Winston (BBW Bear Shifter Wedding Romance) (Grizzly Groomsmen Book 3) (181 page)

BOOK: Winston (BBW Bear Shifter Wedding Romance) (Grizzly Groomsmen Book 3)
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“That’s me!” she replied and got on her feet. He was cute in a baby boy manner and she felt herself soften a little, some of her anger fizzling out. If this young man was the manager of the band, then he must be pretty good. Just the kind of person she needed in her expose.

“I’m Greg. I’m really sorry you had to wait so long before anyone got out here to get you.”

“Oh. I tried calling you as soon as I landed.”

“That wasn’t me. That was Michael.”

“Oh.” She was confused already and she didn’t bother to hide it. That made it three names in just a couple of minutes. “Michael?”

“Michael was supposed to pick you up but he was…indisposed. Then I guess your boss called Ben, who called me because I was closer. So, here we are.”

“Oh.” She said again.

“Can we get going? We’ll talk on the way. That yours?” he asked, pointing at her suitcase and she nodded in assent. He picked it up and held out an arm to her amusement.

Maybe this would not be so terrible after all. It’d been a long time since she’d had a gentleman walk with her like this. A life dedicated to her career didn’t allow her to meet gentlemen.She laughed, put her hand through the crook of his arm and left the terminal she hoped to never see again.

Dahlonega was remote. Very remote. But God, it was beautiful. Lush spruce trees towered ten stories high everywhere she looked. The winding twisting roads that ran through the mountains switched back and forth, making her delirious. Just when she thought she’d seen it all, there would be a break in the trees and suddenly this majestic vista would open up, stretching out for hundreds of miles. The setting sun gave everything a purple glow.

Tired as she was, she found herself chatting up with Greg throughout the drive to the band’s house. He had a charm about him.
Boy, did he ever!
She found herself laughing at all his jokes and even wiping up one or two stray tears that got loose because she was laughing too hard. And he wasn’t trying too hard to impress. He was just that smooth.

“You’re pretty cool.” She said eventually.

“Cool? I’m awesome.” He replied with a throaty laugh.

“No, really. One would think you’d have your guard up, what with me being a journalist and all. Are you all like that?”

“No, not everyone is as awesome as I am. But really, I can’t help being me. I fail to realize most times that my life, our life, is now public knowledge and I can’t stop being myself. It’s who I am. I am who I am.”

“I like that. I think we could use that, Greg.”

“Hmm. Ever the journalist, aren’t you?”

“It’s what I am paid to do. It’s why I’m here. Like you, I can’t help but be who I am.”

“So is this how you operate? Get a guy all loose and comfortable then dig in to find those juicy details? You’re good. I’m onto you, so it won’t work. But you are good.”

“Thanks.” She replied and smiled. “Are the others just as unrestrained as you are?”

“You’d have to ask them yourself.”

“So, off the record, is there anyone in particular that I might have a problem with?”

“We were on the record the whole time?”

“Maybe not the whole time.”

“Just a heads up, but Michael could do without the attention. Doesn’t like the fact that his life is all out there for the world to see now.”

“Any advice?”

“Just be you, no pretense, and you’ll be fine. We could be a crazy bunch sometimes.”


“You’re good to meet the group,” he said, pulling up to a large wooden gate stretching across the dirt road.

Beyond it, through the trees, Nicole could make out the outline of the large building at the heart of the compound. Like a log cabin fortress on top of this mountain, it had a certain raw dominance that was both impressive and arrogant.

How fitting.

“She’s here!” Greg announced as he led Nicole in through the front door of the large mountaintop building. He put her suitcase down in the foyer and excused himself quickly, darting to a nearby bathroom while still wearing his sunglasses.

Nicole stood there awkwardly as two men emerged from the kitchen in the back.

Deep blue eyes stared back at her as she was waiting to be introduced to the band. The eyes smiled at her like their owners, these handsome men with big, happy voices that made the ladies melt into goo. They all had similar features. Tall, broad shouldered, barrel chested and hairy with smiles that were welcoming and jovial. The kind of smile that gave you hope and made tomorrow look beautiful regardless. It was no wonder they amassed such a huge following in such little time. Nicole couldn’t help but be taken by their hospitality and positivity. Californians were friendly, but not like this.

Greg rejoined them from the bathroom, no longer wearing his sunglasses. “Alright you animals, this is Nicole. Nicole, these are the animals,” Greg was saying when another one of them walked in. “Ah! Here he is. Meet Ben. He’s our manager and the eldest of the Clan.”

Ben gave Greg a strange look, but before Nicole could consider what it meant he took her hand in his. His grip was firm yet protective. “I’m really sorry it took so long to get you here. I had no idea Michael would be a no show. That’s not how we treat our guests.”

“It’s nothing.” She replied. “Greg got me here safe and sound. No harm done,” she added with a grin.

“I’m glad he did. And I look forward to the next week. It’s an exciting time for all of us,” Ben grinned back.

“I bet,” she said and turned to the next person Greg was facing.

“That is Abel and Tanner. Abel plays the drums and Tanner the banjo.” She shook both their hands and turned to Greg again. “And I am Greg. Bass and supporting vocalist. We all take vocals as you know.”

“Yeah I do. And Michael?”

“Guitar, lead vocalist, not in at the moment.” Abel said.

“I see.”

“I’ll lead you to your room now. You need all the rest you can get before the road trip starts tomorrow.” Greg said and went for her bag again like he did at the airport. Nicole was struck by how much of a gentleman he was. His girlfriend is one hell of a lucky woman.

