With Tongue and Teeth (3 page)

BOOK: With Tongue and Teeth
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“There were no lights, no gardens,
and no weapons. It was me huddled in hollow rocks.” Justice stared at the
ground. “Nico and Nero joined me a few weeks later. We went hungry so many
nights, cold, thirsty, and yet, we never gave up hope. We had a plan. We had a
wish. We were going to change our fate.” He smiled but it was sad then he
straightened. “Anyway, it was a long time ago. I think this would be a good
spot for the front lines.”

I was about to nod when a sound
drifted through the quiet area.

Justice shifted to his knees and
pulled me down. We hid behind the big machine.

I was going to ease up to see who
was walking our
but Justice gripped
my arm hard. The sound was getting closer.
could hear voice’s quietly talking. Both men, none of them I recognized.

“This is stupid. What idiot’s
going to come to the ass end of the city? Ain’t no criminal going to show up

“It’s our assignment so stop
complaining. Besides I thought I heard something.”

“What you heard was my dick
begging to be sucked. I want to get home.”

The voices quieted down as we
crouched. I’d like to think they walked right by
but I could hear their breathing, the slight drag of the soles
on the rough, red sand.

“What?” one of them asked
They were close enough for us to hear it.

go of my arm. He grabbed at his ankle and pulled free a seven-inch
knife. The blade was coated
kind of dark substance so there was no glare. I drew my gun and quietly clicked
the safety off. He shook his head. Right, gunshots would bring more peacekeepers
around and I was almost positive that’s what we had here. I shoved the gun in
the back of my jeans and grabbed a pipe that was near my feet. We faced
opposite sides, waiting, ready.

When a dark-haired guy turned the
I didn’t spring up and possibly
get myself
. Nope, I swung at his
legs. The pipe slammed into his shins. He cried out, eyes wide, and fell to his
knees. I smacked that pipe into his chest and he landed on his stomach. Then I
gave him a kick for good measure. I glanced back to see if Justice was
watching. That’s when the gun in the peacekeepers hand went off. The laser shot
flew between my legs nearly giving me a heart attack. I stepped on his wrist
until he let go. Then I punched him in the face and picked up the gun. When I
turned around, Justice was standing there.

He was frowning with a bloody
knife in one hand. “Great job with that being

I glanced at his hover bike.
The one that was smoking where the laser shot had struck it.
Well, fuck. I don’t
that made
me anymore. “I’ll buy you a
new bike.”

He returned the knife to his
ankle sheath and stood.

“I’ll buy you a really nice

He crossed his arms over his
chest. “How do you propose we get home?”

That part was easy. “Harley’s
isn’t too far away. We can walk there, get a new ride.”

“You’re wanted for homosexuality.
pretty face is going to be all over
the news.”

Shit. He was right. Pretty, huh?

“And there
way I’m going to blend in with any crowd.”

I puffed out a breath and stared
at the sky. Think. Think. “We could call Outlaw or Underground. Get a ride.”

Justice scoffed. “Next time keep
an eye on your enemy.” He started walking away.

Shit. He’d
that. Okay, so I wanted to see if he’d
watching and it may have fucked the fight
A little.
I glanced at the bike. Damn it. “Where
are you going?” I stumbled after him. We weren’t walking into the city but back
toward the darkness.

“We leave the bike. It’s

“And go where?”

“The tunnels.
It’ll be a long
walk where you can explain to me why you decided to look away during a fight.”

I followed. Four large rocks concealed
the secret entrance, which was good because it was damn dark out
I tripped a few times but mainly kept as
close to Justice as I could. First off, for the view and second, because I
wanted to make sure there were no Mars creatures that we hadn’t discovered yet.

The door slid down behind us and
I took the ramp faster
I should
have. There were no lights so when the door shut completely it was pitch black.
I reached out, felt warm flesh, and held on. It was Justice’s arm, his muscles
flexed. Then a light sprung on. It was dull, but Justice held a solar
flashlight. The tunnel was eerie. So quiet I could hear our breathing. The
floor was smooth. At least I hadn’t tripped on anything but the walls were
jagged. I didn’t let go of Justice’s arm yet and being this close to him wasn’t
exactly turning off my erection.

“Want to explain how a laser shot
ended up in my
hover bike

” I muttered. My dick had gotten the better of me again. I
looked away from the fight because I wanted to see if my
had caught Justice’s eye.

He paused
and glanced at me. Those violet-colored eyes bored into me
until I actually squirmed.

“It was an
” I said.

Justice took a step toward me,
his bigger frame menacing enough for me to take a step back. “Don’t lie to me

I swallowed hard.

“Just admit you were thinking
with your dick again.”

