With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two (7 page)

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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I come apart as he sucks a nipple into his mouth hard and presses a second finger in to join the first. The only thing I hear is the pounding of my heart in my ears and the rush of blood leaving my head. We are both panting and needy, clinging to each other.

“More,” he growls and begins pumping those fingers in and out of me harder, faster, sending me directly into another long orgasm, making me scream out his name.

He pulls back and stands, shuts off the water and peels the wet, clingy clothes off his hard body. When he turns to grab towels, I see a tattoo on his left shoulder blade and another high on his right bicep.

When he turns back to me, his cock is long and full, standing at full attention. I lick my lips at the idea of getting my hands, and lips, on his beautiful dick.

Every inch of him is just plain amazing.

He brusquely runs a towel over himself, wiping most of the water away, and then pulls me out of the shower and wraps me gently in a long bath blanket, running his hands up and down my body, letting the thick material soak up the water before he tosses it aside, lifts me in his arms, and sets off toward the bedroom.

“Round two.” He smiles widely, his amazing dimples creasing in his cheeks, and I kiss his cheek, inhaling his musky male scent.

“My turn to drive you crazy?” I ask.

“Not yet.” He kisses my forehead and lays me gently in the middle of the bed.

“Caleb.” I catch his hand in mine and kiss his knuckles, brushing over tiny white scars with my thumb. “I seriously think it’s your turn to get off.”

“Brynna,” he murmurs and settles himself between my thighs, his naked pelvis resting against my own, brushing wet strands of hair away from my face. “Watching you come is the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

He grins as I gasp.

“Trust me, I’m getting off on getting you off. We have all night. The kids won’t be back until tomorrow afternoon, right?”

“Yeah.” I nod.

“Let’s enjoy each other, baby.”

His voice is thick and hot with lust, and his eyes are bright as they stare into my own. How did I ever doubt that he wants me? It’s written all over that incredible face of his.

“I do enjoy you,” I tell him with a grin and run my fingertips down his back to his ass. “And your ass.”

“My ass?” he asks with a laugh.

“Oh yeah, you have a great ass.” The muscles flex under my palms as he lifts and begins to slide down my body.

“I’m glad you approve.” He winks at me and sits back on his heels, dragging his hand from my sternum, down my cleavage to my belly. His face sobers as he watches himself touch me. “Your skin is so soft.”

“As you can see, I have post-baby body,” I inform him and smile when his eyes meet mine.

“Don’t tell me you’re self-conscious.”

“No.” I wave him off and enjoy the way he’s taking me in. “It is what it is. I had two babies in here.” I rest my hands on my belly. “It took a toll. My body won’t ever be what it was before them, but I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat.”

“Don’t cover yourself.” He pulls my hands off my belly and kisses them both and then leans down and plants sweet kisses over my stomach and down to my pubis. “Your long body is sexy, Bryn. I love how tall you are.”

I grin down at him. “I love how tall
are. It means I can wear heels when I’m around you and you’re still taller than me.”

“I fucking love it when you wear heels,” he growls and settles down the bed so he can play with my pussy. “They make your legs look ten miles long.”

“Caleb, if you go down on me again right now, my body will implode. I really want you inside me.”

He ignores me, kissing the insides of my thighs and nuzzling my lips with his nose, making me squirm.

“Did you hear me?”

“I heard you.”

“Well?” I ask but sigh when he shoves his hands under my ass and tilts my pelvis up, giving him better access to me.

“Brynna,” he whispers against my core, making my pussy clench.


“Give me just one more, baby. One more time.”

He leans in close and pulls my lips into his mouth, hollows his cheeks and sucks gently, pushes his tongue inside me, always pulling my hips forward and harder against his face.

It’s un-freaking-believable.

Suddenly, my thigh and stomach muscles begin to shake uncontrollably. I grip the sheets at my hips in my fists and plant my heels on his back, pushing my pussy against him harder as I come apart at the seams.

He lazily kisses my inner thighs, my hips and up to my breasts, where he pulls the nipples through his lips, leaving them hard and puckered. Finally, he climbs his way up to rest on his elbows beside my head and brushes his knuckles down my cheeks.

“Are you okay?” he murmurs.