Her room was the last on the corridor. She hoped this was not some sort of last minute arrangement to make sure she got next to nothing on them. She tried to figure out how far out her room was from the sitting room they were all gathered. She dismissed the thought. She was just being paranoid about this whole thing. Greg opened the door and propped her luggage beside the bed. He stepped back and waited for her to sit on the bed before moving towards the door.

“Make yourself comfortable. Do you need anything? Something to snack on, a drink or whatever?”

“No. I’m good. I just need a little nap.” She replied stifling a yawn. She was a lot more tired than
she realized. Sleep was the only solution.

“Are you sure? You sure you’re not hungry? You’ve probably had nothing today but airline peanuts.”

Nicole nodded. “I am hungry, but right now I think a little nap would do me more good than anything else.”

“Ma used to say that a hungry guest stays with bad hosts. I’ll come get you for dinner.”

“That would be lovely.” Then she added,”You’re one hell of a gentleman.”

“I know.”

“Cocky too. Interesting. Still, your girlfriend is a lucky woman.”

“That sounds like one of your journalist questions. I decline to answer it.”

She chuckled. “Fine, don’t answer. For the record, I didn’t even ask a question.”

If there was anything this band wasn’t, it was quiet. Nicole had hoped she would get some sleep before it was time for supper. That would let her get to work that evening. All she needed was a brief insight into their lives, see what they did and how they coped backstage and then get one or two fancy quotes from them and her job was done. As the tour came to an end, she would be handing in her article and then moving on to the next thing.

But that wasn’t the case. She had been tossing and turning in bed for the better part of an hour and sleep was nowhere in sight. To make matters worse the guys had been loud, their boisterous conversation and occasional bellowing challenges ringing through the thin walls. But their happy mood was contagious so she reminded herself that being upset was as much of a choice as being happy. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and threw the covers off.

She got out of bed, had a quick shower in the attached bathroom and pulled on a pair of trousers and a tee.
Might as well go see what all the commotion is about
. She was walking past the room beside hers when she heard raised voices. It was none of her business and she was just going to walk on ahead to the sitting room but something drew her back.

She’d always had a curious streak. It got her into all sorts of trouble growing up. Peeking, peeping and eavesdropping were as natural to her as breathing. She was the first to tell all her classmates what boys had
down there
. She was the only one brave enough to look at the roadkill raccoon during that field trip to the history museum. She’d always felt a pang of guilt, but like an addict who can’t beat their fix, she would never turn down an opportunity to snoop. It’s why she was a journalist in the first place.

One of the raised voices was one she knew: Greg's. Never could she have guessed he was capable of raising his voice but then she knew nothing about him. Then she heard a growl, a deep one that sounded nothing like she had ever heard. Some primal instinct inside her triggered, a gift from her ancestors that pumped adrenaline through her veins and told her to run. But she couldn’t: she was rooted to the spot. They started up again and she put off the growl to her imagination. That surely didn’t come from in there.

“Why are you bitching my ear off?” the other voice said.

“Because you need to be a lot more responsible. For your actions. For your duties. I’m sick and tired of cleaning up after you.” Greg replied.

“Clean up after me? I clean up after myself just fine. And this whole stardom thing was your idea so forgive me if I want no part of it.”

“You talk as though you don’t enjoy the perks that come with the fame.”

“I don’t and you know it! All I want to do is do my music and put smiles on faces. I don’t need all the attention and fame. I want to live my own life without having to conform to anyone’s expectations. Now I can’t. Everything I fucking do becomes news before I can blink. I spit on the sidewalk and someone puts it on Instagram. I burp while pumping gas and it’s on Youtube,” the man said, his tone becoming worn down. “The only safe haven I have is with you guys, where I can just be myself with my Clan. But now she’s here. An outsider.”

“And hey, remember your contact lenses. I don’t like them either but it’s the way it has to be. I know it’s a pain in the ass but that’s no reason to leave her stranded.”

Nicole gasped when she heard this. That was Michael in there. He had left her stranded on purpose. She felt her blood boil. How could anyone be so inconsiderate? He hadn’t even met her yet and he had already made up his mind about her. She could feel a strong dislike brewing in her already. She was so lost in thought that she hadn’t heard when the door opened and Michael stormed out.

Half a stride out, he saw her standing by the door, nosing into their business already. He gave her his best condescending smirk. Pure shade.

“I see you have decided to get into the business of snooping around straight up,” he said, turning his head so she couldn’t see his eyes. “If you want to know something about me, you should have the guts to ask me yourself.”

“I wasn’t snooping. I was just passing by and I heard you arguing.”

“Save it for the others. I’m out.” he said and stormed out.

Nicole looked back at Greg, embarrassed by being caught. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t sleep.”

“It’s alright. And you just met Michael.”

“Is he always so grumpy?”

“No. He’s actually really sweet on the inside. He just hasn’t gotten the hang of all this and the fact that he doesn’t exactly have a private life anymore.”

“He isn’t going to make this easy, is he?”

“Can you blame him? Two years ago we didn’t have any of this,” he said, arms taking in the house. “We were clearing hiking trails, hauling scrap, that kind of thing. It’s a big change to go from fried bologna sandwiches to fresh salmon and crab legs. Will he make it easy for you? That’s your job,” he said with a shrug. “Just talk to him and show him that you aren’t here to make his life worse. The reason his fans are so rabid is because they don’t know anything about him. He’s a big mystery, and I think once you shine a little bit of light on him, the fans will get their fill.”

“Should be really easy now now that I have to win his trust first before I can even work.”

“See why I like you?” he said and they both chuckled. “Let’s get you something to eat. Then you can worry about the little stuff, ok?”

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