Wilde Thing (18 page)

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Authors: Janelle Denison

BOOK: Wilde Thing
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“Yes,” she said in a whisper, then louder,

He slipped the beautiful ring onto her finger, making the engagement official. Clapping and cheers ensued, and Paul and Angela made their way up to the stage to congratulate their son and soon-to-be daughter-in-law.

Steve whistled, loud and shrill, adding to the merriment. “Way to go, baby brother!”

Angela hugged both Eric and Jill enthusiastically, obviously thrilled with the unexpected turn of events. Then she leaned close to the microphone, her blue eyes twinkling with delight. “One down, two to go!”

Steve groaned, and Adrian vehemently denied the possibility of such a fate, while everyone around them laughed at Angela Wilde’s optimism.

The next few hours passed quickly, and the warm afternoon turned into a cool evening. Still the party continued, now with two reasons to celebrate and party, and the Wilde family did both quite well.

Liz was chatting with Jill and Mia and sharing in Jill’s excitement while the men mingled elsewhere, when she realized it was nearly eight
She excused herself and went to find Steve, who was talking to his cousins, Mia’s brothers, Alex, Joel, and Scott, whom she’d met earlier. Three more gorgeous, single bad bays to round out the Wilde clan.

She touched Steve’s arm to get his attention, and he glanced at her with one of those disarming smiles of his. “As much as I hate to leave, I have to go home and get ready for work tonight. There’s no reason why you should have to leave, too, so I’ll just call a cab.”

“Absolutely not,” he replied adamantly. “I’ll take you home, then come back for a few hours. It’s not a big deal.”

She appreciated his offer and didn’t argue. She said her good-byes, thanked Angela and Paul for their hospitality, and walked with Steve out to his SUV. Once they were both seated in the vehicle, Steve threaded his
fingers through her hair, cupped the back of her head, and pulled her forward so that she was meeting him halfway across the cab. Without preamble, he melded her mouth to his, and her lips parted of their own accord, inviting a deeper, intimate possession. His tongue swept inside, bold and ravenous, and she shivered at the heat and desire his kiss evoked.

He pulled back, much too soon for her liking, and rested his forehead against hers. The interior of the vehicle was dark, but the air around them fairly crackled with awareness and sexual tension.

“God, I needed that.” His lips skimmed along her jaw, up to her ear. “I missed you today.”

She tipped her head to the side, and he laved the sensitive spot right beneath her lobe. Her nipples pulled tight, aching for the caress of his hands, the tug of his mouth, the wet rasp of his tongue. “Correct me if I’m mistaken, but I believe I was by your side for most of the day.”

“Umm, but it would have been tacky to make out with you in front of everyone like I wanted to do,” he said huskily. “To touch you intimately and give you my undivided attention.”

“Ahhh.” Now she understood, and smiled. “In that case, I missed you, too.”

His mouth took hers again in a lazy, mindless, tongue-tangling kiss that seemed to go on for long, slow minutes. By the time he let her up for air again, her skin felt flushed, and she was breathing much too fast.

Somehow, she managed to hold on to rational thought. “We really need to go so I’m not late for work.”

His thumb dragged sensuously across her damp lower lip. “You can always tell them that you were with a client.”

“Ha-ha.” She wriggled her nose at him. “We still have to put on a convincing act on the phone first.”

“That hasn’t been a problem for us yet.” He let her
go, his reluctance to do so tangible. He started up the truck, and a minute later they were out on the main road, heading back to her apartment.

She rested her head against the back of the seat, wishing she didn’t have to go to work tonight. The last thing she wanted to do was field a bunch of sexual calls when she’d rather spend the rest of the evening alone with Steve. But she had a job to do, responsibilities to live up to, and a cousin to track down.

“Did you have a good time today?” Steve asked, gently rerouting her thoughts back to him.

“I had a wonderful time.” With the lights from the dash illuminating his face, she took in his strong profile: the slope of his nose, his full lips, his strong jaw. “I like your family.” And she envied him the closeness he and his siblings and cousins all shared, since that had always elluded her with Valerie.

Reaching across the console, he found the hand resting on her thigh and entwined their fingers together. “They like you, too.”

