Willow Grove Abbey (4 page)

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Authors: Mary Christian Payne

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Metaphysical & Visionary, #Romance, #Historical, #20th Century, #Victorian, #Metaphysical, #Historical Romance

BOOK: Willow Grove Abbey
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What foolishness! Mummy has told me all of my life how unattractive I am. Now, she and Papa think that someone of a noble class should choose me? Why on earth would they, when, according to them, I’m lacking in all of the grace needed to attract a ‘suitable’ man? Anyway,
I have only just met Spencer, and you are already speaking of marriage! That is
typical of this family. He seems very nice, and very much a gentleman. I certainly shall see him if I want to. So what if he’s not nobility? Neither is Edwina, and
’s my best friend on earth.”

ie spoke next. “Oh Sophia. Don’t you know by now that your mother is horrifically jealous of you? You are beautiful and charming, and she would give anything to have been like you, when she was your age. She wants to live her life again, through yours. Don’t listen to any of those nasty things she says. None of them have a whit of truth. Doctor Stanton seems divine to me. I’m glad you agreed to see him again.”

chimed in. “Let’s face it, gentlemen, the doctor is absolutely gorgeous. I know I’m speaking of my mother-in-law, but what Annie said is correct. It really kills your mother to see anyone young and pretty having fun, and not toeing the line when it comes to marriage.” Elizabeth had a lovely smile, and twinkly eyes. She was small, like I was, with perfect skin and lovely hair. We all thought that she was terribly witty. I had known Elizabeth since primary school, and we had shared many wonderful times. I was glad when Blake married her and now I had these dreadful worries about whether their marriage would last. Since Blake was dreadfully difficult to live with, and Elizabeth did not let him treat her with the same nastiness that has always been his stock in trade with other women, it seemed possible that she would someday throw up her hands and leave.

rew smiled. “Annie and Elizabeth are absolutely correct. Please don’t allow Mother’s wicked tongue to mar your self-image. Anyone with a brain can see the enormous splash you made tonight. I doubt that would have been the case if you were so unattractive. That’s pure rubbish, Sophia. You know that it’s just the ‘done thing’ to be sarcastic in this family. You’re my little sister, and I’m very proud of you. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

agreed. “I married Blake
in spite
of his family.” We all laughed at again at her comment. Elizabeth’s father
a well-known landowner, and a breeder of fine horses. However, she had not been a Marchioness
before she married Blake. Annie was not of the peerage either, and she had never seemed overly impressed with English titles.

“Do you think this nobility thing is
so much nonsense, then?” I asked.

“I personally do. I think people are less and less inclined to worry ab
out such things these days,” Annie replied. “Just look at the circles the Prince of Wales travels in”, she smiled.

Yes. Spence seems as fine a person as Mrs. Simpson,” added Elizabeth. That was a bit of sarcasm, because everyone knew what was going on in Royal circles. Annie and Elizabeth were referring to the fact that the Prince seemed enamored with a twice-married, American woman. “My parents would never object to someone like Spence. They would find him eminently suitable,” Elizabeth continued.

“Well, h
e’s obviously a good person. Imagine devoting your life to healing sick people? I shall see him if I want to” I repeated.

“I didn’t sa
y he wasn’t a good person,” Blake responded. “Of course, you should see him. This isn’t the Victorian age. I just think you need to be aware that there will be objections if you ever entertain thoughts that exceed beyond friendship,” he remarked.

“Well, this is
the most ridiculous conversation I’ve ever had. Mummy and Papa have never objected to any of my friends.”

“Your friends haven’t been potential
sons-in-law. I don’t have anything against Spence, Sophia, but he just isn’t a member of the nobility.”

, I’m only just eighteen, and I’m not worried about whether Dr. Stanton belongs to the nobility. How many times do I have to say it? I’m not even remotely thinking in terms of marriage to anyone.”

appeared at that moment, flushed from hours of dancing and coquetry. She always had scads of young men wanting to dine with her and take her dancing. The fact that she was not in the market for a husband definitely heightened her appeal. Men were undoubtedly relieved to be able to socialize with a woman who was not angling for a wedding ring. “Did I hear the word
escape your lips, Sophia? Surely, you haven’t found your
‘suitable man’
so quickly. There’s far too much fun to be had this Season to settle so soon.”

