William Shakespeare: The Complete Works 2nd Edition (375 page)

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Authors: William Shakespeare

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In youth is pleasure, in youth is pleasure.
to Lord Mayor
⌉ Mark ye, my lord, this is Wit without a beard. What will he be by that time he comes to the commodity of a beard?
to Wit
O sir, the ground is the better on which she doth go,
For she will make better cheer with a little she can get
Than many a one can with a great banquet of meat.
And is her name Wisdom?
Ay, sir, a wife most fit
For you, my good master, my dainty sweet Wit.
To be in her company my heart it is set.
Therefore I prithee to let us be gone,
For unto Wisdom Wit hath inclination.
O sir, she will come herself even anon,
For I told her before where we would stand,
And then she said she would beck us with her hand.
Flourishing his dagger
Back with those boys and saucy great knaves.
What, stand ye here so big in your braves?
My dagger about your coxcombs shall walk
If I may but so much as hear ye chat or talk.
But will she take pains to come for us hither?
I warrant ye, therefore you must be familiar with her.
When she cometh in place
You must her embrace
Somewhat handsomely,
Lest she think it danger
Because you are a stranger
To come in your company.
I warrant thee, Inclination, I will be busy.
O, how Wit longs to be in Wisdom’s company!
Enter Lady Vanity, singing and beckoning with her hand
Come hither, come hither, come hither, come.
Such cheer as I have, thou shalt have some.
This is Lady Vanity, I’ll hold my life.
Beware, good Wit, you take not her to wife.
to Lady Vanity
What, Unknown Honesty, a word in your ear.
Lady Vanity
offers to depart
You shall not be gone as yet, I swear.
Here’s none but your friends; you need not to fray.
This young gentleman loves ye, therefore you must stay.
I trust in me she will think no danger;
For I love well the company of fair women—
And, though to you I am a stranger,
Yet Wit may pleasure you now and then.
Who, you? Nay, you are such a holy man
That to touch one you dare not be bold.
I think you would not kiss a young woman
If one would give ye twenty pound in gold.
Yes, in good sadness, lady, that I would.
I could find in my heart to kiss you in your smock.
My back is broad enough to bear that mock;
For it hath been told me many a time
That you would be seen in no such company as mine.
Not Wit in the company of Lady Wisdom?
O Jove, for what do I hither come?
Sir, she did this nothing else but to prove
Whether a little thing would you move
To be angry and fret.
What an if one said so?
Let such trifling matters go,
And with a kind kiss come out of her debt.
Enter another Player
INCLINATION Is Luggins come yet with the beard?
OTHER PLAYER No, faith, he is not come. Alas, what shall we do?
to More
] Forsooth, we can go no further till our fellow Luggins come, for he plays Good Counsel, and now he should enter to admonish Wit that this is Lady Vanity and not Lady Wisdom.
MORE Nay, an it be no more but so, ye shall not tarry at a stand for that. We’ll not have our play marred for lack of a little good counsel. Till your fellow come I’ll give him the best counsel that I can. Pardon me, my Lord Mayor, I love to be merry.
He rises and joins the players
O good Master Wit, thou art now on the bow hand,
And blindly in thine own opinion dost stand.
I tell thee, this naughty lewd Inclination
Does lead thee amiss in a very strange fashion.
This is not Wisdom, but Lady Vanity.
Therefore list to Good Counsel, and be ruled by me.
INCLINATION In troth, my lord, it is as right to Luggins’s part as can be. Speak, Wit.
MORE Nay, we will not have our audience disappointed if I can help it.
Art thou Good Counsel, and wilt tell me so?
Wouldst thou have Wit from Lady Wisdom to go?
Thou art some deceiver, I tell thee verily,
In saying that this is Lady Vanity.
Wit, judge not things by the outward show.
The eye oft mistakes, right well you do know.
Good Counsel assures thee upon his honesty
That this is not Wisdom, but Lady Vanity.
Enter Luggins, with the beard
PLAYER of INCLINATION O my lord, he is come. Now we shall go forward.
MORE Art thou come? Well, fellow, I have holp to save
thine honesty a little. Now, if thou canst give Wit any
better counsel than I have done, spare not. There I leave
him to thy mercy.
But by this time I am sure our banquet’s ready.
My lord and ladies, we will taste that first,
And then they shall begin the play again,
Which through the fellow’s absence, and by me,
Instead of helping, hath been hindered.
To Servants
] Prepare against we come. Lights there, I
Thus fools oft-times do help to mar the play.
Exeunt. Players remain
WIT Fie, fellow Luggins, you serve us handsomely, do ye not think ye?
JUGGINS Why, Ogle was not within, and his wife would not let me have the beard, and, by my troth, I ran so fast that I sweat again.
INCLINATION Do ye hear, fellows? Would not my lord make a rare player? O, he would uphold a company beyond all ho, better than Mason among the King’s players. Did ye mark how extemp’rically he fell to the matter, and spake Luggins’s part almost as it is in the very book set down?
WIT Peace, do ye know what ye say? My lord a player? Let us not meddle with any such matters. Yet I may be a little proud that my lord hath answered me in my part. But come, let us go and be ready to begin the play again.
LUGGINS Ay, that’s the best, for now we lack nothing.
Original Text
Addition VI
Enter a Servingman to the players, with a reward
SERVINGMAN Where be these players?
Here, sir.
SERVINGMAN My lord is sent for to the court,
And all the guests do after supper part;
And, for he will not trouble you again,
By me for your reward a sends eight angels,
With many thanks. But sup before you go.
It is his will you should be fairly entreated.
Follow, I pray ye.
WIT This, Luggins, is your negligence.
Wanting Wit’s beard brought things into dislike;
For otherwise the play had been all seen,
Where now some curious citizen disgraced it,
And, discommending it, all is dismissed.
INCLINATION Fore God, a says true. But hear ye, sirs: eight angels, ha! My lord would never give’s eight angels. More or less, for twelve pence: either it should be three pounds, five pounds, or ten pounds, there twenty shillings wanting, sure.
WIT Twenty to one, ’tis so. I have a trick. My lord comes; stand aside.
Enter More with attendants, with purse and mace
In haste, to Council? What’s the business now
That all so late his highness sends for me?—
What seek’st thou, fellow?
Nay, nothing. Your lordship sent eight angels by your
And I have lost two of them in the rushes.
Wit, look to that! Eight angels? I did send them ten.
Who gave it them?
I, my lord. I had no more about me;
But by and by they shall receive the rest.
Well, Wit, ‘twas wisely done. Thou play’st Wit well
Not to be thus deceived of thy right.
Am I a man by office truly ordained
Equally to divide true right his own,
And shall I have deceivers in my house?
Then what avails my bounty, when such servants
Deceive the poor of what the master gives?
Go one and pull his coat over his ears.
There are too many such. Give them their right.
Wit, let thy fellows thank thee; ’twas well done.
Thou now deservest to match with Lady Wisdom.
Exeunt More and attendants
INCLINATION God-a-mercy, Wit. [
To the Servingman
] Sir, you had a master, Sir Thomas More. More? But now we shall have more.
LUGGINS God bless him, I would there were more of his mind! A loves our quality, and yit he’s a larned man and knows what the world is.
INCLINATION] Well, a kind man, and more loving than many other, but I think we ha’ met with the first—
LUGGINS First sarved his man that had our angels; and he may chance dine with Duke Humphrey tomorrow, being turned away today. Come, let’s go.
INCLINATION] And many such rewards would make us all ride, and horse us with the best nags in Smithfield.⌈