Was he saying that just to be nice, to make her feel good? “And how do you know that?” she asked casually.

He came to a stop at a red light and glanced her way, the tenderness and caring in his gaze just as genuine as the tone of his voice. “Because they all told me so.”

Little did he know, he’d just given her a perfect ending to an equally perfect day.


teve disconnected his evening call with Liz, ending another night of phone sex along with a second attempt to express his interest in meeting Liz in person.

Tonight, she’d delighted and aroused him with a personal fantasy of her own that had stirred his libido into a raging inferno of need. Even now, as he lay on his bed, his cock was granite-hard, full to bursting beneath his boxer shorts, and lust clawed at him as he replayed Liz’s provocative fantasy in his mind while he waited another ten minutes for her to sign out and get to her car.

She wanted to be chased, captured, and forced to submit to a virile, lusty pirate, a man she secretly desired but would never admit to being attracted to, because it was so forbidden. In explicit, vivid detail, she’d pulled him into her enthralling tale, explaining the various methods by which the bold, dominant pirate would stake his claim on her, and how he’d possess her in wild, wicked, thrilling ways. But she wouldn’t be his prisoner against her will, because despite all rules of propriety, she wanted the dark and dangerous pirate. And in the end, she’d surrender to him with abandon.

It was an erotic, exciting fantasy Steve wouldn’t mind
enacting for her. In fact, he was already considering the different ways to bring her private adventure to life.

For another few minutes he let his mind create various tantalizing scenarios; then he picked up the portable phone again and punched in her cell phone number. The line connected on the second ring.

“Hi there,” she said, her voice soft with fatigue and not nearly so perky as she’d been with him just fifteen minutes ago. Her exhaustion wasn’t surprising, considering the long day she’d had, and it was after midnight.

“Nice fantasy tonight,” he complimented.

“You liked that, did you?” she murmured huskily, sounding pleased at her ability to seduce him.

“Oh, yeah, I liked. Very much.” The hard-on that was still raging at full mast was testimony to her extraordinary talents to weave such sexy, tempting tales. “Would you like me to buy an eye patch?”

Her gentle laughter tickled his ear. “You look enough like a pirate without one.”

He shifted on his bed, trying to find a cool spot on his sheets for his overheated body. “You sound tired.”

“I am.” She sighed, the slow exhale backing up her claim. “I think this week of working double shifts is finally catching up to me.”

“You’re probably right.” He heard her stifle a yawn and smiled. “And today was busy, too.”

“But well worth it.” Honest appreciation laced her voice, making him glad he’d extended the invitation to his father’s party, and that she’d accepted.

He’d only meant to share the day and his family with her, to distract her from everything else going on in her life. But she’d fit in so well, and having her meet his brothers, parents, and other relatives had evolved into something more significant for him. The emotions filling his chest definitely conflicted with the years he’d spent avoiding any kind of serious relationship with a
woman, yet Liz wasn’t like any other woman he’d dated since his divorce.

He had no idea what would happen between them once they located her cousin and the case was over, but he hoped Liz would be open to pursuing their relationship and seeing where it led them. A huge step for him, but one he was willing to take with her, because he just couldn’t imagine letting her go.

“Tell you what,” he said, making a split-second decision on both their behalf. “I’m kinda beat myself, so why don’t we call it a night?”

“You don’t mind?”

“Of course I don’t mind.” He ignored the throbbing in his groin that protested otherwise, telling himself a night of abstinence wouldn’t kill him. “As much as I’d love to come over and be your pirate, I think you need a good night’s rest more.” And he needed time and distance to sort through his growing feelings for her.

“I can’t argue with you there.”

Steve couldn’t tell if she was relieved or disappointed, but imagined she was a little of both.

“By the way,” she went on, “I checked my schedule at The Ultimate Fantasy, and I have tomorrow night off, but I’ll be spending the entire day at the café, getting caught up on paperwork and inventory for next week.”

“I have things to do at the office, too.” Sitting up on the edge of the mattress, he stared at his reflection in the mirrored closet doors across from him, which conjured up an idea or two in terms of her pirate fantasy. “I’m sure I’ll talk to you at some point tomorrow.”