“I don’t think okay is the word,” I respond with a grin and kiss him lightly.

“Better than okay?” he asks with a cocked eyebrow.

“Only one thing would make me feel better,” I murmur against his lips just before he sinks down for a long, wet kiss.

“What?” he asks when he finally pulls away.

“What what?” I ask, my brain completely fried.

“What would make you feel better, baby?” he asks with a chuckle.

A slow smile spreads across my lips as I circle my hips, nudging his cock with my pubis. “I think you already know.”

“How long has it been for you, Bryn?” He pulls back and watches my face intently.

“Four years, seven months,” I whisper and drop my eyes to his Adam’s apple, unable to meet his gaze.

“Look at me.”

I shake my head no.

“Hey, baby, look at me.” His voice is gentle, and when I lift my eyes to his, they’re possessive and hot.

Really fucking hot.

“You haven’t had sex since you and Jeff divorced.” It’s not a question.

I nod.

“Damn,” he whispers and kisses my forehead, down to my eyes and then my cheeks. “Bryn, I’m clean. I promise. I don’t want a barrier between us. I’ve wanted you for far too long, forever, it feels like, and I just want to feel you.”

“I’m on the pill,” I whisper against his lips and grin as I circle my hips again, and he pulls back until the blunt head of his dick pushes against my entrance, and then slowly, inch by inch, he fills me.

“Holy Mary mother of God,” he moans and stares down at me in awe. “You are so fucking tight.”

“You are so fucking big,” I counter.

“Am I hurting you?” he asks with a frown.

“No.” I shake my head and glide my hands down his back to his ass and back up again.

“I have to move,” he groans and begins to slowly push and pull inside me, allowing my body to adjust to him. “Wrap those amazing legs around me.”

I comply, linking my ankles behind his back, and wrap my arms around his neck, cradling him close. I love having his weight on me. I love feeling his breath against my neck. I love the way he smells and the noises he makes, like he just can’t get enough of me.

“Oh God,” I murmur as he picks up the tempo and runs one big hand down my side to grip my hip and hold me steady as he begins to ride me hard.

Nothing has ever felt so damn good.

Reaching between us, I push my hand down to where we’re joined and can feel the root of him as he disappears inside me, then slip my fingers up to circle my clit.

“Oh fuck yes, touch yourself,” he mutters, watching my fingers make small circles around my nub. “God, that’s hot.”

“Caleb,” I gasp and tilt my pelvis. “Oh God, I’m gonna…”

“Yes, baby. Go on.” He kisses me hard. His tongue slips between my lips to dance with my own, and I feel that now-familiar pull low in my belly as my muscles clench around him and I buck beneath him, calling out as I fall over the edge.

“Brynna,” Caleb whispers hoarsely as he buries his face in my neck and comes inside me, shuddering with his own climax.

After long minutes of lying like this, with Caleb still inside me, our breathing calms and he pulls out of me, rolls away and pushes my hair off my face as he says, “Stay here.”

He walks into the bathroom, and I hear water running, and he comes back into the bedroom with a wet cloth and a towel.

“I can clean myself up,” I remind him drily.

“I know,” he replies but continues to slowly clean between my legs, then dries me off.

“Can you please hand me my tank and yoga pants?” I ask.

“I prefer you naked.” He frowns.

“I live in a house with two six-year-olds,” I remind him with a smirk. “They jump into bed with me at the drop of a dime. No one sleeps naked around here.”

“They aren’t here,” he reminds me and slides into the bed beside me as he pulls the covers up over us. “So maybe tonight can be an exception.”

“Do you always get everything you want?” I ask and wrap a leg over his hip as I get closer to him.

“No.” He shakes his head sadly, but before I can ask him to explain himself further, he smiles softly at me and kisses my lips gently. “But being here with you, naked and warm, is pretty awesome.”

I can feel his dick stir against my belly, and I look up at him in surprise. “Shouldn’t we be getting some sleep?” I ask.

He pulls a hand down my bare back to my ass. “You are the best reason to lose sleep.”

Suddenly, he pulls me on top of him, lines my hips up with his and glides effortlessly inside me. We don’t lose eye contact, or speak, as I ride him, hard and fast, until I press down hard, and the friction from his pubic bone against my clit sends me into another tailspin, and I am lost.

