Winner Takes All (2 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Dragon

BOOK: Winner Takes All
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Jim had to respect Kyle’s sales skills. Kyle was good at his job and good in the ring.

“Well, suit up, boys. I may end up buying something from both of you, eventually.” The Texan found a nearby bench and parked his considerable rear on it to wait.

Kyle walked back to his booth and grabbed a pair of pants and tank in the black with white yin-yangs all of over it.

“We can’t do this,” Jim said.

“Why would you do that much publicity if it wasn’t the plan?” Kyle rolled his eyes. “Three clean hits, we don’t have to go full contact. Your passion for me would cause a scene.”

But that was exactly what Jim wanted to do. “Don’t start that. I need to confer.” He turned and headed for Ms. Chen.

She was cold but focused on business. Sales minded. She had two more years at the company than Jim did, and her uncle was an owner. Crossing her was
an option, and she watched him.

He explained the situation and expected a fast no. But Ms. Chen actually smiled. “Excellent. Of course, you will wear Ping attire. The traditional look will be appealing.”

No way out now. “He may beat me. He’s very strong.”

“You two are good friends?” She was always sniffing around to see if he had a girlfriend or not. Jim pretended to have a girlfriend back in Boston to keep her at bay. He also used the story to keep suspicion about his sexuality down at Ping in general. “We both belong to the same dojo. He is very skilled.”

“Then I want to see him in action. It doesn’t matter who wins, only who gets the customer.” She grabbed her brochures. “Get changed.”

Ten minutes later, Jim stood across from Kyle, who looked so hot Jim had to think of his mother finding him with his first boyfriend to keep his arousal down. Jim loved his family, and he’d disappointed them. He wouldn’t fail at his career because of a man.

A local guy who owned an academy offered to referee. “Three clean hits. I’ll separate you and award a point. Clean fight.”

Kyle smirked. Jim caught it and hoped Kyle wasn’t planning on being a jerk. Getting that close was hard enough.

The two men bowed, and Jim came out with a kick that hit Kyle hard in the shoulder. Jim earned one point fast. The sooner it was over the better. But one of them would have to hit the padding to satisfy the customer.

Jim went with kicking. Getting his hands on Kyle was too dangerous. But blocking Kyle’s onslaught of attacks made Jim change that plan.

Grabbing Kyle’s arm, he went back to his wrestling moves from junior high. The referee tried to call a foul, but Kyle gripped Jim tighter.

The Texan piped up. “Oh, let them go. The polite stuff won’t test those mats good. Kids fall.”

Kyle spun free and got Jim in a headlock. Clearly, Kyle had a wrestling background as well. Jim went with it for a moment as Kyle forced them onto their knees. Kyle’s hard form pressed to Jim’s, and Jim wanted more.

The battle of wills and bodies stalemated, both were strong. Jim pressed to the pad and flipped Kyle onto his back. Kneeing him in the gut, Jim got another imaginary foul as he did a back flip to get away and on his feet. The challenge was invigorating, but Kyle had hit the sexual button Jim needed to control.

The Right Fit attire showed all of Kyle’s muscles, and Jim kicked and spun to avoid looking too hard at once.

“Let’s see that tank. Toss it over, give the girls a show.” The Texan nodded to Kyle.

Jim shook his head. Kyle grinned, pulled off the tank and tossed it over. Jim didn’t care about the clothing sales. Seeing Kyle stripped to the waist with six pack abs and defined pecs was the danger. Jim’s will lost its fight, and his cock started to grow with the temptation of Kyle half naked.

His tunic was bulkier than Kyle’s top, but he had to end the fight and hide his arousal. He grabbed Kyle’s arm and twisted it, they fumbled and fought for the upper hand.

“Want me bad?” Kyle whispered.

Jim wanted to hide his erection more. A surge of strength hit, and he shoved Kyle face first to the matted wall, pinning Kyle with his full body pressed to Kyle’s back. Only one person now knew about Jim’s reaction now—the one person he needed not to know.

“It’s the fighting,” Jim whispered.

Kyle chuckled. “Rematch here at midnight,” he said softly.

Then he flung them both back from the wall. Kyle landed on Jim but avoided hurting him and covered the evidence.

