Witch Emerging (High Witch Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: Witch Emerging (High Witch Book 2)
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Hallie woke up, blinking her eyes, her mind cloudy and vague. She turned and looked out the window and saw it was evening. She must have slept all day. She looked over and saw Sean fast asleep, still and silent, and her heart broke all over again and what he’d been through. Her love. He hadn’t said anything when they’d arrived home, but she knew he must be traumatized. She’d do anything to make him feel better. Anything in the world.

Hallie didn’t want to wake him, so she quietly got out of bed and walked into the front room. There was no sign of Ariel and Brayden—Hallie assumed they were still sleeping—and she was pleased they were getting some rest. She sat on the settee and thought about all that had happened. She could hardly believe it.

She didn’t know how she would ever thank Ariel for what she had done for Sean. Hallie couldn’t think of anything to repay her. Ariel had risked her life to save Hallie’s love. Her belief that she would survive aside, it was still a huge risk, still a huge danger. She might not have lived. Sean would have been saved, but Ariel might not have lived. But she did it anyway. The woman was astonishing.

Hallie wanted to do something for her, anything, and sat there thinking. What could she give Ariel? What did she want that she didn’t have? Hallie didn’t think there was much she could do. She truly loved Ariel, just like family, and would go to the end of the world for her. If only there was something she could give her.

Then it hit her.

The journal.



Ariel stood in a wide space filled with white light. She couldn’t see the ground beneath her because a glow covered her feet. She looked around her, not seeing anyone but feeling a warm presence surrounding her. She felt the presence grow nearer, filling her heart with love and joy and the feeling that she was watched over and protected.

Then a soft voice sounded out, firm but gentle, calling her name. “Ariel. Ariel listen to me.”

She looked around, but no one was there. “Who are you?”

“I am the One,” the voice called. “Listen to what I have to say.”

Ariel remained still, feeling completely at peace. She waited calmly.

“I am very proud of you, my child. You have sacrificed yourself not once but twice to save those you love. You are worried about your child—worried because she is a High Witch—and you don’t know how she can exist when there are already three of you. You worry for her and for the other High Witches, as you fear one of you may die when Erica is born.

“But don’t worry, Ariel. Your vision was true—the one where you saw Erica with you as a girl. She will be fine, as will all the High Witches.

“It is true that there are only ever three. But you passed the test, Ariel, enabling there to be four. You passing the test broke the rule—your child being a High Witch is not an abnormality, not going against the order of things, but instead a reward to you for giving up your life for Brayden. Your gift is a child of power and beauty, and she will join you, Hallie, and the other young girl who is a High Witch.

“All along you have thought Erica was not meant to be, or that one of the High Witches will perish upon her birth, but this will not be so. There will be four, as there was always meant to be. Erica was meant to be. Your sacrifice was seen in advance, Ariel, and I rejoiced in the love in your heart. Be at peace, my child.”

Ariel felt such joy fill her heart she could barely contain it. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?” she asked the unseen being.

“I have told you when it was right. To teach you to believe things will be alright, even if you can’t see how. Be at peace, my child.”

And then the presence left, and Ariel was alone. But she knew she would never truly be alone again.



Ariel awoke in the late evening, her magnificent dream lingering in her mind and heart. She felt so much better; she wasn’t even tired anymore. She kissed Brayden on his cheek repeatedly until he woke up.

He smiled at her and kissed her back. “Hello,” he said, still grinning. “I like it when you wake me that way. How are you feeling?”

“Really good,” Ariel said. “Really strong. I don’t feel weak at all anymore. Oh, Brayden, I had the most wonderful dream. I can’t wait to tell you, but I want to tell all of us together. Let’s get up. I’m starving, and I’m dying to talk to Hallie. I haven’t really spoken to her since we got back.”

She got out of bed, and Brayden followed. They got cleaned up and headed into the front room. Sean was sitting on one of the armchairs with Hallie in his lap, kissing her deeply. Ariel smiled and looked away, glad he seemed to be feeling better. She noticed Hallie and Sean had put out an assortment of food on the table and thought that was so sweet of them. She and Brayden stood for quite a long time, smiling at each other, waiting for the other two to finish. Brayden started to laugh, and Hallie broke the embrace.

