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Authors: Christina Dodd

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“Christina Dodd has a knack for tense,
heart-pounding action.”

—Errant Dreams Reviews



Chains of Fire


“Unique—and edge-of-seat thrilling.”

—Romance Reviews Today



Romantic Times
(4½ stars)


Chains of Ice


“High-stakes action and high-adrenaline adventure provide the literary fuel for the latest addictive addition to Dodd’s scorchingly sensual the Chosen Ones series.”

Chicago Tribune


Storm of Shadows


“Something for everyone who enjoys paranormal romance.”

—Darque Reviews


“A riveting new series. . . . The action and romance are hot! I have no idea what is next in this series, but . . . the suspense is killing me.”

—The Romance Readers Connection


“Fabulous urban romantic fantasy . . . a stupendous thriller.”

Midwest Book Review


Storm of Visions


“Taut, suspenseful. . . . Dodd has earned her place on the bestseller list.”

Publishers Weekly


“Fast-paced . . . deliciously steamy.”—Darque Reviews

“Quirky, unusual, fun, tense, surprising, sexy, and wild!”

—Errant Dreams Reviews




Revenge at Bella Terra


“Christina Dodd is thrilling readers. . . . Her heroes are to die for.”

—Night Owl Reviews


Secrets of Bella Terra


“Sinfully good. . . . Ms. Dodd wows me.”

—Romance Junkies


“Grabbed me from the first few pages and never let go.”

—The Romance Dish


Taken by the Prince


“Delivers sensual sizzle.”

Publishers Weekly


“Witty, adventurous, and unexpected.”

—Fresh Fiction


In Bed with the Duke


“A wonderful tale of love and intrigue . . . a story to be savored.”

—TwoLips Reviews


“An adventurous romantic fairy tale.”

—The Romance Dish


Into the Flame


“Once again Christina Dodd weaves her spell.”

—Fallen Angel Reviews


“[A] stunning tale.”

—Romance Reviews Today


Into the Shadow


“Another stellar book from a most talented author!”

Romantic Times


“Sexy and . . . darkly appealing.”,



Thigh High


“A joy to experience!”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars, top pick)


“[C]harming and likable characters . . . an enjoyable read.”

—Fresh Fiction


“Christina Dodd is a master. . . .
Thigh High
is a winner.”

—Romance Reviews Today


Touch of Darkness


“A sweeping saga of good and evil.”

Library Journal


“Enthralling, intense.”

The State
(Columbia, SC)


“Readers will be riveted until the final page.”

—A Romance Review


Scent of Darkness


“The first in a devilishly clever, scintillatingly sexy new paranormal series by Christina Dodd.”

Chicago Tribune


“[A] fast-paced . . . paranormal with a full, engaging mythology.”

Publishers Weekly


“A scintillating and superb novel!”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars, top pick)


Novels by Christina Dodd

The Fortune Hunter Series

Danger in a Red Dress

Thigh High

Tongue in Chic

Trouble in High Heels

In Bed with the Duke

Taken by the Prince

The Bella Terra Deception Series

Secrets of Bella Terra

Revenge at Bella Terra


The Darkness Chosen Series

Scent of Darkness

Touch of Darkness

Into the Shadow

Into the Flame

The Chosen Ones Series

Storm of Visions

Storm of Shadows

Chains of Ice

Chains of Fire









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Copyright © Christina Dodd, 2012

Excerpt from
Scent of Darkness
copyright © Christina Dodd, 2007

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Leslie Gelbman, Kara Welsh, and Kerry Donovan, my appreciation for your support. Thanks to New American Library’s art department led b
y Anthony Ramondo. To Rick Pascocello, head of marketing, and the publicity department with my special people, Craig Burke and Jodi Rosoff, thank you. My thanks to the production department and a special thank-you to the spectacular Penguin sales department: Norman Lidofsky, Don Redpath, Sharon Gamboa, Don Rieck, and Trish Weyenberg. It’s been a great run—you all are the best!

Thank you to Roger Bell for critiquing
. I hope Joyce would have approved of the story.



Thank you to my daughters,

Shannon and Arwen,

for making me watch
Beauty and the Beast

so many times and in so many versions

that the story is imprinted on my heart.

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