Wings of Change (7 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

BOOK: Wings of Change
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“Do you want my cock, Lucy? You’ll have to tell me exactly what you want.” His words teased, as did his fingers, driving her higher. She was on the precipice as he took his hand from her pussy and slid it upward, circling her nipple with wet fingers.

“Kaden! You’re killing me. I need you!”

“Not until you say the words, Lucy.” He kissed her, then pulled back to watch her expression. Flushed with excitement and a hint of embarrassment, it was clear she liked his teasing.

“I want your cock, Kaden. I want you inside me. Now. Please!”

“Well, when you put it that way, my love.” He positioned himself. “How can I refuse?” 43

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He slid home with a long, powerful thrust. She bore down to accept him, though he could feel the difficulty she had accepting his girth. She may not be a virgin, but her cunt was tight, as if it hadn’t been used this way in a very long time. Kaden liked the idea of that, but he knew he’d have to temper his passions until she became accustomed to him. It was all right, though. He loved being inside this special woman. She was tight and hot around him. Warm and slippery, wet and welcoming.


She felt like home to him. It was a feeling he wanted to keep with him for all time, and if he had anything to say about it, he would. She would be at his side when he and Rey moved back to the Lair. She just didn’t know it yet.

“Are you all right, sweet Lucy?”

She made a small humming sound when he stroked just the tiniest bit within her, testing the fit. She was growing used to his presence, her body stretching to accommodate his size.

“I’m all right, Kaden. Please, don’t stop!”

“I’ll never stop loving you, Lucy. Never.” He punctuated his words with kisses as he began to move. He took his time, making small movements at first, then increasing when she urged him on. Her legs rose to wrap around him, her heels digging into his butt.

“I’m sorry, my love. This time it’s got to be fast.”

“Not fast enough, Kaden!” She cried out as a peak hit her. Kaden could feel her inner muscles working his cock. The spasming of her tight sheath drew him with her, into blissful oblivion as his seed shot into her depths. He shuddered at the last, releasing his pent up fury as his body tightened and then relaxed into a peace he had never before known.

He kissed her forehead with tired lips, rolling with her to their sides. Cradling her in his arms, he stayed deep within her body while one of her knees rode up the outside of his leg to his hip.

“You’re mine, Lucy.” His breathing slowed as he held her. She fit so perfectly in his arms as he rested his chin on top of her soft hair.

“Kaden.” Her whisper touched something deep inside when she fell asleep in his arms.


Wings of Change

Chapter Seven

Lucy woke to movement. Kaden, she recalled instantly. He was inside her—or perhaps he’d never left. The last thing she remembered before falling into a deeper, more peaceful sleep than she had known in years, was Kaden making love to her. He’d been so strong and gentle, so caring and daring. She’d never been pleasured like that before, though her past experiences had been admittedly few and far between.

“I’ve been waiting for you to wake up and join me.” His growling voice teased her ear.

“Feels like you got started without me.”

“Just warming things up, milady.” The nibbling kisses he placed in the crease of her neck tickled.

She rolled with him as he took her to her back, sliding deeper inside her slick channel. He felt so good. Like heaven brought down to earth. It was as exhilarating as flying on the dragon’s back, only warmer and much more intimate. Kaden kissed her as he stroked into her with deep, sure thrusts. She pushed back, aligning herself for best entry. He brought her such pleasure there was no question of withdrawal. She was shocked by her own wanton behavior, but Kaden seemed to like it and pleasing him was suddenly very important to her. She came with explosive ease and he followed a moment later.

They lay together, their breath slowing to a more normal rate as Kaden stroked her arm with a trailing fingertip. She felt his eyes on her, watching, measuring. He looked like he was working up to something.

“When Rey’s able to be moved,” he finally broached the topic that was clearly on his mind, “I want you to move to the Castle Lair with us. I want you to live with me and Rey, warm our home and our hearts for the rest of your days.” 45

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“That sounds serious.”

