Wings of Steele - Destination Unknown (Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Wings of Steele - Destination Unknown (Book 1)
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stood, glass in hand. "Gentlemen, it's late, but before
adjourn, I propose a final toast..." the men rose, glasses
poised for the occasion. Gant continued, "I'm sorry ladies,
you'll have to wait outside momentarily, this is to be a squadron
toast." Some confused glances were exchanged around the table.
Raulya and Myomerr thought Gantarro was joking, but he waited
patiently, unmoving. Raulya motioned to Myomerr and the two
Ketarians walked out of the room, tails flicking in agitation.

raised his glass, "To the squadron!" The pilots up-ended
glasses. "Ok, now down to the last bit of business. Gentlemen,
you must be careful when it comes to Ketarian women..." he
seemed to be directing this to Jack and Pappy, "when they take
an interest in a man, they have been known, to go to great lengths
to secure the affections of that man."

what?" Jack wanted to know.

perfume, have you been exposed to it before?" Jack nodded. "Did
burn incense?" Jack nodded again, Gantarro rubbed his forehead.
"Both are heavily laced with a potent, synthetic aphrodisiac,
highly addictive. It will
bond you to her, emotionally and physically."

was wide-eyed. "You're kidding!"

Captain shook his head. "No, and if I had known yesterday that
were interested in you two, I would have warned you sooner."

was concerned. "How much exposure will cause addiction?"

pulled his lower lip, "Two or three times of prolonged
during exertion... like dancing... or sex, it depends on an
individual's resistance."

shook his head. "Man, that's scary!"

yeah, well, no more of that for me!" Jack smoothed his hair.

here," added Pappy.

group was splitting up as Raulya and Myomerr re-entered the
The two Ketarians cozied up to Jack and Paul, only to be gently
rebutted. "Um, uh, we have to get up early tomorrow, it's been
a full day and all..." Pappy was trying to keep his distance
from Myomerr and having a difficult time doing it successfully.

put forth a team effort. "Yeah, I'm bushed too... and we start
training tomorrow, need our sleep y'know." He tried not to
breathe in the heady perfume.

eyed Jack suspiciously, "You're not sleeping with that little
bitch tonight are you?"

Jack lied," what makes you say that?"

shrugged, her expression became less concerned, "Just
seen her around, thought maybe you had her stashed..." Jack
shook his head convincingly. "Well, alright I guess we'll catch
up with you tomorrow night..." she slid her hand across his
groin and he inhaled sharply, wishing he hadn't. His heart pounded
and he held his breath as she kissed him goodnight.

women departed, hand in hand, leaving Paul and Jack to sigh
relief. The other pilots grouped around as they all made their way
to the flight crew quarters on level three. Brian looked over his
shoulder at the Ketarians disappearing down the hall, "Maybe
they'll bond on each other," he whispered. They all laughed so
hard they could barely breathe.

were still breathless with laughter when they climbed out
the air tunnel car at their stop on level three. The pilots gathered
in front of their quarters to say their goodnights. "Breakfast?"
asked Pappy.

thanks, I'm still stuffed!" said Brian, belching for effect,
more laughter.

eggs, I could go for some scrambled eggs..." Mike said

pit," mumbled Smiley, shaking his head. "Kid eats
in sight." More laughter. They discussed plans for the
following morning and decided on an agreeable time to meet at the
Ecosphere Lounge for breakfast. Having done this, they said
goodnight and entered their respective quarters.

thoroughly enthusiastic Fritz, met Jack Steele as he entered
quarters, in anticipation of goodies promised. Jack shook the bag,
rustling the contents. Fritz spun excitedly in a circle, wagging his
tail and woofing softly, his sensitive nose detecting the
tantalizing aroma emanating from the bag. Jack knelt on the floor of
the semi-darkened living area and tore open the bag, laying it on
the carpet like a paper dish. The Shepherd gave his friend a quick
loving lick in the face and moved to the food, devouring it with
great relish.

rose and stepped over to the small bar and got himself some
juice from the fountain dispenser. He saw a vidscreen on the wall
which he had never noticed before and looked for the controls. He
found a remote sitting on the arm of the couch. Turning the screen
on, he was greeted by a view of the passing stars outside the ship.
He decided he liked it and left it on, dropped the remote on the
couch and walked away.

had finished his food and was laying on the floor, eyes
licking the remnants of sauce off the paper bag. "Wanna' go for
a walk, kiddo?" His trance broken, the Shepherd jumped to his
feet. Jack fingered the keypad and Fritz darted through the door
before it was even half open.

■ ■ ■

sat on the grass in the meadow of the Ecosphere as Fritz ran
tree to tree. The lights were low and Jack could see the passing
stars through the dome, occasionally a bird would flit far above
him, but the songbirds were quiet. The pilot laid back on the grass
his hands behind his head, waiting for the lanky Shepherd to return.
Enjoying the peace and quiet, His eyes closed, he could smell the
cut grass, the flowers smelled like lilac... inexplicably there was
a breeze and the trees rustled... Suddenly he was eleven-years old
again, laying in his yard looking up at the summer stars...

