Wishing on Willows: A Novel (42 page)

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Authors: Katie Ganshert

BOOK: Wishing on Willows: A Novel
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  1. This story follows three characters—Robin, Ian, and Amanda. How has life not turned out as expected for these three? In what ways has your life turned out differently than you expected?

  2. Interspersed throughout the novel are short chapters told from Robin’s first-person point of view. Which of these was your favorite, and why?

  3. In this story, Ian and Robin have conflicting goals. Whose goal do you relate or empathize with more, and why?

  4. Amanda is young and impulsive but means well. Do you agree with the way she handled things with Ian and Robin? Why or why not?

  5. Do you think Robin and Ian are well suited for each other? Why or why not? What was your favorite Ian-Robin moment?

  6. Robin often feels like an Israelite wandering in the desert. Talk about a time in your life where you felt the same. Looking back, what did you learn or how did you grow through that experience?

  7. Ian has a hard time going to his church back home because of his feelings of failure and disappointment over his divorce. Have you ever felt this way? What verses, songs, or words of wisdom have you found helpful when you or a friend is battling feelings of shame or unworthiness?

  8. Robin experienced two big losses in her life—her mother and her husband. Have you ever lost someone close to you? How has your grieving experience been similar or different from Robin’s?

  9. This novel explores the importance of fathers. Ian grew up in a home with an involved father, then Ian was denied his right to be a father, and Caleb is growing up in a home without a father. Discuss some father-child dynamics that you have found complicated. What role has your father played in your life?

10. Robin struggles with fear, especially fear of letting go of what’s familiar and comfortable and stepping into the unknown. Can you relate to this? Talk about a journey you’ve thought about taking but haven’t yet because of fear. What blessings might you experience if you were to step out into those uncharted territories?

11. Ian’s mom says that sometimes “God’s grace comes in a messy package.” What do you think she means by this? Have you experienced this in your life? If so, please share.

12. Do you think Ian made the right choice in the end? What repercussions might his decision have on the people he cares about? In his position, would you have done the same thing or would you have chosen differently?


A few years ago, when my agent called and told me that WaterBrook Multnomah was offering me a two-book deal, I was over-the-roof, can’t-sit-still excited.

Once that settled and I found out what books were going to be published, I remember feeling uncertain about the first one
, Wildflowers from Winter
, but pretty confident about the second,
Wishing on Willows

Little did I know what a journey this book would turn out to be. If not for these people, I’m quite positive I wouldn’t have survived …

Thank you to my husband, for not only loving and supporting this neurotic little writer, but for making this journey called life so much fun. You may take full credit for my sanity.

Thank you to my amazing editor, Shannon Marchese, for not only stretching my writing muscles, but for taking my hand and helping me scale walls that at times felt unscalable. Your ability to bring a story to life is nothing short of brilliant.

Thank you to the dream team at WaterBrook Multnomah: Amy Haddock, Lynette Kittle, the amazing sales team, and everybody else who has had a hand in getting this story on a shelf. I consider it a privilege to partner with such encouraging, classy folk.

Thank you to my agent, Rachelle Gardner, for talking me down off multiple cliffs; Lissa Johnson, for your attention to detail; and Tommy Woodsmall, for taking the time to brainstorm with me over the phone. Eminent domain was all you.

Thank you, Seth and Hannah Slay, for naming your female cat Bill and letting me use the idea. It was perfect for Bernie. And thank you Jeremy Hickman, Becky Houk, and the rest of the junior high crew. Your support is more encouraging than you know. It is an honor serving alongside you.

Thank you, Mom, Dad, and Peggy for entertaining Brogan so I could meet my deadlines.

Thank you, Melissa, Holly, and Susan. I always wanted a sister. God gave me three.

Thank you, Jeannie Campbell, Erica Vetsch, Wendy Miller, Janice Boekhoff, Nichole Wagner, The Debs, the Yellow Rocket Writers, and all you other crazy writer peeps who make this thing called publishing so rewarding.

Thank you, dear reader. The uplifting e-mails and Facebook messages and Tweets always seem to come at the perfect moment. You are such a blessing to me. Thank you for reading Robin’s story. I hope you have enjoyed your time in Peaks.

And last, but never least, thank You, Jesus. Beth Moore says pride takes credit. Glory gives credit. Oh, Lord, may my life and my talents forever and always glorify You—the giver of both.


is a Midwest gal who’s passionate about Jesus, her family, adoption, writing, grace, Africa, and all things romance. When she’s not plotting her next novel, she enjoys going on ice-cream dates with her husband, playing make-believe with her son, and chatting with her girlfriends over coffee and bagels. She could talk books all day and absolutely loves connecting with her readers.

You can connect with Katie at
[email protected]

Grief like winter may have its day,
but life comes back in springtime.

Architect Bethany Quinn is comfortable being the creator, but not acknowledging one. So when tragedy takes her back home, can she keep avoiding the God of her childhood?

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