Wildfire (4 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West

BOOK: Wildfire
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“Tell me about it,” I replied knowingly. “I’m so ready to do a story on jail reform!”


“So, I went back home and thought that if you couldn’t be here to sign the forms that I could be here for you. I mean, look at that bailiff. His pants crease is crooked, his hair is a disaster and he has a crust of pastry on his lip. Do you really think he’s taking a good look at who signs this crap? Hell – he doesn’t even look in the mirror. So I came to sign for you in case you didn’t make it.”


This isn’t the first time today I’ve heard something unbelievable, but my heart is actually pounding as I process what she is telling me.


“Janice! That’s perjury. Lying to a court is a federal crime!” Now, I’m whispering. “You could go to prison if you got caught.”


“Duh,” she says rolling her eyes. “I’m aware of that. I watch Law and Order too, you know.”


“You would have...” I pause to let the reality of this wash over me in an overwhelming wave of humility and gratitude. “You would have gone to prison for me?”


“Of course I would, Julia. You’re family to me, and a better sister than my real sister. I love you.”


“Miss Julia Sharp, step forward,” the bailiff calls. I wish Janice hadn’t pointed out the pastry because now that’s all I’m going to see.


“Tell me one thing,” I say to her quickly as I turn to sign the rejoinder. I point out her ludicrous disguise from head to toe. “Do I really look like that?”


Hands on her hips, lips pursed, she answers me in her loving, droll fashion.


“Honey, you look a lot worse.”


I laugh and walk over the bailiff. Paul explains each form I’m signing and points out the many initials and signatures required.  The bailiff says he will now present the documents to the court and we will be seen momentarily.


Finally, after all the tears, danger, laughter, running, fighting, and hoping, our moment has arrived and it will be settled one way or another. I give Mark a huge hug and feel his strength as he stands with me, his arm around me in public. No more hiding, no more lies.


His lips brush my cheek in a quick kiss as we stop, frozen in the moment. I look around at the motley crew assembled for what may well be the defining decision in the future of my career. Paul  - my attorney, passionate and gifted, Valerie -  a powerful rival, now a respected peer, Kevin – a symbol of my employees, loyal and willing, Robert Clank – needed and able, ready to help. Janice – my best friend, full of love and courage, and Mark.


Mark – my lover, my light, my friend, my strength, my mentor…my…soul mate. I nestle myself against his strong body and smile at this family of friends. I’ve been through a lot – my company lost, my father gone, my inner self challenged and exposed. Through it all, I finally understand, I have never been alone.


“Thank you, all,” I say with a full heart. “No matter what happens, thank you.”


The large double doors down the hall open and the untidy bailiff with the big booming voice calls out.


“Sharp versus Sandstone Ventures. Proponents step forward and be heard.”


Chapter 4


The warmth of the bailiff’s signing room stands in direct contrast to the coolness of court. I’m sitting with Paul at the proponent’s table. Because it is a rejoinder the defender’s  table is empty, which lifts my spirits because if I had to look at Blake Stone and watch him worm his way into getting Lynx, I think I would end up getting arrested for a third and final strike.


Mark and Kevin sit behind me, with Valerie and Mr. Clank behind them. I think she purposely didn’t sit with Mark, but it wouldn’t matter if she did.  Throughout this crisis I finally managed to cross the line. When I saw Valerie and thought she was getting ownership of Lynx, I was furious but I knew Mark had nothing to do with it, or if he did it was for the best. I trusted him instinctively. I don’t know if he noticed that or not, but it sure made me feel good.


The good news is that I don’t have to say anything unless asked. Paul lays out our case that Blake as the co-president of Sandstone Ventures had no right to close down Lynx without cause and any cause he could produce would be unfounded due to the fact he compromised Lynx’s accounts for his own embezzlement scheme. Paul did a masterful job showing the links between Blake, Kenneth, the computer program, and the legal maneuvering Blake used to push me out of the way. Valerie and Kevin both rise in their seats and affirm their testimony about Blake’s misdeeds. The judge then gets to the records and graphs which show the “how” of the embezzlement.


“Mr. Mark Stone, please approach the proponents table,” the judge say, flipping back and forth through the pages on his desk. Mark rises and comes about the table, placing his hand on my shoulder because he can tell I’m concerned.


“Mr. Stone, did you supply these numbers, charts and records for this rejoinder?”


“Yes, your honor,” Mark says without waiting for Paul to give him a nod. Mark’s clearly used to making his own way in the world.


“Considering the fact I’ve heard all about stolen photographs, illegal internet connections and unlawfully obtained information in this case, would you please verify for me that you obtained this evidence in a clearly legal and above-board fashion?”


My mind flashes to Mark, placing the fake folder in the bookshelf and taking the real one while I am offering sexual favors to his brother. There was nothing clear, legal or above board about any of it. If he lies, it’s perjury. That may not send him to jail but it would certainly ruin his reputation as an investor and venture capitalist. I bite my lip and look at Paul, who doesn’t seem afraid in the slightest.


“I am the co-president of Sandstone Ventures. I have just as much right to the records of my company as my brother Blake Stone. They were my documents to take, and mine to turn over the court, your honor.”


“Mr. Stone, don’t you find it a conflict of interest that a co-president of Sandstone Ventures is standing on the proponent’s side of this rejoinder?”


“Not at all, Sir.” Mark counters. The judge may have legal authority, but Mark clearly owns this room. “I am standing on the side of what is legal, what is fair and what is morally right. Nothing about Sandstone’s position in regard to the transfer of Lynx Magazine or the firing of Miss Sharp can say that.”


