Willows, Jennifer - Lust for Life [The Moreland Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Allure) (11 page)

BOOK: Willows, Jennifer - Lust for Life [The Moreland Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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“Please, Deven. I need you.”

The words gave her what all her limited tricks failed to gain her. Deven snapped, shuttling his hips back and forth. Charli arched her back higher, trying to take more. She didn’t need the effort. Deven was there, moved his forearms beneath her head. Her hips and lower back rested on his squatted knees, and his torso was folded over hers. She had nowhere to go, except further up the peak.

Charli lashed out and bit Deven, sucking the injured skin. She was starving and needed more to sate her incessant hunger. Their mingled loins were soaked in her juices, covering both from pelvis to wet thighs. She had never seen herself so wet, heard her pussy slurp at a dick. The suckling sound so pronounced, it sounded like she was giving porn-star head. She felt herself grow hotter as the situation hit her, their sex hit her. Deven bared his teeth at her, and she submitted fully to him.

“You’re so juicy wet and tight, Charli. I just want to come.” Deven hissed at her.

“Shit, Dev... Do it....I am.” Charli no more spoke the words, and she was shaking from head to toe.

“Can you come for me one last time, pixie?”

“No...” Charli’s voice, breathless and weak with the conviction that didn’t think she could, there was no way she could.

“I bet you can.” Deven grinned, even as her walls shuddered and begged him to spend his seed.

“What’s the prize?” She whimpered even as she wanted to give him what he desired.

“Me for the rest of the night.” He laughed and stroked her liquid walls, rubbing them with his scorching length twice more. Charli was still rippling in aftershock from the last peak when she went over the next. She screamed, and her back bowed upward steeply then collapsed. Deven was long gone, his seed stolen from him by her siphoning, the milking of her womb.

Charli was spent, couldn’t speak. She couldn’t do anything more, barely breathe. Deven held her upright. She knew otherwise she would have wilted to the floor. Deven looked at her, but she was unable to keep her eyes focused and open. He kissed her, and she tasted the mingled spice of sweat coating them both. Picking her up, he lumbered to the bed. They fell asleep, Charli a tiny blanket warming Deven’s skin. His semierect shaft still inside her, the duo slept again, drunk on passion.

Chapter Six:

Everybody’s Kung Fu Fighting

The next morning, Dev awoke first. He looked at the clock next his bed, the green digital display telling him it was just after nine in the morning. Sitting upright, he rolled the sopping-wet blanket of woman off him. His early morning hard-on was wet and juicy, slurping from her entrance. He went to the bathroom, calling himself ten kinds of fool for not wearing a condom. He’d been extra careful his whole life, the lesson drilled in him and his brothers. His mom, with her hippie mentality, was all for free love but persuaded them of the importance of condoms.

No other woman could get under his skin like Charli did, no effort required. But, on the other hand, there was something thrilling about the thought of what their passionately hasty sex could result in, babies, and with their opposing coloring and good looks, were sure to be the most beautiful children ever created. Shaking his mind clear, he looked in the mirror, seeing his skin dotted with bites and scratches striping his flesh. He grinned and cleaned his sticky skin, cock still turgid under the cool cloth. He took another warm, damp cloth and cleaned his lover, supine in his bed. Grabbing a spare pair of black gym shorts, he pulled out a T-shirt for Charli, leaving it on the night stand next to her.

Deven went to the kitchen, the late night activities leaving him ravenous. He decided to make a quick breakfast of grits and omelets, which would only take ten or fifteen minutes. Once he finished, he spooned two servings of grits, topped with butter, cheese, and the crunchy bacon into a single bowl. One plate he loaded with several omelets, he thought that would work well for starters. He brewed coffee, a dark rich roast, hazelnut and vanilla fragrant. A carafe filled with the nutty brew, and breakfast was done.

He set the food and beverages at the island and went back to the Sleeping Beauty he left in bed. Deven touched her gently, rubbing across her jaw, and even at rest she preened for him. He kissed her lips, and she opened both eyes, blinking the miasma of sleep away. Charli smiled as she stretched sore muscles to life before rolling from the bed and stood, sniffing the air audibly.

“Mmm, I smell good coffee.” Charli took another deep breath and grinned again.

Deven watched her beam, sweet and slightly sleepy. After he led her to the kitchen, he sat at a tall chair in front the island and pulled Charli down on his lap. She leaned forward and poured two huge mugs of coffee. She added a liberal dollop of cream and sugar, stirring. When the strong brew was to her liking, she picked the hot mug up gingerly, sipping the contents until the last drop was drained.

She took a fork and skewered a large bite, offering Deven the morsel. He took it, feeling slightly taken aback at her kindness. He’d never been fed by another, except as a child. The only thing he could do was smile, pleased at the way his weekend worked out. He offered her another nibble of breakfast as well, feeding her. They ate the meal in slow bites until the full plate and bowl were scraped clean. Both were a bit lazy after the meal, and Dev suggested a nap.

“But we just got up!” Charli exclaimed and he knew she thought his suggestion was terrible.

“Yeah, but we didn’t sleep much last night.” Deven was all for it. He thought his idea was good. Shoot, he was still tired from earlier.

“I wanted to watch TV.”

“Fine, we can nap on the couch, and the TV can watch us.”

