With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two (87 page)

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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“Isaac’s watching,” I whisper and point to the oldest Montgomery who is at a roulette table with Leo, Matt, Dom and Caleb. Isaac’s eyes are trained on his wife, who is laughing hysterically at something Jax just said.

“They’ll all keep their eyes peeled. That’s what we do.” Mark shrugs and points to the blackjack table. “Do you want to play?”

“Nah. I’m a horrible gambler.”

“You don’t have a poker face.” Mark kisses my head. “And you look delicious in this little dress.” He gestures to my simple black tank dress that shows off my curves and legs. When I put it on before leaving the hotel room, it was with the intention of making Mark suffer for the night.

“You don’t look too bad yourself,” I say and sip my sex on the beach. He’s in dark jeans and a tight American Fighter T-shirt that is just begging for me to rip it off his hard body.

“Are you wearing panties under there?” he whispers in my ear.

I shake my head no and grin to myself when he growls deep in his throat.

“You’re killing me.”

“I’m not doing anything.”

“You two need to get a room,” Jules says as she wrinkles her nose. “What is it with the Williams men? You’re all so freaking mushy.” She points to where Luke and Natalie are snuggled up at the roulette table now, watching the guys play.

“We’re romantic,” Mark corrects her.

“It’s disgusting.”

Leo saunters up behind Sam and rests his hand on her hip as he watches her play cards. “You’re good at this, sunshine.”

“Thanks. It’s just math.”

“No it’s not,” Mark says. “If it was just math, everyone would win. It’s strategy.”

Sam shrugs but smiles softly as Leo kisses her cheek. “My chick is hot

“There’s so few of us around,” Jules says with a sassy sigh.

“I’m done doubling down,” Meg says and smiles up at Will. “What are we doing next?”

“You and I have a date,” Will says and turns to the rest of us. “We’re going to peel away for the night, guys. I have some plans for Meg, so we’ll see you all tomorrow.”

“I’ll be at the pool most of the afternoon,” Sam says.

“Have fun tonight,” I say as they walk toward the bar to fill everyone else in.

“What’s everyone else doing?” Mark asks.

“We’re going to a Cirque du Soleil show with Nat and Luke,” Jules says.

“Leo and I are meeting with some of the guys from his band who came over from LA to hang out tonight,” Sam says. “It’ll be good to see them.”

“We saw them a month ago,” Leo reminds her with a grin.

“You miss them too. You don’t fool me.”

We all walk toward the bar, meeting the others from the roulette table.

“A bunch of us are going to go up to the club here in the hotel for dinner and dancing,” Brynna says and lays her hand on Jax’s arm. “You have to come with us.”

“Only if I can dance with you,” he says and winks at her.

“Do I have to kill him?” Caleb asks Mark.

“Nah, he’s cool.” Mark laughs when Jax glances at Caleb and looks him up and down.

“You might not be safe from me,” Jax says.

“By all means, dance with my wife,” Caleb replies and shakes his head. “You guys in?”

“Sure,” I say and grin up at Mark. “I haven’t danced with you in years.”

“I’m not very good.”

“I’ll help. I do that for a living, you know.”

“Sounds good. Let’s go.”

We break into groups, Sam and Leo leaving to meet his band, Nat and Jules giggling as their men follow them out to catch their Cirque du Soleil show and the rest of us taking the escalators up to the fourth floor of the Cosmopolitan here in Vegas to wreck havoc on the dance club.

We’ve been in Vegas for all of six hours, and I have never had so much fun. I have a feeling things are just getting started.

We find two tables and push them together, then sit back and watch the few couples on the dance floor as we wait for our drinks.

“Are we ordering food?” Matt asks and surveys the menu. “At least some appetizers to soak up all the alcohol you’re all consuming.”

“Good idea,” Caleb says. “Let’s just order two of everything.”

“Three orders of potato skins,” Stacy says. “This music is great, but the dancers are lame. Not fun to watch at all.”

“Yeah,” Brynna agrees and winks at her. “It’s really boring.”

“I think they’re hinting at something,” Dominic adds. “They’re so subtle.”

“They need someone to show them how it’s done,” Nic says and smiles smugly at me. “You and Jax should go show off.”

“Subtle as a heart attack,” Matt agrees and brushes his hand down the back of Nic’s head. “But beautiful.”