I took a step forward, crowding his personal space.

“I thought we agreed you would
get your head out of your fucking pants. If that shot had hit me...”

“I’m trying and it didn’t.
Doesn’t help to have you looking all sexy and me being all lonely.”

been here
a fucking day.” His voice echoed down the tunnel.

“That’s a long damn time for me.”
Kind of.

“So kiss me.”

I sputtered a moment. “

Justice dropped his hands to his
sides and angled the flashlight so it peered up
us. “If you’re so hard up for me, kiss me. Get it out of the way. Then focus on
the fights ahead.”

As if it would be that simple. Yeah,
I wanted to kiss him but what if it didn’t get the kiss out of the way? What if
it made this attraction worse? Okay, that wouldn’t be such a bad thing either.
I was going to do it. I grabbed handfuls of his
shirt and pulled him closer. He had to hunch
but our faces were so close I could smell his minty breath and the warm musk of
his skin. I stalled this close, taking in the way his eyes looked close up. His
purple irises sparkled around the edges. I watched the way his dark skin played
the dull light. His lips were so thick
I could only think of them around my dick. I was breathing heavily as we stared
into each other’s eyes, not moving.

“Do it already.” His deep voice
was barely a whisper.

It made me wonder if this kiss
was for me or for him. Then I closed the gap between us. He took instant
control, taking my bottom lip between his. Our mouths opened. His tongue invaded.
Justice went so deep I stepped away but he followed. My back hit the wall, his
hands too. I was trapped between them. His lips smeared
with saliva. Our tongues touched, rubbed, and retreated. His thrust
inside and made me gag then moan. It was then I figured out Justice was a
fucking dominant.
My favorite.
I knew this kiss was a
bad idea. Now all I’d be able to think about was him.

my bottom lip between his teeth.

It sent a jerk of pain through my
body that made my dick grow faster. I was still holding on to his shirt,
desperate to continue the ride and get all the thrills. I kissed Justice
but he wouldn’t let me explore. He made
it clear by his tongue and
that he
was the one that directed this. Justice pulled away to lick my chin then traveled
by kiss down my neck. He stopped midway and sucked a patch of skin into his
mouth. It stung in an entirely sexual way. I was gasping. A shiver ran down my

Justice let go,
his teeth across the sensitive area.

I let go of his shirt, determined
to feel
on flesh. I slid my hand to
the rim and then up. My palms flattened against the hard plains of his abdomen.

Justice jerked as If I’d
him. He pulled away so fast I got dizzy
and cold from the lack of his body heat. He cleared his throat, moving the
light so I could barely see his face. “See.

“Nothing, my

“I felt nothing, Romeo.” He
straightened his shirt.

I squinted and frowned. There was
no way this love bite stinging my neck was a product of my wishful thinking. I
touched it with my fingers and winced. Justice didn’t even look at me. He
started walking. I had two choices. Stand here in the dark touching myself or
follow him back home. It took me a minute to choose but eventually I went for the

Chapter Four


It took an hour to walk back and
Justice wouldn’t say a word. He was all brooding silence and tense muscles. It
made me think his comment about feeling nothing from our kiss was all bullshit.

Nico’s voice
echoed down the corridor.

We were finally out of the dark areas
and in a commonly used tunnel. I could tell by the disturbed dust and sand on
the floor.

Justice turned off the

“And the bike is...”

“Up the peacekeepers ass if we’re
” Justice mumbled. “You get a hold
of Outlaw?”


They walked toward the main
chamber and into that smaller room with the round table. I guess that would be
their chapel. Despite exhaustion whipping over me, I followed. We all sat down,
closed, and I heard the familiar
voice of my MC President, Outlaw.

“How you liking
the new views, Romeo?”

“The views are just fine.” I
smiled and stared right at Justice.

He adjusted in his seat, frowning
so hard I thought he might pop a vein. “Nico told you my proposal?”

“He did.” Outlaw was silent a

I had a chance to stare at the
holograph on the wall showing the city in the throes of dawn. Justice leaned
forward in his seat. I watched the way his eyebrows knit together as we waited
and his plush lips were almost pouting in anticipation.

“We voted. It’s a good plan,”
Outlaw finally said. “We can have the explosives ready
tomorrow night. Send me the blueprints for our peacekeeper

“Done and done. Until tomorrow,
brother,” Justice said then switched off the radio. He sat back in his seat and

It looked good on him. That joy
on his face was contagious because we all started to grin. I wanted to stay and
talk. Hell, I wanted to stay and try kissing him again. But we all filed out.
There wasn’t exactly a place for me to go. It was daylight on the surface so we
had to stay underground. I ate some kind of soft biscuit and wandered around
aimlessly. My mind was still focused on that kiss. Damn. The way Justice had
used his tongue and teeth made my pulse jump even now. My dick had never
completely softened as the hours passed. I was actually going to go see him but
couldn’t find him. So, I settled for seeing the other man in the same boat as
me. Edmond. The
man had been
in a small room a few feet from mine, which is exactly where I was heading.

