Wilder, Winona - Loving Tyler [Coming Out 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (6 page)

BOOK: Wilder, Winona - Loving Tyler [Coming Out 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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“Don’t use fancy words with me, darlin’. It makes my dick hard for you.”

This was unhealthy. The strength of the lust he felt for this man was all encompassing, making him forget all his responsibilities back home. Nothing mattered about the here and now—about getting alone in that dank hotel room to experience more carnal pleasures. “I thought you had to ride soon?”

“I do. But you have to promise to be waiting for me when I’m through. I just need eight seconds, and then I’m all yours.” For how long? Another night? A week maybe? Then what—a long distant relationship where Marcus drove himself nuts wondering what
was up to? No, it would never work.

“Fine. We’ll talk for a bit, and then I have to head out.” Would eight seconds be enough for him to gain his composure? To say good-bye to the man who took as well as gave him everything?

* * * *

excelled at his ride, wanting more than anything to make Marcus proud. Knowing he watched him ride that wild stallion gave him renewed strength and stamina to last past the bell. By the time they walked up the main street to the hotel, the sun was sinking on the horizon. The twilight hush and lack of tourists at this end of the street created an intimate atmosphere. The gravel beneath his boots crunched with each step.

“So, what do you do besides work for Cavendish?”

“Well, I hope to make partner soon, and then I’ll be set.”

Marcus was moving up in the world and had a bright future.
, with his lack of education, couldn’t help but think he’d drag the other man down. His intelligence turned him on, but also scared him. “I said besides work. What do you do for fun?”

He shrugged. “Go to the gym?”

“What about friends, family?”

“I suppose I’m too busy at work to socialize as much as I’d like. My family can be overbearing, so I find myself trying to avoid them more often than not.”

They reached the hotel, and
unlocked the door. Just being back inside the room they’d recently had sex in made his body heat with need. But he wanted to do this right, to show Marcus that he liked him for more than the usual one-nighter. He wasn’t so sure what the fuck he wanted himself. Commitment freaked him out, but the thought of losing Marcus made him even crazier.

“Family can be tricky. They know about you?”

“No,” he snapped without thought. “I could never tell them. If I did, I’d be outcast. That’s just a fact.”

“They don’t sound much different than my own folks. Sometimes you have to just do what’s best for you and cut the apron strings.”

Marcus sat at the small, round dinette table, and
sat across from him, holding out his hands. When Marcus placed his hands in his, he squeezed tight, hoping to convey what was in his heart without needing to speak. He was never good with words. In fact, he’d avoided any emotional declarations for most of his life.

“What happened with your family?” The concern in Marcus’s voice was heavy. The poor boy was worrying himself sick in hopes of being accepted.
It was one word that packed a punch greater than most. The entire human condition seemed rooted to this one word.

“Long story. All I can tell you is you’re better off relying on yourself rather than hoping for validation that is unlikely to come.”
had never told anyone the story of his own family. It was one of those dark, dirty things Tyler kept locked away in his brain until it was difficult to recall.
had large blocks of his youth stripped from memory because of things he’d rather forget.


“For what?”

“Being here when I needed you. Showing me another way.” Marcus took a breath and exhaled slowly. “You don’t even know me, but you’ve been a good friend.”

cringed. A good friend? He bit his lip and kept silent. He’d grown good at masking his feelings over the years, to the point people saw him as a man-whore, a drifter that had nothing in his head but sex and a death wish. It was better that way.

“Before you go, I’d love to leave you with a little something to remember me by.” He winked at the city boy, hoping to convey the full extent of his intentions.

Marcus tilted his lips into a crooked half smile. “I think I owe you from this morning.” He rose from his seat, stretching out to his full height. Rather than walk to the bed, he bent down in front of
, bracing his weight on his knees.

He undid his belt. The whoosh of leather and clank of the buckle were the only sounds in the small room.
leaned back, getting comfortable for what he knew was about to happen. His own dark-haired angel was going to suck him.

“You ever done this before?”

“I told you you’re my first. That goes for everything. I just hope I do this right for you.” He reached into his pants and freed his cock, which slapped tight up against his stomach.

“You can’t do anything wrong in my eyes, darlin’. I just want to feel your sweet lips on my dick.”

Marcus gave a tentative lick. “You taste good. Salty.” He should shower after the hard ride, but couldn’t stop now.

“Then take more.” He closed his eyes as his lover closed his mouth around his cockhead. The heat and pressure were nearly enough to unravel him. When Marcus began to suck and pump the base with his fist, he groaned and reached for the sides of his face. “I bet you never came to Yorkville expecting to have a man’s dick in your mouth.”

Marcus pulled off long enough to speak. “Don’t be nasty.”

“You love my nasty.”
guided Marcus deeper, attempting to teach him what he liked with gentle prodding and coaxing.

When Marcus became lost to the act, the sound of wet flesh becoming louder and louder,
reluctantly pulled back.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No, but you’re about to make me come in your mouth.” He nodded to the bed. He’d been thinking about this moment ever since he couldn’t find Marcus after his barrel race. For the first time in his life,
would make love to a man, show him his feelings through sex because using words would be too much. Sex had always been a tool for him. He used it to get what he wanted or when he needed to be built up or brought down. Tonight he’d use it for what it was meant to be.

