire with every move. “Are you going to take me to bed, or what?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” I grasped her hand and she followed behind me down the hallway and into my bedroom. When I spun her around to face me, she started tugging at my shirt. I held on to her hands. “There’s no rush, Sunshine. Slow down.” I bent down to kiss her, first on the lips followed by a peck on her forehead. Then, I dropped her hands and moved throughout the room lighting a few candles and turning on some music.

“Who is this?” she asked.

“A local band. I don’t remember the name.” I walked to her, grasping her hands again. I laced my fingers with hers and winked. She smiled and my chest tightened, overflowing with love for this woman. “God, I don’t know where to start, I’m so nervous.”

Admitting things like that to her was never a problem for me. I could tell her anything and she would listen. Like now.

“Just kiss me,” she said, unleashing her hands from mine and drawing them up my neck before pulling me down to her. Our faces were almost touching. I could feel her breath on my skin, I could smell the sweet scent of her perfume, but instead of kissing her, I just nuzzled into her. My nose and lips dragged along her chin, down her throat, and back up again. I nipped at her mouth, gently tugging on her bottom lip. She traced the seam of my mouth with her tongue and all caution was gone with the wind. I could no longer take it slow. I needed to touch her. All over. Now.

Chapter 9




e kissed each other, battling for control. One second he was softly nibbling on my lips, the next he was sucking on my tongue with such passion I could feel it all the way down to the tips of my toes. I accepted all his kisses and then gave him some of my own. I teased his mouth, tracing his full lips with my tongue. He groaned against my mouth, pulling me tightly against his body.

The length of his erection pressed against my stomach and I stood on my tiptoes so I could feel it farther south. I wanted Evan James. There was no doubt about that. I loved making out with him, but I needed more. And the clothes between us were getting in the way.

When I tugged at his shirt again, this time, he didn’t stop me. He kicked off his shoes and toed off his socks, while I unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it back over his shoulders. His body was still covered with a white tank, but my mouth watered anyway. Evan was never a beefy muscular man, but his lean body was sexy as hell. Especially his shoulders, chest, and arms. From playing the piano and strumming a guitar, his upper body was no joke. And his hands were just as talented on my body as they were on keys or strings.

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