With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two (65 page)

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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“Now,” Kevin says as he lifts her, wrapping her legs around his hips. “We make love to you in






She weighs nothing in my arms as I lay her in the middle of our bed. Yet she’s
we’ve ever wanted, in every way.

“Are you both sure?” she asks, holding my face in her small hands and gazing into my eyes.

“We’ve never been more sure,” I assure her and kiss her lips softly as I roll to her side. Gray sweeps up onto her other side and brushes her hair aside so he can press kisses to her neck, making her squirm.

“Remember that first time with the two of us?” Gray asks in her ear. She shivers, making me grin.

“How can I forget that?” she says with a laugh.

“We don’t ever have to go farther than that, sweetheart,” he says.

She frowns up at me in confusion, then her eyes light up when she realizes what he’s talking about. “I’ve had anal sex before, but this is very new to me.”

I’ll kill him. Whoever he is.

Gray and I share a heated glance. I take a deep breath and calm my irrational temper.

“Did you like it?” I ask her.

“Not really.” She wrinkles her adorable nose. “It wasn’t fantastic. But…” She bites her lip.

“But?” I whisper and kiss her lips softly as Gray goes to work undressing her.

“But it would be amazing to feel you both at the same time.” It’s a whispered admission, and honestly surprises me.

“It’s something Gray and I have only done a handful of times, Bailey. It’s never felt right for us either. But I have a feeling this will be different.”

“What’s different about me?” she asks with a frown.

“Everything,” we reply in unison.

“It’s about trust,” Gray says softly and kisses her shoulder. He’s tweaking her nipple between his fingers. “And respect.” Kiss. “Affection.”

“Love,” I whisper as I slide my hand down her flat belly to her sweet spot. “God, you’re so wet, princess.”

“I’ve been wet all damn day,” she replies with a smile. “You two pack quite a punch.”

I grin wolfishly and kiss her hard as Gray rolls over to his back.

“Come here, sweetheart.” He guides her up to her knees and turns her to face his feet and positions her pussy over his face.

The lucky motherfucker.






She braces her hands on my chest and gently lowers her pussy to my face. “God, she smells un-fucking-believable,” I growl and take a deep breath. Her lips are shiny from the juices from her pussy and her clit is already poking out from under its hood.

I part her lips and drag my fingertip through the folds, wetting it, then slide it over her clit and back down again.

“Oh God, Gray,” she moans and circles her hips above me. I fucking love the sound of my name on her lips.

“Feel good?” I ask before pulling her down closer so I can wrap my lips around her labia and push my tongue inside her.

We have to get her good and turned on so we don’t hurt her.

Suddenly, I hear sucking sounds and Kevin moan long and low and I know that Bailey is sucking him.

Lucky motherfucker.

This woman can suck the hell out of a cock. I feel my own dick lengthen and harden as I lap at her juices. She tastes like honey. I’ll never get enough of her.

She grinds down against me harder, rubbing her clit against my chin as I fuck her with my tongue. I can feel the contractions begin and I know she’s about to come.

“Let her go over, man,” Kevin says just as she cries out and comes violently on my face. It’s fucking awesome.

Suddenly, she takes my cock in her hand and begins jacking me as Kevin moves away from her and guides her down to suck me before moving behind her.

How the fuck is a man supposed to concentrate on eating pussy when she’s sucking his cock like a champ?

Having her leaning over me has opened her up nicely for Kevin. I lift her off my face so he can sink his fingers in her and coat them with her wetness, then guide her back down to me as he circles the rim of her tight hole with his fingertip.

“Oh God,” she cries.






“Shh, baby,” Kevin croons as he rubs his big hand up and down my back soothingly. He’s teasing my ass, as Gray licks and sucks my pussy. The combined sensations are off the chart, sending tingles through my entire body.

I return to sucking Gray’s cock, pushing him to the back of my throat so I can swallow around the head. He grips my hips desperately, and I know I’m making him crazy.

I love making him crazy.

“You’re so beautiful, princess,” Kevin murmurs and kisses my lower back. “You have such a gorgeous little ass.”