■ ■ ■

stars twinkled on the vidscreen as Jack walked barefoot
his living quarters. He carried a glass, half full of a warm liquid
as close to ginger ale as he could find, from the bar's soda
dispenser. "I don't feel so good..." said Maria as Jack
entered the bedroom.

snorted, "I shouldn't wonder, what were you drinking anyway?"

shrugged as she accepted the glass from Jack, "Anything
sounded interesting."

was the point of all this, or was there a point... I mean
you just a lush or what?"

her voice squeaked, tears rolling down her cheeks.

stood up and stripped off his shirt, tossing it on a recliner
the door. "I just hope I didn't get involved with an alcoholic
or something..." he stripped off his pants and stood naked at
the foot of the bed.

was crying now and she didn't care, "It's just that you hated
and you slept with her and, and..." she started to cry, huge,
heaving sobs.

that!" he snapped, "you'll make yourself sick!" It
was too
the heaves were real now, no longer sobs. He scooped her off the bed
and whisked her into the bathroom, just in time. Her body rejected
the remaining liquor in long wretches into the commode. He held her
head and she sobbed in between the heaves. No longer an adult, she
was just a helpless little girl.

ruined everything," she sobbed, "you hate me now... you'll
love me again..." she laid her head on her arms, shivering
uncontrollably. Jack reached back and turned the shower on warm.
Lifting her to her feet, they stepped into the warm jets of water
which hit them from three sides. They sat on the smooth floor of the
shower, their naked bodies pressed against each other. One arm
encircling her, Jack washed Maria's face, hair and body. She stopped
shivering and nuzzled his chest. "I love you," she said,
"so please don't hate me, I don't think I could bare it."

don't hate you..." He kissed her forehead. "Let's go to
bed," he

was curled up, sleeping on the recliner by the time Jack and
climbed under the covers. Maria snuggled her body against Jack, her
head on his chest, her arm across his flat stomach.

love you..." she whispered.

stroked her damp hair, "Ssshhh," he said quietly, "go

■ ■ ■

Steele's sleeping awareness grew to the sound of gently
rain. He laid motionless on the bed, still shrouded in the gossamer
veils of sleep, enjoying the soft, hushing sound. A woman's voice
sang quietly somewhere in the distance. He could feel no breeze
through the open window, there was no sound of an ever-present surf,
and when he inhaled deeply, there was no tangy salt air. He opened
his eyes and viewed his surroundings, disappointed to find himself
in his stateroom instead of in his bed at home. Maria's naked form
appeared in the bathroom doorway, glistening with moisture. Maybe
things could be worse, he thought.

sauntered over to the bed and shook her wet hair over Jack's
chest. He grabbed for her, but she danced away then back again. Jack
re-timed his lunge and caught her by her wrist pulling her down on
the bed, playfully spanking her bare bottom. She squealed in mock
pain and wriggled to get free. A furious tickle fight ensued,
encouraged by Fritz who circled the bed, barking. Horseplay quickly
lit the fire of passion and somewhere between wrestling and
tickling, two naked bodies melted together in physical lust.

■ ■ ■

and gratified, Jack and Maria, limbs entwined, lay sedately
the disheveled bed. They listened, without speaking, to the laughing
voices passing in the corridor and the sounds of a waking ship,
traveling through deep space. Maria looked up from Jack's chest and
gazed into his eyes. She wiped the sweat from his forehead and
rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm scared," she said
into his shoulder, "it's all so strange, so different, y'know?"
Her Latin accent was soft, endearing.

to be scared of, we'll be alright."

What about Miss..." Jack put his finger over her lips.

just say
and leave it at that. Ok?" She nodded and
him tight. The ship's comm unit mounted on the wall behind the bed,
buzzed insistently, demanding to be answered. Jack reached over to
the night table and flicked a button on the keypad, being careful to
leave the vidscreen turned off.

coming to breakfast or what?" Jack recognized Pappy's gentle
accent. "I just love this gadget..." he continued, "how
come there's no picture?"

turned it off..." responded Jack.

must be doin' the horizontal tango..." Jack recognized Brian's
in the background.

could not resist adding her two cents, "Real classy Brian,
that's why you get all the girls!"

comm was overflowing with laughing voices. "Ouch," said
"Ok, Ok, listen you guys, we'll be down in a few minutes. Try
not to let Mike eat them out of food before we get there, Ok?"
Jack punched the button on the comm's control pad and ended the

go, kiddo." They slid out of bed and headed for the shower.

■ ■ ■

sipped his steaming coffee, Brian and Mike were returning from
buffet table, plates brimming with food. Derrik stirred his tea.
"All you American chaps eat like that?"

looked puzzled as he handed one plate to Pappy. "Like what?"

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