Winter Interlude (30 page)

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BOOK: Winter Interlude
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“And what are you going to do to get me to back off?” she taunted, stomping her foot and pulling out of his grasp
“I’m sick to death of you Morrisons having everything your way,” she said, poking him again
“You’re just as bad as James.”

“Oh, yeah
He hated being compared to his brother and
hated the fact she’d bring him up now
“Well, here’s a news
flash,” he countered, leaning in closer and fighting his anger
“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not James

“No, you’re worse
You’re certainly no gentleman
She hurled the words like a weapon and poked him again, this time harder, while adding, “In fact, I can’t believe you’re related
He’d never treat me like this.”

His patience finally snapped
If she had such a low opinion of him, he’d show her just how low he could go
He caught her wrist, swung her into his arms and
before she knew what hit her, his lips crushed hers in a bruising, punishing kiss fraught with all the frustration, irritation
and desire now burning his insides
Her arms moved higher and
rather than push him away as he expected, she pulled him closer.

In seconds, he had her back against the wall, leaving her no doubt about his arousal.

what felt like an
eternity, he broke the kiss and asked in a ragged voice, “You want to play with fire,
You just keep pushing
aking her hand, he moved it lower

that’s fire and it’s burning for you.”

Then, he moved
her hand, scorching them both with his heat as she moaned
He captured her lips once again, only this time his lips softened
Where they were bruising before, now they were sensual, moving over her mouth, trying to seduce her
Where they were demanding before, now they were begging, asking for completion
He used his tongue, plunging into her mouth, invading her, filling her, working to make her yearn for things neither of them should want

All coherent thought flew out the window, along with any remaining restraint
His only thought
Subdue her…dominate her…possess her

He forgot about Judith
He forgot that
loved his brother
He forgot that she was the woman he’d
for years and
He forgot that he shouldn’t be doing this because he was encroaching on his brother’s girl
All he could think about was finishing what he’d started last night
aching need that began two days ago as a simmering attraction boiled over into a desperate act of desire

When he tasted her tears, it stopped him cold and yanked him out of the erotic haze that had taken control of his decency and tossed him back to reality faster than a
cold shower

He lifted his mouth from hers,
immersed in self-loathing
How had this happened
How had he lost control like that
All these questions burned in his
the biggest problem
How could he make it up to her
“I’m sorry
into her tear-rimmed eyes as regret filled his
“You didn’t deserve that
He kissed the top of her head

He gathered her up, carried her to the sofa, and sat with her still in his arms
He spotted the blanket she’d used the night before and g
ed it
around her shoulders
She cried as he
back and forth
comforting her
as if she were a small child instead of
a grown

His heart ached as he continued rocking
staring at
the flames
that danced in
the fireplace

Not once in his twenty-eight years had
ever been jealous or envious of his brother
He’d taken great strides to carve out his own identity and be his own person
He never lived in Jame
shadow. He’d never wanted to be like him; had never wanted anything he had
Until now
Now, he wanted
He wanted the love she gave to James
He’d give anything he owned to acquire it
This all-consuming, burning desire for it overwhelmed him so much that he wondered about his sanity
Judith had never made him feel this way
He couldn’t
, not after so short a time
But what he did feel was strong enough to dwarf what he felt for Judith, making him question everything in his life

Finally, he glanced at
She’d stopped crying and was sitting in his lap wrapped like a baby
looking up at him with questioning eyes.

“Better?” he asked.

She nodded and smiled in a fragile way that ripped his heart more
She seemed to have no intention of moving, so he held her and stroked
in an effort to ease the hurt he’d caused.

“Am I forgiven?” he asked minutes later, breaking into the silence that had settled upon them

“There’s nothing to forgive,” she said softly, as that spunky gleam
a reappearance
n her eyes
“We both were uncivilized and mean
for one
am not telling Judith about your transgressions, if you don’t breathe a word about mine.”

Her teasing manner and words caused him to scrutinize her more thoughtfully
His admiration of her spirit climbed a notch
It seemed nothing got her down or kept her spirit from bouncing back
Like a ball in deep water, you could push it under but ultimately it rose back to the surface.

When quiet descended again, Paul noticed the chill
“How long has it been this cold in here
The fireplace, never meant to act as a heater, couldn’t keep up with the falling temperatures outside

“I don’t know
It seems as if it’s never been warm.”

, you should’ve come in
my room
There’s no sense in freezing.”

“Oh, yeah, after what happened last night, I’m just supposed to go knock on your door and say
big fellow…how about keeping
What kind of fool do I look like
Then offering another feeble smile, she said, “No! Don’t answer that.”

He chuckled
“I definitely understand your reluctance
I should’ve let you have the bedroom
I’m sorry

I wasn’t thinking straight last night.”

“It’s okay
I was fine.”

“Well, it doesn’t make sense to be uncomfortable
Tonight we can share the room.”

“Excuse me?” she countered
“It may make sense, but I’m not sure it’s wise.”

You don’t trust me
He laughed.
“Don’t answer that
cout’s honor, I’ll be on my best behavior
Even better, I’ll be happy to sleep on the floor in front of the fireplace.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Well, while you’re thinking, I’m getting cold
He stood and headed for his room with her still in his arms

When they got to the open door, the warmth hit him
He unceremoniously dropped her on the bed and turned to stoke the fire
room was about twenty degrees warmer than the one they’d come from

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