They went into the living room and sat on the large sofa. Charli was sitting next to Dev, who occupied the chaise end of the couch, back propped against the corner. Deven turned on the wall-mounted flat screen, and Charli piped up.

“I want to watch

“What time do you think it is? It’s ten in the morning. Can’t we be grown with our TV? I would like to watch
The Joy of Painting

Deven flipped through the channels, looking to see what they could watch. He rarely watched TV as usually he was doing something. Deven preferred being active and he didn’t really enjoy television as a distraction from his daily life. But eventually they found an old-school kung fu movie and settled in to watch.

“Ooh, I love this movie! Jim Kelly was the man.” Charli laughed and leaned over, resting her head on Dev’s chest.

Deven had seen this movie, liked Bruce Lee. Like all kids at that time, Lee was one of his childhood heroes. They watched the movie silently at first, then, as they each got into the fight scenes, began mocking the lines. They even had a pretend kung fu fight in their seats. Laughing at their childishness, they finished the movie.

“Can we play your game?” Charli asked while looking at the new PlayStation he had stashed in the entertainment center.

“Sure, what are you in the mood for?” Deven asked, curious as to what she would choose.

“You got NBA live?”

“You know it. Hope you’re not a sore loser because you are about to get beat down.” Deven laughed, not entirely joking.

“We’ll see who beats who.”

“Okay, let’s make this interesting then… Best two outta three wins a prize.”

“What’s the prize?”

Thinking for a minute, Dev decided what he wanted.

“Winner gets hot sex of their fantasies for one full day, starring the loser and a carte blanche coupon per se. The loser has to cooperate with any desires the winner has and must provide everything needed to fulfill the winner’s fantasy.”

“Hmm... I like the sound of that. So we choose anything we want? But I have one caveat. Nothing humiliating or disgusting. But otherwise, I’m game.”

“Dang, I wanted a golden shower.” Deven’s face gave away his disgust at the idea. “Really, Charli, I’m not that kind of man. I may enjoy hot and nasty, maybe even kinky sex, but none of that.” His face was straight, though mirth bled through his eyes. “I promise anything I do to you, you’ll love it. May ask for more of it.”

“Look, I’m not accusing you of anything, but any business person worth their salt isn’t going to give carte blanche. Not without some limit, unless they want to get nastily surprised.”

“Come here, pixie, you little shark.” Deven smiled, and Charli popped him in the shoulder. He frowned at her and popped her ass, too close not to take advantage of the proximity.

They started the game testing the reflexes and skill of their opponent, learning how the other person thought. He learned her weaknesses and strengths, similar in theory to playing chess. He showed Charli that he was an excellent passer and had a really good three-point jumper. While Deven learned she was excellent at the rebound and wicked good with her ability to steal balls from him with impunity if he made the slightest of mistakes. They dueled hard the first game, going to Charli with a buzzer beater. The second game Deven pulled out all of the stops. He used all his tricks and won by two baskets. Once the third game came to a close, the last quarter left the pair tied at eighty-nine points and went to overtime, neither wanting to lose. The game was fast and furious with both making points on the other. The competition stayed close until the end, when Charli attempted a layup and Deven stole the ball before scoring a three-pointer.

“Damn it!” Charli threw her remote then indulged in a nasty tantrum as she jumped in the floor.

Deven smiled and rubbed his hands together. Now they were cooking with gas. The next move would be to decide exactly what he wanted and when he wanted it. He had several ideas, but the sticking point was which to choose from. That would take some thought. He snatched Charli up, doing a victory dance.

* * * *

“Put me down, you big–ass, juicy-dicked, Jolly Green Giant of a Neanderthal!” Charli was fuming, if nothing else she was a sore loser.

“Mmm… juicy dick, huh?”

“Figures you’d hear that part only.”

“Yeah, want some?”

“Hell no, boy, you can keep that wall buster to yourself,” Charli said then amended her hasty words. “For now at least.”

“I live to please.” Dev’s grin was wicked and a bit teasing.

“So you do.” Charli winked at him, and he tickled her.

“That wasn’t a joke, wench.”

“So? I found it funny.”

“Imma show you, pixie, what a Neanderthal looks like.”

Deven picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. He walked through the house and, reaching the bathroom, turned on the shower. He put her under the warm spray, shirt and all, as Charli screeched at him.

“What the hell! I could have taken this off first, you know.”

“Yeah, but this way is better.”

“You are dumber than a box of rocks, Deven.”

“You know you love it, Charli.” The insufferably sexy male winked at her. Winked? Too cheesy, but somehow, Deven made the practiced lame move seem…she didn’t know what word could describe the sensuality held in the mere lowering and lifting of the lid. While she was attempting to make sense of the look in his eyes, he continued speaking and she was left to catch up, hoping she didn’t lose too much of the conversation. “But this is where I bid you adieu otherwise we won’t make it to the airfield in time to catch decent wind for our trip.”
His eyes still said he wanted to climb in the steaming water and knock her socks off.

Charli’s shower was quick and perfunctory, just a thorough sudsing all over twice. When she got out of the shower, she grabbed the towel Deven left for her. She pulled on her velour suit, zipping the jacket closed as she had no tank to go underneath. Deven showered in the extra hall bath and was ready within five minutes. They climbed in the Tesla and rode back to her house. The trip didn’t take long, and they were in her home by two.

BOOK: Willows, Jennifer - Lust for Life [The Moreland Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)
6.47Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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