He tugs me down to him, kisses me as his body goes taught and he comes. I lie on him, my cheek pressed to his sternum as I catch my breath, and just as I’m about to fall into a deep sleep, I hear him whisper, “Sexiest damn thing.”


Chapter Six

It’s early when I wake the next morning and expect to be alone in my bed, but to my surprise, Caleb is sleeping peacefully next to me, on his back, one leg bent to the outside.

Even in sleep he’s a force to be reckoned with. He is all defined muscle. I wonder what kind of exercise regimen he goes through to stay so fit.

I prop my head on my hand and let my eyes take a leisurely stroll down his hard body. The covers are bunched at his waist, giving me an excellent view of his abs. He doesn’t have a six-pack.

If I’m counting correctly, he has a ten-pack.

The tattoo high on his bicep is an eagle, wings spread, holding something in its talon. The wings are colored like the American flag.

It must be a SEAL tattoo of some kind.

I lean over and gently kiss the ink.

Remembering how I wanted to taste him last night, and he never gave me the chance, I decide to take advantage of Caleb being knocked out and slowly ease my body down the bed, move under the covers to rest between his legs, and plant wet kisses over his hips, those amazing V lines that are sexy as all get-out, and over his lower abdomen.

His cock stirs, slowly lengthening in the early morning light. I run my tongue from his scrotum, up the underside of his gorgeous dick to the head, where I lap at it like an ice cream cone.

Glancing up at his face, I’m not surprised to find his eyes wide open and watching me intently, a half smile on his full lips.

Without saying anything, I sink down around him, pulling him fully into my mouth, sucking gently.

“Ah hell,” he whispers and lifts his arms to grip the pillow at either side of his head. His biceps and forearms flex, and my stomach clenches at the sight, knowing what it feels like to have those strong arms wrapped around me.

As I pull up his shaft, I use my hand to pump him slowly, firmly, and then sink down again, cupping his balls in my hand and rubbing that tender flesh just under his scrotum.

“Brynna!” he exclaims, surprised and turned on, and his cock hardens even more in my mouth.

With the next pass up his shaft, I barely graze him with the very edges of my teeth, just to tickle the sensitive skin, and suddenly I’m on my back beneath him, and he’s kissing me deeply, passionately. His hands roam up and down my skin, as though he’s never touched me before.

“I wanted to make you come.” I pout when he skims down to kiss my jawline and earlobe.

“You almost did.” He bites the top of my shoulder and then glides his nose back up to my chin. “But you
come first, Legs. Fuck, you smell good.”

“I smell like sex.” I laugh.

“Mmm,” he agrees and gazes down at me, his ice-blue eyes shining with lust and happiness. He positions himself and slowly pushes into me, all the way to the hilt. As he stills, he brushes his knuckles down my cheek and kisses me sweetly.

“How do you feel?” he whispers.

“Good,” I reply and try to circle my hips, but he’s pinning me, holding me still.

“Are we okay?” he asks, his eyes serious.

“We will be, as soon as you start moving your sexy ass.”

He smiles, showing me his dimples, and glides in and out in one long, fluid motion.


“Oh yeah.” I swallow hard. “Did you sleep?”

“Better than I have in years,” he confirms with a slight frown and then moves his hips again. “God, you feel so good, baby.”

He gathers both of my hands in his, laces our fingers and pulls them over my head, pinning them to the mattress as he begins to move faster and harder, watching me intently as he makes love to me.

I slide my legs up his thighs, and hitch them around his hips, opening myself up to him even more.

“Fuck yes,” he growls and loses himself in me, pushing and pulling, his breathing erratic, his hands gripping mine firmly, until he sinks in, hard, and comes violently, shuddering and growling, sending me over the edge with him.

As he recovers, he releases my hands and kisses my nose. “Well, good morning,

“Legs?” I ask with a giggle. “What is it with the legs?”

“Ah, baby, when you laugh when I’m inside you…” He shakes his head before resting his forehead against my own. “Have I mentioned that I love your legs?”

“Once or twice,” I reply drily. “But I don’t mind being reminded.”




“I want jelly beans!” Josie announces as we settle in the living room to watch a movie together.

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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