I can hear a cap open, then close, and his finger is back, massaging me firmly and then his finger is suddenly inside me.

“Oh God!”

“Is this okay, baby?” Kevin asks. “God, you’re tight.”

I nod as I suck Gray, moaning and circling my hips. God, I can’t stop grinding on his magical mouth. The pressure is building again but before I can come, Gray lifts me off his mouth and scoots out from under me.

“Where are you going?” I demand. “I was about to come!”

“I know,” he replies with a laugh. “We need to keep you just on the edge for a few more minutes.”

“That’s just mean.”

“No, baby.” He wipes his face off before kissing me long and deep. Kevin is still behind me, his finger in me, and it’s surprisingly…

“It’ll go easier on you the more turned on you are,” Kevin says against my shoulder as he kisses me there.

“I’m so fucking turned on,” I reply and cup Gray’s face in my hand. “Please.”

“What do you need?”


Gray grins before lying down again. Kevin has to pull out of me as Gray guides me over him, straddling his hips.

“Kevin’s going to take your ass for the first time, sweetheart,” he says as he guides his hard cock inside me and pulls my hips down until I’m completely impaled on him.

“Why?” I ask breathlessly.

“I’m man enough to admit that I’m a bit smaller than him,” Kevin says from beside me. He’s kneading my ass cheek and leans in to pull my nipple in his mouth.

“There’s nothing
about either of you,” I reply truthfully. Kevin smiles and kisses me hard, cradling my face in his hands as Gray begins to move in and out of me, making me moan.

“I love you for that, princess. But I’m a bit thinner.” He grins. “And this is a contest I don’t mind losing when you’re the prize.”

“Are you okay?” Gray asks me as he pulls me down against him and takes my lips with his.

“Mm,” I reply. I sink my fingers in his thick black hair, rest my elbows on the bed beside his head and settle in to kiss him for about a year.

“Still sure?” Gray whispers against my lips.

“It’s about trust and respect, right?” I whisper back.

“And love,” Kevin reminds me as he covers me from behind and kisses my shoulder.

“Then yeah, I’m sure.”

“All you have to say is
, and it’ll stop,” Kevin insists. “We promise.”

“I know.” I nod and smile down into bright blue eyes as Kevin inserts a finger once more. Now I’m full of Gray, and the feel of just that finger makes me sigh in pleasure. “Holy shit,” I breathe.

Gray’s breath is coming faster now as he watches me closely. I know that at the first sign of distress he’ll put an end to it, but God it feels amazing.

“I’m sliding in another finger, baby,” Kevin says as he continues to kiss my back. He’s panting now too, and the wait has to be killing him. He adds a finger and stills for a few moments, then begins to work his fingers in wide circles.

“Fuuuuck,” I moan as I ride Gray, clenching around him. “Oh God, guys.”

“Tell me before you come,” Kevin instructs me. Gray cups my face and kisses me hard.

“How do you feel?” he breathes.

“Amazing,” I reply with a smile.

“Oh, you’re definitely fucking amazing,” he says.

“I think I’m gonna…”

Before I can complete the sentence, Kevin pulls his fingers out and quickly replaces them with his cock, nudging the head inside and then slides all the way in and covers both Gray and I with his large body.

“Fuck!” Gray cries and I bite my lip at the sting of tears.

“Are you okay,” Kevin asks me urgently. “Talk to me, Bailey.”

“So good,” I choke out. And it is. Holy shit, it
is. I feel full to bursting, but feeling them both inside me at once is
life changing
. “Oh God, so good.”

“I’m not going to move yet,” Kevin says through clenched teeth. “Just get used to us.”

Gray and Kevin lock gazes over my shoulder as they each take one of my hands and link our fingers.

We’re connected, in the most miraculous way I’ve ever experienced.

“You can move,” I whisper and gasp when Kevin pulls out, and as he pushes back in, Gray pulls out, relieving the full sensation, but making my body explode in electricity. They set a smooth rhythm, a push-pull, that makes me tingle, and makes me feel like the most desirable woman they’ve ever known. Their free hands are
. On my back, my breasts, my hips as they rock their bodies in tandem.