Addition VI
Original Text (Munday)
Sc. 10
Enter the Earls of Shrewsbury, Surrey, Bishop of Rochester, and other lords, [attended,] severally, doing courtesy to each other, Clerk of the Council waiting bare-headed
Good morrow to my lord of Shrewsbury.
The like unto the honoured Earl of Surrey.
Yon comes my lord of Rochester.
Good morrow, my good lords.
Clerk of the Council,
What time is’t of day?
Past eight of clock, my lord.
I wonder that my good Lord Chancellor
Doth stay so long, considering there’s matters
Of high importance to be scanned upon.
Clerk of the Council, certify his lordship
The lords expect him here.
It shall not need.
Yon comes his lordship.
Enter Sir Thomas More, with purse and mace borne
before him
Good morrow to this fair assembly.
Come, my good lords, let’s sit.
They sit
O serious square!
Upon this little board is daily scanned
The health and preservation of the land,
We the physicians that effect this good,
Now by choice diet, anon by letting blood.
Our toil and careful watching brings the King
In league with slumbers, to which peace doth sing.—
Avoid the room there!—
What business, lords, today?
This, my good lord:
About the entertainment of the Emperor
’Gainst the perfidious French into our pay.
My lords, as‘tis the custom in this place
The youngest should speak first, so if I chance
In this case to speak youngly, pardon me.
I will agree France now hath her full strength,
As having new recovered the pale blood
Which war sluiced forth; and I consent to this:
That the conjunction of our English forces
With arms of Germany may sooner bring
This prize of conquest in. But then, my lords,
As in the moral hunting ’twixt the lion
And other beasts force joined 〈 〉
Frighted the weaker sharers from their parts,
So, if the Empire’s sovereign chance to put
His plea of partnership into war’s court,
Swords should decide the difference, and our blood
In private tears lament his entertainment.

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