Jim tugged his tunic down and regained enough control to get away, but Kyle didn’t move.

“I think you both won. Unless you two want to wrestle instead of talk business.” The Texan stood with the tank in his hand.

“Actually, that’s my associate. Arthur can give you more details on the clothing line.” Kyle nodded to Arthur who stood in the crowd. Kyle rolled off Jim but blocked the crowd’s view just in case.

“And Ms. Chen is there. She can give you information about the mats.” Jim bowed to Kyle.

Kyle returned the gesture.

The Texan tipped his hat. “You boys hit the showers.” He walked off with the two others.

When the crowd was gone, Jim shook his head. “No rematch.”

“I covered for you. Midnight, here. No referee, no hiding. Winner gets his way.” Kyle walked away.

Jim got control of his body, walked out and headed to his hotel room. A shower and Kyle were all he could think about. If he didn’t go to the rematch and face Kyle alone, Kyle would never let up. Tomorrow would be hell. And Jim would never forgive himself for the missed opportunity.






Chapter Two



Leaving his room in nothing but Right Fit lounge pants and sandals, Kyle tucked his keycard and a few essentials into his waistband.

The afternoon had been torture, looking at Jim and knowing he wanted Kyle as much as Kyle wanted him. The sparring had been a lucky break. Jim getting hard while they fought allowed Kyle to get his hopes up. Few men Kyle met shared his fetish for wrestling and sex, but Jim had all the signs and skills. No wonder he wanted to avoid Kyle in the ring.

Kyle entered the huge tradeshow room right at the stroke of midnight and found Jim standing there. It was real. Jim wore shorts and a shirt. Kicking off his sandals, Kyle set the lube packets, protection, and his keycard just outside the padded area.

“Lose the shirt,” Kyle said.

“We can’t do this,” Jim replied.

Kyle walked up to Jim and grabbed him by the back of his head, kissing him hard. For barely a second Jim resisted then he deepened the kiss. But their tongues fighting wasn’t what Kyle had been dreaming about for a year. He had no way to know how long Jim would play along before he changed his mind.

Yanking the shirt over Jim’s head, Kyle broke the kiss and stared his competitor in the eyes. “One time for fun. No one has to know what we do.”

Jim’s eyes darted to the exits. Earlier the room had held thousands of people. Now, it stood silent and dark. “Karate?”

Kyle shook his head. “Open. I feel like wrestling. Ten-second pin wins. You want it. Don’t deny your reaction earlier today.”

Jim’s face turned red. “I’ve never competed, wrestled or sparred for a sexual conquest or thrill.”

“Maybe, you just control it better than some.” Kyle leaned in. “Now I know why you never sparred with me.”

“Winner gets?” Jim asked.

“Whatever he wants.” Kyle looked over Jim’s body. “Sexually speaking.”

“And silence,” Jim added.

“I promised I wouldn’t say a thing. You don’t trust me? I fight fair, I train hard and I don’t lie about who I am. A bit more honorable than you.” Kyle felt adrenaline pumping, not just for sex, but also for victory.

“Silence about this, and you stop pursuing me. No more looks, visits or texts. Nothing.”

Kyle began to walk around Jim, surveying him.

Jim shook his head. “You won’t agree.”

“I’ll agree,” Kyle said. “If you win. Pin my shoulders to the mat for ten full seconds and I’ll forget you exist. I’ll channel all my need into burying Ping. But if I win, we both win.”

Jim backed up from being circled, and both men faced off like a Wild West gunfight, but instead of a draw, they bowed. No reason to waste time with tons of rules, they knew what was sporting and what wasn’t.

When Kyle struck, Jim dodged. Jim kicked, and Kyle spun out of the way. They’d gotten nowhere in the martial arts area. Kyle studied Jim’s cock through the pants and knew they needed to move things to closer contact. He had one way in mind.

Rushing Jim, Kyle tackled him. Jim fell flat on his back, and Kyle held him, pulling at those shorts.

“Stop it.” Jim struggled. “My shoulders aren’t pinned.”

“I don’t care. We can be naked to wrestle.” Kyle had the shorts down to Jim’s thigh and let go of Jim to pull them all the way down.

