Wisdom's Kiss (74 page)

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Authors: Catherine Gilbert Murdock

BOOK: Wisdom's Kiss
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Mommy Buzzkill with Author Commentary

Fairy Tale: "Puss in Boots" with Author Commentary


Fairy Tale: "Cat Whiskers"
Author Commentary on "Cat Whiskers"

Fairy Tale: "The Dolorous Draper"

"Pass the Bucket"

Author Commentary on "Pass the Bucket"

Deleted Prose: A Letter from Teddy to Ben

Recipe: Cuthbert en croûte

Recipe: Poches Celebres

Recipe: Pumpkin Pudding

Pitch letter with Author commentary


Enhanced Materials Menu

Discussion Questions for Wisdom's Kiss

While many of these topics are discussed in the e-book enhancements—and of course in the book itself—I've purposefully avoided providing hints, e-links, or other shortcuts within this entry. It's your book now, peoples, and you need to wrangle out whatever answers you see fit.

  1. "
    Truth requires many voices, for it is a relentless foe but a most unobliging mistress
    ." Why does this epigraph open
    Wisdom's Kiss?
  2. I think we can agree
    Wisdom's Kiss
    has a rather unusual format. How does this format contribute to the overall story? How would the story differ if it were told from only one point of view? Which point of view would it be?
  3. Wisdom's Kiss
    is written in eight "voices": two memoirs, two diaries, two sets of letters, an encyclopedia, and a play. How did the author make each voice distinct and unique?
  4. The Imperial Encyclopedia of Lax
    often reports histories and details at odds with the other voices. Why do you think there's such a disparity? Which versions do you think are correct?
  5. The play
    Queen of All the Heavens
    was written by "Anonymous." Who might "Anonymous" be? Why would this person wish to remain unknown?
  6. Wilhelmina is a truly awful person. What are some illustrations of this? What in her upbringing might have made her so?
  7. Felis el Gato is also awful, in his own charming way. What do his personality and writing style contribute to
    Wisdom's Kiss?
    How would the book differ without him?
  8. For a romance/fantasy,
    Wisdom's Kiss
    contains a lot of politics. What is transpiring within the Empire of Lax during this story? How do politics affect the private lives of Trudy, Dizzy, and Tips?
  9. Wisdom's Kiss
    has very little magic—in fact, no magic whatsoever in the first two-thirds of the story. Why do you think this is? What role does magic play when it's ultimately introduced?
  10. Who's your favorite character in
    Wisdom's Kiss?
    Which character do you most resemble? Which character would you most want to be? (Are your three answers the same or different? Why?)
  11. From the beginning of the book, Tips has mixed feelings about Trudy. List some examples of his confusion and conflict.
  12. How did you think the romance between Trudy and Tips would evolve? Why do you think it ended as it did?
  13. If you could see one scene acted out, which would it be?
  14. To those who've read
    Princess Ben:
    did you know, before beginning
    Wisdom's Kiss,
    who Nonna Ben was? If not, when did you realize? Why do you think this was kept a surprise?
    To those who haven't read
    Princess Ben:
    do you have any interest in now meeting Ben as a fifteen-year-old? How might
    Wisdom's Kiss
    affect your appreciation of (or even interest in)
    Princess Ben?
  15. What's your feeling on oysters?

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