“Thank you, Mr. Stone,” the judge nods, satisfied with the answer.  I let out a long-held breath, and smile when I hear Mark call me by my business name. I’ve gotten used to being just “Julia.” Mark takes the seat next to me at the table, places his assuring hand on my leg and winks at me when no one else seems to be looking. God, I love this man!


“I have reviewed this packet completely and I am ready for a ruling,” the judge says as a court stenographer takes down every word.  The bailiff stands up very straight, allowing me to see that Janice was right, his crease is crooked. The judge clears his throat.


“Here we go,” Mark whispers into my ear, his voice driving me wild.


“In the matter of Sharp versus Sandstone Ventures, I find there is sufficient cause to stop the transfer of the asset known as Lynx Magazine. It shall remain in stasis as a Sandstone property facilitated by Miss Julia Sharp until such time as the court decrees it is satisfied with the legality and mutuality of said transfer.”


“I don’t know what that means,” I confide to Mark.


“It means you’re not going anywhere,” Mark replies with a big smile and side-arm hug. We turn back to the judge who looks at us impatiently.


“Further, the cause of justice must come before the cause of business, thus I am issuing a cease and desist order for Mr. Blake Stone and Mr. Kenneth Allen to stop all business proceedings regarding Lynx Magazine until the allegations of embezzlement, fraud, invasion of privacy and witness intimidation can be investigated and adjudicated fully.”


“Watch this,” Mark whispers as Paul stands up. It’s clear that they left saving me up to Robert Clank and spent most of their day in a planning session of their own.


“If it pleases the court, your honor,” Paul says. “Once Mr. Stone and Mr. Allen learn the transfer of the property known as Lynx Magazine has been stopped, they are likely to destroy any evidence that exists. Mr. Mark Stone will also testify that Blake Stone has a tremendous amount of money and connections and would likely flee prosecution if not held under bond immediately. We believe the evidence and testimony of four witnesses present is enough to mandate the arrest on reasonable suspicion of both subjects. We request Mr. Stone and Mr. Allen be arrested and detained to be held under bond, an immediate restrictive order on Mr. Stone regarding Sandstone property, computers, and systems, and a personal protective order for Miss Sharp.”


“Mr. Stone,” the judge looks over as Mark rises. I can’t believe what I am hearing. It’s too good to be true.


“Yes, Sir?”


“Do you honestly believe your brother would flee the country or destroy company records once he learns the rejoinder has been granted.”


“Yes, your honor, I do.” Mark replies solemnly. “I am also fearful that he would further attempt to hurt Miss Sharp as well.”


“Mr. Clank,” the judge looks away as Mark tentatively sits down.  It’s everything I can do to keep from jumping into his lap right here. “You’re an expert on the bail bondsman business. If Mr. Blake Stone were not in custody do you believe he would flee and deny justice in this matter?”


“Your honor,” Mr. Clank stands to address the judge as well. “I can’t tell you for sure if he would run or not. But I can tell you this. Blake Stone posses such a high risk of flight that Clank and Clack Bail Bonds will not take him as a client because he represents a potential loss of capital. In short, Sir, I find Mr. Stone to be a bad investment.”


Ever the venture capitalist, a slight smile appears on Mark’s face as he hears his brother placed on the slush pile of financial ventures where Blake had put Lynx. Nodding and flipping through the papers one more time the judge issues his final order, taken by the bailiff.


“As an officer of the court, I hereby issue an arrest warrant for Mr. Blake Stone and Mr. Kenneth Allen to be executed immediately. Suspects will be remanded for arraignment pending investigation. I also issue a writ of proprietor protection toward Sandstone Ventures and all personal and electronic systems therein. Finally I grant a personal order of restraint toward Miss Julia Sharp. Neither suspect is to be closer than 500 feet to Miss Sharp, her home, or her business.”


With a bang of his gavel, we were done.  I hug Mark as hard as I can, tears of joy falling down my face.


“I’m so proud of you,” he says to me and he holds me. “We won, Julia. We won.”


I pull myself away enough to thank Paul Fries for his fantastic work, and walk Kevin and Janice to the door of the courtroom, reminding Kevin to come to work Monday morning, sharp. Janice asks if I want to come to stay at her house, or at least stop by for a while. I decline the invitation but give her a hug and thank you for all her love while teasing her again about the wig and makeup combo.


“Are you sure you don’t want to stop by?” she asks, giving me the once over. My hair is flat, my morning dress is now a dingy limp sweat-stained disaster and my shoe is missing a strap, somehow. “Seems to me we both have some cleaning up to do.”


“I’m so happy,” I bubble. “I don’t even care!’


I go back over to Mark and stand holding his hand when the bailiff comes toward me. He is carrying a stack of orders to be called in to the police.


“Miss Sharp, once I call these in the cops will go pick him up. But there’s no guarantee they can find him quickly. You should stay here or somewhere safe until you can verify we have him in custody and he’s been advised of the orders.”


“I know where he is,” Valerie offers with a smile.  The bailiff is all ears, as are Mark and I. “He’s at Lynx.  I told them I was coming here to keep an eye on the court. They think I’m going to call them any minute and say no rejoinder was filed, or a rejoinder was denied.  Then I’m supposed to join them at the Lynx office for a champagne toast.”


“Guess you’ll have to do without the bubbly,” Mark smirks as the bailiff takes the address for Lynx from the paperwork and walks to his desk to make the call.


“One of these nights, when this is all over, we’ll all have to get together for some real celebratory fun,” Valerie answers with a broad smile and a touch of her hand on my shoulder. “Until then, how’d you like to see a perp walk?”


“I’d love it,” I smile and pull Mark by the hand. “Come on. There are only two things that can make this day any better than it already is. One of them is watching your brother get the zip tie for a change.”


“What’s the other?” Mark asks.  I don’t answer, I just smile and wink.


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