Drew is the one who is about to marry me off simply because I made an engagement for tea with a gentleman.”

“An engage
ment for tea? Hmmm. How intriguing? Is he someone I know?”

“I don’t think so.
His name is Spencer Stanton. He’s a doctor. A physician, actually.”

“A physician!
Gracious, Sophia. Be careful! Just think of all the things he must know about the female anatomy,” Edwina laughed.

Edwina, I daresay, you’re as bad as Drew and Blake. Doctor Stanton seems very nice. I am only going out to tea with him. Blake has me married, and playing a country doctor’s wife in a Cotswold cottage.”

ly, dearest, I think that sort of life would suit you very well. I think you would find it far lovelier than acting as mistress of some ancient country house, with a pack of servants to order about. If you
find the good doctor irresistibly attractive, you must not care whether the Earl or Countess would go
life, Sophia, not theirs,” Edwina stated firmly.

“Quite right,” echoed
Drew. Now, let’s enjoy a last glass of champagne and drink to Sophia’s newly declared independence.

May 26, 1935
Afternoon Tea

Of course, I had no way of knowing how prophetic that conversation would be. Promptly at two o’clock the next afternoon, Spencer Stanton appeared at the door to Number Ten Lancaster Gate. Annie, who had the task of chaperoning me during the upcoming season, answered the bell and ushered him into the parlor. I was sitting in front of the French doors, which opened onto the attractive garden. It was a lovely, warm spring day. The roses were blooming in profusion and their scent, mixed with day lilies, peonies, and lilacs filled the room. I wore a simple white, voile dress, embellished with a pattern of pale yellow sprigs. I had brushed my hair until it shone, and parted it on the left side, securing it with a small gold and topaz clip. My natural curls bounced just above the shoulders and I felt quite attractive.

The look in
Spence’s eyes when he entered the room indicated to me that I was not mistaken. Nor was I disappointed with him. He was, quite simply, the best-looking man I had ever seen. His hair was very dark, and those splendid sapphire-blue eyes, which had so entranced me the previous night, were even more intense in the daylight. His strong chin had a deep cleft, and he had perfect teeth, as well as dimples in his cheeks. The combination created a dazzling smile. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t utterly smitten. He was even better looking than I’d remembered. It seemed as though my pulse was beating very irregularly when he walked into the room and I was afraid I wouldn’t find my voice.

How lovely you look today, Sophia. Last night’s late hour doesn’t seem to have taken any toll, he smiled.

“No, I slept rather
late, actually. It was awfully nice to be lazy.”

“Yes. I don’t have that chance often.
I never know when a patient might ring me. It always seems as though persons tend to need a doctor in dead of night.”

“I su
ppose that could be annoying.”

“Not s
o much annoying as inconvenient. Especially when one is truly looking forward to a good night’s rest. However, it’s part of the profession, and we train for it, so I’m accustomed. At the moment, however, I’m on holiday, and savoring every moment, particularly the eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.”

May I offer you a glass of Port, Doctor, or perhaps a Brandy,” Annie interjected?”

“No, thank you. In fact,
I’ve arranged for tea at the Royal Hotel for Lady Sophia and myself. We had best be going if we’re to be on time for our reservation at two forty-five.”

We left the house and
made our way to a gorgeous yellow auto parked at the curb. It was a 1935 SS Jaguar Tourer. “What a splendid auto,” I remarked, hoping that the compliment would please him.

“Do you think so?
I saw her in a showroom window and lost my head. It’s true that I needed a reliable vehicle to carry me round on patient visits, but I certainly could have gotten by with a bit less flash.”

