Winning the Queen's Heart: Contemporary Christian Romance (The Brides of Belles Montagnes Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Winning the Queen's Heart: Contemporary Christian Romance (The Brides of Belles Montagnes Book 2)
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“As for the circumstances surrounding our wedding, I have long admired and respected the queen. Nearly two years ago, I happened upon information that led to the arrest of Henry Eit. Over the next eighteen months, I got to know her well. Would I say I had fallen in love with her before the wedding? No. Did I love her then? Yes. Do I love her now? Even more. I have loved every moment of getting to know her better, to learn her nuances, her pet peeves, her little idiosyncrasies. I also loved getting to know my adopted country better during our nine week honeymoon and tour. Though I have lived here for a number of years, I have never traveled so extensively, and I thank all of you for making me feel so welcome.” He wanted to go find his wife, make sure she was okay, but he knew what he needed to do.

A deep breath, in then out.

“I will take a few questions.” Alexander nodded toward Matt Markinson.

“Prince Alexander, how did you find out about Queen Christiana’s uncle and former fiancé?”

“I did business with her uncle in his official capacity on behalf of my family’s properties here in Ravenzario. A few things he said just didn’t quite add up. One day, I happened to overhear him on the phone, and everything clicked into place. The plot to remove Queen Christiana for reasons of insanity came to light with a few well-placed questions to associates. I went to the head of palace security. I felt I knew him well enough to know his loyalty to the queen was unquestioned.

“The queen’s former fiancé attempted to get certain drugs from drug dealers who, for whatever other faults they may have, are also loyal to the crown. They heard things that didn’t quite add up and reported the information anonymously to the authorities. I was informed by the head of security and took it upon myself to inform the queen. Her immediate instructions were to throw him in the dungeon - which isn’t quite what it sounds like - and follow the investigation to wherever it led.”

More than a dozen hands filled his field of vision as questions were shouted his way. Alexander pointed to a young lady who interviewed them on their honeymoon. “Queen Christiana talked about why she didn’t want to cancel the wedding. I don’t think any of us believe you are a gold digger who would only marry her because of the title. So why did you propose? What made you willing to marry a woman you didn’t love?”

Alexander straightened the binder on the podium. “When I told Christiana about the plot on her life, I could see her heart and her trust shatter before my eyes. I knew I would do anything it took to give that back to her. As I said earlier, I’ve liked and admired her for some time, but in that moment, I knew I wanted to protect and take care of her. I knew I would never break her heart. I didn’t want her to take the risk of having it broken again by someone else. All of us have someone in our lives we’d do anything for. For me, that’s my parents, my twin brother, a few close friends, and the queen.”

She asked a follow-up question. “If you’d do anything for the queen, give up anything for her, did you also feel you were giving up your chance at true love?”

“No.” His answer was emphatic. “Absolutely not. I knew I didn’t love Christiana the way I always thought I would love my bride when I got married. I also knew, without a doubt, I would love her that way sooner rather than later. I didn’t give up a thing. In fact, if she hadn’t been queen, I would still have married her. Her status had nothing to do with it.”

Charlyn touched his elbow and whispered in his ear. Alexander nodded. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your time. I have just been informed of some pressing business I must take care of. The queen and I ask for and covet your prayers. Thank you.”

He turned and walked to the door, shouted questions following him.

One stood out above the others, and he nearly turned back to answer it.

“Do you love Queen Christiana now?”

Alexander kept walking and a few minutes later, he walked into the darkened bedroom to find Christiana lying on her left side and curled around her pillow. He’d discovered some time ago it was her favorite way to sleep, and the way the doctors recommended.

He turned to leave, but her voice stopped him. “I am not asleep.” She didn’t move but asked a question. “How did it go? Do you think the people will abandon us?”

Alexander stretched out on the bed next to her, propping his head on his hand as he reached out to cover her baby bump. “I think it went okay. Releasing the information about the assassination attempt helps engender sympathy, as does the difficult pregnancy. I’m not saying we exploit those, making them out to be worse than it is though it’s bad enough already, but it helps.” His hand shifted from her belly to brush the hair off her face. “I think it also helps everyone can see how much we care for each other even if we didn’t quite have the best beginning in that regard.”

The question called after him as he left continued to haunt him. 

Did he love her?

* * *

When had she become such a news junkie? For the third day in a row, Christiana found herself watching the news on the giant screen in their room.

“Reaction from around the country has been mixed, but overall positive. Ravenzarians recognize the difficult position the queen was in and believe she made the best decision possible under the circumstances. They believe the queen and Prince Alexander do care deeply for each other and are working together for the good of the country. Many stated the hand-signed thank you notes sent out by the thousands after the memorial for the queen’s late parents had something to do with the overwhelming good will amassed.”

Her hand hurt for days after she signed those, but she knew at the time it was the right thing to do. That they would engender sympathy never crossed her mind. She had no idea they would need the sympathy.

“Those who have spent time with the queen and Prince Alexander have said they appear to be very comfortable around each other and never would have guessed they weren’t in love on their wedding day.”
The picture of Alexander kissing her forehead appeared
. “Those watching on television, online, or in person certainly remember this moment. Tender and captivating, it seems there was more to the relationship than either of them realized at the time. That, too, goes a long way in convincing the people the best decision was made.”

Diana knocked on the door. “How are you feeling this morning, ma’am?”

Christiana gave her a weak smile and turned off the television. “Much better, though I am still concerned about how all of this will shake out.”

“You do have a guest, ma’am. I think it would do you a lot of good.” The secretive smile piqued Christiana’s curiosity.