“It’s very serious, sweetheart.” He stroked her hair. “I know it’s sudden, but I care for you deeply, Lucy. As does Rey. If the worst happens and he never flies again, you would be a comfort to him. You make him sparkle, Lucy, and you make me happy in a way I’ve never been before.”

She was surprised. They’d only known each other for a few days and only become lovers the night before. But she felt the rightness of it as he spoke the words. He was a good man who didn’t deserve the pain he or Rey had been suffering. Her heart went out to him and she was tempted. Oh, so tempted.

“What about Marcus and Linea?”

“In the fullness of time, I hope you might come to accept them too. To let them into our lives and our union. When you’re ready. We won’t rush you.”

“Kaden, I don’t know…I just don’t know if I can handle two men. It wasn’t something I was raised to expect.”

“I know. I don’t mean to pressure you, sweetheart. Just think about it, all right? And think about coming with us, for a start, when Rey is safe to move in a few days. He needs you. And I need you more than I can say. Besides, if Rey can never fly again…” His expression grew bleak. “Your worries may be for naught. If he can’t claim Linea, Marcus will most likely never become an issue. So for now, will you consider living with just me, Lucy? Me and Rey?”

“I’d be leaving behind the only security I’ve known in years, Kaden. You’re asking a lot.”

He hugged her. “I promise you’ll always have a place in the Lair, whether it works out between us or not. A woman who can hear dragons is rare and special. The Lair folk will welcome you with open arms. Trust me.”

“I do trust you, Kaden, but it’s an awfully big step.”

He spoke no more of it over the next days. Each evening Lucia would sleep in Kaden’s arms, making love with him deep into the night. Each day, she would care for the dragon who was quickly becoming the center of her world. Marcus was there most days, following her with his eyes and making her uncomfortable with his pointed stare. She felt conspicuously like a mouse being sized up by a hawk on the hunt. Given her earlier run-in with Marcus—and the scandalous thoughts he’d planted in her head about lying between the two men⎯the fact that she 46

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continued to be Kaden’s lover made her feel self-conscious in the extreme. She knew without doubt all it would take was one word from her and she’d have two knights in her bed, when she was only just getting used to one!

The troublesome idea plagued her, refusing to be put completely from her mind. She served in the tavern during the day, comfortable with Kaden’s easy-going treatment and hyperaware of Marcus’s continued scrutiny. She couldn’t deny she was attracted to both of them. Marcus’s courtly manners still brought back memories of times past, though as she got to know him and observed him with Kaden and the dragons, he became more familiar to her and less a reminder of her sad past. Kaden, by contrast, didn’t remind her of those things, but kept her with him—firmly in the present. He was good for her in that way, and he was a considerate lover.

Lucia also agonized over Reynor’s slow progress and wondered if there was more she could do. Each day, she offered solemn prayers that Rey would heal on his own. Marcus had asked what she was doing on the first day when she placed wildflowers as an offering in the small window above Rey’s place on the stone floor. She prayed according to the teachings of her youth, which were different from the way things were done in Draconia. Marcus asked pointed questions, but the next day brought beautiful hothouse blooms from the queen’s own conservatory to add to the small vase she’d placed in the sun.

Each day after, he brought a new flower for her offerings—rare orchids and lilies, simple daisies and roses. Each day a new flower and a presence at her side while she offered her prayers over the healing dragon.

Silently, he’d stand with her while they added the blossoms to the growing collection, weeding out wilted flowers each time new ones were added. She was touched he would respect her beliefs in such a way and glad he didn’t push for more than friendship, though she knew he hoped for far more. Still, there was Reynor to consider. Lucia decided to take the chance of moving to the Castle Lair with Kaden. For one thing, she was falling in love with the rugged knight. She already loved Rey and wanted to be on hand to help him work through his recovery. She couldn’t imagine being left behind when the dragon left the tavern.

And so, with some trepidation, she let the owner know she’d be leaving the tavern when Reynor and Kaden left. The other girls didn’t seem surprised when Lucia packed her few belongings, and each of them wished her well. She was touched by their friendly gestures and the small parting gifts they gave her. A ribbon for her hair from one girl, a 47

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carved comb from another. They were small gifts, but dear to her for the true friendship they represented.