“It’s perfect.
I can see why you lost your head.” It was obvious that my compliment pleased him, but I
truly mean what I said. The auto
lovely. In fact, I’d never been inside of a Jaguar. During the drive to the hotel, which was only a few blocks, I sat back, luxuriating in the comfort of the leather interior. When we arrived at the Royal, Spence drove up to the entrance, and a uniformed door attendant helped me step from the vehicle. Spence handed the keys over. Together we made our way into that wonderfully elegant, structure, standing on the banks of the Thames. I felt very chic and worldly, as I took his arm. The head waiter escorted us to a round table for two in the
Elizabethan Foyer
. In a pavilion, in the middle of the room, a harpist accompanied afternoon tea. We were seated at a lovely table with elegant, gold-leaf chairs.

“Do you co
me here, often?” I asked, as I settled in, placing my gloves to the side, as well as my handbag.

must confess, it’s my first visit. I’m trying to impress you, Lady Sophia.” He smiled

e succeeding, Doctor Stanton,” I bantered. I felt very much at ease with him and we both chuckled.

“Are you always s
o honest?” he continued.

“I try to be.
Sometimes women have to play silly games where men are concerned. I learned that at a young age, having older brothers. I always thought it was foolish to have to pretend. For instance, I was instructed to act as though I was less skilled at sports than a male opponent, lest I offend his masculine pride.”

The waiter brought a first course tray of four different sandwiches. They were s
mall, finger sandwiches, with no crusts, and they were delicious. He also brought an array of exotic teas, and we selected which we wished to order. After he departed, we resumed our conversation.

“So, if we play tennis, I won’t be forced to patiently toss you gentle
serves and keep my boredom to myself?” he asked.

“Not on your life,” I replied. “In fact, I consider
myself quite a splendid tennis player. Don’t expect me to ask for gentle serves, nor to return them to you.” I grinned.

Men can be such bloody fools where women are concerned.”

m surprised to hear you criticize your sacred fellowship,” I teased

“I like your honesty,
Sophia. It’s a good trait. I told you that last night. Truth is truth.” He spoke with significant pauses, his words sounding well thought-out. His smile, slow to appear, gave him a boy-who-just-ate-the
pie look. He was unlike anyone I had ever met. He seemed humble, gentle and intelligent.

“Being forthright is so
mething I learned from my best friend,” I continued. “When we first met at
Ashwick Park
I was rather guarded and wary with others. She is very much the opposite and I’ve grown to admire that trait. You will like her. Her name is Edwina Phillips.”

The waiter reappeared and filled our teacups. The service at the
Royal was remarkable. Next, the second course appeared. It was a tray of two different scones, plain and fruit. To go with the scones was fresh clotted Devonshire cream, as well as lemon and strawberry jam.

“I believe I was
made aware of Edwina at your Debut Ball last night. She caught Charles Dyer’s eye. She’s quite an effervescent lady,” he said, while spreading lemon jam on a fruit scone. “But, not nearly as attractive as you are,” he added.

You must be joking! I find Edwina stunning. I think she’s dazzling. I always refer to her as a

s certainly very outgoing; but I don’t much care for her type. She is a bit showy for my taste. Brash, if you will. I find you infinitely more arresting.”

His words were
truly puzzling to me. “I find Edwina to be one of the most alluring women I’ve ever known. She has such... such
joie de vivre
. She reminds me of fine champagne. So sparkly and in love with life. I’m merely, well, I suppose I
pretty, in a certain way, but not shining.”

“There are nu
merous ways to shine, Sophia. Edwina
like champagne, with her silvery hair and boisterous manner. But, you, my dear, are like fine wine. To me beauty is a combination of outward appearance, wit, charm and inward kindliness. In other words, I believe you just might serve well as the epitome of beauty.”

“Me! The epitome of beauty! I wish my parents could hear you
, Spence. They would be certain that you are after my dowry. I do thank you, however. I also look forward to your knowing Edwina better. I believe you’ll find her delightful. She has marvelous wit, and there is a very deep generosity about her. One simply has to know her.”

m sure if she’s your best friend, I’ll find her charming, and I’m assuming from the comment you just made that you intend for us to be seeing more of one another, if you expect me to meet Edwina.”

Ah. You caught me. I suppose that must be what I meant,” I laughed.