The curtain was closed so I
almost passed it. His was a
of rags sewn
together. It was also the only one that had soft moans whispering out. I paused
mid-step. Was Edmond really getting some already? That made me fucking jealous.
I inched forward, leaning against the wall, and eased the curtain so I could
peek in. Sure enough, I saw a whole lot of bare flesh. Nero was standing against
the rock wall with his hands fisted and his head thrown back. I was surprised
to see Edmond there on his knees. The handsome man was sucking cock like a world-class
champion. The soft moans were getting louder as I watched.

I glanced down the tunnel, empty,
and then eased the curtain over a bit more. Edmond was fully dressed. Nero was
naked. His dark skin looked shiny from sweat as he pumped his hips. I couldn’t
get a view of his
but I didn’t move
closer. Normally I would join in and have myself some fun. But I was thinking
about another gorgeous black man.
Why the
hell was he suddenly in my mind all the time? Yes, he was hot. Yes, I wanted
him to fuck me.
So what.
That wasn’t anything new and
yet I was still thinking about him. I rubbed my crotch trying to distract the
crashing train of thoughts.

Nero was moaning louder.

I watched as Nero took handfuls
of Edmonds’s hair and started thrusting hard into the eager man’s mouth. That’s
the moment I rubbed at my crotch harder. My fingers massaged my dick through
the thin material of my jeans. I took another glance at Edmond’s
wishing he was naked. Then I stuck my
hand down my pants. I instantly groaned. My fingers wrapped around
I stroked myself, tucking my hands lower so I could cup my balls. Each caress
brought my hips moving faster. I was leaning heavily on the wall now and Nero
let out a deep groan. It vibrated through my flesh to my spine and made me
shiver. He held Edmond still with his hands, his hips close to Edmond’s face. I
knew Nero’s dick was deep in the other man’s throat by the gagging. I kept
touching myself, pleasuring that part of me that was so focused on Justice. I
him standing there, naked,
dick out. I wondered if he’d bite me like he did on my neck. There was so much
pleasure surging through my body that I missed the soft breeze that ruffled the
curtain. I could have been shot dead by how I was so focused on touching my cock.
Then the curtain pulled back. Not from Edmond or Nero but, from my side. I
stilled and stared right at Justice. He crossed his arms over his chest,
glancing at the two men and then me.

Nero grabbed his pants and
quietly slipped away.

Edmond stood up with a smile and
an erection pressing urgently at his jeans.

I took my hand out of my pants
and gave my best smile.

Justice uncrossed and stepped up
to me. “Were you going to join their party?”

He seemed angry. I shrugged my
shoulders. “I was just watching.” His face was so close I could feel his fast
breaths across my lips. “Did you not want me to join?”

“No.” His eyes were solely on me.
The weight of that gaze was intense. “You were supposed to keep your dick in
your pants.”

“And it still is.
Hey, I was trying to work an angle here. “It
wouldn’t hurt the club to have sex down here.
No one to tell.
Or do you not want me to joining because of something else?” That had to be it.
Justice was as intoxicated by our kiss as I was, he just didn’t want to admit

The hard edges around his mouth

I gave my bottom lip a swipe with
my tongue and sure enough, he followed the movement with his gaze. “Maybe you
want to kiss me again?”

He grunted.

“Maybe you want to do more than
kiss me?” I inched closer to his face and placed my lips
his. It was so soft I almost didn’t feel the
contact and then Justice pressed back. Our lips parted and our tongues started
to battle. It was a win-win situation because I wanted him to take control and
he did. He pushed into me until my back hit the wall. Then our mouths were
slippery with saliva and filled with anxious touches. I was having a hard time catching
my breath when Justice finally pulled away. He placed his forehead against mine
and frowned.

“How do you do that?”


“Make me want you so bad.”

I almost yelled
the word. He wanted me. Best news I’ve heard all week.
feelings mutual, chocolate thunder.”

He scoffed. “Don’t call me that.”

“I’ll call you whatever you want
me to.”

He bared his teeth. “You test my
control, Romeo.”

“So let go. Take me. Use me.
Control me.” Holy fuck, I wanted Justice so bad I was just sputtering wishes.

Justice pulled back and took a
few deep breaths. His eyes were closed, hands fisted, then he opened them. His violet
eyes were darker in this dull light and for the first time I saw his full smile.
It was fucking beautiful. “Let’s go for a ride, Romeo.”