“You know where to find me.”

“That I do.” He chuckled and regretted that he wouldn’t be seeing her tonight, but knew it was for the best. “Drive home safely, and dream of me when you fall asleep tonight.”

“Believe me, I already do.”

Liz finished balancing her business checking account and was overjoyed to find that after all her expenses, she actually had a decent amount of money left over. According to her profit-and-loss statement, business was up by a good ten percent from the previous month, all great news since she’d spent the past three years struggling to claw her way out of debt. Gradually, she was getting there.

Now paying off her aunt and uncle was her main priority, and she was whittling away that financial obligation little by little, as well. She wrote them out a check, adding a couple of hundred dollars more to the monthly amount they’d agreed upon, because she could afford to do so this time around. She also earmarked another few hundred to add to the money she owed Steve for his PI services. Another debt she intended to pay off in full.

Satisfied with her day’s work, she closed her accounting journal and slid it back into the office safe behind her desk. It was nearing seven-thirty in the evening, and while it had been a busy, productive Sunday, she felt more exhilarated than tired, because she’d gotten so much done.

She was surprised, however, that she hadn’t heard from Steve. When she’d called her answering machine at home that afternoon to check her messages, there had been a call from Antonio, asking her to meet him at The Ultimate Fantasy Monday morning at eleven
, saying that there was an advancement opportunity within the company that he wanted to speak to her about. She’d been excited to have gotten the call both she and Steve had been waiting for, and had immediately dialed his cell phone number, only to get his voice mail. She’d left him a brief message but hadn’t heard back from him yet—and that had been nearly three hours ago.

With a sigh that held too much disappointment, she
picked up the stack of paid receipts and statements and began filing them in the old secondhand cabinet against the far wall. The task was a mindless one, allowing her thoughts too much freedom to stray and wonder about where Steve was, and what he was doing. One day apart and she missed him, more than was prudent, considering that such a wistful emotion had no business playing any part in their short-term relationship.

Her heart thumped hard in her chest, making her breath catch with deeper meaning, as was happening much too often lately. She shook herself hard. She couldn’t afford to fall in love with Steve, knew she’d be setting herself up for heartbreak if she did so. Yes, he was wonderful and caring and a generous lover, but she didn’t need another bad boy who rode a motorcycle and enjoyed adventure and spontaneity and said he didn’t want a lifetime commitment.

He was fine for the moment as a fun fling, but not for the future. She’d already let one bad boy lead her astray, and she was still dealing with the fallout of that tumultuous relationship. Still trying to pay off debts and keep her business running smoothly and profitably while establishing her independence all over again—not to mention the responsibility she’d taken on to watch after her cousin.

“Hey, sexy,” a low, deep voice said from behind her, jarring her out of her private thoughts. “Wanna get lucky tonight?”

Liz whirled around—startled, pleased, and thrilled to find Steve leaning lazily against the doorjamb of her small make-shift office. He was wearing tight black jeans and a long-sleeved black turtleneck, and his leather jacket was casually slung over his shoulder. He obviously hadn’t shaved that day; dark stubble shaded his jaw and cheeks, and his thick, sable hair was rumpled around his head. A roguish grin curved his lips, and his bright blue eyes sparkled with shameless purpose.

He looked disreputable, gorgeous, and ready and willing to commit a whole lot of sin.

Okay, so he wasn’t husband material, but the man was most definitely her every fantasy come to life. She’d already given herself permission to enjoy him for the time being, and that was exactly what she intended to do.

“Hi, yourself.” She filed the last of the statements, closed the cabinet, and went back to her desk. “What are you doing here?”

He pushed off the doorjamb and strolled into the room, filling her sanctuary with his dominating masculine presence. “I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by.”

“I’m glad you did.” She smiled as she secured a rubber band around the paid bills she needed to mail tomorrow morning. “Are you here for your caramel frappuccino?”

“No, I’m here for
Standing on the other side of her small desk, he cocked his hip and slid his fingers into the front pocket of his jeans. “Have you eaten dinner yet?”