“Why do you say your parents would think me a fortune hunter for saying that you are the epitome of

“Because they have told me all of my life that I am not very attractive, and that any man who showed the slightest bit of interest in me would probably be a fortune hunter.”

“You! Not very attractive? That’s absurd. Sorry Sophia, but they should be horsewhipped for putting such vile ideas into your head. “Do you not realize that you are a gorgeous, breathtaking woman?”

“Spence. Are you serious? I can’t tell if you are joking or not. No, I do not think I am a gorgeous, breathtaking woman. I don’t even feel like a woman. I feel like a self-conscious little girl a lot of the time, and this is one of them. I have no experience with flirting, and am not very sophisticated.

“My dear lady. You have a much distorted image of yourself, and we need to rectify that. I don’t intend to make you over into a narcissist, but you need to have a more realistic view of yourself. However, I must admit that sometimes a lack of sophistication can be utterly charming. Right. Then, Sophia, tell me about you. I really know very little. You are Blake and Drew’s sister, your father is Earl Somerville, owner of Somerville Mills and a member of the House of Lords, you have just finished at
Ashwick Park,
yesterday was your Presentation at Court.”

selected a scone from the tray and spread it with strawberry jam. “Ummmm. This is positively delicious,” I exclaimed. The scone was so marvelous, it nearly melted in my mouth. I swallowed, and then resumed the conversation.

isn’t a lot more to know about me. Isn’t that rather pathetic? My whole life can be summed up in four sentences, and two of them describe me in terms of being someone’s sister and someone’s daughter.”

“I suspect there’s a good deal
more to know if one only chooses to look. What is your passion?”

My passion? I’m not sure I know what you mean?”

“Everyone has a passion for so
mething in life. I have two, flying and medicine.”

You mean like Edwina, who’s going to Paris to be a designer? I don’t believe I have that sort of passion. I wish I did. I think it would be marvelous to be consumed by something. Perhaps Art, Music, or writing. Or, as in your case, Medicine. Did you always know that you loved Medicine?”

“I always knew tha
t I wanted to help people, and had a curiosity about nature and science. So, I suppose it’s logical that those two interests became a passion for Medicine. Have you ever tried putting two or three of your interests together, and tried to determine what career fits them the best? and me what you come up with? He asked.

“No. That might be fun. Let’s see…I love to write…and I love animals, particularly small dogs. And I love History. What do you make of that, Doctor Stanton?”

I have a perfect career for you. Trace the history of dogs back to their earliest origins, and in an understandable format, write a book explaining how wolves from millions of years ago, became the poodles of today.” He smiled, and raised his eyebrows, as if to say, ‘what do you think’?”

“Gosh. That isn’t a terrible idea. It would call for a lot of research, but, you know, it could be done. I could call it something like “When Did Poodles Roam the Earth?”

“There do you see how easy it is to combine interests into a passion?”

“Well, I shall think some more on this. It’s rather intriguing. To change the subject, you mentioned last night that you have a practice in Twigbury. Did you grow up there?”

Twigbury? Good Grief, no! It’s a very tiny village. I suppose there are people who have and do, but, as I told you last night, an older physician, whom I’ve known for quite some time, wanted to take a sabbatical and we arranged for my taking over the practice for a year. I grew up near Bristol.”

is very close to my home. Just a few kilometers. I love it there. Actually, I love anyplace on the sea.”

My family home wasn’t far from the water, near Abbott’s Leigh.”

were almost neighbors! Isn’t that coincidental?”

“I don’t believe
in coincidences, Sophia, he smiled. “I believe in Providence. Fate, if you will. Our living in such close proximity is one of those
happenings, as was our meeting at your debut Ball. I’ve always believed that things are meant to be.”

returned his smile. “I believe in that too. You’re speaking of destiny. Therefore, you think that we were destined to meet. For instance, Edwina and I think that we would have met whether or not we had ever gone to
Ashwick Park.
Nevertheless, not everything can be predestined, do you think? If that were true, then nothing would be an accident. Is that what you believe?”

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