I can’t even explain how fast I
followed Justice. Hell, I would have fallen
him if he stopped short. We made our way quickly to the area with all the hover
bikes. He hopped on one and then he pulled me close for a kiss. It was another
one that took my fucking breath away.
All tongue and teeth
and dominance.
I wanted him to hold me there, force me to take his
tongue deeper. A shiver ran down my spine and I had to adjust my growing dick
as we pulled apart. “Where are we going? More importantly do you have lube and

He glanced over his shoulder and
smiled. “Yes, both.” He started the bike. “Have you ever been to the dark side
of Mars before, Romeo?”

I thought this was the dark side
so I shook my head.

“There’s no air filters the
farther you go out, so the oxygen is so thin it’s like getting a high. Your
body floods with adrenaline, afraid to die. There nothing but darkness and the
dim lights of the hover bike. No sound but your own heartbeat like drums.”

“Oh.” I blew out a breath.

Justice smiled. “That’s where I’m
taking us, to the dark side of the Mars so no one can hear you scream my name,

I think I spurted some jizz in my
pants at that. I held on to his hips eagerly. But just before we could take off
Nico came barreling down.

“You shouldn’t go anywhere alone,

I wanted to kick the VP of the
Underground MC.

“Then come
” Justice said and we took off.

I caught a glimpse of Nico and,
surprisingly, Edmond hopping onto another bike. Then we were up the ramp and on
our way
the shadows. It closed
around me like a thick fog. Justice and Nico had their bike headlights on. It
was low, dull, and barely lit a few feet in front of us. The city was behind us
in the soft colors of dusk. The sun was nearly down as we drove. Not toward
that sprawling city but toward the dark hills opposite. Justice had been right—my
lungs were working harder and my eyes were nearly sightless when we pulled
behind a large hill. The red dirt blew lightly with the wind. Above
the stars started to show. They twinkled
brighter out here. We stopped abruptly and I slid slightly into Justice’s back.
It made me squeeze him harder.

Nico’s bike followed behind ours.

The engines were
but the dim glow of the headlights
helped me see. Before us was a field of red rocks. They just sat there like
they were bathing in the star’s light. I was staring at them as Justice hopped
off and pulled me with him. The moment my feet touched the ground he grabbed my
shirt and pulled me in for a kiss. It was a passionate touch that made me lose
track of Nico and Edmond. I lost count how many times I gasped as Justice
thrust his tongue between my teeth.

“I shouldn’t be doing
” Justice whispered when

“Why?” I placed my hands on his
face and rubbed my thumbs over his dark-skinned cheeks.

“I’m the president of the
Underground MC. My mind should be focused on them...not my dick.”

“Your dick is important too.” I
reached down and adjusted myself. I was too hard to fit in these jeans and be
comfortable. “Besides, I’m for the cause too.” Damn right. “This is just to
keep us all...healthy.”

Justice laughed, short and deep.
Then he pressed his mouth to mine. The kiss was brief, just enough to nip at my
lower lip. Then he made his way down my neck. I was squeezing my hands into the
bike seat behind me in anticipation. I liked the sting of pain with my
pleasure. Justice didn’t disappoint. The sore spot on my neck from our last
touch was rubbed with his tongue. It sent small jolts of pain down my neck and
I loved it. Justice kissed his way to the rim of my shirt. Then there was a
sharp tug and he pulled the shirt over my head. He didn’t wait for me to help. He
just ripped the sucker off and threw it.

“Such pale skin,” he murmured.
His palms were flat on my chest.

I was hairless so I felt every
rub of his flesh on mine. He raked his fingernails down my
and I shivered. Justice took my nipples between
his big fingers, squeezing the flat buds. It started
, barely felt, and then he increased the pressure. He pinched
until I gasped.

Justice soothed the pain with his
mouth. He licked at my left nipple, kissing it, bathing it with those plush
lips of his. Then he moved his attention to the right nipple. He was quicker
with this
like he was running out of
patience and wanted me naked. When he stepped back, he placed his thumbs
the rim of my pants and stared into my eyes.

Nico’s voice brought us out of
this strange hold with each other. “Any chance you want to share?” His voice
was soft, uncertain.

Justice formed a small frown on
his face and ran his hands up the sides of my body. “That’s up to him.” He
started to lick at my neck again.

“I like...” I lost my breath for
a moment. “I like the saying the
the merrier.” I grinned then jerked when Justice nipped the skin between my
pecs. “You okay with your VP joining?” Maybe more people would ease this
intensity between us. Not that it was a bad
but I was looking for sex nothing more.

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