She shook her head, realizing just how hungry she actually was. “No. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t even thought about dinner.”

“What are the chances of you getting out of here early and joining me for a bite to eat?” He winked at her.

She shivered at the naughty connotation to his words, no doubt deliberate on his part, judging by the wicked gleam in his eyes. “I’d say your chances are very good. I just finished up everything I needed to for the day. Let me go over a few things with my night manager; then I’m a free woman and all yours.”

Fifteen minutes later, he was escorting her out the front door of the café and to his Harley-Davidson, parked at the curb. She stopped abruptly and glanced up at him. “Where’s your truck?”

“At home.” He unhooked one of the two black helmets from the motorcycle and held it loosely in his hand. “I thought it might be fun to take you for a ride on my bike. Are you okay with that?”

Surprisingly, she was, and knew it was only because she trusted him so much. He was offering her a bit of frivolous fun after a long day at work, an irresistible adventure that beckoned to her wilder side, along with the chance to indulge that bad girl inside her that only he had the ability to rouse.

She grinned, welcoming the rush of excitement infusing her veins. “I’m more than okay with that.”

“You’re gonna love it,” he promised, and secured the helmet on her head, then held open his leather jacket for her to wear.

She slipped inside the fragrant warmth. He zipped her up and flipped the collar up around her neck, enveloping her in the delicious, heady scent of Steve, worn leather, and pure male heat. The jacket was two sizes too big for her, but it made her feel safe and protected, just as the man himself did.

While he put on his own helmet, her gaze drifted over the beast of a bike she was about to climb up on. The motorcycle was huge, all gleaming black enamel and shiny chrome, except for the words
Wilde Thing,
airbrushed in graduated shades of orange, yellow, and red on the gas tank situated between the handlebars and seat. The suggestive statement suited him and brought to mind the sexy lyrics to the song of the same name: “Wild thing, I think I love you.”

She dismissed those thoughts as soon as they entered her head, fearing the truth inherent in those words. She inhaled the cool night air, knowing she’d never again be able to hear that song without thinking of Steve and her time with him.

He mounted the bike first, and with his instruction she straddled the leather seat and settled herself behind
him, spreading her thighs to encompass the width of his hips. He started the engine, and the whole bike reverberated to life, as did her nerve endings. Her pulse leaped, the vibrations arousing her body and tickling her senses.

“Wrap your arms around my waist,” he said to her over his shoulder.

He didn’t have to ask twice. She leaned into the solid, muscular strength of his back, bringing them intimately close and snug, and locked her fingers over his taut abdomen. He revved the high-powered engine once more, and off they went.

He drove along Lake Shore Drive, taking her past North Avenue Beach and Lincoln Park. At night, the sights were incredible, a mesmerizing combination of colored lights and unobstructed views. Sitting on the back of his motorcycle, with the wide-open road ahead of them and the wind caressing her face, Liz felt exhilarated, unrestrained, with a sense of freedom that had eluded her since before she’d married Travis. She embraced the feeling, and Steve, and enjoyed the invigorating sensations rippling through her.

While she felt cocooned in warmth within Steve’s leather jacket, her fingers grew cold, and she grew bold, tugging up the hem of his turtleneck a few inches so she could slip her palms beneath his shirt and absorb some of his body heat. Amazingly enough, his skin was blessedly hot, and she splayed her chilled hands on his flat belly. He didn’t so much as flinch at the contact, and she groaned gratefully as she rubbed her palms up along his ribs, and her fingers began to thaw and warm.

Long after her hands had defrosted, she continued to stroke him, to absently caress his chest, his sides, his stomach, just because she liked touching him. Before long he was turning down the street that led to the Navy Pier and the shops, attractions, and restaurants located along the popular boardwalk.

He parked the motorcycle and helped her off it. It took her a moment to regain her footing since her legs were shaking from the vibrations of the engine. He removed her helmet and threaded his long fingers through her hair, restoring it to some semblance of order, she guessed. The tender look in his eyes, however, told her he’d combed through the silky strands for the pure pleasure of it.

She glanced out at the pier as realization dawned. “Have you just coerced me into a date?”

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