“Just Dance” by Lady Gaga begins to play and Jax laughs as he looks over at me and raises a brow. “That feels a little too coincidental.”

“Go have fun, baby,” Mark urges. “But watch yourself. That dress is short.” His eyes finish his sentence.
And you’re not wearing underwear

“Go dance!” Brynna says and claps her hands.

Jax takes my hand and leads me out onto the floor.

“I’m in heels with no underwear, so no horizontal lifts, okay?”

“Got it, marshmallow.”

And off we go, Jax leading us around the floor. He spins me out and in and within five steps, it’s just me and Jax, feeling the music and dancing the way we always do.

I love it when he improvises. He’s just genius, and he challenges me. He’s mindful of my heels, and does lift me, but keeps his arm on my thighs, holding my skirt down.

When I land on my feet, he rolls his hips and backs away, singing to me, making me laugh. The girls at the table are cat calling, egging him on.

Everyone in the room applauds when the song ends and we return to the table and collapse in our seats, drinking the water that was delivered while we were dancing.

“You guys are fantastic,” Stacy says. “I never could move like that. My hips don’t do that.”

“Your hips do just fine, baby,” Isaac says and winks at her, making her blush.

“My turn!” Brynna exclaims and pulls Jax from his chair. “I want to dance.”

“I had no idea she liked to dance so much,” Isaac says as he watches Brynna and Jax walk to the dance floor.

“She always loved to dance in college,” Stacy says and laughs when Brynna starts to move her hips, mirroring Jax. “You should go out there and surprise her,” she says to Caleb.

“I’ll dance with her in a bit. She’s having fun with him.”

“You’re not usually so willing to share,” Matt says mildly and sips his water. His hand has stayed on Nic’s neck the whole time they’ve been sitting here.

“He’s no threat,” Caleb says with a grin. “You and I both know that.”

“He’s charming, and the girls like him,” Dominic adds.

“Plus, he’s fun,” I say and watch my friend with the pretty brunette. They’re laughing together as he shows her some more intricate steps.

I uncross and recross my legs. Mark lays his hand high on my thigh.

“Don’t do that,” he whispers in my ear.

“No one can see anything,” I reply and turn back to watch the show on the floor. Mark loops his arm around me and gently caresses my shoulder, my neck, my naked back, thanks to this barely-there dress, with his fingertips. My breath catches and goose bumps break out on my skin when he drags his nails down my spine.

“Look at me,” he whispers.

His eyes are on fire as he stares down at me for a long minute, then he stands and without a word, tugs me to my feet and leads me past the dance floor and out the front door. Instead of walking toward the escalator, he turns the other way where the buffet is. It’s closed now, and the hallway is dark. He pulls me into a secluded doorway, away from anyone’s line of vision.

“What’s wrong with you?” I ask with a laugh. He pins me against the wall and leans his forehead against mine.

“Nothing at all is wrong,” he says and kisses my nose then drags those magical lips down my cheek to my ear. “You’ve been turning me on all night.”

“I haven’t done anything.” I brace my hands on his shoulders as he kisses his way down my neck, making my center clench and immediately go damp.

“You don’t have to do it on purpose. You breathe and I’m hard,” he says as his hands drift down my ribcage to my hips then slips one hand under my skirt and between my legs. “I’m going to taste you, right here.”

“There are probably cameras here,” I say then gasp when he tweaks a hard nipple through my dress.

“I don’t give a fuck.” He squats before me, pushes my dress up high on my thighs so only he can see what’s under it. “Fuck, you’re sexy.”

I brace one hand on the wall to my left and push my fingers into his hair as he leans in and barely brushes the tip of his tongue over my already swollen clit. “Oh God, M.”

“You’re already so wet.” His voice is hushed. His fingers glide through my lips then he pushes one finger inside me, he presses his thumb on my clit and I have to bite down on my lip to keep from crying out. He lifts my right leg over his shoulder, hiding me and his face from any camera that might be pointed our way and wraps his lips around my clit, sucking hard.

“Mark, holy shit.”

