With This Ring (Denim & Spurs Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: With This Ring (Denim & Spurs Book 1)
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“I’ll take that as a yes, then,” she said, her lips turned up with a smile.

Gods, her smile could knock him for a loop. He swiped his thumbs along her lips before lowering his hands from her skin. Closing the top part of the door to El Rey’s stall, he stepped back and glanced down at the woman beside him. She fairly glowed with excitement.

“I got us some tickets to the rodeo as well.”

The flash of white as she grinned wider had him wanting to kiss her all over again.

“Let’s go explore.”

While it wasn’t the foremost thing on his mind, he didn’t argue as she began walking. There were over eight hundred trade show booths at the site, and he knew there was something for everyone here. He loved attending this and from the excitement on her face, Samantha was going to enjoy it as well.

* * * *

Dustin finished riding El Rey at the daily stallion demo and dismounted after he left the arena. He’d not seen Samantha in the crowd, but to be fair, the place had been full and he had to keep his attention on the task before him. Nodding to some of the guys back of the arena, he patted El Rey’s neck and began walking him from the building to where they were stalled.

Many people waylaid him as he progressed, and he allowed them to look and touch. Stallions had a bad rap but El Rey, as he’d told Samantha, was an old pro at this. He knew just how to behave himself.

As he neared the stalls his animals were in, he heard a feminine voice—one that chilled the blood in his veins. It didn’t matter that Big Mike had warned him she was around at the Expo, somewhere in him he’d not expected to run into her. Charlotte Beaumonde.

He found her by Dante’s stall, clad in obscenely tight blue jeans that looked painted on and a shirt which would have served her better in a wet tee contest as opposed to a horse exposition. Her blonde hair curled down around her shoulders, ending mid-back. He recalled the numerous times he’d enjoyed trailing his hands through the soft strands. The times he’d looked forward to her tresses dragging along his skin as they made love to one another. Now, however, it did nothing to him. None of the memories he had brought him anything but the feeling of indigestion.

Where was Samantha? Had Charlotte said something to her? His ex-fiancée turned toward him and gave him a shy smile. The one that had attracted him in the first place. Didn’t work worth a damn now.

“What are you doing here?” he asked brusquely as he moved by her into El Rey’s stall and began stripping the tack off his stallion.

“I wanted to talk.”

She almost followed him in, but he shut the door before she could. Her expression told him she wasn’t expecting that kind of reception. She glanced around as if checking to see if anyone had seen him shut her out as he had.

“Don’t reckon there’s anything left for us to say to one another. You did all your talking the day of our wedding. And trust me, I got the message. Loud and clear.”

She licked her lips and pursed them into a pout, which in the past would have worked on him. He returned his attention to his stallion and brushed him down before leaving the stall with the saddle and bridle in one hand.

“Let me explain,” she said.

He gazed around again. Where was Samantha? They had tickets to get to the rodeo later on, but he’d wanted to walk there with her.

“Nothing to explain.”

She grabbed his wrist, and he scowled at her. “I’m late,” she said.

He blinked at her, nonplussed. “Then leave me alone and get to wherever the hell you need to be.”

kind of late. Missing my cycle kind of late. You know, the kind which ends up nine months later with a squealing bundle of joy.”

Cold settled over him and he glared at her, the saddle he placed on the floor as he tried to wrap his thoughts around her words. “Are you trying to tell me you’re carrying my child?” His mind churned with the implications of such a statement.

She licked her lips and nodded. He crossed his arms, disengaging her touch.

“How do you know it’s mine? You were with all those men on our wedding day, Charlotte, and let’s not forget
always used protection.”

Fire flashed in her blue eyes. “You think I don’t know who the father of my child is?”

“I think a woman—and I use that term loosely—who would cheat on her fiancé on their
wedding day
has the right to be questioned about such a claim.”

Her expression told of her frustration and rising ire. He didn’t care, not in the least.

“We’ll talk about this later.” She had a perverse look on her face.

He shook his head. “No point unless you bring me proof it’s my child. I’ll insist on a DNA test to make sure.” He glanced at his watch. “Stay away from me, Charlotte.” Swinging the saddle up, he strode off down the aisle to put the items in his trailer then go find the one woman he
to see at this thing.

As he climbed the rows to his seat, he exhaled in relief to spy Samantha already there. She sat forward in her seat, watching the pre-show. He settled beside her, noting she’d changed since he’d seen her last.

“Sorry I’m late.”

Her gaze met his, and his heart stuttered a bit at her closed off expression. It only lingered a short time, and he wondered if he wasn’t imagining things. “Not a problem. Hasn’t begun anyway.” Her focus went back down to the hard packed dirt floor and those on it.

He watched her and noticed how stiff she was beside him. Shit. Had she heard the exchange between him and Charlotte? And if she had, how would he explain this to her?

* * * *

Finn took a deep breath and fought back the warring emotions raging within her. She had no right to be jealous or angry over who the man spoke to. However, that didn’t negate the fact when she’d come around the corner and seen Dustin talking to Charlotte Beaumonde those were the exact feelings that had coursed through her. One part of her wanted to go over there, snatch that blonde-haired bitch, and smack her around. The part that won, however, was her logical side. The side who behaved as a good daughter and didn’t engage in displays like that. The one who didn’t let on anything was bothering her.

It’s not as if I didn’t know this was a possibility. He told me himself that she was here.

She exhaled and shifted in her seat. Logical thoughts be damned, it had bothered her a hell of a lot to see Charlotte there with that baby soft and perfectly manicured hand on Dustin’s arm. Finn curled her fingers in to her palms and hid the calluses that lived on hers.