“Oh! I didn’t realize… I didn’t know that you two had woken up.”

“That’s alright,” Brayden said. “Didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Hallie blushed and moved to get out of Sean’s lap. He kissed her once more, not letting go of her, and she giggled and they both stood. They all sat at the table, Sean across from Ariel, and Hallie across from Brayden.

Ariel took a deep breath, preparing to tell them about her dream. “I want to tell all of you something,” she said. “It was something I saw in my sleep. It was an… experience. It was wonderful. It was about all of us, all the High Witches, including Erica.”

Ariel smiled at Hallie fondly, and then told everyone what she saw. She was a little nervous—would they understand? Would they believe her? When she finished, everyone was silent. Ariel held her breath, waiting to hear what they thought. No one spoke for a little while.

Then Hallie brought her hand to her face and wiped away a few tears. “That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard,” she said softly. “We’re going to be alright, Ariel. We’re all going to be alright.”

Hallie burst into tears, and Ariel felt her own eyes become moist. She looked down, overcome with emotion. Sean stood up and put an arm around Hallie, and Ariel looked over at Brayden.

He was gazing at her with such love in his eyes, it took her breath away. She smiled, feeling she was about to cry, and Brayden leaned close to her and kissed her on the cheek. He held her face in his hands, gently kissing her lips, her cheek, her eyelids. He rested his forehead against hers. Ariel sighed happily. “I love you so much,” Brayden whispered. “You’re the most amazing woman in the world. I love you and Erica with all of my heart.”

“I love you too,” Ariel whispered back.

Eventually she leaned back, and Sean sat back at the table. Everyone began to eat from the plates of cold meat, different cheeses, and bread. There was a jug of cider and some fruit for dessert. Ariel was ravenous and ate quickly, feeling like she hadn’t eaten in days. Everyone ate quietly, the silence pleasant and relaxing. Ariel felt so much better. So happy, so contented. She looked at Hallie next to her, and the girl smiled, looking so lovely and sweet. Ariel smiled back, then saw Sean looking at her. He had a serious look on his face, and Ariel stopped eating, knowing he wanted to speak.

Sean took a deep breath. “Thank you for saving me.” He looked at her with intense pain in his eyes. “I can’t thank you enough. I was barely sane when we came back here, so I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier. But you’re amazing, and I’ll do anything to show you how grateful I am. I’m so glad we met you, and I’m so glad Hallie has you as her friend. Glad we both have you as a friend.”

Ariel looked down, embarrassed. “Take care of her, Sean,” she said, gazing at him and wanting him to understand. “The only thing I ask of you is to be there for Hallie. I know you two love each other, and that’s the most powerful thing there is. Don’t ever be apart.”

Sean looked at Hallie, leaned over, and kissed her. “You don’t have to worry about that.”

Hallie blushed, and Ariel’s heart filled up. She looked down again, hoping Hallie and Sean would always be together. It broke her heart that she would have to leave them soon, but she had a feeling she would see them again before too long.


Chapter 21


“I don’t want to go,” Ariel said, sitting next to Hallie on the settee a week later. Brayden and Sean were sitting in the armchairs. Ariel and Brayden had spent the week with Hallie and Sean, just relaxing and getting to know each other better, but it was time for them to go back home. Ariel was homesick but also sad at the thought of leaving Hallie. “I don’t want to leave you,” Ariel said. “I’ll miss you so much. You’re the only one who understands what it’s like, being the way we are. I wish you lived closer, Hallie.”

Hallie frowned at her, looking so upset. “I don’t want you to go either. But I want to visit you. Can I visit you when your baby’s born? I want to meet your little girl.”

“Of course!” Ariel said. “You’ll be her aunt, you know. I want you to be in her life. I want all the High Witches to be together.” Ariel gave Hallie a big hug, then sat back.

Hallie looked at her closely and took a deep breath. “There’s something I want to give you. Just wait here a moment.”

Ariel watched as Hallie went to her bedroom and came back holding a black leather book.