“Can you feel each other?” I whisper.

“Oh yeah,” Gray says with a grin. “I can feel him.”

“Does it bother you?”

“Fuck no,” Kevin says as he bites gently on my shoulder. “It doesn’t bother us, princess.”

“Do you know how incredible you both are?” I ask.

“Oh God, I’m not going to last,” Kevin gasps as I feel him shiver and explode inside me just as Gray bites his lip and pushes deep inside me, tipping me over the edge with them, coming long and hard, my body wracked in contractions.

It’s the most intense orgasm of my life.

When we’ve all regained our senses, the guys pull out of me and roll me onto my side.

“Are you okay?” Kevin asks as he brushes my hair off my cheeks and kisses me tenderly on my lips, then my cheek.

“I can’t imagine feeling much better than this,” I reply with a smile.

Gray is nuzzling my breasts, gently kissing my nipples, then drags his nose up my neck and kisses me softly.

“I love you, sweetheart.”

“I love you,” I reply happily. I reach for Kevin’s hand and kiss it, then look up into his amazing green eyes. “And I love you.”


Chapter Nine

Three months later…



“Where is she?” I ask as I pace the floor and glance out the living room window for the third time.

“You’ve asked me that six times in the past five minutes. She’s on her way,” Gray replies calmly and shakes his head at me.

“How can you be so calm?”

“Getting all worked up isn’t going to get her here any sooner.”

“I hate it when you’re rational.” I glare at him.

“I’m surprised you know the meaning of the word,” he replies with a laugh and only laughs harder when I flip him off. “Is that any way to treat me on a day like today?”

I shove my hand through my hair and pace away, glancing around our house. Bailey has added so much to our home. She’s decorated and added plants and fussy touches here and there. But more than that, she’s made us come alive.

She’s the best part of us.

Now, if she would just get her sexy ass home…






I’m as keyed up as Kevin is. Where the fuck is she? She called us from her event site forty-five minutes ago and said she was on her way home. She should have been here twenty minutes ago.

“Maybe she got stuck in traffic,” Kevin suggests.

“It’s a bit late in the evening for traffic,” I remind him, making him growl.

“She’s doing this on purpose. She knows and she’s doing it on purpose.”

“She doesn’t know a thing about it,” I reply, sounding much calmer than I feel.
Shit, could she know?

“Did you get the back yard set up?” he asks anxiously.

“You know I did. You just saw it yourself.” I shake my head in exasperation. “Jesus, calm the fuck down.”

“What if she’s been
an accident?” he asks, near hysteria when we both hear her car door slam and whip toward the front door.

She walks in with a small smile on her lips and when she looks up at us that smile blooms across her face, lighting her up.

God, every time I look at her it’s as if it’s the first time.






“When you smile at me like that, it’s like a kick to the gut,” Kevin whispers and Gray nods beside him. They’re both staring at me like they’re starving tigers and I’m dinner.

I fucking love it when they look at me like this. It usually means we’re about to have a damn fun time.

“Hey, guys.” I tilt my head as I shut the door behind me. “What’s going on?”

“Why does anything have to be going on?” Gray asks. “Can’t we just be happy to see you?”

I drop my bags on the nearest couch and prop my hands on my hips as I watch them.

“I love it that you’re happy to see me but you both look guilty. What’s going on?”

They glance at each other and then laugh as they each take a hand and kiss it, then take turns kissing my lips quickly.

Way too quickly.

“Kissing is always good,” I murmur and lean in for another, but Gray chuckles and kisses my forehead instead.

“And you’ll get plenty, but first we want to show you something.”

“Ah, the plot thickens.”

They flank me, looping my arms through theirs, and escort me through the house to the back patio.

“Oh, wow,” I whisper as I take in the white lights that have been strung over head and the table covered in a huge bouquet of my favorite stargazer lilies.

“Here.” Kevin pulls a chair back from the table and motions for me to sit in it. As I do, both men take one knee before me. I cover my mouth with both hands and watch them through tear-filled eyes.

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