He stripped off his clothes, eying the dark-eyed god on the bed in front of him. “I love your body,” said Marcus. His eyes roamed over his shoulders, chest, and down to his prominent erection.
could feel his stare brand into his flesh.

“Get your clothes off. All of them.” He stood at the end of the bed watching Marcus slip out of his clothing while he slowly stroked his cock. Soon he’d be in heaven, fucking Marcus’s tight ass.

Once fully naked,
took his time with Marcus. He ran a finger down the center of his chest, along the dark trail of hair leading to his bobbing cock, swaying freely in the air, hard and ripe. He never touched him where he needed him most. When he crawled over his prone body, Marcus stopped him with a hand to the chest. “What about the condom and lube?”

“Not yet. I want to enjoy you tonight.” He kissed his neck, licking, sucking, tasting. Marcus closed his eyes, moaning soft, sensual sounds that made
hungrier than ever. He wanted to own the city boy, keep him under his watch for the rest of his days. Imagining some asshole taking advantage of him, taking what was his, brought out his beast.

“Do I get to fuck you?”

“Maybe later. But not tonight.”
ran his hand through Marcus’s dark hair, studying the sharp, chiseled Mediterranean features he adored. He hesitated at first, but knew he couldn’t hold back this time.
braced his weight on his forearms and kissed Marcus on the lips. What started out as a light brush quickly morphed into a desperate passion. Their tongues battled as they savored and tasted each other.
couldn’t get enough, needed so much more. Their naked bodies pressed together, their dicks battling as he slightly rose and lowered his frame.

“Open your legs,” said
between kisses. He nudged his legs open with his thigh and the other man was quick to wrap his legs around his body. Marcus caressed his back, testing his muscles and occasionally kneading his ass. Even without the sex, they were making love. People said a lot could be deciphered from a man’s kiss. The way Marcus kissed him back with such energy and desperation was a sign he had to feel even a fraction of what
felt for him.

He reached between them and squeezed Marcus’s cock until he groaned against his mouth. “Do whatever you want to me. Just do it.”

“I plan to.”
slid down his body, kissing the sweat-glistened flesh as he passed. He used the flat of his tongue to lick Marcus from root to tip, just the once, before slipping off the bed to retrieve his supplies. There were so many kinky things he’d love to show his lover, but tonight was for something deeper, something beyond just physical satisfaction.

“I wanna fuck you, Tyler. Let me try.” Marcus sat up on his elbows, his beautiful, dark cock erect and waiting.

“Not tonight. I have to have you. I’ll die if I don’t.” He lubed his condom-covered dick and returned to the bed. “I won’t leave you hanging, though, sweet thing.” Chest to chest, Marcus’s legs spread,
wedged his way into the tight rear opening. It took a few tries, and once he breached his ass, Marcus cried out and pulled him closer. Linked together, face-to-face, they kissed. The urgency had lessened now that they were fucking in combination with the intimacy. Their kisses were softer, gentler, and with each pause they looked each other in the eyes, telling so many stories with just a look. Did he believe at love at first sight? He’d never been a romantic, but he supposed when two lonely souls found the right match, anything could happen. They were yin and yang on so many fronts, but he’d never wanted another man more.

had never believed in commitments, imagining being with another man or life without Marcus burned a hole in his chest. This was it, the one thing he’d avoided like the plague—

The next morning, before Marcus left for the city,
watched him dress in his designer suit. He filled out his clothes in wicked ways.
would certainly miss him when he left.

“So, you’re coming to see me in Port Kent next week?”

“I wouldn’t miss it.” Marcus straightened his tie in the mirror.

“Good. You’re my good luck charm, darlin’. I need you there cheering me on.” He slipped off the bed, still naked, and wrapped his arms around Marcus’s waist from behind.

The city boy was showered, his dark hair combed back, and he smelled great.
couldn’t believe his good fortune to snag such a catch, but was it too good to be true? Would he return to his real life and forget his night with the drifter?

New, uncomfortable insecurities battled within
. He wanted to keep Marcus under his wing, but the man had his own life back in the city.

Marcus took a deep breath and turned around, perching himself on the edge of the dresser. “Will you forget me once I’m gone?” An underlying fear rang in his voice. “Out of sight, out of mind?”

“You’ll be all I think about. You just hurry up and get back to me.” He supposed they each had their own insecurities since the relationship was so new. But
didn’t need more time to know what he wanted. He only doubted that a worthwhile man like Marcus could really love him.

Chapter Five

“He told you this?”

“Yes, sir. He made it very clear, and I was sure you wouldn’t want him to represent Cavendish in light of the situation.” Marcus had been back home for nearly a week, but this was the first time he’d dealt with his boss about the Tyler James account. He’d hoped it would slip away, forgotten, but that was just wishful thinking.

“Well, good call. You’re right, of course. We can’t have homos representing us. Do you realize how many solid accounts we’d lose? For three generations Cavendish has maintained a strong family image. The rodeo side is great for boosting sales, but we have to find the right candidates.”

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