Hallie sat back down and handed it to Ariel. “This is a journal Nicholas had with him a lot,” she began, her voice filled with nerves. “On… on the day we stopped Nicholas, I went back to his house when everyone was asleep and found it in his bedroom. I suspected the journal had information about us, as Nicholas always had it with him. I looked through it briefly—I didn’t read anything specific—but I think it belonged to Julius. I saw your name in it. I thought it could help you learn the truth about what happened when you were a child.”

Ariel gasped a little, putting her hand to her chest. “Oh, Hallie,” she whispered. “Oh…” She turned the soft, worn book over in her hands, then opened it. The pages were yellowed with age and filled with dark ink in a harsh scrawl. Ariel flicked through it, seeing dates at the beginning going back dozens of years. This really did belong to Julius. He had been looking for High Witches, recording stories and leads about them in the book. Ariel looked at the pages towards the back and saw her name. And Hallie’s.

In the same part of the book.

Julius had found them both at the same time.

He had picked Ariel.

The realization hit her hard. She might have been spared the test! She didn’t wish it on Hallie, but, oh, she might have been spared! She would never forget what she’d been through. Her nightmares would be forever filled with the pain she’d suffered, feeling herself dying, knowing her life was ending. What she went through the day she saved Sean was horrific and terrifying, but she’d had hope in her heart that she would live. When she went through the test, she had no way of knowing she’d survive. And Julius’ machine had caused her unimaginable pain, pain which she would haunt her forever. She would never forget it. She never would.

Ariel looked back at the book, at the entries about her, and glanced through them. Julius had mostly written down theories and rumors, and then she saw a page where he’d written about speaking to an elderly man about her.


Finally found a man who actually saw the accident Ariel was in where her parents died. The man, named Peter, lived on the street where the accident happened. He said the horse leading the carriage was struck by a heavy object, got spooked, and sped away. The driver couldn’t control the horse and the carriage smashed into a tree. The driver was killed instantly and so were the two adults inside. But the child’s parents had covered the girl with their bodies, shielding her from the impact.

Peter had helped get Ariel’s parents out of the carriage, and they pried the three-year-old out of their arms. She was screaming so loudly and no one could stop it. Peter said no one could believe what happened next—the girl kept crying, louder and louder, then the air grew very hot. A harsh wind blew around the carriage, lifted it up off the ground, and slammed it back down. The wreck immediately caught fire, not a small blaze but a raging inferno covering it completely. A woman from the village carried the girl away, but she could be heard screaming down the street. Peter said no one could explain what happened, but everyone there believed the girl caused it.

No ordinary child, even a child of magic, could control the wind like that, and she also started a fire. Proof Ariel is a High Witch.


Ariel looked over at Brayden. She handed him the book, and he read the same page she had read.

He sighed. “So that’s how he knew. Are you alright? Reading about what happened?”

She bit her lip. “I never knew how I survived. They saved me. My parents saved me. My uncle never told me. He mustn’t have known. I feel even sadder that I lost them, Brayden. They really loved me.”

She began to cry softly, and Brayden stood over her, putting his arm around her. Her parents had loved her. She couldn’t remember them. Until Brayden, she’d never really experienced love. But they had protected her. She vowed to always protect her little girl. And she was more proud than ever she was naming Erica after her mother.



A short while later, Ariel and Brayden moved to the door, and Brayden picked up their bags.

“I’ll write to you,” Hallie said. “I’ll tell you everything that’s happening. And I want to hear from you.”

“You will,” Ariel said, laughing softly. She gave Hallie and huge hug, then stepped back from her, holding her hands. Brayden and Sean shook hands, smiling at each other, and Sean opened the door for them. They said a final good-bye, then headed for the center of town where they could get a carriage and begin the journey back to where they would board their ship.

Ariel’s heart broke a little as they walked. She’d achieved her dream: she had found one of the other High Witches, and she had helped Hallie and Sean. She had told Hallie who she was and taught her to use her powers. She had done what she had always wanted, and no one went through the test. Ariel was happy and felt such love for her new family. But still, her heart was sad.

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