Kyle had half of what he wanted. Jim knelt naked, his cock undeniably growing. His eyes darkened. “So I’m your fetish fuck?” Jim asked.

“I was hoping you’d be into it. And it looks like you are. You’re already hard. I want to win my prize and take you. Distracting you by arousing you is a legit strategy.” He slapped Jim’s ass.

Wrestling fetish, sex, it had a few names, but Kyle had found it in college. Hot and unpredictable. He didn’t want to be submissive or dominant. He wanted to win or lose based on his performance. The loser accepted the sexual demands of the winner along with any shame or physical punishment and restraint the winner wanted.

“You’ve done it before?” Kyle asked.

Jim shrugged. His cock was erect and ready to play. “Nothing formal. Not like this.”

“Not many have the skills and power to take us on. Or the desire. Why are you running from me? I always get my losers off. Even when you lose, you’ll love it. I promise.” He reached for Jim’s ready-for-battle cock.

Jim went on the offensive, hooking his foot around Kyle’s calf and dropping him to the ground in a swift move. Kneeling on Kyle’s chest, Jim pushed those Right Fit pants down.

Enjoying the weight and the view, Kyle grabbed Jim’s sac and pinched then he slapped Jim’s tender flesh. It felt good to be free, his cock swinging in the game. No more lies about desire. Jim wanted him, and Kyle wouldn’t let up now.

Kyle pounced and pulled Jim to the ground. He grabbed Jim’s shoulders and tried to pin him flat so there was no dispute.

But Jim countered, rolling and elbowing Kyle in the ribs. “You want it so bad, suck it?” Jim pulled Kyle down by the hair and rubbed his face to Jim’s cock.

With a groan, Kyle licked up Jim’s shaft. His hand held Jim’s hips. Kyle couldn’t let go now that he had what he wanted. This time Jim didn’t run, he ground to Kyle’s face and rolled them until Kyle was on his back and Jim straddled his head, thrusting. “Suck me off!”

“Nice try.” Kyle released Jim’s member then fought free from Jim’s lighter weight. The strong thighs and tempting cock were good, but Kyle wanted to win more. “I’ll get it all when I win. You might get off three times before I’m done with you.” Jim’s cock looked like he could use some relief.

“You talk a lot for a guy.” Jim got to his feet.

Kyle grinned and stood. They were back to where they’d started. “More than Ms. Chen, I’m sure. Looks like you’re more in the mood to fuck than talk.”

“I’ll win and take what I want, and you’ll still have to back off,” Jim said smugly.

Kyle grinned. “Tough talk, tough terms. Prove it.”

Jim rushed Kyle, crouched low. Taking the hit to his knees, Kyle went forward instead of back as Jim wanted. Grabbing Jim’s tight ass, Kyle squeezed and fingered his flesh to distract him. Jim hit the mat, and Kyle spun, pressing his cock to Jim’s ass and getting a moan in return.

But Kyle had to win fast. Distracting Jim with foreplay, he hopped up and flipped Jim onto his back. Kyle landed down with a knee to Jim’s side to hold him in place. Both hands braced Jim’s shoulders to the mat.

Jim tried to move, but Kyle nudged him with the knee. “One, two,” Kyle counted slowly so there was no debate. Their eyes locked as Kyle counted ten. “Winner.”

He kissed Jim’s slightly frowning mouth.

“A kidney jab?” Jim asked. “That’s dirty.”

“Don’t be a sore loser.” Kyle kissed him again and got a slow kiss in response. In Kyle’s past experiences, the victory screw was as rough and fast as the competition, but Jim hadn’t played dirty, not as much as Kyle hoped. Kyle wanted them both to fully enjoy.

And Jim wasn’t a random guy online who claimed to like the fetish and wanted to hook up. Half of them lacked skills and just wanted to be smacked around. Jim got it, and Kyle wanted more than one round and more than just sex. But he’d take whatever he could get.

“Don’t move.” Kyle stood and grabbed his condoms and lube packets and returned quickly. “Stand up.”

Kyle expected Jim to obey as the loser. He’d been playing only as hard as needed to keep Jim from bolting.






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