“Very well. Give me about fifteen minutes.” Diana shut the door behind her, and Christiana twisted until her feet landed on the floor. In ten minutes, she dressed, brushed her teeth, and walked into the living area.

She felt her face light up when she saw who sat there. “Poppo!”

“Hello, Your Majesty.” He bowed his head, but she reached to give him a hug instead.

“I am so glad to see you,” she whispered.

“I’m glad to see you. To see for myself how you’re doing.”

She closed her eyes and breathed in the essence of the man she had adopted for a grandfather. “I am always glad to see you, Poppo, but what brings you here?”

They sat on the couch. “I needed to talk you and to see for myself.” He took her hand in his. “I also wanted to let you know that we’re here for you. Everyone I’ve talked with supports you and Alexander.”

“I am sorry to have misled you before the wedding, Poppo.” It had eaten at her, that she had let the man believe she and Alexander were in love and planned to get married all along.

Poppo chuckled. “Oh, sweet girl. I knew the truth from the beginning. Not everything, mind you, but that you and Alexander had no idea what you were in for. I didn’t know the circumstances, but I did know everything wasn’t as it seemed. I also knew you would be fine. God made the two of you for each other, and He will make it work.”

“Thank you for your support, Poppo.” She squeezed his hand. “I thank God He brought you and David into my life the same day the arrest happened.”

Poppo raised a brow. “The same day? It doesn’t surprise me, I suppose. God’s timing is perfect.”

“Yes, it is.” She stood when Poppo did, giving the older gentleman a hug. “Thank you for coming to check on me.”

“I wish I could stay longer, but I promised Annie I would read a book to her class this afternoon.”

“Then thank you for coming when you knew you could only stay a few minutes.” He gave her the kind of hug she had longed for as a child. The protective arms of a beloved grandparent. The only thing better would have been the loving arms of her parents.

And now her husband.

Being in Alexander’s arms gave her a feeling she had never known anywhere. The feeling of being home.

Poppo kept his arm around her shoulder and she left hers around his waist as they walked to the door of the apartment. As they neared, the door opened. In walked Alexander. His face lit up, much as Christiana imagined hers had.

“Poppo! Good to see you!”

“I needed to check on our girl here. On both of you, really.” Poppo left his arm around her shoulders as he talked with Alexander for a moment. With another squeeze and promise to be praying for both of them, Poppo left.

“Are you feeling up to spending time with some visitors today?” Alexander wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they returned to the living area.

“Perhaps. What group?” She looked up to see his eyes twinkling.

“That, my dear, is a surprise, but one I promise you’ll enjoy.”

Christiana sank into her favorite chair. “Very well. When do I need to be in the reception room?”

“You don’t. Meet me in the main kitchen at noon.” Alexander rested his hand on the top of her head. “I promise you’ll love it.” She heard the phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at it. “My next appointment is here. I’ll see you in a bit.”

Diana emerged from somewhere as soon as he left. They spent nearly an hour going over Christiana’s plans for charitable donations for the next few weeks.

“Do you know who we are meeting with?” she asked Diana as she slid her shoes back on.

Her assistant grinned. “Nope. Not telling.”

Time to find out.











Chapter 24


Alexander hung a dark blue apron around his neck and tied the strings behind his back. “All right, we’re going to get started.”

“Where’s the queen?” A precocious five-year-old with bouncy brown curls sat on one of the barstools, her chin propped on her hands as her elbows rested on the counter.

“She should be here in a few minutes.” He set several loaves of bread out on the counter, followed by several platters of “fixin’s” and then set a plate in front of each child. “We are going to have a picnic. Everyone brought their coats, right?”

Everyone nodded. It was cool enough they’d need them.

“And for a picnic we need sandwiches.”

“A picnic?”

All of them looked up to see Queen Christiana standing there.

“How lovely. I cannot remember the last time I went on a picnic.”

Every one of the children jumped down from their barstools, each of them bobbing a curtsy or bowing. “Good morning, Your Majesty.” They weren’t quite in unison, but close. They must have practiced.

“Well, good morning.” She stopped at Alexander’s side, slipping her hand through his arm. “A picnic sounds lovely. I believe even I can make sandwiches.” She leaned toward the children and whispered, “I have never been much good at cooking.”

More likely she’d never had much of an opportunity. He loved to cook, but even he’d only had the chance a few times since the wedding and never yet for his wife. He’d have to fix that soon.

Alexander handed her an apron. “Okay. Let’s get started.” They spent the next twenty minutes making sandwiches. Helping children spread mayo or mustard, then using cookie cutters to make them into designs. Each child had a lunch box and thermos. The thermoses were filled with hot chocolate, made by Alexander and one of the seven-year-old boys. It was cool enough outside for it to be welcome.

All of them took off their aprons and put on their coats. Justin chose that moment to walk in. “I’m afraid there’s going to be a change of plans. It has started to drizzle.”

His mind raced a mile a minute. Where else could they have a picnic? Then it hit him. “How about in the Reception Room? It’s cool enough that a fire would be nice. We could make s’mores.” He grinned like a little kid at the thought.

“What are s’mores?” His wife looked at him, curiosity winning over amusement.

“You’ll see.”

Laughing, the small group followed him through the halls until they reached the Reception Room. Someone was there lighting a fire in the massive stone fireplace. Christiana thanked the aide as Justin showed up with some blankets and together they spread them out in front of the fire. Christiana sat with her legs tucked to one side. Alexander took a seat across the blanket from her, where he could see her but the kids could be spread out and closer to one of them than if they sat next to each other. He understood how important that was to a five-year-old. In fact, a certain little girl had plopped down right next to the queen.

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