“Mm,” he hums, pulls his finger out, then plunges his tongue inside me, kissing me in the most intimate way possible, making me see stars. He’s simply amazing. His hands are holding me firmly, making sure I don’t fall, as he laps at my core, sucking, licking and kissing me until I couldn’t even tell you my name. Even my fingertips are vibrating from the amazing sensations rolling through me and suddenly, my stomach clenches as I fist my hand in his hair and come hard against his mouth. His eyes are turned up to mine, watching me come undone, and when I’m done, he doesn’t stop. He continues to nibble and make love to my folds, then kisses my inner thighs, lowers my leg off his shoulder and stands, fists my hair in his hands and kisses me hard. I can taste myself on him and it turns me on even more.

I wrap one leg around his waist and have half a mind to simply climb him when he lifts me against the wall, reaches between us to unzip his jeans, frees himself and pushes inside me in one swift thrust.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Meredith,” he whispers against my neck. “I shouldn’t be doing this here, but you’d tempt the Pope himself.” He begins to fuck me fast and hard, and within five strokes, he stills and comes, his hips jerk against mine as he empties himself inside me, grinding against my clit and sending me into another amazing orgasm.

“Are you fucking trying to kill me?” he murmurs as he slips out, tucks himself away and helps me right my dress. His semen rolls out of me and down my leg.

“Well, that’s not obvious at all,” I say sarcastically.

“Here.” He pulls his T-shirt off, and the white undershirt beneath it, squats again and uses his undershirt to clean me up as much as possible before tugging his T-shirt back on.

“I hope that doesn’t end up on the internet,” I say playfully. Mark’s face goes white as he stares down at me.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think—”

“I’m just kidding. It’s fine. I’m sure this happens all the time in Vegas.”

He pushes his fingers through his hair and shakes his head. “I’ve never lost it like this with anyone. It’s you. You’ve put some kind of spell on me.”

“Yes, I call it the sexy spell,” I reply and kiss his chin. “I’m going to cast it all night, so get ready.”

“Come on, sassy witch.” He spanks my ass playfully as we walk back toward the door to the club. He tosses the ruined tank into a garbage can. “I can’t guarantee that I won’t do that again if you keep shaking your ass on the dance floor.”

“Well, we’ll be disappearing a lot then because I plan to dance as much as possible.”

trying to kill me.”

As we walk past the dance floor, Jax waves at me, grinning over Nic, Stacy and Brynna’s heads as they all dance with him.

“He stole all your women,” Mark says with a laugh as we sit at the table. My pussy is still throbbing from two orgasms and Mark’s big cock. I squirm in my seat as Dominic catches my gaze. He winks and shakes his head, takes a sip of his drink and checks his phone when it vibrates on the table at his elbow. It’s amazing how different Dominic looks from his brothers. He has the same blue eyes, but he’s so dark. Inky hair and olive skin. He’s big like them, though. Tall and broad and delicious. He’s quiet. I haven’t really had much of a chance to talk with him since that day at Will’s house.

“Okay, who’s next? I want to dance. I think all of you should get off your asses and dance.” I point at all of the guys, making them smile.

“I’ll dance with you,” Mark says.

“Didn’t you just do that?” Isaac asks with a laugh.

“I don’t call that dancing,” Mark replies with a smug smile and leads me out to the dance floor. The music is fast, but he pulls me into his arms and sways back and forth as if it’s a ballad.

“This isn’t what I had in mind,” I murmur as I bury my face in his neck and hold on tight.

“It’s what I had in my mind,” he says and kisses my hair. “I just want to stand here for a few minutes and enjoy the way you feel in my arms.”

“Jules was right, you are mushy.”

“I don’t care.”

“I don’t either.”

When the song is over, Caleb, Matt and Isaac walk onto the floor and claim their women, pulling them into their arms and spinning them around the floor. Jax grins and takes advantage of the break. He returns to the table, but as soon as he sits down, a woman approaches him and asks him to dance. He shakes his head, sending her away and begins chatting with Dominic.

“I’m so glad you invited me to come here.” I grin up at Mark.

“Me too.”

“What are we doing tomorrow?”

“You’re going to keep me permanently hard while you lay in a bathing suit by the pool,” he replies with a grin.

“That sounds like fun. Will you put sunblock on me?”

“Of course.”

“Will you bring me fruity drinks with umbrellas in them?”

“If you ask nicely.”

“Will you keep your shirt off all day, also keeping me in a perpetual state of horniness?”

“If that’s what it takes, yes.” He laughs and tucks my hair behind my ear. “You make me laugh.”

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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