When Reynor was able to walk for short distances under his own power without causing more damage, the knights arranged for his removal to the Castle Lair. A huge flatbed wagon was pulled into the tavern yard, drawn by a team of eight sturdy draft horses. Rey walked out to meet it, suffering the indignity of being hauled up to the castle in stoic silence. Wellwishers lined the streets as he was wheeled by, speaking prayers for him and offering their quiet support.

For the second time, Lucia entered the Castle Lair, worry foremost in her mind. Rey had been silent as they moved him. It took some time to negotiate the late afternoon streets and by the time they pulled up to the castle, night had fallen. The cart brought him as close as possible to the large door, where he was able to lower himself to the ground and walk painfully through the Lair to the suite that had been prepared. The other dragons watched his slow progress, silent and solemn. Rey didn’t raise his head. He was the very picture of defeat.

Lucia’s heart went out to the dragon who’d become one of her closest friends. It hurt to see him this way. He walked gingerly, pain evident in every step as he made his way to an area of the Lair she hadn’t seen before.

The Lair section of the castle was constructed in a series of circular ledges with the center being open to the sky above. Stairs for the human inhabitants wound through the inner walls, but it was clear the dragons negotiated the different levels through flight. Rey couldn’t strain his wing, so a ground floor suite was set aside for them. Rey didn’t speak or even make as sound as he struggled for each step, Kaden, Marcus and Linea following close behind.

Kaden had prepared the way, taking a few hours the day before to move his and Rey’s belongings from their old residence, higher up on one of the upper floors. He’d told Lucia all about the new suite. It was larger than their old one, and more luxurious. He thought Rey would like the larger sand pit, and Lucy looked forward to seeing the place he took such obvious delight in.

As the small party slowed, Kaden moved in front of his dragon partner to open a huge door, big enough for the dragon. Lucia noted the mechanism on her way through. Rey could’ve opened it easily with a stretch of his neck, but perhaps it was too much for his healing hide. Better that Kaden do the stretching for the time being. A surprise awaited them as the group came to a halt inside the large suite. 48

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“Welcome home, Sir Reynor.” Alania, the queen of Draconia and her twin, Princess Arikia, also known as queen of the nomadic Jinn people, sat on the lip of the sandy oval that was clearly Rey’s domain. The two women stood, Draconia’s queen in leathers, as Lucia had seen her before. Her twin sister wore an ornate green dress that matched her emerald eyes.

Lucia lowered herself in a respectful curtsy, though her eyes never left the two powerful women. She straightened only when the men greeted the two queens. They checked Rey’s wounds and the tang of ozone and magic scented the air as they used their healing powers in tandem on his tough hide. After some time, the women moved back and Rey was encouraged to settle into his warm sand wallow.

“The heat will be good for him.” Queen Alania faced the knights. “Just leave him be for a while. We’ve done all we can, but I fear it may not be enough.” She looked back at the dragon and Lucia wasn’t surprised to see him already asleep. All the activity had no doubt tired him out.

Queen Arikia of the Jinn produced a pot of herbal salve from a low table near the door. “You can use this on the scab. It might help loosen the joint a bit.”

Surprisingly, she handed it to Lucia.

“See that he rests. No running around the Lair.” Her smile gentled the stern words.

“I’ve heard good things about you from the Jinn, Lucia. Be welcome here and if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Flabbergasted, Lucia nodded and dropped a small curtsy as she clutched the pot of salve. She remained in that position until the women left. Linea loomed in the doorway, but backed away as Marcus took his leave. It was clear the other knight didn’t want to go, and neither did his dragon, but they did leave, for which Lucia was glad. She had to get used to this new arrangement before she could even consider the three-way relationship the knights proposed. And there was Rey to consider. If he couldn’t fly, all her worries might be for naught. When they were alone, Kaden closed the door. He came up behind her, drawing her back against his chest as they gazed at Rey.

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