When the announcer began speaking, she tuned him out, trying to figure out a way for this incident not to affect her time with Dustin. She had to be logical.
She wasn’t here long term so if he wanted to rekindle things with her, it was his right.
It’s his right even if I do stay here.
More of that unpleasantness churned in her gut.

“Samantha,” he said from beside her.

Tipping her head to the side so she could see him, Finn raised a brow in silent question. His eyes were transfixed on hers, and the heat in them made her forget about the thousand or so people in the stands and focus completely on him. His gaze dipped to her lips then returned to her eyes. Her tongue snuck out, skimming the same path his gaze had just followed, and she groaned at the responding flash of heat he portrayed.

She waited with baited breath for him to kiss her. He didn’t, instead he cupped the side of her face and moved his thumb along her skin. Immobile, all Finn could do was sit there and allow him to touch her. She just couldn’t pull away from the caress of his fingertips. Lord, she was ready to forgo the entire rodeo and allow him whatever liberties he wished to indulge in with her body.

Pathetic, Finn. To be rendered into such a mess with nothing more than a simple touch.

Ignoring her brain’s commentary, she swallowed and gave him a slight smile. “What?” Somehow, she managed to push that word past her lips instead of allowing it to come out sounding more like, “Take me back to the trailer and fuck me until I forget my own name.” Yeah, that would have gone over so well.

Dustin gave a slight shake of his head, removed his hand, and looked out over the arena at the announcement of the first rider. She missed his touch but didn’t say anything about it, opting instead to follow his example. Finn turned to watch the first of the “roughstock” events being put on. There would be three, and the first was saddle bronc riding. The other two were bareback riding and the bull riding. Timed events made up the rest of the competition, and she was looking forward to them as well. Including the barrel racing.

It didn’t take her long to get swept into the excitement of the rodeo. She cheered, screamed, and guessed scores right along with the crowd as well as the man beside her. Hoarse from all her hollering, Finn took a long drink from the water Dustin had brought her earlier during one of the breaks.

“What’s your favorite?” he asked as she recapped the bottle.

“Don’t think I have one. I like them all, both roughstock and timed. So much talent is needed for all of them, I’m in awe. Although I will say for the roping events and steer wrestling I enjoy watching the horses as well. The women are impressive also.”

“Not giving me a straight answer, are you?” he asked with a smile.

“Can’t pick just one, sorry.” She gave him a grin and focused back on the emptying arena around them. It was time to head back to the trailer, and she took her time gathering up her items.

He helped her up but refused to release her, instead pulled her flush to his chest. She peered up at him, the sounds of retreating fans fading with each thump of her heart. Dustin slid his hand along her cheek until it cupped the nape of her neck then threaded his fingers into her hair. Anchoring her.

She didn’t move, merely watched him as he closed in for his kiss. At the first touch of his lips on hers, she sighed and bit back her whimper. That was all it took for her to be jelly in his arms. One touch. Pathetic? Possibly. Did she care? Nope. All that mattered was he was kissing her again.

Their tongues slipped along one another. Stroking, rubbing, and twining about. His taste infused her, and she brought up her hands to clutch his shirt, so she didn’t fall from wobbly legs. He wrapped his other arm around her, supporting her.

Eyes closed, she lost herself to the kiss. Thick and heady. Slick and wanting. Her body responded with the force of a hurricane, and she struggled to not lose all her sense. When it ended, she wondered if her nipples wouldn’t cut through her bra and shirt they were so tight, almost to the point of being painful. She wanted his hands on them. Touching. Holding. Teasing.

“Let’s go,” he muttered.

She was ready to follow him anywhere. Allowing him to curve his arm around her, she dragged her tongue over her lips, desperate for any remaining taste of him. It wasn’t enough, it never would be enough.

“Where to?”

Trailer. Bed. Words dangled on the tip of her tongue. “Let’s walk around,” she suggested, determined to prove to herself she could behave like anyone else and not jump his bones just because he had her more tuned up than any instrument had the right to be.

The look he leveled at her almost had a completely different phrase slipping free, it was so hot and so damn intimate she nearly lost her cool. Instead, she locked away her passion and slipped her arm through his.

They meandered slowly through the grounds, which were beginning to close down for the night. She didn’t interrupt when people walked up to him and talked. Only when her phone rang, however, did she leave his side.

“Hello?” she said without checking the Caller ID.

“Finn, I’m so sorry to call and bother you, but I need you.”

She frowned. “Who is this?” The voice was female, but unrecognizable.

“Mrs. Pendle.”

Finn’s heart careened to the bottom of her feet. “My father? Is everything okay?” Christ, her legs didn’t want to even hold her up. She barely noticed that Dustin’s arms went around her, supporting her. Her nails dug into his arm, and she fought for breath.

“He took a spill today and says he doesn’t have any medication for the pain. He refused to go to the hospital. If you could just tell me where his pills are, I’ll give him some.”

Relief swamped her. “Do I need to come home?”

“No, sweetie. I can handle the stubborn old coot. I just didn’t want to leave him alone while I continued looking for the pills.”

In the background she could hear her father arguing with Mrs. Pendle. “They’re in the top drawer, left bedside table. Let me talk to him, please.”

“Thank you, dear.” A slight pause. “Here, talk to your daughter, you stubborn fool.”

“Meddlin’ old woman,” he called out before his tone softened. “Hey, babygirl.”

“What’s going on, Daddy?” she demanded.

“Nothing. I don’t know what that woman was thinking calling you.”

“Don’t lie to me, Daddy. What is this spill you took? That woman is—”

“I should fire her,” he muttered. “I’m fine, babygirl.”

take your pills and be nice to Mrs. Pendle, Daddy. Stop yelling at her. She doesn’t have to help you like this.”

BOOK: With This Ring (Denim & Spurs Book 1)
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